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Theory Assessment


Student Name:                                                                                 Student ID:                                                        


Group:                                                                                                  Date:                                                                                    


Assessment Coding

Assessment of this program of study is based on competency based principles.


S              =  Satisfactory

NS          =  Not Satisfactory


Students who fail to perform satisfactorily for the assessment in the prescribed date may be assessed as ‘not satisfactory’.  You are required to be assessed as ‘Satisfactory’ on completion of Assessments as assigned by your assessor/s for this unit of competency.


This assessment will be conducted in the classroom environment under exam conditions as follows:


  • Under supervision by your Assessor
  • Ask the Assessor if you have any queries during the perusal time
  • You are to answer all the questions.
  • No mobile phones or electronic devices will be permitted unless advised by the Assessor.
  • Your assessor will advise perusal time, start and end time for this exam.



Any re-assessment is conducted as soon as practicable after you have been informed of the requirement to be re-assessed and have been given the opportunity to be re-trained and assimilate the training.  You are re-assessed in only the areas assessed NS.  It is at the assessor/s discretion to re-assess the entire assessment should it be demonstrated an overall understanding of this unit has not been achieved.


Students that are assessed “satisfactory” after re-assessment of areas deemed NS will achieve competency for this assignment.


I acknowledge the assessment process has been explained and agree to undertake assessment.  I am aware of AHM’S appeals process, should the need arise.  I also understand that I must be assessed as ‘satisfactory’ in all parts of the assessment to gain a competent result for this unit of competency.


Student  Signature:­                   __________________________ Date:                                                                       ______


Assessor use only
Assessor Comment/Feedback:    ­                                                                                                                     ____________






Assessor Name:   ____________________________   Assessor Signature:  _______________________________


Date: _________________      Result:Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory





















Office use only:


Results entered by:   Date:   Skills Centre:  



Question 1

State the number of millimetres in a two meter length.


________________2000 mm._______________

Question 2

State the number of metres in a kilometre.


__1000   meter_________________________

Question 3

An object measures 100 mm x 100 mm.  How many square millimetres are there in this area?




Question 4

Write the symbol and the type of measurement for the following units of measurements.


Unit Symbol Type of measure
Meters m Length
Square meters M2 area
Mass kg weight
Cubic meters M3 volume

Question 5

Write the formula for determining the following:


  1. Area of a square A= a   A= area, a= sides of square


  1. Perimeter of rectangle P = 2(L+W)   L = length, W =width, p =perimeter


  1. The hypotenuse of a right angle triangle = a2+   b2   a = altitude, b =base c= hypotenuse

The Pythagoras formula = hypotenuse2= altitude2+ base2


  1. Circumference of a circle C = 2 r

C= circumference, r = radius, = (3.14) constant


  1. Area of a circle A = r r= radius


  1. Volume of a cylinder V = r2 h   h = height, r = radius , =3.14





Question 6

Determine the perimeter and area of the following shapes.


Shape 1

Workings:  perimeter of square is   4 a

a = side

If a =40 mm

P =4×40

P =160 mm

Area = a2

a = 0.04 m

A = 0.04 × 0.04

=1.6 × 10-3m2









Perimeter        ___160 mm______________ Area     _____1.6 × 10-3m2____________

Shape 2


P = 2 ( l+ w)

Length l =60mm

Width w= 40mm

P = 2(60+40)

P = 200 mm

Area = length × width

Length = 0.06 m

Width = 0.04 m

Area = 0.06×0.04 =2.4×10-3 m2








Perimeter        __200 mm_______________ Area     2.4×10-3 m_________________

Shape 3



C = 2 r

C= 2× 3.14×25

C =157.07963

Area = r2


Area of circle = × 252

=1963.49541 =1963.5

Value of  =3.14

r = radius

c =perimeter











Perimeter        _______157.08__________   Area     ____1963.5_____________






Question 7

Determine the total surface area and the volume of the following of the prisms.


Prism 1


Area A = 6a     a = sides

A =6 × 0.042  

A= 9.6×10-3  m


Volume V=a2h

V = a3

V= 32000mm 3 or









Total surface area: ____________9.6×10-3 __m2____or 9600 mm_ Volume: __32000mm3___ ____


Prism 2

Workings: Surface area of cuboids =2 ( lw + wh +hl)

l= length

w= width

h =height

Surface area =2 (60×30 +30×40+40×60)

Surface area= 10800

Volume = l× w ×h

Volume =30 ×40×60 = 72000









Total surface area: ________10800 square unit ____________________   Volume: _ 72000 cubic unit________________________


Prism 3


TSA = 2 r(r+h)

=2 ×3.14 ×25(25+0.04) =3931.28 square unit




Volume = r2h

Volume =3.14 ×25×25×0.04 =78.5 m3

40mm=0.04 m





Total surface area: _______________________3931.28m2_____   Volume:  __________________78.5m3__________





Question 8

Determine the length of the hypotenuse in the triangle opposite.

Workings: c = (a2+b2)

a =18m

b=24 m

c =30 m




Hypotenuse _____30m

Question 9

Calculate the perimeter and area of the triangle.


Area = 1/2 ×base ×height

Area = 1/2 ×40mm×30mm =600mm

P = a +b +c

c = (a2+b2)




perimeter =120mm






Perimeter _______120mm__________                    Area ____0.6 m2__ or  600 square unit___________


Question 10

If a scaled measurement on a plan measures 24 mm, what is the actual full size measurement if the scale of the plan is 1 : 200.



Measurement ____4.8 meter_____

Question 11

Find the total surface area of the walls and ceiling of a room that is 3600 mm long  and 2700 mm wide with walls 2400 mm high.  Calculate the total surface area of walls and ceiling.


Total surface area of walls = 2h (l + b)

b = 2700 mm   ,   2.7 m

h = 2400 mm   ,   2.4 m

l =   3600 mm    ,  3.6 m


2×2.4(2.7+3.6) =30.24m2




Area of ceiling =l × b


A  =  2.7 × 3 .6 = 9.72 m2





Answer _______39.96_______ m2





Question 12

A brick garden wall measures 3 m long by 2.4 wide and is 1.8 m high.  How many bricks are required to complete this wall if there are 50 bricks per square metre of wall surface?













Answer _______486________ bricks.


Question 13

A slab on ground building measures 16 m x 7.5 m.  It has a concrete floor 100 mm thick and a footing flush on the perimeter of the slab that is 300 mm wide and 400 mm deep under the slab.  Concrete is priced at $130 / m3.  What is the total cost of the concrete for this job?
















Total Cost _______$6240_________






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