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The competitive advantage of a nation: m Porter’s approach to globalization

Porter’s theory states that the nation affordability in the industry depends on the volume of the
regular industry to revolutionize and promotion. This theory focused on why certain nations are
rival in a competitive business.
Two ways that an organization can achieve competitive advantages over its rivals are cost
advantages and differentiation. Cost advantage means providing the same product and services at
competitive prices at a lesser cost. Moodle monkey making a huge investment in their business
through globalization. It opens various branches across different countries with different sub-
parts and continents of the country in its content creation business.
Globalization benefitted the various company in terms of work and working across the globe.
Some countries have been able to grow more quickly in terms of their size and growth and
educational attainment and infrastructure improvements. The four primary methods gaining
competitive advantages are price leadership, cautious strategies, and planned alliance.
Five forces that porter identify the dealer power, purchaser power, modest rivalry, risk of
substitution, and the risk of new entry which Moodle monkey used in their business working
environment across different culture business environment. Various advantages of globalization
are an increase in the economic growth rapid in different parts of the country and increased
global cooperation across the globe which makes the nation put together work together and side
aside the difficulty in their working.
Global competitiveness means an increase in per capita incomes and sustainable growth in the
working of the business. increase in the per capita income of the person and making a huge
impact on the working of the business. Nation gives the emerging needs of the business.
Porter’s approach to globalization is there for the portals theory that is there for the competitive
advantage of the nations that are leading the race in globalization. There are also several other
approaches other than this that relates to the competitive advantage of this theory. The supply
chain plays an important role in the approaches that are there in the competitive world. There are
several other aspects to it when the competitive advantage is considered in globalization for the
benefit of the businesses that follow the resultant approaches. This theory considers the global
and domestic approaches that are related to this theory of globalization. There are other times the
competitive advantages are there for the benefit of globalization. The competitive advantages are
also visible on the Moodle monkey website which is helpful in the process of globalization. The
other advantages that are there in the m portals are therefore results of the approach that is
systematic and helps the businesses to improve to face the completion of the market. Two types
of activities form the basis of it. These are primary and secondary activities that are there on the
Moodle monkey website and help in striving through the tough completion that is there in the
competitive world.
There is also another type of approach but the portals approach is there in globalization. The
competitive advantage is the key to why most businesses chose this approach that is there for the
benefit of approaches that is there in competitive approaches. The other components include
inbound activities, operations, marketing, sales, services, and outbound logistics. These aspects
are essential to survive in this competitive world for globalization to take place. The Moodle monkey website thus helps the various websites to form different types of opinions about the advantage of the approach in the globalization world. Other competitive approaches need globalization to survive on their own. Their other approaches are therefore important in the development of the business and increasing profits. This also increases the competitive nature of the globalizing world. All the competitive nature of the businesses is therefore analyzed by this
theory and it helps in a different type of work that is related to the development of businesses in
this globalizing world. There are also several other approaches other than this that relates to the
competitive advantage of this theory. This theory considers the global and domestic approaches
that are related to this theory of globalization.

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