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Term Project









Term Project

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Workplace Diversity refers to the similarities and differences between employees and individuals in terms of their ages, gender, sexual orientation, physical abilities and disabilities, race, religion, and cultural background. People belong to different geographical areas, so they were different in various aspects. Not only differences but sometimes individuals have similarities in their culture, habits, and psychological characteristics. Diversity makes the workforce heterogeneous. To discuss the culture and sub-culture, we make a group of 3 persons. And we all belong to different geographical areas. We have different cultures and religions. There is a difference in our thoughts and psychological features and characteristics. We conduct a meeting on 28 July 2022 to discuss our cultural aspects. We give our views one by one on our culture and religion and other factors that create a difference in our culture. The meeting was conducted on 28 July 2022, at 11 am in Blue Healer Café. The time of the meeting was decided to one hour, but it seems so interesting and exciting so the conversation lasted two hours. After discussing we found that we have different cultures, religions, and habits. In spite of this, we also have some similarities. Our culture has a difference in thoughts two team members have freedom of thought and can share their thoughts with their superiors. On the other hand, the difference lies in that, the other team member has no freedom of thought. It could get you in trouble. There are so many parameters to understand the differences and similarities in the culture. So to understand it better, we divided these parameters into three parts. In part A, we include power distances, in Part B, we differentiate on the basis of individualism and collectivism, and last, in Part C, we include six types of dimensions of Trompenaars cultural preferences.




After discussing the parameters of Part A, we found that there are similarities in our culture, thoughts, and psychological characteristics. It is found that all have in our culture, interaction with superiors and subordinates is totally formal. If there is any interaction and conversation between boss ad their employees, only formal communication takes place and no informal talks was there. The similarities lie in the chain of command. When we exchanged our views, it was found that the chain of command is for convenience. As it gives clarity to us about the seniors and who should report to whom. The similarity in questioning with the manager or the boss is also found. It is the culture of questioning the boss and trying to solve the query and the particular problem arises, with discussing with the boss.

In Part B, we use the individualism dimension to distribute the cash prize among four people according to the given information. According to the contribution to the project, a cash prize is also distributed in the percentage of their contribution. The total cash prize of $20000 is distributed among four persons according to their efforts. Person A is awarded $5000. Person B was awarded $8000. Person C was awarded $5000 and Person D was awarded $2000.

After the conversation, we found that we have a positive response toward alternatives first, fourth, and second. According to the first alternative, in our culture, managers are hired on the basis of skills and experience in the previous job. Preference is given to the Skills and experience of the manager. The second alternative relies on making friends. In our respective cultures, we make new friends easily and have no difficulty talking with new people. The last and most important similarity that we have in our culture is the judgment of others towards us. We expect other people to judge us on the basis of our achievements. Our achievements should be the base of our judgment.

In Part C, we all have similar choices and thoughts on the first alternative, that we should help first the neediest who depend on us. The similarity lies in that, in our culture, ethical treatment depends from person to person. That means, that what is ethical in a particular situation, depends on who you are dealing with. Here is a similarity in the contracts between friends. Contracts should be there as a guarantee so there could be no confusion and conflicts among the friends. Contracts should necessary so that friends stay friends.


With similarities in the culture, we also found some differences between our cultures and our psychological characteristics of us. The difference lies in the elitism in the workplace. There is a difference in the workplace culture. Out of three members in our group, two of us have the elitism norm in the workplace. The power and authority have in only a few hands that sometimes seems like a dictatorship. The other difference has less social mobility. One member out of three has less social interaction and has introverted people in their society who generally avoid social gatherings. Another difference is in the management style adopted by the managers in their workplace. Two team members agreed upon the consultative and democratic style of leadership opted for by their managers. In this type of leadership style, the manager gives freedom to his subordinates to express their thoughts and views. And take a decision after discussion with his subordinates. On the other hand, one team member refuses to this point and has differences like he has a culture of dictatorship style.

We discussed so many topics and in the end, there are some differences that reflect in our culture. The difference lies in decision-making. One of the three members has a different style of decision-making than the other two members. It was that before making a decision there should at least half of the people agree with that particular decision. Whereas the other two members have shared views about the full positive response on the decision to make it a final decision. The other difference was that the two members have a culture of not being honest all the time. Both agreed on showing respect to others and not always being straightforward every time. Being straightforward all the time sometimes hurt the person. whereas, the third member relies on having a culture of being honest and straightforward. The other difference lies in views or suggestions of ourselves. One member says that at the end of any conversation related to any topic, in the end, people generally rely on other people’s decisions and thoughts. Whereas the other two members rely on their views and decision or we can say rely on themselves. Nor on the decisions of others.

After having a long discussion in the meeting, we found various differences in Part C, which was based on Universalism versus Particularism. Out of three members, two agreed upon the Particularism. According to his culture, there are no absolutes in life, every situation has a different solution and different circumstances. It is not right to have a single solution to every situation. On the other hand, the third member has a culture of universalism. Which, there are certain absolutes that apply across the board. These absolutes can be applied in every circumstance. Another difference can be shown in the trust of others. Our team members agreed on the trust of other people. Like people can be trusted without questioning their honesty. Whereas the other two members completely disagree on this, and according to their culture and psychology, every person is not completely trustworthy. Every person has suspicious and cannot be trusted easily.

Trompenaars Cultural Preferences

Trompenaars Cultural Preferences is a seven-dimensional cultural model that was introduced by management consultants after spending ten years of research. This model helps to understand the values of people and their different cultures all over the world.

According to our meeting and discussion that was based on culture, values, habits, psychological characteristics, and other various parameters, we choose one model from the above seven cultural dimensions that reflects our cultural values and practices. It also helps to understand the basic similarities and differences of our culture in a better way.

After the entire discussion and at the end of the meeting, we compare all the cultural differences and similarities with mutual understanding. From the above given seven dimensions, our similarities fall under Individualism and Communitarianism.

According to this dimension, individualism refers to personal freedom and achievement.  In individualism, people believe that if you are making any decision regarding any crucial topic or in any difficult situation, the success and failure of that decision is your responsibility. You cannot blame another person for the failure of the decision or if it does not give positive results. You should take care of your decision. On the other hand, Communitarianism believes that a group is more important than any person. the decision taken with the help of group members gives more effective results. The group comes first before any individual. The success and failure of a decision are the responsibility of the whole group and not the liability of any single individual.


At the end of the entire discussion, it can be concluded that every culture has some positive and negative thoughts and aspects. Every culture is different from others. And it is also true that every culture has some positive habits which are summarized here.

For instance, at first, it is okay and fine to ask questions from your boss and superior as it helps to clear your doubts and queries. The second suggestion is freedom of thought is always inspired and encouraged.  To reduce the confusion and chaos, the chain of command is followed. It is mainly for the convenience of individuals. The most attractive cultural aspect is the management style followed by leaders. It is consultative and democratic and welcomes other persons’ views also. The last one is, that workers follow instructions from their superiors that help them to work efficiently and effectively.

In addition to this, in our culture, it is believed that we should help the neediest ones who are dependent on us, before helping others. It is not mean that we should not help others, only the thing is, that the person who completely relies on us, we should help them first. In my culture, there are no absolutes and any universal solution to every problem, we always have to look differently and understand the cause of the problem first before making any decision. Every problem and situation has a different solution, nor the universal solution that will work in every situation.

In my culture, ethics that were followed in a given situation depends on the person with whom we are dealing. Ethical behavior completely depends on the individual with whom we are dealing. Each and every person with whom we are dealing not needed ethical behavior. For example- if we are dealing with theft or burglary, then it does not require ethical behavior with him.

Furthermore, in my culture, we believe that the things that can hurt someone, should not be said to others whether they are right or wrong. At that time, it is not right to become straightforward.

One of the best features that define my culture is that we judge people on the basis of their achievements and skills and other positive characteristics. We do not judge individuals on the basis of their gender, race, caste, religion, geographical background, or family background. only the thing that matters are the skills, knowledge, and achievement of the person not their gender, caste, and others factors.

In my culture, there is a sense of belongingness and we treat others with love, affection, and affinity. We believe in kindness which is important to strengthen our relations. In my culture, it is believed that all the persons are friends. We treat others like a friend and show them respect and affection. And because of this feature, we make friends easily and also trust them thinking that all of them are friends of ours. These are the specialty of my culture.



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