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ENGN2219 – Support program execution


Task 1

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Question Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete.

Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:

Completed satisfactorily
S NYS DNS Comments
BSBPMG630 Enable program execution
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
BSBPMG635 Implement program governance
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
BSBPMG636 Manage benefits
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18
Question 19
Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory    Not Yet Satisfactory  
Student Name:
Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Content

Student Declaration. 2

Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire. 5

Question 1. 7

Question 2. 7

Question 3. 8

Question 4. 8

Question 5. 8

Question 6. 9

Question 7. 9

Question 8. 9

Question 9. 10

Question 10. 10

Question 11. 10

Question 12. 10

Question 13. 11

Question 14. 11

Question 15. 11

Question 16. 11

Question 17. 12

Question 18. 12

Question 19. 12

Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? The following units of competency have been clustered for delivery and assessment:

·         BSBPMG630 Enable program execution

·         BSBPMG635 Implement program governance

·         BSBPMG636 Manage benefits

The units have been clustered in one module called ‘Support program execution’.

This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.

The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the units’ requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for these units of competency:

BSBPMG630 Enable program execution

·         methods used to construct future state scenarios

·         internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to:

o   desired future state

o   program execution approach

o   business case

·         business case development processes, documentation and presentation

·         program execution approaches

·         program governance models

·         knowledge management system

·         financial, legal and contractual obligations

BSBPMG635 Implement program governance

·         techniques for the use and purpose of program controls

·         functions of audit and/or compliance requirements for a program

·         plans to rectify program compliance problems

·         decision-making processes in the program context

·         methods to support skill development support within a program.

BSBPMG636 Manage benefits

·         components of different benefit delivery models

·         qualitative and quantitative data to assess project and program performance against plans

·         techniques used in decision making theory and analysis applied to benefits assessment

·         types and definition of program benefits

·         workplace identification and documentation of program benefits

·         relationship between program delivery and benefits realisation approaches

·         forecasting program benefits realisation.

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation as instructed.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,

·         answer all questions as instructed,

·         answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,

·         all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

·         review the questions carefully,

·         answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),

·         further research the topics addressed in each question.

Specifications You must submit to GOALS the

·         assessment coversheet,

·         answers to all questions,

·         references.

Resources and equipment •         computer with Internet access,

•         access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,

•         learning material.

Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.

Answer all the questions below:

Question 1

Outline three (3) methods used to construct future state scenarios.

(30-50 words)

Method Outline

(30-50 words/method)

Brainstorm the future scenarios In this process, there is a need to set the time frame and values that need to be incorporated.
Identify the driving forces and trends There is a need to evaluate the interest in the decisions, who will get affected, and Who will get influenced.
Generate a scenario related to planning Identify the key factors and the driving forces related to the environment.

Question 2

Identify and describe three (3) internal and three (3) external factors and issues that are likely to cause changes to the desired future state; the program execution approach and the business case.

Internal factor/issue

(30-50 words/factor)

External factor/issue

(30-50 words/factor)

Staff, they should be supportive. Competitiors
Culture of the organization need to be favourable Customers preferences
Financial situation Economy of the market.

Question 3

Outline the following:

  • How to develop a business case
  • What documentation should be included in the business case
  • How you would present the business case to a company client

(50-100 words)

There are three stages of developing business-

1. Strategic context phase

2. Recommendation and analysis phase

3. Capacity and management (Laux, et al., 2018).

Type of documentation that is needed

1. Vision of the business

2. Current situation

3. Document realated to budget (Laux, et al., 2018).

The business case can be presented to the client through meeting, power point presentation, etc.

Question 4

Explain what the program execution approach is. Include 2-3 examples of approaches in your answer. (50-100 words)

the strategy related to project execution is the strategic approach that outlines the execution of the task to comlete the project. And in the approach of the execution of the program it is necessary to maintain the time frame. a suppotiv team

2. Introduce team building

3. Update the stakeholders

Question 5

Outline two (2) program governance models.

Model Outline

(30-50 words/model)

1. Cooperative model in it all the members reach consensual decisions. It is the democratic modelof govrnance.
2. Management team model It helpsto focus on developing skills and helps in efficient decision making.

Question 6

Explain what a knowledge management system is and its role in program management.

(50-100 words)

It refers to the IT system that retrieves and stores the knowledge used to improve collaboration, understanding, and process alignmrnt.

It  uses knowledge for benefit of the organization that acts as the essential component in the management of the project as it helps to increase the efficiency of the program.

Question 7

Discuss the importance of financial, legal and contractual obligations in program management. Include two examples of each in your answer.

(80-120 words)

It is important as it helps the company in minimizing the risk and protect the company as it helps  in understanding the rights and obligations based under each agreement. It povide a sense of security and helps in ensuring that the parties involved in the contract tend to fulfill the commitments that are laid in contract.

It can come in different forms and involve the completeion of some certain tasks, delivery of the products  and avoidance of some certain acts.

Examples- Material and time contract

Fixed price contract.

Question 8

Outline three (3) techniques for the use and purpose of program control.

Techniques Outline


Communicating Regularv  communication facilitate in program control
Planning helps to define the purpose that helps to set controls in program.
Controlling and monitoring  helps in eliminating risk

Question 9

Explain the importance of audit and/or compliance requirements for a program. Include 2-3 key functions of audit and/or compliance requirements in your answer.

(100-150 words)

It helps the company in identifying its weakness in the process related to regulatory compilance processes and helps in creating the paths that helps in further improvement.

Compilance of auditing is either external or internal it helps the company in identifying the weakness of the company it helps to regulate the process of compilance and helps in creating paths for further improvement.

It provides the compilance audit that helps to reduce risk and avoid the potential troubles that are legal.

1. It helps in the risk management process (Lobel, 2012).

2. Helps to access the overall compliance of the business.

Question 10

Identify three (3) possible compliance problems in a program and outline a plan to rectify the non-compliance.

Compliance problem Plan outline (30-50 words/problem)
Data management Implement a  proper softwqare that helps in managing data safely.
Environmental impact before implementing changes conduct some surveys to know the impact.
Quality Implement some effective KPIs that helps in managing quality.

Question 1

Outline how decision-making processes are used in the program context. Your answer may include a discussion about specific decision-making processes that can be implemented in programs.

(50-100 words)

In the decision making process there is a need to identify the decision, gather the information, identify the alternatives, identify only one, Implement the actions that are beneficial in the context of the program, review the process. (Lobel, 2012).

In the decision making process it is important to include everybody in the process so that the organization could reach a positive outcome.

Question 12

Explain why skill development support for program personnel is essential in program management.

Provide six (6) examples of skill development support initiatives in your answer.

(100-150 words)

In theprogect management skill development is really important as in making a plan there is a need to manage many departments so here the skills contribute a good part.

Rather than this improving skills  helps in managing the effectiveness of the program.

And helps to incorporate many effective ideas into the decision-making.

It helps in personal as well as professional improvement and development of skills. It helps in increasing the productivity of the organization and helps to increase the productivity of the organization.

Skill support initiatives are –

Asking and listening to questions

Giving effective feedback

By communicating clearly


Brain boosting sessions

By creating good relationships

Question 13

Briefly describe the critical components of two (2) different benefits models.

(80-120 words)

Cause and effect model – It helps in evaluating the possible causes and some ceratain effects. It is a tool that helps in sorting, identifying, and displaying the causes that are possible and causes some problem that is specific. It helps to illustrate the relationship between given outcome and between the factors that influences the outcomes.

Risk assessment model – It helps in analyzing, identifying, and controlling the risks. It helps to evaluate and analyse the risk that is associated with the analysis of hazards and helps in the evaluation of the risk.

Question 14

Identify and list four (4) quantitative and four (4) qualitative data to assess the project and program performance against the plans.

Quantitative data Qualitative data
1. Quality metrics

2. Responsiveness metrix

3. Efficicency matrix

4. Productivity metrix

1. Case studies

2. Diary accounts

3. Documents

4. Recordings

Question 15

Outline how decision-making theory and analysis can apply to benefits assessment. Include examples of two (2) decision-making techniques in your answer.

the decision making analysis helps in evaluating the potential outcomes and helps in determining the correct coursenof actions.

1. Brainstorming

2. Group discussions.

Question 16

List and describe four (4) types of program benefits.

Program Benefit Description

 (30-50 words/benefit)

Quality improvement It refes to the framework that systematically improves the care.
Error rate reduction It refesr to the strategies taht helps to manage the complexity and complacency and the siurces of errors.
Customer care It refers in to building connection with the customers and improvng the customer service
Customer retention rate Helps to determine what helps in keeping the customers in the company.

Question 17

How are program benefits identified and documented in the workplace?

(50-100 words)

First there is a need to create the structure that hellps to establish the benfits and help it in organizing and linking to each other.

It will help in classifying the benefits and refers the current deliverables and project goals.

And are documented in the form of records and reports.

Question 18

Explain the relationship between program delivery and benefits realisation approaches.

(80-120 words)

Benefit realization refers to the long term process and requires governance its benefits helps to inform the program plan and program business case, that needs to be synchronized. And the  process of benefits should be linked with the governance of the program.

It helps in the realization and enables the project that is to be defined and implemented in leading the deliveries and this is mandatory in almost every project and programs.

Benefit realization helps in spreading the overall and beyond the life cycle of program and project.

Question 19

Describe how you can forecast program benefits realisation.

(50-100 words)

1. Create the management strategy

2. Identify the benefits and tie them to the project

3. Plan that when the benefits will appear

4. Try to realize the benefits

5. Conduct a review on it

6. Identify the new benefits and tweak the benefits that are existing.


Laux, R. C., Corazza, S. T., & Andrade, A. (2018). Workplace physical activity program: an intervention proposal. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte24, 238-242.

Lobel, O. (2012). New governance as regulatory governance.


Task 2

Support program execution

Enable program execution


Implement program governance


Manage benefits


Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Marking Sheet


Completed successfully


Did the student satisfactorily:

Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:


·         Future state report in Task 2.1A

·         Business Case in Task 2.1B

·         Reflection in Task 2.1C

·         Program Charter in Task 2.2A

·         Program Benefits Register (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Program Schedule (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Program specific policy (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Agreed changes to Program Charter in Task 2.2B

·         Observation checklist in Task 2.2B




The student collaborated with the relevant stakeholders and consulted with the Program Sponsor to develop the future state report and the business case:


·         Involved stakeholders to participate actively in providing feedback and inputs

·         Listened actively

·         Used questioning to ensure understanding and gather feedback

·         Negotiated effectively to reach an agreement on the desired future state and the business case

·         Worked in a professional manner, respecting the opinion of others

·         Provided key information when required

·         The future state report and the business case are approved.


Feedback in Comments.



The student collaborated with the relevant stakeholders and consulted with the Program Sponsor to develop the Program Charter:


·         Involved stakeholders to participate actively in providing feedback and inputs

·         Listened actively

·         Used questioning to ensure understanding and gather feedback

·         Negotiated effectively to reach an agreement on content of the Program Charter

·         Worked in a professional manner, respecting the opinion of others

·         Provided key information when required


Feedback in Comments.



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Define and agree on description of the desired future state with pertinent stakeholders

·         Identify and explore with relevant stakeholders gaps between current state and desired future state

·         Identify and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state

·         Agree on desired future state and confirm alignment with expected benefits

·         Communicate with relevant stakeholders changes required to transition from current state to future state and agree approach


This is evidenced by:

·         Future state report in Task 2.1A

·         Reflection in Task 2.1C



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify program procurements, scope, timeline, budget, client expectations and organisational goals

·         Communicate with relevant stakeholders changes required to transition from current state to future state and agree approach

·         Prepare and seek approval from relevant stakeholders on business case for desired future state and program execution approach

·         Identify and develop program management structure

·         Analyse benefits and their alignment to organisational objectives

·         Define and communicate expected short- and long-term benefits and trade-offs with key stakeholders


This is evidenced by:

·         Business Case in Task 2.1B

·         Reflection in Task 2.1C



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify program execution approach

·         Identify, monitor and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to program execution approach

·         Prepare and seek approval from relevant stakeholders on business case for desired future state and program execution approach

·         Identify and develop program management structure

·         Identify and create policies, processes, and procedures for supporting management of program

·         Develop a knowledge management system to capture progress, insights, experiences and learnings

·         Assess project and program performance against respective plans

·         Monitor and evaluate internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the expected benefits

·         Define and confirm benefit dependencies with key stakeholders

·         Devise and agree benefits delivery approach with key stakeholders considering impact of the benefit on risk management, issues management, and change control

·         Assign ownership of benefits delivery

·         Review confirm and update benefits measurement approach and benefits delivery approach

·         Negotiate and communicate clear roles and responsibilities to all relevant stakeholders

·         Confirm decision making roles with stakeholders

·         Document decisions and accountabilities for program objectives

·         Make decisions regarding complex priorities and competing demands using repeatable methods

·         Establish systems and processes according to program objectives

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives

·         Generate audit documentation, presenting information and distributing reports to key stakeholders

·         Establish and monitor process efficiency

·         Support process with relevant program policy

·         Identify both organisation and external compliance requirements relevant to the program

·         Establish and securely maintain audit records according to legislative requirements

·         Report on compliance to relevant authorities and key stakeholders

·         Identify and implement actions to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

·         Identify management and internal personnel support needs for the program

·         Evaluate and establish appropriate systems for supporting implementation

·         Establish skill development support systems for program personnel to meet program needs


This is evidenced by:

·         Program Charter in Task 2.2A

·         Program Benefits Register (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Program Schedule (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Program specific policy (if submitted in separate file) in Task 2.2A

·         Agreed changes to Program Charter in Task 2.2B

·         Observation checklist in Task 2.2B



When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.  



Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory    Not Yet Satisfactory  


Student Name:


Assessor Name:


Assessor Signature:



Table of Content

Student Declaration. 2

Task 2 – Plan and prepare to support program execution. 9

Task 2.1 Envision the desired future state and establish program parameters. 13

Task 2.2 Program execution, benefits realisation and governance approach. 19

Task 2 – Plan and prepare to support program execution

Task summary and instructions


What is this assessment task about? Please refer to the program scenario and the simulated work environment provided for the course.


You are a Program Manager engaged by the sponsoring organisation to:

·         Develop a future state report

·         Develop a business case for the program

·         Develop a detailed project charter for the program

·         Support program execution,  benefits realisation and implementation of the program governance approach


Assessment Task 2 focuses on the first 3 points above.


This assessment is a clustered assessment addressing the following units of competency:

·         BSBPMG630 – Enable program execution

·         BSBPMG635 – Implement program governance

·         BSBPMG636 – Manage benefits


You will collaborate with the relevant stakeholders in a simulated work environment to carry out the responsibility of your role as a Program Manager.


Although you will collaborate with relevant stakeholders, your assessment’s work must be individual, and it will be marked as such.



This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o   Product-based

o   Direct observation of Role-Play

o   Case Study

o   Other (specify)


It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:


·         Identify program procurements, scope, timeline, budget, client expectations and organisational goals

·         Define and agree on description of the desired future state with pertinent stakeholders

·         Identify and explore with relevant stakeholders gaps between current state and desired future state

·         Identify and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state

·         Agree on desired future state and confirm alignment with expected benefits

·         Identify program execution approach

·         Identify, monitor and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to program execution approach

·         Communicate with relevant stakeholders changes required to transition from current state to future state and agree approach

·         Prepare and seek approval from relevant stakeholders on business case for desired future state and program execution approach

·         Identify and develop program management structure

·         Identify and create policies, processes, and procedures for supporting management of program

·         Develop a knowledge management system to capture progress, insights, experiences and learnings

·         Analyse benefits and their alignment to organisational objectives

·         Define and communicate expected short- and long-term benefits and trade-offs with key stakeholders

·         Assess project and program performance against respective plans

·         Monitor and evaluate internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the expected benefits

·         Define and confirm benefit dependencies with key stakeholders

·         Devise and agree benefits delivery approach with key stakeholders considering impact of the benefit on risk management, issues management, and change control

·         Assign ownership of benefits delivery

·         Review confirm and update benefits measurement approach and benefits delivery approach

·         Negotiate and communicate clear roles and responsibilities to all relevant stakeholders

·         Confirm decision making roles with stakeholders

·         Document decisions and accountabilities for program objectives

·         Make decisions regarding complex priorities and competing demands using repeatable methods

·         Establish systems and processes according to program objectives

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives

·         Generate audit documentation, presenting information and distributing reports to key stakeholders

·         Establish and monitor process efficiency

·         Support process with relevant program policy

·         Identify both organisation and external compliance requirements relevant to the program

·         Establish and securely maintain audit records according to legislative requirements

·         Report on compliance to relevant authorities and key stakeholders

·         Identify and implement actions to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

·         Identify management and internal personnel support needs for the program

·         Evaluate and establish appropriate systems for supporting implementation

·         Establish skill development support systems for program personnel to meet program needs


Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.


You are required to address the following:

·         Task 2.1 Envision the desired future state and establish program parameters

  • Develop a future state report
  • Develop a business case

·         Task 2.2 Program execution, benefits realisation and governance approach

  • Develop a detailed Program Charter
  • Present, discuss and negotiate the content of the program charter with key stakeholders

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

·         complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,

·         use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

·         meet the word count where required,

·         use the scenario provided,

·         use the templates provided where required,

·         for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

·         if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


Specifications You must deliver/participate in:


·         Collaboration with relevant stakeholders and consultation with Program Sponsor to develop the future state report and the business case

·         Collaboration with relevant stakeholders and consultation with Program Sponsor to develop the Program Charter

·         Present, discuss, negotiate and finalise the Program Charter (Role-Play) in week 4


You must submit to GOALS


·         Future state report

·         Business Case

·         Reflection

·         Program Charter

·         Program Benefits Register (if submitted in separate file)

·         Program Schedule (if submitted in separate file)

·         Program specific policy (if submitted in separate file)

·         Agreed changes to Program Charter

·         Observation checklist

Resources and equipment •         Computer with Internet access

•         Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software

•         Learning material

•         Scenario for assessment as provided

•         Appendices as provided

•         Relevant policies and procedures as provided

•         Templates as provided


Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.


Complete the following activities:

 Task 2.1 Envision the desired future state and establish program parameters

Work in collaboration with a group of 3-4 classmates in simulated work conditions. The group of classmates will play the role of relevant stakeholders in the sponsoring organisation and provide feedback and inputs to develop:

  • The future state report (Task 2.1.A)
  • The business case (Task 2.1.B)

Consult with the Program Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in simulated work conditions) as needed.

Once you have completed the Future State Report and the Business Case, present your work to the Program Sponsor (trainer and assessor) for approval (5 minutes).

The trainer and assessor will provide feedback about your collaboration with the stakeholders and consultation with the Program Sponsor on the marking sheet. The trainer and assessor will also provide approval for the Future State Report and the Business Case.

Document the name of the classmates who played the role of relevant stakeholders to provide inputs and feedback in developing the Future State Report and the Business Case.

Ensure to reach an agreement on Future State Report and the Business Case when collaborating with the stakeholders.

Relevant stakeholders may include members of the program team, including project managers, internal stakeholders such as departmental managers and external stakeholders such as subject matter experts.

Please note, although the task requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

  1. Future State Report


Develop a Future State Report (Template 1) to include:

  • An analysis of the internal and external business environment
  • A description of the desired future state for the organisation
  • A gap analysis to determine the gaps between the current and the desired future state
  • Identified changes needed to support the organisation in achieving the desired future state
  • Identified internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state

Use the template provided below and follow the instructions.

Template 1 –Future State Report

Business Background

Provide a brief description of the organisation, its products/services and the industry in which they operate.

(50-100 words)

XYZ clothing pty ltd. the cloth manufacturing organization that deals with making sportswear for all age groups it is a Melbourne-based organization that is in operation for 12 years.


Business Internal and External Context – Overview

PESTLE Analysis

Perform a PESTLE analysis of the organisation’s external business environment.

Include at least two points of analysis for each PESTLE category. Be specific (for example, do not just mention tax policy under economic, specify what tax policy you refer to).

Use the table below to document your analysis.

PESTLE Analysis
Political The govt is planning to increase the GST on fabrics.
Economic The company is debt free and is in a good economic condition
Social It is a renowned company and has  a good social image
Technology There is a need to incorporate new technology (Cheney, et al., 2014).
Legal Follow all the legal compliances issued by the government
Environmental The environment is supportive for the company to operate.

SWOT Analysis

Perform a SWOT analysis for the sponsoring organisation.

Identify at least four factors/sections in the table below.

Use the table below to document the analysis.

SWOT Analysis
Strengths Provide high quality of clothes at a reasonable prize
Weaknesses the manufacturing speed is slow
Opportunities Can target various age groups and increase the market opportunities.
Threats Threats is due to competitors

Desired Future State

  • Describe the desired future state based on the business environmental analysis. (30-50 words)
  • Identify the expected benefits of the desired future state for the organisation. (4-5)
  • Explain how the desired future state aligns with expected benefits. (30-40 words)
Desired Future State The business wants to expand itself and provide sports outfits available for all age groups
Benefits Increase in the net revenue and huge market capture
Alignment If the market range will increase then the profit and net revenue will alsoo

increase (Cheney, et al., 2014).

Gap Analysis

Perform a gap analysis.

Identify the gaps between the current state and the desired future state. (2- 3 gaps)

Use the table below to document the analysis.

Gap Analysis
Current state Future state Gaps
Slow production Increase in the speed of production Need advance technology
No online promotion Make the products available on the website Generate an online website for the customers

Factors  to cause change

Identify and evaluate 3-5 internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the desired future state.

Use the table below to document the identified changes.

Internal and External factors and issues
Factors and Issues Evaluation
Distribution of budget Break down the budget efficiently
Engagement of stakeholders Do a proper survey of the environment
Competition risk Do proper market analysis

  1. Business Case


Develop a program’s Business Case (Template 2) to achieve the desired future state (refer to your work in Task 2.1A).

Remember, the program is the solution to a problem or opportunity. It is what will move the organisation from the current to the future state.

Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.

Template 2 -Business Case

Program Strategic Objectives

Identify 3 strategic program objectives.

Program Strategic Objectives
Identify new technology so that production can increase
Build an online website so that the products can get available to the customers
Identify new means of advertisement.


  • Identify and list five (5) program benefits that have been identified for the program (assess if they are short or long term benefits)
  • For each benefit, identify one success criteria (SMART objective)
  • For each benefit, evaluate how it aligns with the organisational objectives

(ST – LT)

Success criteria Alignment with organisational objective

Increase in productivity (LT)


5% increase in productivity in the next 12 months


Supports increase in productivity and cost cutting.

Implementation of technology


20% increase in productivity Helps to increase productivity
Recruitment of skilled staff 15% increase in quality Helps to  increase the quality
Online website 30% increase in sales Helps to reach a large no. of. Customers.


Identify and outline three (3) expected trade-offs for benefits realisation.

Do collaborate with other companies and give them some percentage share.

Recruit less employees and implement some more technology to increse quality of production.

Scope of the program

Outline the scope of the program.

The program scope describes the totality of the work and the overall boundaries of the program. In a program, the initial scope of work describes the work of the entire program. Include a list of the projects in the program scope (min. 3 projects).

(50-100 words)

1. Develop an online website

2. Implemet new tehnology

Program Complexity

Describe why managing this business solution initiative is more appropriate as a program rather than a project.

(40-80 words)

It helps to set a clear and organized plan and helps to improve the collaboration of the team.

It helps to eliminate the confusion

helps to keep the team aligned.



Outline the expectations of the sponsoring organization about the program.

Example: what it will achieve, how it will be managed, collaboration with the program management team etc.

(40-80 words)

Achieve overall success in the program

Appoint an efficient project manager

define the success criteria

Ensure the successful delivery of the project.

Required Resources

Determine a high-level estimate of the resources required to execute the program.

The estimate highlights the value of the program against the resources that are required for its successful implementation. Use the table below for your list:

  • Human Resources (quantity, skills and capabilities) – 4-8 resources
  • Physical (equipment, software, office space etc.) – 4-8 resources
Human Resources Skilled staff, efficient managers, etc.
Physical Office space, equipment, software.

Financial Requirements

Determine a high-level budget for the program and describe sources of program funding.

Include high-level budgetary items – 8-10 (for example, budget for human resources, budget for equipment, and so forth).

Use the table below to document the financial requirements.

Cost Item


Estimate Cost
Recruit employees $ 2000
Training the employees $ 3000
Website development $ 6000
Equipment $ 8000
Technology $ 15000
Office lease $ 4000
Total: $ 38000

List 2 potential sources of program funding.

Sources of Program Funding:

Collaboration with a business development organization

Funding from the financial institution.


  1. Reflection

Reflect on the work performed to develop the Future State Report and the Business Case.

Address the following points in your reflection:

  • How did you facilitate collaboration with relevant stakeholders from the sponsoring organisation?
  • What feedback and inputs did the relevant stakeholders provided? Provide two examples.
  • Provide an example of how you consulted with the Program Sponsor?
  • How did you negotiate the definition of the desired future state and the desired program benefits with relevant stakeholders?
  • How did you reach an agreement on the business case? Provide an example of the negotiation, communication and/or facilitation technique that you used.
  • What were your biggest challenges? How did you overcome them? Provide an example.
  • What could you improve as a Program Manager when defining the desired future state and writing a program business case?

(100-150 words)

Document your reflection in the space provided below.

First, the market needs were analyzed properly and according to it the measures were decided that can help the organization in achieving its futureistic goals. The measure was communicated through formal meetings.

As per the feedback provided, there is a need to conduct more research on technology and do proper advertisement for the job vacancy.




  • Did all involved stakeholders agree on the desired future state? Y
  • Did all involved stakeholders agree on the business case? Y

Task 2.2 Program execution, benefits realisation and governance approach

Build on the work performed in Task 2.1.

This task requires you to:

  • Develop a detailed program charter (Template 3) that includes a program execution approach, benefits realisation approach and governance approach. Conside this to be a program definition document.
  • Present, negotiate and obtain approval for the Program Charter

Work in collaboration with a group of 3-4 classmates in simulated work conditions. The group of classmates will play the role of relevant stakeholders in the sponsoring organisation and provide feedback and inputs to develop the Program Charter (Task 2.2.A, Template 3).

Consult with the Program Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in simulated work conditions) as needed.

The trainer and assessor will provide feedback about your collaboration with the stakeholders and consultation with the Program Sponsor on the marking sheet.

Document the name of the classmates who played the role of relevant stakeholders to provide inputs and feedback in developing the Program Charter.

Please note, although the task requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

Once you have completed the Program Charter, present your work to a group of relevant stakeholders, played by classmates (Task 2.2.B).

  1. Program Charter

Develop a detailed program charter (Template 3) that includes a program execution, benefits realisation and governance approach.’

Use the templates provided below and follow the instructions.

Template 3 -Program Charter

Program Vision

Develop a statement on how the program will benefit the organisation. Link this to the desired future state.

It will helps the organization in increasing productivity and net revenue.


 Identify the key objectives of the program based on the company strategic objectives and the business case.

Describe the objectives in measurable terms with specific success criteria (SMART objectives).

Identify three key objectives.

1. Increase in customer retention rate

2. More market coverge

3. Increase in productivity and net profit earned

Program Scope 

Outline the scope of the program.

The program scope describes the totality of the work and the overall boundaries of the program. In a program, the initial scope of work describes the work of the entire program.

1. help to increase productivity

2. Increase in the profit and customer retention rate

3. Provide sportswear age groups of all categories and capture a large market area

4. Help the company to be the biggest sports wear manufacture.



Program Components 

Identify the different program components. Include a brief description of each component and its function in the program.

(3-5 components; 50-100 words)

Note: components may include projects or dedicated teams such as a risk management office.


1. Market analysis – It is important to understand the current market trend

2. Analysis of new technology –  Identify whether it is cost-effective

3. Website development- To engage more customers.


Benefits Realisation

Benefits -Definition

This section defines:

  • Each benefit in the program (5)
  • How the benefits are to be realised; and how each benefit relates to the outcome of the program
  • Key metrics to measure progress towards benefits realisation
  • Key metrics to evaluate realised benefits
  • Timelines for periodical review (monitoring)
Benefit Benefits realisation

 and alignment with program outcomes


·         Progress

·         Realisation

Review schedule
Increase in the production New technology will increase the speed of production and will help to increase productivity.


increase in production Twice  a week
Increase in profit Website development will help to engage more customers Increase in the net profit (DeCaro, et al., 2017).


Twice a month


Benefits register

Create and populate a benefits register for the program (5 benefits).

The register builds on your planning. Include all the elements listed below (the use of a table is recommended).

  • Benefits identification number (optional)
  • Benefit description and significance
  • Benefit type – example: financial or non-financial
  • Benefit owner: a person or organisational unit or department responsible for the realisation of the benefit with contact information
  • Benefits priority level – decide on the level of priority (High-Medium-Low)
  • Stakeholders- stakeholder or stakeholder group interested in the benefit
  • Measurement criteria – example: earned benefit, financial analysis, increased market share
  • Status indicator – Progress indicator for each benefit (not to be populated at the planning stage)
  • Planned realisation date
  • Actual realisation date (not to be populated at the planning stage)
  • Notes

Copy and paste the register below or submit it in a separate file.


Benefit Benefit owner Stakeholders Priority level Measurement Planned date
Increase in production Financial department Financial officer High Earned benefit 17/09/2022
Job advertisement HR department HR Manager High Increase in quality 18/09/2022
Increase in customer retention ratio Marketing Marketing Officer High Increase in sales 18/09/2022





Outline the benefit dependencies.

It will help the manager in focusing in focusing on the benefit realization while working on the program

Assumptions and constraints

Identify and list the key assumptions and the key constraints that may impact benefits realisation.

(3 assumptions and 3 constraints)

1. Recruitment of untrained staff

2. Low-quality equipment

3. Weak  market analysis


Interdependencies between projects in the program

Identify and list the interdependencies between the benefits of the projects in the program.

1. Recruitment of skilled employees will lead to an increase in the quality of production

2. Implementation of nice technology will impact in the production rate (DeCaro, et al., 2017).




Benefits- project and program performance

Summarise the qualitative and quantitative data that will be captured to assess the project and program performance against benefits realization.

It is recommended that you differentiate between the program and project levels. At the project level, differentiate between projects (min. 3 projects).

Level Qualitative Data Quantitative Data
Program improvement in quality 20%
<Recruitment of employees> Improvement in quality 15%
<Implementation of technology> Improvement in quantity 30%
<website development> Improvement in sales 12%

 Benefits Delivery Schedule

Develop a benefits delivery schedule. You can use a Gantt chart or a roadmap with key milestones.

Copy and paste your schedule below or attach it in a separate document with your submission.

Benefit Responsible Measurement metrics Date of implementaton
Increase in production Financial department Earned benefit 17/09/2022
Job advertisement HR department Increase in quality 18/09/2022
Increase in customer retention ratio Marketing Increase in sales 18/09/2022



Benefits Realisation – Roles and Responsibilities

Specific roles and responsibilities of the program team members in benefits realisation.

Develop a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM).

(6-8 roles)


Role in the Program The responsibility associated with benefits realisation
Develop website IT Manager
Recruit employees HR Manager
Conduct market research Marketing Manager
Implement teachnoloy Engineer

Benefits – Communication

Outline the following:

  • Communication methods used to ensure stakeholders are informed about benefits management and realisation.
  • Describe how feedback from stakeholders regarding benefits realisation will be collected, assessed and implemented.

(60-80 words)

The methods that will be used in the communication process are formal meetings, video conferencing, meeting minutes, etc.

And the feedback will be collected by distributing the feedback forms.

Benefits – Risks and change management

Address the following:

  • Identify the key risks associated with benefits realisation (5-6)


  • Outline how the program change management process will be implemented to ensure the successful delivery of the benefits
  • Outline how the program issue management process will be implemented to ensure the successful delivery of the benefits

(50-100 words)

risk associated

1. Recruitment of unskilled staff

2. Wrong market analysis

3. Implementation of useless technology

4. Engagement of employees

5. Change in the Government rules


To mitigate the risk involved there is a need to conduct regular consultations and by setting effective KPIs, and by conducting time to time surveys.

And before implementing the change management process there is a need to conduct a survey of the internal as well as external environment.

Benefits – Monitoring and evaluation

Outline the following:

  • How the internal and external program context will be periodically monitored and evaluated for circumstances that may require changes to expected benefits.
  • How the program plans will be periodically reviewed to confirm or update the benefits measurement approach and the benefits delivery approach
  • How variances in the delivery of expected benefits will be addressed

(50-100 words)

To monitor and review the implemented plan timely and effectively there is a need to conduct regular consultation with the other stakeholders and effective KPIs should be implemented so that the efefctiveness can be measured

Benefits – Transition

Describe how the program will transition into ongoing operations, emphasising how the program’s benefits will be sustained.

(40-80 words)

For this, there is a need to follow some procedures like

1. Think about the business first and them on delivery

2. Think about the dependencies rather than schedule

3. Try to go for escalation and not reporting

4. Try to build some strategy

5. Identify some governance.


Strategic Fit


  • Outline how the program’s objectives and benefits support the organisation’s strategic goals and the business case.
  • Outline how the program supports other strategic initiatives in the organisation that are not linked to the program directly (if applicable).

(50-100 words)


the objectives of the program will help the organization in increasing its growth in both a qualitative and quantitative manner.

It will help the organization in achieving its objectives.


Known risks and issues


Identify and list any risks and issues relevant to program execution known at this time. (8-12)

1. Recruitment of unskilled staff

2. Financial loss

3. Increase in the timeline

4. Risk due to competition

5. Risk of change in any policy made by the government (Pompon, 2016).


Plan the length of the program and any milestones that are known at this time. Consider timelines for each project included in the program. You can use a table or a simple Gantt Chart. Document the schedule in the space provided below, or attach it in a separate file with your submission.

Project Timeline
1. Website development One month
2. Implementation of technology One month
3. Recruitment one and a half month
4. market  analysis One month




Resource Requirements

Identify the essential resources (8-10) required to implement the program and their (high-level) cost. Consider human resources and physical resources.

Use the table below; add additional rows if needed.



Estimate Cost
Recruit employees $ 2000
Training the employees $ 3000
Website development $ 6000
Equipment $ 8000
Technology $ 15000
Office lease $ 4000
Total $ 38000

Stakeholder considerations

  • Summarise the primary concerns of the critical stakeholders who are expected to influence the execution of the program and who will be actively involved in various phases of the program life cycle.


the implementation of the project should be on time.

the project should not exceed the identified budget

the relative outcomes need to be positive (Zu-Jun, et  al., 2016).


Factors  to cause change

Identify and evaluate 3-5 internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the program execution approach.

Use the table below to document the identified changes.

Internal and External factors and issues
Factors and Issues Evaluation
1. engagement of employees Can cause conflicts
2. Political factors Can cause any financial damage
3. recruitment of unskilled workers Can decrease the qualityof product


Program Governance Support Approach


Address the following:

  • Outline the process that was followed to develop the program governance model

(40-80 words)

  • Develop the program governance structure/model for the program (chart) and document it in the space provided below.

Governance Model – Process:

1. Prioritize the goals of the business

2. Design the process

3. Create a responsible committee

4. Campaign and communicate

5. Imply the governance model


Program Governance Chart:

Method Authorized Monitoring
Consultation Project manager KPIs
Comparison Financial manager KPIs

Stakeholder analysis

Develop a stakeholder analysis matrix using the table provided. (8 stakeholders – groups and individuals)


Name, title, role, department or group

Stakeholder interest in the program Stakeholder authority/power in the program Strategies to gain support Communication needs
Example: Board of Directors Example: Support of strategic growth of the company through the realisation of the program. Example: High-level decision making for strategic decisions with financial implications. Example: Periodic communication, attendance to board meeting to inform the Board about program progress, consultation. Example: Monthly Progress Reports; Attendance to Board meetings bi-monthly.
IT Manager Develop a website Strategic decisions related to the website development Conduct research and perform periodic communication


Monthly progress
HR Manager Recruit employees Remove biases in recruitment (Zu-Jun, et  al., 2016). Consult with others while hiring


To ensure quality recruitment
Marketing Manager Analyze market trends High-level market analysis Conduct research and perform periodic communication


Monthly analysis
Marketing Officer Job advertisement Attract efficient employees Consult the employement needs To ensure quality recruitment

Communication plan

Develop a communication plan to communicate the governance structure, roles, responsibilities, authorities, the decision-making process, and updates to all stakeholders. Include the following:

  • Stakeholders
  • Purpose of the communication
  • Methods and frequency of communication
  • Communication content

(6 communication needs)

Stakeholder Purpose of communication Methods and frequency of communication Communication content
Example: Board of Directors Example: Information about progress, issue management, consultation Example: Attendance to Board Meetings – Bi-monthly

Progress Reports – Monthly email

Ad-hoc consultation via a written feedback form

Example: Financial matters, risk, quality management, schedule, progress towards objectives, changes.

Issue resolution.

Request for feedback or guidance on specific matters,


IT Manager Strategic decisions related to the website development Weekly Issue resolution
HR Manager Remove biases in recruitment Weekly Quality management
Marketing Manager High-level market analysis Weekly Feedback
Marketing Officer Attract efficient employees Weekly Specific matters

Program personnel

Address the following:

  • Outline how roles, responsibilities and authorities for the program were identified and allocated (30-50 words)
  • Develop a program personnel matrix (10 roles) to document decisions and accountability relevant to the program objectives using the table provided (include key decision-making roles).
  • Outline how the program personnel matrix will be made available to all relevant stakeholders. Specify what stakeholders. (30-50 words)
Negotiation and confirmation of roles, responsibilities and authorities -process:


Name Department/Group Role Responsibility Authority
Example: Mark White Example: HR Dept Example: HR Manager Example: HR management for the program. Example: Decision on recruitment and selection planning and delivery; guidance with HR disputes
James HR Department HR Manager Recruit employees Decision on recruitment and selection


IT Department IT Manager Develop website Decision on website development
Thomas IT Department Engineer Implement effective technology Research effective technology
Sophia Marketing Marketing Manager Research marketing trends Decsion on the marketing trends

Communicating and sharing the matrix:

There is a need to share the document identifying the management plan related to communication-based on the project so that the roles and responsibilities could be clearly identified.


Decision Making Framework

Outline the decision-making process to make valid and reliable decisions regarding issues, complex priorities and competing demands in the program. You should consider:

  • The program and the project level
  • The steps needed to make a decision
  • The impact of the decision
  • The severity of the issue
  • The areas of decision making (who needs to be involved)

(40-80 words)

In the making of the decision, there is a need to ensure steps like

1. Identifying the decision

2. Gathering the relevant information

3. Weighing the identified evidence (Norta, 2015).

4. Identifying alternatives

5. Choose alternatives

6. Select one and implement it

7. Measure its effects.


And in the decision-making procedure, there is a need to involve other stakeholders engaged in the project.


Change Management process

Develop a program change process; you could use a flow chart to support your process.

(40-80 words)

For the program change process, there is a need to take measurable steps like:

1. Define the change process

2. Identify the team for change management

3. Develop the plan that includes the matrix

4. Implement the identified changes

5. Analyze the data and quantify the gaps (Norta, 2015).



Asset Register

Complete an asset register to record office space and equipment needed by the project (add additional rows if needed).

Asset Category Qty Description Location/



Office space 2 for doing production at a large scale project sponsor the space will be utilized in doing production on a large scale.
Office Equipment as per the need Equipment is needed to make the work easy Project manager In the efficient production
Other (Specify, example: software)  



Software is needed to monitor all the progress and arrange all the important data


IT Manager

To monitor the progress  and store the relevant data.

Monitoring and control systems

Develop and outline three (3) monitoring and controlling systems and processes to monitor program efficiency and progress.

For each one of them, include the following information:

  • If the system has been developed specifically for the program or if it is an existing organisational system or process
  • The departments/projects that will be utilising the system/process
  • The use of the system/process in the program
  • The reason why the system/process is important for the program and how it aligns with program objectives
Monitoring and control system Existing


Used by Use Importance for the program
Example: Review of financial statements and invoices Example: Y Example: Finance Department; Program Team Example: Monitor financial expenses; adherence to budget and variations; alignment with financial authority as stipulated in the governance model Example: keeps the program within financial constraints, signal issues (variances in expenses)
Review of the budget yes Finance department Monitor the financial data To keep the budget in control.
Review the internal environment Yes HR Manager Monitor the progress of the employees To keep the employees motivated and engaged.


Program Audit

Identify the following:

  • Four (4) audit activities that will be performed in the program (internal and external)

For each audit activity, specify:

  • Who is responsible for each audit activity?
  • When the audit activities will be performed
  • How the Program Management Office will collect or generate audit and configuration information and maintain document integrity

Use the table provided below.

Audit Activity Internal (I)

External (E)

Audit Period Responsibility
Example: WHS audit Example: I Example: Yearly Example: HR Manager
Market audit E Monthly Marketing Manager
Employee engagement I Monthly HR Manager
Political analysis E Weekly Marketing officer and Financial officer

Outline the following about audit documentation (40-80 words):

  • How the audit records will be securely collected and maintained.
  • How the audit findings will be communicated to relevant stakeholders (specify what stakeholders).
  • How document integrity will be maintained for audit purposes.

Audit documentation:


It is done via many methods like visual observation, the examination of the records, and conducting interviews with employees.

And the collected result can be maintained in the software.



Program Policies

The Program Management Office establishes process efficiency and supports it with suitable program policy.

Address the following:

  • Identify and list what organisational policies will be used in the program. (4)
  • Identify what program-specific policies need to be created and why. (2)
Organisational policies:

WHS Policies (AlGhamdi, et al., 2020).

Organizational code of conduct

Fair work policy

Program-specific policy (with the rationale behind the choice):

Policy related to maintaining the Privacy of the information is needed to be developed and enhanced so that he information related to the strategies of the organization does not get leaked.


Develop a high-level draft of a program-specific policy to support your program. Attach it to your submission in a separate file or copy and paste it in the space provided below.

Suggested format:

  • Policy Title
  • Purpose of the policy (briefly describe purpose and scope of the policy)
  • Policy (summarise the content of the policy including relevant procedures -step by step)
Program-specific policy:


Policy title Purpose content
WHS To ensure safe work practices in the organization Needed to ensure a safe environment and work practices in the organization


Fair work policy (AlGhamdi, et al., 2020).


To ensure safe work practices in the organization Ensure that the work performed and distributed to the employees is completed using fair practices as described in the code of conduct


Privacy policy To protect the private information of the organization It is needed to be incorporated so that the strategic objectives do not get leaked.




Program Compliance

Develop a program compliance system. Address the following:

  • Identify and describe both organisational and external compliance requirements relevant to the program (5)

For each compliance, specify:

  • Reporting requirements (if any)
  • Data collection requirements
  • Strategies to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

Compliance Requirement Internal (I)

External (E)

Reporting Requirements Data collection requirements Strategies to rectify non-compliance

Trainer and assessor requirements

Example: I,E Example: Yearly internal audit and external audit from ASQA Example: Trainer and Assessor’s:

·          Qualification

·          Evidence of industry Currency

·          Evidence of Professional Development

·          Current resume

·          Trainer’s matrix

Example: External and internal training

Improve recruitment practices

HR Manager I Regularly To select skilled employee


Include more people in the process
Marketing Manager E Weekly To collect all the information on the market


Consult with other team members.

Management and governance support

Identify, evaluate and describe management and governance support needs for the program. (5)

1. To manage the process effectively

2. To eliminate the chances of risk

3. To eliminate the errors

4. To ensure safe practices (Pompon, 2016).


Skills, Knowledge and Attributes (SKAs) requirements and KPIs

Identify and list the Key SKAs required for program personnel. (5 roles)

Identify 2 KPIs for operational performance for each role.



Skills, Knowledge, Attributes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Marketing Manager Analyze marketing trends By measuring its effectiveness
IT Manager Implement the software Measure its effectiveness
HR manager Recruitment Performance and progress made by the employees

Skill development support

Develop a strategy to support skills development for program personnel. Include what development support systems for program personnel have been planned to meet program needs (4).

(50-100 words)

To meet the needs of the programs it is really important to develop some measures that help in skill development and they can be done by initiating skill development training, by introducting brainstirming sessions, etc.

Knowledge Management

Develop a program knowledge management strategy. Address the following:

  • Identify what knowledge* is needed for the program (4)
  • Identify how the knowledge can be stored
  • Describe how the knowledge will be shared
  • Describe how lessons learned from the program will be recorded and shared to support current and future organisation requirements for program development

*Remember that knowledge includes data and information (tacit and explicit knowledge)

(50-100 words)

1. Knowledge related to the marketing trends can be recorded in the files

2. Information related to the customers can be stored in the software

3. Information related to website development

The identified knowledge can be shared by conducting regular meetings. And can be retrieved whenever needed in the future.


  1. Presentation, negotiation and approval

Schedule a time (20-30 minutes) with the trainer and assessor and meet with a group of relevant stakeholders in the organisations played by 3-4 classmates.

This is a Role-Play.

The trainer and assessor will observe and evaluate your performance during the Role-Play.

During the meeting present and negotiate the Program Charter for approval.

Before the meeting:

  • Have the draft of the Program Chater ready
  • Consider what the stakeholder expectations could be
  • Identify possible common ground for negotiation
  • Determine the non-negotiable
  • Anticipate and prepare to respond to objections
  • Devise strategies to engage the stakeholders in discussion (collaborative approach)
  • Prepare your classmates for the Role-Play, asking them to play specific roles relevant to the sponsoring organisation and the program


During the meeting:

  • Present the Program Charter
  • Use clear and detailed language to provide relevant information
  • Listen actively and encourage feedback from the stakeholders
  • Negotiate effectively
  • Use appropriate protocols when seeking or communicating information
  • Obtain approval for the Program Charter, and in particular:
  • The program execution approach
  • The program benefits realisation approach
  • The program governance approach

Included in the Program Charter.


After the meeting:

  • Document any agreed change to the Program Charter. (Use the space provided below)

As per the negotiation made there is a need to increase the budget and invest it in the implementation of new technology so that the production quality and capacity could be increased.



  • Apply the agreed changes when finalising the Program Charter before assessment submission.

Please note that the trainer and assessor will check that the agreed changes have been approved to the Program Charter when marking your assessment.



AlGhamdi, S., Win, K. T., & Vlahu-Gjorgievska, E. (2020). Information security governance challenges and critical success factors: Systematic review. Computers & Security99, 102030.

 Cheney, G., Santa Cruz, I., Peredo, A. M., & Nazareno, E. (2014). Worker cooperatives as an organizational alternative: Challenges, achievements and promise in business governance and ownership. Organization21(5), 591-603.

DeCaro, D. A., Chaffin, B. C., Schlager, E., Garmestani, A. S., & Ruhl, J. B. (2017). Legal and institutional foundations of adaptive environmental governance. Ecology and society: A journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability22(1), 1.

Norta, A. (2015, November). Establishing distributed governance infrastructures for enacting cross-organization collaborations. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (pp. 24-35). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Pompon, R. (2016). IT Security Risk Control Management: An Audit Preparation Plan. Apress.

Zu-Jun, M., Zhang, N., Dai, Y., & Hu, S. (2016). Managing channel profits of different cooperative models in closed-loop supply chains. Omega59, 251-262.


Task 3

Support program execution

Enable program execution


Implement program governance


Manage benefits





Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:


◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment


Marking Sheet


Completed successfully


Did the student satisfactorily:

Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:


·         Program monitoring strategy and approach in Task 3.1

·         Identified monitoring activities list in Task 3.2A1

·         Impact evaluation of changes in circumstances and issues on the program in Task 3.2A2

·         List of changes to maintain the alignment with expected benefits and meet constituent projects’ deliverables in Task 3.2A3

·         Benefits progress report in Task 3.2.B1

·         Email to program board – Ref: benefits realisation report in Task 3.2B2

·         Action plan to resolve the selected issue in Task 3.2C2

·         Sample of a decision-making register in Task 3.2C3

·         Evidence of addressing skill development needs in Task 3.2C4

·         HR audit report in Task 3.2D1

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: HR audit report in Task 3.2D2

·         Actions to rectify the non-compliance in Task 3.2E2

·         Email to Program Sponsor – Ref: non- compliance in Task 3.2E3

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations in Task 3.2F1

·         Lessons learned in Task 3.2F2




The student consulted with the relevant stakeholders and the Program Sponsor to monitor, manage and review the program execution approach, the desire future state statement, the business case, the benefits realisation approach and the governance model as instructed in Task 3.2:


·         Involved stakeholders to participate actively in providing feedback and inputs

·         Listened actively

·         Used questioning to ensure understanding and gather feedback

·         Worked in a professional manner, respecting the opinion of others

·         Provided key information when required

·         Facilitated active discussion

·         Demonstrated critical thinking and problem solving skills


Feedback in Comments.



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify, monitor and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the program execution approach

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives


This is evidenced by:

·         Program monitoring strategy and approach in Task 3.1



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify, monitor and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the program execution approach

·         Review and make changes to program execution approach and confirm alignment with expected benefits

·         Make decisions regarding complex priorities and competing demands using repeatable methods

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives

·         Assess project and program performance against respective plans

·         Monitor and evaluate internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the expected benefits

·         Review confirm and update benefits measurement approach and benefits delivery approach

·         Assess deliverables from constituent projects according to the benefits measurement approach

·         Measure and report progress toward delivery of expected benefits with key stakeholders

·         Evaluate and communicate benefits against established projects delivery plan

·         Address variances in delivery of expected benefits


This is evidenced by:

·         Identified monitoring activities list in Task 3.2A1

·         Impact evaluation of changes in circumstances and issues on the program in Task 3.2A2

·         List of changes to maintain the alignment with expected benefits and meet constituent projects’ deliverables in Task 3.2A3

·         Consultation with stakeholders and Program Sponsor (Ref. to marking sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Review confirm and update benefits measurement approach and benefits delivery approach

·         Assess deliverables from constituent projects according to the benefits measurement approach

·         Measure and report progress toward delivery of expected benefits with key stakeholders

·         Evaluate and communicate benefits against established projects delivery plan

·         Assess and record lessons learned throughout projects and communicate to pertinent stakeholders

·         Address variances in delivery of expected benefits


This is evidenced by:

·         Benefits progress report in Task 3.2.B1

·         Email to program board – Ref: benefits realisation report in Task 3.2B2

·         Lessons learned in Task 3.2F2

·         Consultation with stakeholders and Program Sponsor (Ref. to marking sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations


This is evidenced by:

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations in Task 3.2F1



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on the management of project governance and established approaches

·         Document feedback received and identify improvements for future projects


This is evidenced by:

·         Lessons learned in Task 3.2F2

·         Consultation with stakeholders and Program Sponsor (Ref. to marking sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives


This is evidenced by:

·         Benefits progress report in Task 3.2.B1

·         Email to program board – Ref: benefits realisation report in Task 3.2B2




Demonstrated ability to:

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives


This is evidenced by:

·         Action plan to resolve the selected issue in Task 3.2C2

·         Sample of a decision-making register in Task 3.2C3

·         Evidence of addressing skill development needs in Task 3.2C4




Demonstrated ability to:

·         Generate audit documentation, presenting information and distributing reports to key stakeholders

·         Support process with relevant program policy

·         Establish and monitor process efficiency

·         Establish and securely maintain audit records according to legislative requirements

·         Report on compliance to relevant authorities and key stakeholders


This is evidenced by:

·         HR audit report in Task 3.2D1

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: HR audit report in Task 3.2D2

·         Actions to rectify the non-compliance in Task 3.2E2

·         Email to Program Sponsor – Ref: non-compliance in Task 3.2E3




Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify and implement actions to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

·         Identify management and internal personnel support needs for the program

·         Evaluate and establish appropriate systems for supporting the implementation

·         Establish skill development support systems for program personnel to meet program needs

·         Implement program support protocols within an organisation according to organisational policies


This is evidenced by:

·         Action plan to resolve the selected issue in Task 3.2C2

·         Sample of a decision-making register in Task 3.2C3

·         Evidence of addressing skill development needs in Task 3.2C4

·         HR audit report in Task 3.2D1

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: HR audit report in Task 3.2D2

·         Actions to rectify the non-compliance in Task 3.2E2

·         Email to Program Sponsor – Ref: non-compliance in Task 3.2E3

·         Consultation with stakeholders and Program Sponsor (Ref. to marking sheet)



When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.  



Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory    Not Yet Satisfactory  


Student Name:


Assessor Name:


Assessor Signature:



Table of Content

Student Declaration. 2

Task 3 – Program execution. 11

Task 3.1 Monitoring. 14

Task 3.2 Case Study. 15



Task 3 – Execute, monitor and review program

Task summary and instructions


What is this assessment task about? Please refer to the program scenario and the simulated work environment provided for the course.


You are a Program Manager engaged by the sponsoring organisation to:

·         Develop a future state report

·         Develop a business case for the program

·         Develop a detailed project charter for the program

·         Support program execution benefits realisation and implementation of the program governance approach


Assessment Task 3 focuses on the last point above.


This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o   Product-based

o   Direct observation of Role-Play

o   Case Study

o   Other (specify)


It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:


·         Identify, monitor and evaluate internal and external factors and issues likely to cause changes to the program execution approach

·         Review and make changes to program execution approach and confirm alignment with expected benefits

·         Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations

·         Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders on the management of project governance and established approaches

·         Document feedback received and identify improvements for future projects

·         Make decisions regarding complex priorities and competing demands using repeatable methods

·         Implement management control systems for monitoring program progress against organisational objectives

·         Generate audit documentation, presenting information and distributing reports to key stakeholders

·         Establish and monitor process efficiency

·         Support process with relevant program policy

·         Establish and securely maintain audit records according to legislative requirements

·         Report on compliance to relevant authorities and key stakeholders

·         Identify and implement actions to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

·         Identify management and internal personnel support needs for the program

·         Evaluate and establish appropriate systems for supporting the implementation

·         Establish skill development support systems for program personnel to meet program needs

·         Implement program support protocols within an organisation according to organisational policies

·         Assess project and program performance against respective plans

·         Monitor and evaluate internal and external program contexts for circumstances that may require changes to the expected benefits

·         Review confirm and update benefits measurement approach and benefits delivery approach

·         Assess deliverables from constituent projects according to the benefits measurement approach

·         Measure and report progress toward delivery of expected benefits with key stakeholders

·         Evaluate and communicate benefits against established projects delivery plan

·         Assess and record lessons learned throughout projects and communicate to pertinent stakeholders

·         Address variances in delivery of expected benefits



You are required to address the following:


·         Task 3.1 Monitoring

  • Plan for effective program monitoring

·         Task 3.2 Case Study

  • Manage changes in circumstances and issues during program execution
  • Develop and communicate a benefits realisation progress report
  • Facilitate effective decision-making
  • Implement program systems and methods
  • Ensure program compliance

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual and will be marked as such.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

·         complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,

·         use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

·         meet the word count where required,

·         use the scenario provided,

·         use the templates provided where required,

·         for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

·         if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


Specifications You must deliver/participate in:


·         Consult with relevant stakeholders and the Program Sponsor to address program execution, benefits realisation and program governance as instructed


You must submit to GOALS


·         Program monitoring strategy and approach

·         Identified monitoring activities list

·         Impact evaluation of changes in circumstances and issues on the program

·         List of changes to maintain the alignment with expected benefits and meet constituent projects’ deliverables

·         Benefits progress report

·         Email to program board – Ref: benefits realisation report

·         Action plan to resolve the selected issue

·         Sample of a decision-making register

·         Evidence of addressing skill development needs

·         HR audit report

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: HR audit report

·         Actions to rectify the non-compliance

·         Email to Program Sponsor – Ref: non-compliance

·         Email to relevant stakeholders – Ref: finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations

·         Lessons learned

Resources and equipment •         Computer with Internet access

•         Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software

•         Learning material

•         Scenario for assessment as provided

•         Appendices as provided

•         Relevant policies and procedures as provided

•         Templates as provided


Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.


Complete the following activities:


Task 3.1 Monitoring

Outline how internal and external program context will be monitored and evaluated for changes in circumstances that may impact on :

  • The desired future state
  • The business case
  • The program execution approach
  • The benefits realisation approach
  • The governance model.

Develop a planning document, in the form of personal planning notes (150-200 words) where you outline the following:

  • How the internal and external program context will be monitored
  • What tools will be used for monitoring
  • What will be considered when evaluating changes in circumstances
  • How the sponsoring organisation will be involved in monitoring and evaluating of changes in circumstances
  • What stakeholders will be involved in consultation, and how
  • Specific dates or monitoring periods
  • What program governance requirements will be taken into consideration

Document the planning notes in the space provided below.


The internal and external factors that can impact the program context are political, economic, employee support, etc.

They can be monitored by conducting environmental analysis in the form of a survey. And will be conducted by the employees engaged in the project within two weeks (Engeman, et al., 2012).


Task 3.2 Case Study

To complete this task, consult with the Program Sponsor (played by the trainer and assessor in the simulated work environment) as needed and relevant program stakeholders played by 3-4 classmates in simulated work conditions.

Relevant stakeholders may include members of the program team, including project managers, internal stakeholders such as departmental managers and external stakeholders such as subject matter experts.

Please note, although the task requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

Student Name
Student Name
Student Name
Student Name

The trainer and assessor will provide feedback about your consultation with the stakeholders and the Program Sponsor on the marking sheet.

  1. Changes in circumstances

Address changes in circumstances in the internal and external program contexts.

Consider that the following scenarios.

Assume that the scenarios occurred.

50% timeline
A A change of government occurred, and the new government has increased GST to 12%
B Advancement in technology produced a software that would halve the time you spent on the program’s key task. However, it comes at a cost (15% of your allocated budget). – In your analysis, you will have to decide if implementing this new software or not.
C One of your project managers has just resigned.
D A new trend sees corporate clients employing event managers and organising events in house rather than outsourcing. The corporate event sector may decrease by 15% in the next 18 months – projection.
E The board of directors has a new CEO who has expressed some doubts about the program and would like to cut the allocated budget by 10% .
75% timeline
F One of your benefits measurement approaches used in one of your projects is not providing accurate progress reports on benefits realisation. Specify which project and which measurement.




G Covid19 happened, restrictions have been imposed on people’s movement.


Consider how this change in circumstance affects your program, how the scenarios should be managed and what changes are needed to:

  • The desired future state
  • The business case
  • The program execution approach
  • The benefits realisation and benefits realisation approach
  • The governance model

Address all the following:

  1. List what monitoring activities have been implemented to monitor each scenario according to the monitoring plan (Task 3.1)
Scenario Monitoring activities (1-2/scenario)
A By visiting and analyzing the actions of the new government
B By analyzing the impact of implementing the new technology in the business
C Conduct a survey among the staff
D Conduct market research and analyze other opportunities.
E Measure the budget-related constraints
F Analyze the project report
G Monitor the other opportunities in the market

  1. Evaluate and describe the impact each circumstance described in the scenarios above would have on your program. Focus on:
    • The desired future state
    • The business case
    • The program execution approach
    • The benefits realisation and benefits realisation approach
    • The governance model

Scenario Impact (40-80 words/scenario)
A Will impact the allocated budget
B Its implication will reduce the timeline
C Effect the working of the staff
D Will impact the profit expected out of the project
E Will impact the implication of the program
F will make it difficult to evaluate the results of the process
G Will reduce the productivity

  1. Determine what changes/updates/refinements are needed to each one of the following (if any. If no changes are required, justify why):
List changes, updates, or refinements to maintain the alignment with expected benefits and meet constituent projects’ deliverables.
The desired future state No change
The business case Need to evaluate it more accurately
The program execution approach Need to increase the timeline of execution
The benefits realisation and benefits realisation approach Need to implement effective KPIs and implement a system that helps in analyzing the benefits made (Engeman, et al., 2012).
The governance model Need to make some changes and make it more flexible to make the working environmrnt favourable.


  1. Benefits realisation progress report
  2. Prepare a benefits realisation progress report (Template 1) for the scenarios at 50% or 75% timeline.

The report must cover:

  • A summary of the scenarios @ chosen timeline
  • A summary of the impact they have on the program and constituent projects
  • Recommended changes to the benefits realisation plan and the benefits register
  • The variances in the delivery of expected benefits and benefits prioritisation based on the impact of the scenarios on benefits realisation
  • Any action required by the board
  • Any feedback/guidance/resources sought from the board
  • Lesson learned

Use Template 1 and follow the instructions.

Template 1 – Benefits realisation progress report

Introduction and background

  • Program/projects considered in the report
  • Monitoring and control process applied to identify the issues reported in this document

(40-80 words)

The scenarios that are needed to be considered are based on the increased tax rate, problems in analyzing the benefits, the resignation of the manager, deduction in the budget, and decrease in productivity due to covid 19.

and to conduct proper monitoring of it there is a need to conduct the proper analysis and implement KPIs, that help in monitoring so that the problems can be outsourced properly.

Issues and impact

  • List three (3) issues to be reported
  • A summary of the evaluation of the impact of the issues on benefits realization (30-50 words)
  • List three (3) variances in the delivery of expected benefits and benefits prioritization based on the impact of the scenarios on benefits realization.

1. Weak morale of the staff members

2. Decrease in the productivity

3. increase the timeline of the project

the resignation of the project manager will impact the working of other employees, and the increased tax will impact the budget due to covid- restrictions it will lead to a decrease the productivity (Zhou, 2013).

The recommended course of action

Four (4) recommended actions and changes to manage the issues and minimize the impact on benefits realization.

Outline the proposed implementation strategy for each action (30-50 words/implementation).

Action Implementation
 survey conduct a regular survey of the political environment
Implement KPIs Implement effective KPIs so that the benefit can be analyzed
environmental analysis Conduct the analysis of the internal environment
Provide effective feedback It helps to increase the efficiency.


Any specific requests to the Program Board such as:

  • Feedback
  • Expert guidance
  • Resources
  • Support
While working on the project it is really to evaluate the areas of improvement so that the outcomes that are received are favorable so it is really important to provide effective feedback on time (Zhou, 2013).

Lessons Learned

Summarise three (3) lessons learned from what occurred and how they will be handled.

It is really important to timely analyze the actions of the government.

It is really important to analyze the internal environment.

It is really important to establish regular communication (Dinu, 2017).

  1. Inform the Program Board about the benefits realisation report by writing an email (Template 2).

Write an email to the Program Board to introduce the benefits realisation progress report attached to the email.

Use Template 2 to write the email. The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(40-80 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to Program Board
To: Program board
Cc: Directors
Subject: Benefit realization
Date email is sent: 17/09/2022
Attachments: progress report of benefit realization


This mail is to inform you that we have prepared a benefits realization progress report that highlights all the necessary that is to be taken when dealing with difficult scenarios at the time of a project. So, you can go through it once and recommend your feedback.


Thank you.




  1. Facilitate effective decision making


  1. Select one of the scenarios described in Task 3.2A.
The scenario of choice: “F” Restrictions that occurred due to covid 19.


  1. Outline how you made valid and reliable decisions related to ensuring effective program governance when faced with the selected issue in the program.

Outline an action plan to solve manage and address the scenario of choice referring to:

  • The program governance model
  • Program personnel chart (roles and responsibilities)
  • The decision-making framework
  • The decision-making process
  • Priority actions


  • Note the communication strategy to inform stakeholders of the actions that have been planned to resolve the issue
  • Evaluate if the proposed resolution aligns with/affects program objectives
  • Identify any personnel support need
  • Identify any skill development need
  • Identify any improvement need

(100-150 words)

As per the issue that occurred, it is decided that there is a need to make the products of the company available on the website so that the consumers can get them online and also And there is a need to make a communication strategy according to which the meetings need to be conducted regularly either face to face or via virtual meetings so that the work does not get much affected and the issues that occur between the execution can be mitigated.

Roles  Responsibilities
Develop an online page IT Officer
Identify the need of the market Marketing Manager
Establish effective communication HR Manager



  1. Develop a sample of a decision-making register where the decision/s (relevant to the resolution of the issue) are recorded.

Submit the sample in a separate document or copy and paste it in the space provided below.

Suggested template (the use of a table is recommended):

  • Item (issue, change, other)
  • Description
  • Decision required
  • Authority for decision
  • Approval Y/N

Item Descripton Decision Authority Approval
Availability of resources Due to restrictions, the availability of resources is decreasing


Find a supplier who is available in the locality Manager Yes
Low-profit rate the movement of the customers is restricted Can come on the inline platform and provide services IT Manager Yes



  1. Assume that the resolution plan for the issue requires project managers to develop leadership skills.

Provide evidence of how the skills development needs are addressed. For example, a screenshot of your research for suitable training options such as an online course, an email sent to the project managers with your expert advice, or a request to allocate funds to the training.

Document the evidence in the space provided below.

To –  managers

From- Program Manager

Date- 17/09/2022

sub – Leadership development



This mail is to address that our organization will organize some training sessions for the project managers so that they can improve their skills. And it will be arranged from 18/09/2022 – 24/09/2022.

I hope everybody will attend it.


Thank you.



  1. Implement program systems and methods

Address how you implement program systems and methods when faced with a severe issue in your program.

Assume that the following occurred:

50% Timeline Scenario
You are halfway through the execution of your program.

One of your projects is heavily behind due to staffing issues (30% of the staff allocated to the project are on sick leave, and 20% had holidays approved for this period).

  1. Develop an internal HR audit report (Template 1) performed to identify this issue that will be distributed to all relevant stakeholders.

Consider the following audit findings:

  • Project Manager not trained in HR management and practices
  • A glitch in the HR management system deleted some of the leave requested and approved in previous months from the calendar


Template 1 -HR audit report

Background information

  • Background information about the audit; when the audit started and when it was completed. Who ran the audit, who participated in it, what type of audit was conducted, why it was conducted, and the program areas involved in it?
  • Methodology: how the audit was conducted

The audit was started on 18/09/2022 and ended on 20/09/2022. And was run by the program manager, and the audit was conducted to get reviews of the internal environment.

the audit was conducted through observation.



Findings from the audit.


It is found that the rest of the employees are facing a lot of work pressure and need some assistance. And it is conluded that this issue will result in the delay of the implementation of the plan.


Recommendations based on the audit findings, in priority order. It should state any mandatory recommendations if the audit was conducted for compliance purposes.


There is a need to recruit some temporary staff and call the old staff and ask if now they are available for work (Dinu, 2017).


  1. Write an email to share the HR audit report with relevant stakeholders.

Attach the HR audit report to the email.

Use Template 2 to write the email. The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to relevant stakeholders
To: Stakeholders
Cc: Project managers
Subject: HR audit report
Date email is sent: 20/09/2022
Attachments: HR audit report


This mail is to inform you that we have conducted an audit in the company and as per the results there is a need to get more employees available so, some of you need to join and for detail go through the attached report.


Thank you.



  1. Save the audit report file in a folder called ‘Audit’. Take a screenshot of the folder showing the saved file and copy and paste the screenshot into the space provided below.

  1. Identify what program policies apply to this scenario to facilitate process efficiency
The policy of non-compliance apply to this scenario.


  1. Ensure program compliance

Address how you rectify a non-compliance in your program. Contextualise the scenario for your program when required.

Assume that the following occurred:

75% Timeline Scenario
When monitoring the program, you find non-compliance.

Based on your program compliance plan, address the following:

  1. Specify what non-compliance (behaviours, process or product) was identified.
The employees are showing non-compilance in the project.

  1. Identify and outline what actions need to be undertaken to rectify the non-compliance. (30-50 words)
there is a need to conduct brainstorming and a morale-boosting session for the employees so that they get motivated in completing the work (Lobel, 2012).

  1. Develop an email directed to the Program Sponsor to communicate the non-compliance.

Use Template 2 to write the email. The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

Use the email to implement one of the actions outlined in point 2. Example: asking for resources to implement the actions to rectify the non-compliance.

(40-80 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to Program Sponsor
To: program sponsor
Subject: Rectify the non-compliance
Date email is sent: 21/09/2022
Attachments: Actions on non-compilance

this mail is to inform you that we have conducted a survey and found that some of the employees are showing non-compliance and to rectify it we have decided some actions like arranging a brainstorming or morale-boosting session. You can go through it and suggesst some views.

Thank you.

  1. Review program execution

 Assume that you have now delivered the program and that all the circumstances you managed in the previous tasks occurred.

  1. Finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations

Write an email to the stakeholder in charge of/with authority for financial management for the program.

Outline the process to finalise financial, legal and contractual obligations now that the program is completed.

Use Template 2 to write the email. The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to relevant stakeholders
To: Stakeholder
Cc: Program managers
Subject: authority for financial management
Date email is sent: 27/09/2022
Attachments: Legal, financial, and contractual obligations.

this email is to inform you that we have found that there is a need to take steps toward financial management and finalize the steps that are needed for solving issues that have occurred after implementing the program related to Legal, financial, and contractual obligations.

Thank you.

  1. Reflect on the effectiveness of the processes, systems, and approaches implemented during program execution.

Consult with relevant stakeholders and the Program Sponsor and seek feedback on the effectiveness of the program execution approach, the benefits realization approach, and the governance model.

Document your reflection and the inputs/feedback gathered from relevant stakeholders in the space provided below. Include identified improvements for future programs.

(100—150 words)

As per the feedback received considering all the problems that occurred the program was implemented with a little delay so it was nice but for future programs, they suggested that there is a need to take care of the issues by doing proper consultation, and using a good approach and by implementing a proper governance model by discussing (Lobel, 2012).

Because as per the effectiveness of the program that is identified the benefits realization process and the risk assessment process need to be conducted regularly so that the execution of the program can be done nicely


Dinu, V. (2017). Total quality management: A way to manage organizations centred on quality. Amfiteatru Economic Journal19(Special Issue No. 11), 936-938.

Engeman, C. D., Baumgartner, L., Carr, B. M., Fish, A. M., Meyerhofer, J. D., Satterfield, T. A., … & Harthorn, B. H. (2012). Governance implications of nanomaterials companies’ inconsistent risk perceptions and safety practices. Journal of Nanoparticle Research14(3), 1-12.

Lobel, O. (2012). New governance as regulatory governance.

Zhou, Y. M. (2013). Designing for complexity: Using divisions and hierarchy to manage complex tasks. Organization Science24(2), 339-355.

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