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Social Media Plan Part-3


Social Media Plan Part-3




Based over the tactical plan there they could use and analyses the proper structures of the work related to how the work might go forward. The company focuses over the youth helps and other important functions related to the selective structures of the work. These are soke of the examples which could be seen based over the techniques of attracting the potential doner for contributing towards the better lifestyle of the Youth. These are some oof the tactical which are included in the structures of the work (De Pelsmacker, et al., 2018).

These are 8 examples which could be seen and analyzed for the work,

  1. Video sponsored ads – these aids are based over rates of $100. The following ads will be delivered to contribute the working of better content so people could peruse and analyses for better working selective issues of the work. These videos will increase the visibility of customers and their selective views of their thinking.
  2. InMail – these activities will cost per mail $10. This will bring out the potential working conditions of the clients who are interested. These mails will direct the targeted audience a better place to understand and analyses of the content.
  3. Blogger relation/influencer – these blogs will give the knowledge of the Youth and their development of how they will develop their self-based over the selective conditions. Cost per blog will be $200 (Mandal & Joshi, 2017).
  4. Google Ads – google ads will cost per ad approximately $400 which will give the photographic explanation of the organization and make a good networking customer.
  5. Professional LinkedIn connection – This connection will help the organization to reach their identified potential. This potential will give the organization generated clients for better reach and good working capacities. This will approximately cost $500 per connection.
  6. Events on social media – They could possibly interact with people and make them understand the reasons of the work based over positive working conditions and structures related to the work. Positive impact would be at least $1000 based over the selections.
  7. Instagram/face book/WhatsApp photo content – these are the best ways to attract people based over the conditions of working. These selective criteria are very important for the social media influencers to archive the grades which they peruse and handle for better performances. These photo content will approximately cost $800 per social media platform.
  8. Direct messaging over social media platforms – in this plan the direct messages will be forwarded to the targeted marketing people. These people will be viewed and analyzed for better structures and performances of the selective work. This work will further be continued till they found their selective working conditions. The allotted budget for this work will be approximately $500 per month (Hemmilä, 2016).



Digital marketing calendar for 3 months

Social media strategies Timelines
Specify Social media marketing goals 1 WEEK
Budget planning 1 Week
Take membership of social media platforms 4 days
Video creation 2 week
Content creation 1 week
Scheduling according to platforms 1 Week
Hire professional members 3 days
Contact with influencer 1 Week
Daily posting scheduling 1 Week
Daily messaging scheduling 1 week
Daily blog writing 1 week
Procedure for donations 1 Week





Hemmilä, A. (2016). Digital marketing plan case: Hemmi kodit.

De Pelsmacker, P., Van Tilburg, S., & Holthof, C. (2018). Digital marketing strategies, online reviews and hotel performance. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 72, 47-55.

Mandal, P., & Joshi, N. (2017). Understanding digital marketing strategy. International journal of scientific research and management, 5(6), 5428-5431.

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