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Questions And Answers (QUIZ)

Question 1:

  1. According to Australian of the rule of law, everyone is responsible for obeying laws that are: Clearly and openly disseminated similarly imposed independently decided upon.
  2. the Rule of Law aids to ensure that this system of legal stay fair and consistent when the government adopting some laws related to institutions, processes in place to guarantee justice access, fairness, and transparency for all. In the end, this results in respect for both the environment and individual rights. Additionally, it aids in reducing levels of corruption and violent conflict.
  3. the Rule of Law restrict the corruption in their legal system because it breaks the trust in public society and inhibits productivity expansion and adversely affects the exercise of individual rights, especially by members of underprivileged or marginalized groups including minorities, the disabled, refugees, immigrants, and convicts.

Question 2:

There are three ways do court cases or case law help to develop the law by giving advice on how to understand and use the guidelines coming future and keeps track of the bigger debates and conflicts regarding the use of the rules. The three ways are:

  • Interpreting Legislation: For example : When something is stated as a thing a human MAY do, it suggests the individual has an option, as opposed to when it is stated as something a member Shall can.
  • Interpretation Approaches: For example : Using Mischief Rule approach
  • Interpretation Legislation: It proves an inspiration for new or updating legislation to be enforced. For example; Violence against women or The Australian Constitution must not be violated by the construction that judges determine.

Question 3:

  1. Federalism is a form of government where authority is shared between a central and state government in New South Wales both the federal and the state governments have a substantial amount of authority. The laws you must abide by here in New South Wales are affected by the division of powers (federalism) i.e. Federalism restricts the government’s powers by establishing two national sovereignty federal governments and state governments—and limiting the influence of each. Internal constraints are imposed by the power separation by pitting one body of government against another, giving each branch distinct responsibilities, and requiring them to relinquish power.
  2. The separation of Power plays a vital role and impact on their life in Australia i.e. the Australian government’s ability to act on behalf of the people through the law. By establishing safeguards on the use of power, it guarantees that government stays just and responsible. The exercise of power must be legal and subject to dispute if society is to function as a law-abiding society. Therefore, the impact on government or public members of Australia ensures that neither branch has more significant strength than any other. The Legislative Body, the Executive Branch, as well as the Federal Judiciary are the three branches into which the administration is typically divided under this structure.

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