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Purposive Sampling Method | Types and Techniques Explained

A non-probability sampling method shared with both qualitative and quantitative research
methods is called  Typical case sampling members. It is mostly used by research students as a useful tool when learning about a particular cultural subject from knowledgeable professionals. When deciding which members of the public to include in their surveys, the researchers in this instance rely on their judgment. Because of this, this sampling strategy is sometimes referred to as
subjective, judgmental, or selective sampling.

Here, students need to have:
1. Prior skills and knowledge of the aim of your research.
2. Students can choose or approach people who are qualified to do the survey.
3. To choose a specific group of people that fit the desired profile, individuals can conduct the
survey online.
4. Pay attention to sampling strategies where the units being looked at are determined by the
researchers’ judgment.
The term Typical case sampling members refers to a collection of different non-probability sampling procedures that rely on the researcher’s judgment to choose the units that will be studied, such as individuals, groups, instances, events, pieces of data, etc. In comparison to probability sampling techniques, the sample size is less.

Types of Purposive Sampling
1. Maximum Variation Sampling – It is used to gather a diverse group of individuals with various points of view to examine a specific topic and can reveal recurring themes varying from common diseases to others that are rarer or more intense by their nature. By condition, it is meant various study components, such as individuals, cases, various data sets, companies, etc. There is a broad variety of behaviors, experiences, qualities, situations, incidences, etc. among the numerous
research units. The main goal of maximum variation sampling is to gain a broader and deeper
understanding of a phenomenon by considering it from all angles and viewpoints. It frequently
aids the researcher in locating the fundamental and recurrent themes that appear across the

2. Homogenous Sampling – Here, individuals must choose a small, homogenous group of
individuals or units for the research’s investigation and analysis. Concerning age, gender,
occupation, background, etc., the sampling aims to provide a homogeneous sample whose units
share comparable features or attributes. Female pupils in teenage schools, for instance, aged 13
to 19.

3. Critical Case Sampling – In exploratory qualitative research or any research with few sources,
critical case sampling is performed. The research team must define the characteristics that make
a case essential to discover critical issues. Selecting the one that allows logical inferences of the
kind. If this is true for this example, then it should be true for all cases & is also used to test a

4. Deviant or Extreme Case Sampling – It focuses on extraordinary instances that are uncommon or rare by definition. It draws attention to the senses that have remarkable results,
accomplishments, or failures. Research students can create a thrilling impact on their lecturers
and provide something special to their fields of study with the aid of deviant case sampling.

5. Typical case sampling – The Typical case sampling members of the impacted community
might be studied to examine a phenomenon or trend using typical case sampling. Students will
be aware of, for instance, the effects that a particular educational program has on the typical

6. Total Population Sampling – This method is used by researchers to look at the complete
population with specified characteristics, such as some specific experiences, like the current
COVID-19 pandemic crisis, similar information abilities, exposure to an event, etc.

7. Expert Sampling – To collect information from people with specific experience in the research
subject, expert sampling is used. When students require the opinions or evaluation of individuals
with extensive understanding of the study field, this method is used.
Learn in conducting Purposive Sampling Method with Moodle Monkey

If students run into any difficulties with their purposive sampling strategy, get in touch with the
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