1. Introduction
Online marketplaces have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing consumers with a wide range of products and services at their fingertips. As a result, the role of lifestyle has become critical in shaping consumers’ impulse buying behaviour. This literature review examines the effects of lifestyle on consumers’ impulse buying behaviour in online marketplaces. and this impact the consumers as there will be a need of the making of the consumers on the psychological impact on the brains of the consumer’s lifestyle marketing has a strategy of discount that is given through many sales ideas and also there is the trend of taming thins in such a way that it has an impact on the buying behaviour and also it can be managed in such a way that it helps in making of the various strategies that need to be done in this there is a discussion of the diverse literature about the lifestyle and their impact on consumer buying (Eneizan, et al., 2019).
2. Research Method:
The research method which has been used to complete this research is online method, google scholar has been used as the major part of the research work. The key words that are used for finding the answers are as follows, what is lifestyle/ different lifestyles etc., what is impulsive buying behaviour, relation between lifestyle and impulsive buying behaviour?
3. Literature Review
The purpose of the literature for the topic that is different from the perspective of the different consumers and their behaviour of the making the buyer behaviour and this will help in making the incoming of the different research that happened in past and also there will be a need of making the things that are according to the research proposal of the different criteria and these criteria helps to understand the behaviour of consumers and also the impact of lifestyle marketing (Lee & Chen, 2021).
Theme 1: Lifestyle
Lifestyle has become an essential factor in shaping consumers’ purchasing behaviour. Lifestyle is a way of living that reflects a consumer’s values, attitudes, and beliefs. Research has shown that consumers’ lifestyle has a significant effect on their impulse buying behaviour in online marketplaces. Consumers with a more luxurious and hedonistic lifestyle are more likely to engage in impulsive buying behaviour than those with a more frugal and conservative lifestyle. Moreover, consumers’ lifestyle can also influence their purchasing decisions by creating a sense of identity and self-expression (Ittaqullah, et al., 2020).
The lifestyle of the individual and also there is needs of the consumers that is depends on the needs of the consumers and these needs all come under the lifestyle category this will help in making the sense of any consumer that affects the buying category and also the pricing of any things that consumers can buy and this factor is responsible for the impulse buying behaviour and also there is a great impact and this leads to the different social life of the consumers (Ittaqullah, et al., 2020). Lifestyle marketing has been identified as an effective tool for businesses to attract and retain customers in online marketplaces. The use of lifestyle devices has increased significantly, and lifestyle marketing has become an essential way to communicate with consumers. Research shows that lifestyle marketing increases consumers’ impulse buying behaviour by providing personalized offers and targeted promotions, such as push notifications and text messages (Ming, et al., 2021). In addition, lifestyle marketing can also influence consumers’ decision-making processes by increasing the perceived value of a product or service through visual and sensory stimuli (Abdelsalam, et al., 2020). This lifestyle marketing is very useful as this gives diversity and also making of the promotion of the standards of the pricing and also the product of any marketplace this will help in a home base promotion that will help in the management of things and also this will help in the management of marketing (Eneizan, et al., 2019).
Theme 2: Impulse Buying
Impulse buying behaviour is a phenomenon that has received significant attention from marketers and researchers alike. Impulse buying behaviour is defined as an unplanned purchase made by a consumer that is driven by a sudden and powerful urge to buy. This literature review examines the various factors that influence impulse buying behaviour in consumers (Gupta, 2022).
Marketing factors such as product placement, pricing, and promotions can also influence impulse buying behaviour. Research has shown that the placement of products in a store can lead to impulsive buying behaviour, with products placed at eye level and near checkout counters being particularly effective. Pricing can also influence impulsive buying behaviour, with sales and discounts leading to increased impulse buying behaviour. Promotions such as free gifts or samples can also create a sense of urgency and lead to impulsive buying behaviour (Gupta, 2022). Discounts have been used as a traditional marketing strategy to attract customers and increase sales. Research has shown that discounts have a significant effect on consumers’ impulse buying behaviour in online marketplaces. Discounts increase consumers’ perceived value of a product or service, which can influence their decision-making processes (Ahmed, et al., 2020). Moreover, discounts can create a sense of urgency, which can lead to impulsive buying behaviour (Lamis, et al., 2022).
It always helps in making the marketing strategies easy as this gives a psychological impact on the making of the strategies on consumers it always helps to understand the behaviour of consumers and this will enhance the sales of any items and purchase that will help to make understand the behaviour and make the attractive offers that lead to the success of the various marketing strategies (Lamis, et al., 2022).
Theme3: Exploring lifestyle along with impulsive buying
From various studies, it has been found that the lifestyle a person is having has a direct impact on impulsive behaviour. Those individuals who are consuming content regarding the latest trend and fashion generally want to look updated on the latest fashion. This thinking makes them buy things that are not needed but to make sure that they are updated they buy them (Ittaqullah, et al., 2020). By looking at this trend of the consumer companies generally come up with the idea of stocks, which increases the chance of the individual to buy more quickly before it gets stocked out. And from this finding, it has been clear that the lifestyle which a person lives has a relation with impulsive buying behaviour, in some manner more or less this is proportional to each other. After knowing this phenomenon companies launch their product accordingly for attracting more customers and get more sales numbers (Lamis, et al., 2022).
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, lifestyle have a significant effect on consumers’ impulse buying behaviour in online marketplaces. Lifestyle marketing can provide personalized offers and targeted promotions that increase consumers’ perceived value of a product or service. Discounts can create a sense of urgency, which can lead to impulsive buying behaviour. Lastly, lifestyle can influence consumers’ decision-making processes by creating a sense of identity and self-expression. Understanding these factors is crucial for businesses to develop effective marketing strategies that increase impulse buying behaviour in online marketplaces (Husnain, et al., 2019). Impulse buying behaviour is a complex phenomenon that is influenced by a variety of factors. Emotional factors, situational factors, marketing factors, and personal factors all play a role in determining consumers’ impulse buying behaviour. Understanding these factors is essential for marketers and businesses to develop effective strategies to increase impulse buying behaviour and boost sales (Rodrigues, et al., 2021).
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