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Each task in this assessment brief has been developed to enable you to demonstrate and evidence achievement of the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for Duty of Care in a Care Setting and Responsibilities of a Care Worker in an organisational context specific to your work environment.  You must complete the outcome to successfully achieve the unit.

Preparation for the assessment

  • Before you begin the assessment tasks, please read the guidance that supports this unit thoroughly to ensure that you provide the right content in your responses that relate to the assessment criteria.
  • Research the topics related to this assessment. Your tutor will signpost you to the learning resources and recommended reading list, created to support and help you develop your understanding of the unit topic.
  • Additionally, you have been given unique access to our QCS system where you will find a huge bank of excellent sector-related guidance and policy information.

Completing the assignment brief

  • This assignment brief contains a series of tasks for you to complete. Each task is referenced to the relevant assessment criteria detailed in the Assessment Guidance Table below.
  • The work should be word-processed and presented professionally, with clear headings and where illustrations or work-based evidence is being presented, this should be included in the main narrative.
  • In-text referencing of external sources, quotations and models should be evident in your narrative to show that you have undertaken research to gain an in-depth understanding of the topic, as well as crediting the sources used to build your narrative.
  • You must include a reference list following the conventions of The Harvard Style System. This should be present on your final submission, so your tutor can verify all the documents, websites and sources used.
  • Finally, you must sign the Learner Declaration to authentic the work you are presenting for assessment (please refer to annex 1 of this assignment brief)                   


You will gain an understanding of duty of care within the context of health and social care and how this affects your role. You will consider how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding and protection of individuals, how their individual rights may conflict with their safety, and how to approach any complaints that might arise.

You will gain the knowledge to understand the nature of working relationships and how they are different from personal relationships.  You will learn why it is important to follow agreed ways of working and the importance of working in partnership with others.  You will build on your knowledge to understand the different skills and approaches for resolving conflict.


You will have developed the knowledge to understand your duty of care.  You will learn what to do if you are faced with a dilemma or conflict between duty of care and an individual’s rights.  You will have developed an understanding of how to respond to complaints and the correct procedure to follow when a complaint is made.

You will have developed the knowledge to understand the difference between working and personal relationships and the importance of working in partnership with others.  You will understand why it is important to follow agreed ways of working.  You will understand the different skills and approaches needed to resolve conflicts.

Task Number  





Unit 4

1.1  Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role

1.2  Explain how duty of care relates to duty of candour

1.3  Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals

Unit 6

2.1 Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role.






Unit 4

2.1 Describe conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights

2.2 Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual’s rights and the duty of care

2.3 Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemma

Unit 6

3.3 Describe the skills and approaches you use to deal with conflicts.



Unit 4

3.1 Describe how to respond to complaints

3.2 Explain policies and procedures relating to the handling of complaints



Unit 6

1.1 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship.

1.2 Describe different working relationships in health and social care settings.

Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others.

3.3 Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others.


Task one

For the first part of your assignment, you will need to write a report titled ‘Duty of care in the care setting’.

You need to show your understanding of duty of care and explain what a duty of care means in the context of your job role. Explain how duty of care contributes to safe practice and the safeguarding of individuals.

Think about duty of candour is and explain how this relates to duty of care. You also need to Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

Include examples of your work practices to explain how you meet the duty of care, ensuring you are working in an open and transparent way and safeguarding or protecting individuals.

Working in the health and social care sector involves working with lots of different people with a variety of needs, dependencies, backgrounds and wishes.  As a care worker, you have a duty of care to everyone you are involved with to ensure they are kept safe from harm, abuse and injury.  When something goes wrong or a mistake is made you have a duty of candour to be open, transparent and inform people what has gone wrong.




 Task Two: Part A

For this task, you will need to complete the table on the next page. You will need to:

  • Describe four different conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights.
  • Describe how you would manage the risk associated with each.
  • Identify the skills and approaches needed to resolve the conflicts or dilemmas
  • Explain where to get additional support and advice about conflicts and dilemmas

Top Tip: refer to the unit tutorial guidance and suggested reading/web resource materials provided to develop your knowledge and understanding.

Task Two: Part B

Create a flowchart that clearly explains each of the steps to take when a complaint is made in your workplace.

You then need to write a report titled ‘Handling complaint’. Choose one of the conflicts that you described in task 2.  Imagine that the individual or their family member isn’t happy with how this was resolved and decides to make a complaint.

Describe how you would respond to this complaint and explain the policies and procedures for handling complaints in your workplace


As a health and social care worker, it is important to be able to distinguish between working and personal relationships in order for you to carry out your role in a professional way

To start this task, you will need to complete the table below, to explain the differences between a working relationship and a personal relationship. Document the key features of each.

You are then required to write a report titled ‘Working with Others’. Within this you should:

  • Describe the different working relationships you have in your workplace and describe what is involved in each of the relationships.
  • Explain the importance of working in partnership with others

Examples of the different people you have working relationships with could include:

  • Line manager or supervisor
  • Colleagues, for example, care staff, cleaners, kitchen staff, maintenance, administrators, and trainers.
  • Individuals you support, their families and friends
  • Other professionals, including GP’s, Social Workers and Advocates
  • Voluntary sector and community group.




  • Ayling P et al – Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care: Level 3 (Oxford University Press, 2012) ISBN 9781408518137
  • Morris C and Ferreiro Peteiro M – Level 3 Health & Social Care Diploma (Hodder Education, 2015) ISBN 9781471806629
  • Rasheed E, Hetherington A and Wyatt L – BTEC National Level 3 Health and Social Care (BTEC 2016), 3rd edition (Hodder Education, 2016) ISBN 9781471878596


Skills for Care: Code of Conduct for Healthcare Support Workers and Adult Social Care Workers in England

Care Certificate Standard 1: Understand Your Role

Care Certificate Standard 2: Duty of Care

6Cs in Social Care Guide


To access QCS policy and procedure please use your learner login details.  A recorded guide on how to use the QCS system is available to support you.

  • HR01 Health and Safety Policy and Procedure
  • CC18 Infection Control Policy and Procedure
  • CR03 Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
  • QQ03 Complaints Policy and Procedure
  • CR11 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 Policy and Procedure
  • PM11 Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
  • And many other sector related policies and procedures.

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