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Journal Week 10

Title: Journal Week 10

Examples for each of the following Non-verbal subjects covered in this article:

1 Haptic: Haptic non-verbal communication signifies through touching or make a connection with feeling of sense (Bobby, (2014), p8 (3)).

For example:

– Given in the article, in hospitals, the patients and nurses or workers of hospitals have haptic non-verbal communication. The therapeutic benefits of a compassionate touch have long been recognized by those who work in long-term care facilities. There is empirical evidence to support this.

– From haptic non-verbal communication, parents transmit their feeling to their children by holding hands, scrubbing their arms, and so on.

  1. Chronemics: The study of chronemics examines how time is used in body language. Timing, patience, and interpersonal relationships are all aspects of perceptual processing.

For example:

– Additionally, a teacher can get useful information from participants by observing their facial expressions. A teacher should utilize his students’ facial movements when giving a lecture, for instance, to decide whether or not it should slow down, speed it up, and otherwise alter his speech (Kalman & Gergle, (2013),p9(3)).

– Between teachers and students, consider it acceptable for a teacher to arrive late for a meeting, though not for the students in a classroom. When a teacher asks a question and students are required to answer on time but sometimes, they tried to evade eye contact.

  1. Dress: Although individuals simply have a passing awareness of what others are wearing, clothes do convey. Clothing gives off nonverbal cues about a presenter’s character, upbringing, and socioeconomic situation (Shinta & Darmawati, (2021), p9 (5)).

For example:

– As per the HURLOCK author, every man in the study thought that their opinion of a person was influenced by his appearance or dress, and 97 percent of all distribution of information felt more confident. They felt more assured when they looked great.

– Students wear a uniform to represent their role in the school, college, or any institutions

  1. Personal Artifacts: People’s accessories, such as their choice of jewelers, eyewear, or cosmetics, send messages to others (Lindley & Regan, (2013), p8 (4)).

For example:

In the article, She claims that since eye strain is frequently brought on by excessive reading and since individuals who read a lot are more likely to be clever, it is “natural” to think that those who wear sunglasses are smart.

  1. How long does it take you to form an impression of a new person you just met and why?

Based on the given article, the researcher advised that people will have a strong opinion to form an impression and it makes only in the first seven seconds of a meeting. After that, it just takes a tenth of a second to begin judging characteristics like reliability. That isn’t much time to introduce yourself, win over their new person, or help compensate for any mistakes they may have made before.




Bobby, C. S. (2014). Haptic Communication-The Unspoken Dialogue. Language in India14(4). Available at ,

Kalman, Y. M., Scissors, L. E., Gill, A. J., & Gergle, D. (2013). Online chronemics convey social information. Computers in Human Behavior29(3), 1260-1269. Available at,

Lindley, S. E., Marshall, C. C., Banks, R., Sellen, A., & Regan, T. (2013, May). Rethinking the web as a personal archive. In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web (pp. 749-760). Available at,

Shinta, M. N., & Darmawati, B. (2021). Nonverbal Communication of Supervisors in the Mentoring Thesis Process: Perceptions of English Students. Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa (e-Journal)6(1), 1-11. Available at,,5&as_ylo=2012&q=dress+in+nonverbal+communication+%27


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