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Job Description

Part 1: Job description

Job Description Assignment
Plan A: Faculty governance administrator Plan B: Program support officer
Job Requirements: Technical skill, Excellent  management skill and leadership skill is also require for this job

Excellent communication skill is requiring.

Active listening is important skill for this organisation and certificate of management is requiring (Indeed, 2022).

Job Requirements:

Proficiency , in ms office work include power point ,excel ,outlook , acrobat

Excellent management and leadership skill.

Knowledge of academic program and equipment.

Good communication skill (Dean, 2017).

Excellent interpersonal skill.

Description of the physical work environment/setting:

The role of faculty governance administrator is support the faculty and discuss about development of staff skill, handle management of organisation , resolve issue of faculty.

Advising faculty council about governance matter

Excellent knowledge of MS office, excel experience and good communication skill.

Description of the physical work environment/setting:

Role of the program support officer is research, analysis the problem, then handle issue by  problem solving skill and  handle financial work  .

Program support officer can handle operation department and work on MS office, excel and acrobat.

Work hours: 35 hrs per week Work hours: 38 hrs per week
Salary/Hourly rate/Benefits: $40 to $45 Salary/Hourly rate/Benefits:  $30  to $40
# of vacation days/year: 2 Day leave in a week. # of vacation days/year:1 day leave per week
Professional associations

– When can you join them?

I will be joining the university after completing my course

– What are the benefits of joining them?

After joining the company management and governance skill improves that include in experience and financial stability is also improved. I know  this post is best for me because it gives me growth in my carrier

Efficiency and problem solving skill also improve. My analytical and sensing skill is improved for this job.

– Is this career part of a union?

I have acquire all skill from this company is my carrier part of union

If organisation grows I will also grow with organisation

Professional associations

– When can you join them?

I can join them after completing my course of General arts and science.

-What are the benefits of joining them?

If I will join this company I will gain knowledge of ms office, team management, communication skill and interpersonal skill that is required for everyone and grow with organisation.

– Is this career part of a union?

If organisation grows I will also grow with organisation.


How will you keep current in your organisation?

Attend all conference and webinar of organisation and attend meeting and training properly.

Tele webinar is also attended and active listing is required and Keep yourself active this place. And this whole process keeps current in your field.

Follow industry leader on social media and learn all industry knowledge for keep current in organisation

You analyse your weakness and work on your weakness and improve all skill that your industry demand. and do professional course that give growth and achieve your target.


How will you keep current in your organisation?

Attend all conference and webinar of organisation and attend meeting and training properly.

Keep yourself active. This whole process keeps current in your field.

Follow industry leader on social media and learn all industry knowledge for keep current in organisation

Attend workshop and professional event.

You analyse your weakness and work on your weakness and improve all skill that your industry demand.

Expand your professional development in organisation and continuously grow with organisation.

Type(s) of learning style(s) association with the job

Auditory and verbal learners

Learning style play important part in our career success and learning is require in any place o compete goal (Chan, 2016).

Type(s) of learning style(s) association with the job

Verbal and non verbal learning.

Learning style play important part in our career success and learning is require any   place o compete goal

List 3 advantages of the job

1. You can improve your problem solving and governance skill.

2. You can take experience of management and MS office and excel work.

3. Make financially independent is important benefit (Ma, et al., 2016).

List 3 advantages of the job

1.      You can build your interpersonal skill and communication skill.

2.      You can take experience of management and MS office and excel work.

3.      You can build conflict resolving skill and earn money from this job (Ma, et al., 2016).


List 3 disadvantages of the job

1. Lack of job security if you do not work properly then affect job.

2. earning is limited

3. lack of flexibility

List 3 disadvantages of the job

Ø  Lack of job security

Ø  Earning is limited

Ø  social life is affected from this job


Chan, R. Y. (2016). Understanding the purpose of higher education: An analysis of the economic and social benefits for completing a college degree. Journal of Education Policy, Planning and Administration6(5), 1-40.

Dean, S. A. (2017). Soft skills needed for the 21st century workforce (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University).

Indeed. (2022). General arts and science jobs skills.[Available at]: [Accessed on 16th July, 2022].

Ma, J., Pender, M., & Welch, M. (2016). Education Pays 2016: The Benefits of Higher Education for Individuals and Society. Trends in Higher Education Series. College Board.


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