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Prove That 2+2 = 5

2+2=5 is the logic that I applied in my Math’s exam, and my teacher said it is wrong logic.
However, today I came up with the right explanation.
The same thing happened with you too?
Let us understand the fact behind 2+2=5
There are various methods to solve this particular logic. Let us understand the simplest and basic
Moodle monkey also helps us to provide the methods in which it is mentioned how to prove
For assumption
As we have taken "0" so that if we subtract the same number from itself. So now if we take the left-hand side and right-hand side figures as 4(four) and 10 (ten).
Now we know, 4 – 4 = 10 – 10
Where we can write 10 as 5*2 and 4 as 2*2, after solving the equation we have,
5*2 – 2*2 = 2²-2²
(2-2)(2+2) = 5(2-2)
As we can see (2-2) is on both sides, so we can simply cancel them.
And we get,
2 + 2 = 5, Proved.
As this method is very simple so teacher or professor would hardly believe the logic, in that case,
there are other methods as well.

Method 2
This is the other method to solve the problem by using fractions.
For assumption
-20 = -20 ————–(1)

The above equation is equation one.
= 16 – 36 and
= 25 – 45
If we place all these values in equation one we get,
16- 36 = 25-45
There is one more way to write this,
= 42 – 4 x 9 + 81/4 = 52 – 5 x 9 + 81/4
= 52 – (2 x 5 x 9/2) + (9/2)2 =  42 – (2 x 4 x 9/2) + (9/2)2
=(5 – 9/2)2= (4 – 9/2)2
= (4 – 9/2) = (5 – 9/2)
= 4 = 5
Which again proves that
2+2 = 5
In this method, we have proved the logic by using the help of fractions.
Moodle monkey website helps and guides how to prove 2+2=5 logic. It helps by providing all
the necessary information such as methods and providing appropriate steps.

Method 3
Now we are going to understand this problem by learning from real-life examples.
As we already have
2+2 = 5
Or we can write, 4=5
Now let’s assume that we have 4 books and we give all the books to the poor people. Now we are
left with zero books. And when we represent it mathematically, we can write it as

4 – 4 = 0
Now assume your sister has 5 books as well and she gives all the books to the poor people. Now
she is also left with zero books.
5 – 5 = 0
It can be written as
4 – 4 = 5 – 5
We can write it as:
5(1–1)=4(1–1) =5(1–1)
4 = 5
2+2 = 2+2+1
Again it is proved that 2+2 = 5. It is one of the methods but not the best method to solve this
problem. There is one more way to solve the problem now let us talk about that.

Method 4
In this method, we are going to learn to solve this problem by using the programming language.
In this, we are going to use basic and simple code. All we are going to do is to type a few line
codes to get 2+2=5.
In C language
#include <stdio>
int main() {
int b = 3;

int a = 3;
//Now we are going to add 2 and 2// (comment)
a = 2;
b = 2;

This is how we can prove the logic 2+2 = 5 by using a few lines of programming. If all these
methods are used to solve this particular equation or logic then it would be difficult for the
teacher or professor to not accept this particular fact.
This is a logic that is not very difficult to prove but easy to understand as well.
Moodle Monkey website helps and guides how to prove 2+2=5 logic. It helps by providing all
the necessary information such as methods and providing appropriate steps.

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