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ESP114 Health and Fitness


Audience: These are those people who are busy in their daily life and can’t finds much time to look at their health as result most of the time they end up searching for the wrong item which doesn’t include any scientific backing. This site provides authentic data based on facts that are backed by scientific knowledge, and it is also related to the daily life of the normal person which makes it more interesting and doable.

.Main Message or Purpose of your blog/web post: it is a response to the daily website that most fitness enthusiasts visit to check up on new things and on updating themselves on the new knowledge every day. There are many fake sites on the internet that promote unauthentic data which could result in a negative manner the purpose of this particular article is to tell about the authenticity of the website and make aware of the fake sites which are generally promoting useless items on the behalf of health and fitness.


Nowadays Internet is full of fake knowledge and bro science and getting authentic data becomes very difficult because each and everyone want to promote themselves and forget about the authenticity and reality check off the data, for example, lose 10 kg in 10 days which may be possible but in a long term it is not healthy and causes serious health related issues, too much fake data available on the Internet and it  demotivates many leaders to follow the right ones so before reading anything on blogs make you have to make sure that it is not a pulsar article or blog because generally, people include fake data in such articles to promote the product


Everybody’s too busy to focus on their life and forget about the most valuable thing is theirlive physical body which helps them to do everything to achieve their success everyone must take out some time from their busy lives to focus on their health which includes exercise and diet, exercises are the most important part forevery human being even for to perform basic activities. Even just adding 20 minutes of exercise into the daily life of a busy person will major change their performance and attitude towards the problems and decrease the cortisol level and promote dopamine which is a happy hormone


Because of busy life, people eventually forget about diet junk food is easily available but they forget that it is full of bad cholesterol and too many carbs, not at all near balance right which make them feel longer but it will eventually make them suffer in form of different diseases. It does look like that following a healthy diet will be very difficult but it is very easy you just have to close to the natural product as much as you can the best way to do service is to introduce fruits in your snacks andro vegetables in your main courses that’s right and observe the drastic changes that you will go to see few weeks.

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