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This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of CHCAGE001Facilitate the empowerment of older people.


This unit requires that you complete 6 assessment tasks. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

Assessment Task About this task
Assessment Task 1: Written questions You must correctly answer all questions to show that you understand the knowledge required of this unit.
Assessment Task 2: Case studies You are to read two case studies and complete the questions for each.
Assessment Task 3: Role play In this role play you will need to work with a new client and respond to their goals and aspirations. You are also required to answer a set of written questions after the role play is complete.
Assessment Task 4: Project This task follows on from the role play at Assessment Task 3. You are to do a safety check on a real bathroom, assuming the bathroom is Brenda’s, and determine aids and modifications that should be made to allow her to continue living independently
Assessment Task 5: Workplace project You are to work with a real aged care client to determine ways in which they can be empowered and achieve their goals and aspirations. Part of this task requires your assessor to observe your interactions with your client, and the other part requires you to complete a detailed client report of your experiences.
Assessment Task 6: Supervisor report Your workplace supervisor is to complete a report that confirms your ability to demonstrate specific skills and knowledge required of this unit.

Supporting resources

You may like to look at the following websites, books and documents for more information about the topics related to this unit:

  • Arnott, G 2011, The Disability Support Worker, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.
  • Croft, H 2013, The Australian Carer 3rd edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment appeals

You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Assessment plan

The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency in this unit.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date
1.       Written questions  
2.       Case studies  
3.       Role play  
4.       Project  
5.       Workplace project  
6.       Supervisor report  


Agreement by the student
Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? ¨   Yes ¨  No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? ¨   Yes ¨  No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ¨   Yes ¨  No
Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?  If yes, what are they?


¨   Yes ¨  No
Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment? ¨   Yes ¨  No

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Student signature: _________________________________________________   Date: _____________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: ________________________________________________   Date: _____________________




Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth: Student ID:

§  CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

Student to complete Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Resubmission?
Written questions        


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________





Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________





Task summary:

§  This is an open book test – you can use the Internet, textbooks and other documents to help you with your answers if required.

§  You must answer all questions correctly.

§  Write your answers in the space provided.

§  If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All extra pieces of paper must include your name and the question number/s you are answering.

§  You may like to use a computer to type your answers. Your assessor will tell you if you can email them the file or if you need to print a hard copy and submit it.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your answers).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your own time.
  • Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:

  • Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
  • Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

Instructions to students:

  • This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
  • You need to answer all questions correctly.
  • You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
  • If you need more space, you can use extra paper. All additional sheets of paper must include your name and the question number/s you are answering.
  • You may prefer to use your computer to type your answers. Your assessor will advise you if you can email your answers as a Word file, or if you must print and submit hard copies.

Written question answer guidance

The following written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘explain’. These words will guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’

  • Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
  • Discuss – when a question asks you to ‘discuss’, you are required to point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgment. Generally, you are expected to write a response of one or two paragraphs in length.
  • Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
  • Identify – when a question asks you to ‘identify’, you will need to briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length, although for some questions you may only need to write a few words or just a sentence.
  • List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a list format, often with a specific number of items indicated. The length of your response may vary from just a few words to a sentence or two.

Question 1

Fill out the table below to show your understanding of the structure and the profile of the aged care sector.

a)      Aged care service delivery models
Briefly describe each of the following:
§  High-level residential care

All around nursing care and also emergency provision of medical with rehabilitation

§  Low-level residential care

Resident with accommodation, personal care and occasional nursing care

§  Collocated residential care

Care on resident treatment of moving from high to low care and vice-versa

§  Home and Community Care (HACC)

People who requires care at home or in their community

§  Community Aged Care Packages (CACP)

Individually planned packages of care to help older ones in their homes.

§  Extended Aged Care in the Home (EACH)

These are flexible and designed for the older person for the care

§  Consumer-directed care

The care of nursing that is according to the consumer demands


§  Palliative care

The care which is specialised and focus on serious illness

§  Respite care

Care of the people who are disabled (Danesh & Chang 2015)



b)      Support services
Identify three different types of agencies that can assist with support services for those who are ageing.

1. commonwealth

2. state/territory

3. local

Identify three different referral networks that can assist with support services for those who are ageing.

1. AdvoCare

2. My aged care

3. National Disability Insurance Agency

Question 2

  1. What does ‘normal ageing’ mean? In your answer, identify three common signs of ‘normal ageing’. How can attitude and a healthy lifestyle improve the health and well-being of older people?
The normal ageing refers to the natural ageing which have normal speed of ageing with the absence of any kind of disease.

1. Teeth and gum changes

2. bones become more Brittle

3. Hard to stay strong

  1. Explain how ‘ageing in place’ can be a positive approach for older people.
Ageing in place is a positive sign because the place where they are living they feel more comfortable and more familiar with the place.
  1. Provide a definition of ‘active ageing’.
The process of optimizing opportunities for health and security to enhance quality of life.



  1. Explain how the palliative care approach helps people to maintain their comfort and quality of life in the final stages of their life.
The palliative care approach helps in a positive way and this can be achieved by the help of maintaining the serious illness to treat at their place with personal care.
  1. Identify two common misconceptions about older people and sexuality.
1. changes with the sexual activity

2. Sex is not important when older

  1. Identify one issue that could arise in older age due to a person’s gender. Provide an answer for each gender.
1. male got hypogonadism, erectile dysfunction

2. for female got urinary incontinence




  1. List five changes that occur to the human body as it ages.
1. Bones get shrink in size

2. digestive system get weak

3. sensory organs get weak

4. Immune system get weak

5. Hair colour got whiter

  1. List two psychological changes that can occur due to ageing.
1 Irritation and anxiety get more space in the brain

2. Behaviour got too aggressive or passive.


Question 3

  1. Write down your personal values and attitudes when it comes to older people. How do you believe that your attitudes and values may impact on your work with older people?
The older people have a experience of many things and field which should be used as a guidance for the life and this will help in many ways.
  1. Fill out the table below about myths and stereotypes about older people.
Identify three stereotypes related to ageing. 1. aged people have problem of memory loss

2. aged people are not capable of driving

3. aged people got serious illness

Identify three myths related to ageing. 1. older people have depression problem

2. older adult cannot learn new things

3. older people have less sleep.

  1. Marginalisation is defined as treating a person or group as insignificant or less important than others. Explain how an older person’s quality of life can be impacted by marginalisation/social devaluation.
The marginalisation can impact the quality of the life and their care because this will results in the poor care of old people and less attention will results in the malnutrition and serious illness.

Question 4

  1. Sahra has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. She asks her personal care worker, Glynnis, what she can expect in her future. Glynnis’s father died of Parkinson’s so she feels qualified to tell Sahra all about the disease and what she can expect. Glynnis talks about all the things her father experienced. Sahra is overwhelmed but Glynnis is happy to have provided her with the ‘truth’. Glynnis does not want to sugar coat it – her father never really knew what to expect and he and the family took his illness very hard. Do you believe Glynnis adhered to the role and responsibilities of her job? Explain your answer.
Yes, Glynnis adhered to the role and responsibilities of her job because the responsibility of caretaker is to tell everything about any illness in a true way and let the patient live their life in a proper manner and do whatever he wants to (Danesh & Chang 2015).
  1. Imagine a client asked you to get them some over-the-counter medication. You know they are not allowed to take it and refuse. Your client pushes harder and says it will be fine, they’re okay with it and they won’t tell on you. What should you do in this situation?
I will tell him the impact of the medication on his body and also tell him that these are not good in his case and refuse to give him that particular medication.
  1. Give three examples of how a worker could overstep work role boundaries with clients and their families.
1. when patient have special request and also very serious illness

2. when serious illness patient do request for the out of the role things

3. when things are not going well with the patients and have purpose to do things.

  1. Give three examples of the limitations faced by a worker in their role in the aged care sector.
1. rules and regulations with the proper knowledge

2. when there is a serious matter of things

3. when there is some purpose of the work and found insecure for the moments

  1. Work health and safety is important regardless of the sector in which you work. List three important work health and safety responsibilities of an employee in the aged care sector.
1. safe work environment

2. instructions and training to provide first aid

3. appropriate medical attention if there is emergency case.



  1. Explain your duty of care as a personal care worker.
The duty of personal care worker is take care the individual by providing the sufficient number of facilities.
  1. Explain how a code of ethics guides your work in the aged care sector.
The code of ethics help in work for the aged care sector because these help in shape your behaviour and attitude towards them (Corbi et al., 2019).
  1. What is the legislation you must adhere to in your state or territory in regard to anti-discrimination? Include in your response any Commonwealth legislation you must follow.
The Aged Care Act 1997 have to follow for the aged care sector ad anti-discrimination laws must be followed.



  1. Provide three examples of ways in which clients in aged care may experience discrimination.
1. refuse to accept application on the basis of race

2. Staff makes derogatory comments about the religion beliefs

3. terminating the residency on the basis of the race or any sexual orientation

Question 5

  1. Assume you are on your work placement and something happens that you really want to tell your friends and family about. Telling your friends and family means that you would need to discuss a client’s situation and identifiable information.

Should you share your experiences? Explain your answer.

Once all clients are sleeping and suddenly at midnight one clients stand and ask for the food and because of the duty I was making a food for him and suddenly he said for whom you making food I was surprised (Corbi et al.,2019).



  1. You are completing your assessments for this course and need to document your experiences with three older people. Two of your clients are more than happy for you to write about them and give consent. The third client refuses to give consent as they do not want people knowing about their life and their health – that’s personal information!

List five things you could tell your client to reassure them their privacy will be maintained.

 1. addressing their physical security

2. Provide written information

3. secure email

4. discussing with them


  1. Identify the legislation you must adhere to in relation to privacy and confidentiality. Provide a brief description of its requirements.
The privacy Act 1988 provide for the privacy and confidentiality of client (Corbi et al.,2019).
  1. Briefly describe the concept of disclosure. In your answer, list two situations where you would need to disclose/report information a client tells you.
1. in case of emergency

2. In case of asked by the police or any laws

Question 6

  1. Explain how person-centred care assists older people to feel in control of their care.
The person-centred care helps in focus of the single person and it enables the personal care for the individual.
  1. Explain how a worker in the aged care sector can empower their clients.
The aged care sector will help in motivate the individual and this help in the making his life smoother.
  1. Explain how disempowerment can impact an older person and how it can also impact the aged care worker when providing care.
Aged people disempowerment will demotivate them and feel like they are isolate from society.



Question 7

Jeremy has dementia. He now ignores his personal hygiene and is incontinent. However, he will follow simple instructions.
  1. What personal care support does Jeremy need? As Jeremy’s personal care worker, how would you encourage his participation and independence?
I will try to work in front of her and try to involve him with the proper guidance and give rewards for him (Piqueras-Fiszman et al.,2015)


Jaydia is very hard of hearing. He wears hearing aids that assist, but he still has difficulty hearing. He finds his deafness very socially isolating and tends to withdraw.
  1. As a personal care worker, how could you support Jaydia with this problem?
I will try to motivate him and connect with the society and I also try to give some signs that are essential for him as a communication.
Hamish is dying of cancer. There is a treatment available, but he chooses not to go ahead with it saying that he does not wish to prolong his life. He decides he is going to travel and do some things he has always wanted to do but never has. He has planned a tandem sky dive and white-water rafting. He seems the happiest he has been since his diagnosis.
  1. How will Hamish’s ‘dignity of risk’ influence the life he has left to him?
He will face more health problems because of cancer and this will leads to more problems and because of this he is not able to live more happily.

Question 8

Participating in the community is important for many people. As people age, community engagement can often become more difficult.

Think of a person you know who is elderly or imagine yourself as elderly and frail.

  1. Identify three types of community/social participation that can encourage older people to engage socially and undertake their tasks of daily living. List three challenges that could be faced.
1. do Something completely new

2. Asking them to be your mentor

3. play with them according to their hobbies (Piqueras-Fiszman et al.,2015).

  1. Choose one of the challenges that you identified above. What support could be given to someone so they can continue their community participation?
Emphasize their desires to help them in a positive way and try to develop hobbies and desires.


Question 9

  1. List three indicators for each type of elder abuse in the table below.
Type of elder abuse Indicators
Physical 1. making someone purposefully uncomfortable

2. involuntary isolation

3. forcible feeding

Psychological 1. Removing Communication aids

2. Prevention of expression of choice

3. Failure to respect privacy

Financial 1. possessions of money forcefully

2. Scamming

3. Misuse of personal allowance

(Hafskjold et al.,2015)

Sexual 1. Sexual assault

2. sexual harassment

3. Inappropriate looking

  1. If you suspected that a client was being abused, what must you do?
I will ask the problem of the abuse and counselling will be provided with the individual references.



Question 10

Harry has a fall during one of his walks. You help him up and assist him back to his room. 

He appears to be okay, but is shaken. 

  1. What should you do to report the incident (both verbally and in writing)?
I will write the incident and identify the injuries of the incident and ask for the first-aid kit and also guide him and motivate him for his recovery.
  1. Why is it important to report this incident given that Harry does not appear to be injured?
Because this will let Harry to demotivate and recovery is not possible with the fast.
Elsie saw Harry fall. She comes up to you and starts asking questions about Harry. ‘Why did he fall?’, ‘Why does he walk so badly?’, ‘Did he have a hip replacement like I did?’
  1. How would you respond to Elsie? Why would you respond in this way?
To respond Elsie there is a need to reply in polite way so that he can help in more positive way

(Hafskjold et al., 2015).

Question 11

  1. Provide a definition for each of the care approaches below.
Care approach Definition
Person-centred approach The approach which care about the individual and focus on the person liberty.
Enabling/reablement approach The approach which will focus on the following legislation and approached in the care
Rights-based approach The approach of care that focus on the rights of the people and care will done accordingly



  1. Explain how each of the care approaches below could be provided by a carer. An example has been done for you.
Care approach Example of how this can be provided
Person-centred approach Example answer:

We discussed all the care options with Mrs. Brown and answered all the questions. At the end of the discussion she decided that she would like assistance to shower but she will continue to clean her teeth and dress herself unaided. She said that she may need help with buttons sometimes.

Enabling/reablement approach Mrs Johnson has to be careful in the approach of the reablement where she need to be very strict about following the rules and regulations
Rights based approach The care of the Mr. Smith is done with taking care of the his basic fundamental rights and also his human rights so that his care will be taken in a good way (Sundler et al.,2016).

Question 12

Research a best-practice aged care program (for example, you might choose the Eden Alternative or Active Service Model).

In one to two paragraphs describe the program and why it is ‘best practice.’

This program have the focus on the care of the aged people this program followed all the legislations and the laws that are enforceable and the best things is they treat all with the same behaviour and politely also there will be handling of the clients with the proper mention.

Question 13

Mabel lives at home alone. She is a very independent woman and enjoys working as a volunteer in the community and also runs an art class. Mabel fell and broke her shoulder. She needed surgery and spent ten days in hospital. Once she was clinically stable, she was worried about how she would manage at home as she had no family close by. She was told that she would be dependent on support for activities of daily living for up to two months while her shoulder repaired itself.

Mabel was very worried that she would have to remain in hospital for that time, however arrangements were made for her to be discharged from hospital and receive assistance at home until she was able to be independent once more. 

A care plan was set up and was planned to go for six weeks at which time it would be re-evaluated. Care included showering, dressing, cleaning, transport to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and meals on wheels.

At her review after six weeks Mabel has very happy with her progress. She was going back to volunteer work one day a week and planning to restart her art classes next week. She had cancelled the meals on wheels the previous week as she found she was able to cook for herself now. It was agreed that she no longer needed home support. 

Discuss the advantages that a reablement approach had for Mabel compared with more traditional models of care.

this model help in learning Mabel new skills and social care that helps individual to learn skills that necessary so that she will be engage in the activities which is important for them.

Question 14

  1. Describe the concept of human rights. In your answer, refer to the foundation document developed by the United Nations that outlines our basic rights and freedoms.
The human rights are the fundamental requirement of the human life so that they can sustain and the they have ease of living within the society with the protected and social protected from the society to misuse them (Sundler et al.,2016).
  1. Identify three ways in which a client in aged care could have their human rights ignored.
1. discrimination with them

2. being ignored by the care takers

3. treated rudely


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to each question o





Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth: Student ID:

§  CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

Student to complete Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Resubmission?
Case study 1        
Case study 2        


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ______________________________________________________________________________

Student name: _________________________________________________________________________________





Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________








Task summary:

You are to read the case studies and complete the questions that follow.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials
  • Access to a computer and the Internet (if you prefer to type your responses).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your own time.
  • Write in your due date as advised by your assessor: ________________________________

What do I need to hand in?

  • Your answers to the questions in each case study.

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do one of the following:

  • Answer the questions that were incorrect in writing.
  • Answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.


Case Study 1: Marta
Marta is suffering from dementia that is caused by a lifetime of alcoholism. She lives at home with her husband Bill, who also drinks a lot of alcohol. A HACC worker visits three times a week.

Today her HACC worker notices bruises on Marta’s arms. This is the third time this month that she has had bruises.  When she asks Marta about them, she just looks ahead and says nothing, humming in her normal way.  When she asks Bill what happened he says, ‘I dunno – silly old cow keeps falling over. She was probably drunk again and fell out of bed.’

The worker looks at the bruising pattern. She thinks that it looks more like someone has grabbed Marta very hard.

  1. What signs would the worker be seeing in the bruising pattern that would indicate Marta has more than likely been grabbed hard rather than falling out of bed?
1. the arms of Marta

2. fell out of bed

3. felt like grabbled Marta hand very hard

  1. If Marta had fallen out of bed, what type of bruising and injuries would the worker expect to see?
There will be pain and swelling in their hand of Marta and also there are scratches on the skin of Marta
  1. Explain what action the worker must take in regard to the suspected abuse.
In this case worker will try to help in sleeping of the client and in the morning try to make understand about the things he is doing and make him to strict action against him so that he cannot repeat.
  1. Identify at least two professional support services Marta could be referred to.
1. motivation from the care worker

2. Importance of the Human Right



  1. The worker no longer feels safe going to Marta’s house. This is very stressful for her as she doesn’t want to admit that she feels unsafe and insecure. She has been seeing a counsellor for other issues and decides that she wants to speak to them about how she is feeling.

When talking to her counsellor, what does the worker need to consider in terms of her workplace’s privacy and confidentiality requirements.

There is a proper written direction of the document and also there will be conditions of the privacy which should not be breached (Cereda et al.,2016).
  1. The worker learns that a colleague has been discussing Marta’s circumstances and her stress reaction in the lunchroom. There is often staff present who are not directly involved in client care. What legislation and ethical requirements is the colleague breaching?
1. following the guidelines of organisation

2. effective communication

3. taking accountability

4. trust and respect for the clooeague



  1. What should the worker do now that they know Marta’s personal information has been discussed?
Now there will be proper discussion with him and also keeping the safe and secure the information about the Marta’s


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to this case study o


Case Study 2: Catholic service
The Catholic service in your care facility has been changed from Tuesdays to Thursdays – the priest is not able to attend on Tuesdays anymore. 

Unfortunately, the service now clashes with the time that clients are able to go out for coffee in the local town. The clients are taken to the coffee shop nearby and are also able to walk around the town and do a little shopping if they wish.

The Catholic clients are very annoyed that they can no longer go on their coffee excursion. It’s not their fault that the priest has needed to change arrangements!

When something about it is said to a staff member, the staff member says, ‘Well, you don’t have to go to church! I’m sure God will agree that drinking a delicious cup of coffee is much more important than listening to the priest. The priest probably won’t care anyway!’

Later that same week, one of the clients overhears a couple of the workers making fun of the Catholic clients about their situation, and how they are putting a church visit above coffee and shopping.

  1. Do you think the Catholic clients are being discriminated against? Explain your answer.
The catholic clients are discriminated on the basis of he religion which is against the laws of the aged care sector and also this is illegal according to the National Act of discrimination 1988.



  1. Identify one way that the concerns of the Catholic clients could be addressed to ensure their religious needs are still respected?
There is still the replacement of the Thursday to Tuesday this tells that the respect for the catholic religion and this incident tells that there is respect (Cereda et al.,2016).
  1. What action would you take if someone in the client group tells you they want to put in a formal complaint regardless of what decision is made about the situation?
There is a proper situation analysis of the investigation and investigation of the situation done without partially and then there is the adjustment of the day of week when priests can come join so that the religious discrimination can be minimised or eliminated from the workplace.


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to this case study o



Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately for this task.

Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of birth: Student ID:

§  CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people

Student to complete Assessor to complete
Assessment Task Resubmission?
Role play        


I ____________________________________________________   declare that these tasks are my own work.

None of this work has been completed by any other person.

I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Student name: ________________________________________________________________________________





Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.

A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
















Assessor signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: _______________________________________________________________________________




Task summary:

In this role play you will need to work with a new client and respond to their goals and aspirations. You are also required to answer a set of written questions after the role play is complete.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Your assessor to play the role of Brenda.
  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer and the Internet (if students prefer to type their responses).

When do I do this assessment?

  • You will do this task in your workplace or in the classroom (your assessor will determine the most suitable location).
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not shown appropriate skills or knowledge, they will give you some feedback and you will need to do the specific task again.

Instructions to students:

Read the information below about your new client, Brenda. You work for New Greens Aged Care Support. Before you start the role play, you will need to do some research and gather information about:

  • At least two types of local support services you believe would be suitable for Brenda
  • Fire safety in the home
Brenda has recently had a knee replacement. She has had a series of falls over time, each one leaving her more shaken and injured. Brenda wants to remain at home and age in place.

The information you have so far about Brenda is as follows:

§  She is 74 years old and is a widower.

§  Her husband passed away two years ago. She misses him terribly.

§  Brenda has a 46-year-old daughter, Maisie.

§  She lives in a three-bedroom house on a decent-sized block.

§  She doesn’t know how she is going to be able to keep her house and garden clean and tidy.

§  She has a small friendship circle, which consists of her church friends and friends of many years.

§  She has lost interest in cooking, and in food in general.

§  She is terrified she will fall again.

§  She needs to attend physiotherapy twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Maisie can take her on Tuesdays but works on Thursdays.

§  She does not drive anymore and handed in her licence.

§  She can’t be bothered cooking meals for herself so she tends to eat sandwiches, biscuits and cake 

§  Brenda has a terrible fear of fire because a friend’s home caught fire from a faulty appliance. She tries to switch everything off at the power switch at night before she goes to sleep, except for the appliances that must run.

§  She is very scared she will eventually be put in a home. She couldn’t bear to leave her family home and the memories of her husband.

§  You work for New Greens Aged Care.

Your assessor will play the role of Brenda. Your job is to talk to Brenda and empower her to have a better quality of life as she ages in place for as long as possible.


Brenda will respond to your questions and give you further information that will help you during the discussion.

During the role play, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  Communicate with Brenda in a respectful manner at all times

§  Develop and maintain trust and goodwill

§  Empower Brenda to make decisions to improve the quality of her life

§  Apply a person-centred approach

§  Respect her spiritual/religious beliefs and her right to express her identity and preferences

§  Discuss the physical and social enablers and disablers that are impacting on her at this time

§  Talk to Brenda about the impact on ageing on activities of daily living

§  Encourage Brenda to take some responsibility for her health and wellbeing and to engage in activities of daily living

§  Explain the fire safety information you have gathered for her

§  Talk to Brenda about potential service options that would be of benefit, showing her information you have gathered

§  Talk to Brenda about risks you have identified based on her scenario information and what she has told you

§  Maintain awareness of your own attitudes and values at all times, and avoid passing judgment or showing disapproval

§  Ensure Brenda understands her rights in regard to informed consent


Caretaker: hi Brenda, good morning.

Brenda: Hi Good Morning.

Caretaker: I am ABC from the New Green Aged Care support and working there and come to support you as per your request, and I have read the information that I collected from you.

Brenda: thank you for your support and welcome to my home

Caretaker: yes, thank you I just need to know about the house that I can see this looks very untidy and not cleaned properly.

Brenda: yes, I don’t like to clean the house and I don’t have a maid for the housework because they never come to my home

Caretaker: ok, but cleaning the house help in maintaining the hygiene of the house and also gives a good impression to others.

Brenda: no one like to come to my place these days so I also do not care about the hygiene of the house.

Caretaker: this is not a good option and reason because this also affects your health in a bad manner.

Brenda: no, I don’t like this but from now I will consider your advice.

Caretaker: ok so do you have friends?

Brenda: no, I only have a limited friend circle for the reasons I am not much social and I have friends from the church from many years

Caretaker: so, you also go to church and where else do you?

Brenda: I also go to attend physiotherapy two times a week.

Caretaker: so, do you alone go to physiotherapy or with your daughter?

Brenda: On Tuesday I go with my daughter but on Thursday I go alone and also by the public transport.

Caretaker: ok let me tell you are good at some things and for maintaining good health you seriously need to take hygiene and also try to be more social with the people so that they also try to help you in this time and more than that you should behave polity to others so that your circle will increase.

Brenda: ok I will try what you said.




After the role play you will need to answer a set of questions. Make sure you answer each question in as much detail as you can.

  1. What was your duty of care when advising Brenda of appropriate options?
My duty was to make her understand about the social importance of the people and make her understand the things that by socialising yourself will leads to communicate with more people and motivate for the better future and behaviour (Constantine et al., 2015).
  1. If Maisie asked you about Brenda’s nutrition and how her health is in this regard, what would you say to ensure that you are adhering to standard service policy and protocols?
For meals of Brenda there is a requirement of healthy food which make her healthy and complete all the needs of the nutrition’s and also suggests for a liquid and easily digested diet.
  1. What strategies would you use to maintain the trust and goodwill you have established with Brenda?
I will try to communicate politely so that she feels comfortable with me and this will help in making trust with  Brenda and for maintaining this I will make jokes so that there will be proper entertainment and also mind diversion from the topic (Constantine et al., 2015).



  1. Explain why services need to be reviewed as time passes, and why adjustments to services may be required.
The services which are needed to join by the Brenda should require a review as time passes because there is some services that need physical strain and these activities need to be changed with time so that strain will not affect the body and also see the performance of Brenda with time.
One of the services Brenda decided to participate in is a fitness program for older people, which is held at the local community centre. She has found it to be a great help with her knee and she has made many new friends. Her overall demeanour and self-esteem improved greatly as a result of accessing this new service.

During one of your visits, she tells you she is not going anymore and would like to find another program of a similar nature somewhere else. While you are more than happy to help meet her wishes, you are worried about her sudden change of heart towards the program.

She finally tells you that there is a new instructor at the centre who is very impatient and rude and makes her feel uncomfortable. She said he has made some unpleasant comments about her level of fitness and suggested she is not suitable for the program. Brenda believes the instructor took an instant dislike to her because she is much older than the others in her group and her knee injury has made it difficult for her to do some of the exercises he has in the new program.

The last time she was there, he was very tough on her and called her a silly old woman for complaining that she was tired and said perhaps she needed to find another program and instructor that would listen to her whining. Brenda said that she cried and left, she was so humiliated in front of her friends.


  1. What would you tell Brenda about her rights in regard to this situation and what she can do to make sure the community centre staff are aware of the instructor’s behaviour?
Brenda have human right on which no one discriminates against her and also have a fundamental right which protect her from society and this will helps in making her more comfortable with the life and enhance her social interaction with the people.
Brenda refuses to go back to the community centre and the program. You are disappointed because she had made such progress and has made many new friends. She doesn’t get to see her friends very often now. Brenda is very firm about accessing a new fitness program and a new centre. You do not think she is doing the right thing – she has submitted a complaint about the instructor and the centre is investigating. You think she should go back and hold her head high.
  1. Explain why it is not appropriate for you to put your opinions on Brenda – in your answer, refer to the principles of person-centred and rights-based care.
This is not appropriate in the proper ways because this is making of ideas in the brains for others and you are not perfect and cannot do work with others opinions and different peoples have different problems and situations with the problems and everyone is not perfect in everyone views (O’Leary 2017).
What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to the questions o
Information gathered about support services o




Task Summary:

This task follows on from the role play at Assessment Task 3. You are to do a safety check on a real bathroom, assuming the bathroom is Brenda’s, and determine aids and modifications that should be made to allow her to continue living independently.

What do I need in order to complete this assessment?

  • Access to a bathroom.
  • A camera (you can use your mobile phone camera).
  • Bathroom Safety Checklist (at the end of this task).

When do I do this task?

  • You will do this task in your own time.
  • Write in the due date as advised by your assessor: _________________________________

what do I need to do if I get something wrong?

If your assessor identifies that you did not complete the checklist correctly or answer the questions correctly, you will be asked to fix the parts that are wrong and resubmit.


At Assessment Task 3 it was established that Brenda has a fear of falling again. She seems to have great concern that this will occur in her bathroom, and does not use the bath and feels unsafe in the shower.

For this task, you are required to choose a bathroom and take photos of it. You are to assume that this is Brenda’s bathroom. You can choose your own bathroom, a bathroom at your RTO, a bathroom in your workplace or work placement service, etc. Ensure the photos show as much of the area as possible.

Using the Bathroom Safety Checklist (provided), complete a safety check of this bathroom. Remember that the purpose of this task is to identify aids and modifications that can help Brenda feel more empowered and safer.

Make sure you do the safety check while you are in the bathroom so you can answer each item.

Complete the questions at the end of this task.

Bathroom Safety Checklist
Student name: Date: 06-08-2022
Yes/No Comments
Does the floor have a non-slip surface? yes Have rubber surface which is non-slippery
Is access to the shower safe? (For example, is there a raised section of tiles to step over, is the door in good condition, etc.) yes There is safe access to shower
Is there room for a seat near the shower? No There is seat near the shower
Is there room for a seat in the shower? Yes There is seat in the shower
Is there a grab rail in the shower and in the bath? Yes There is rail present near the shower and also in the bath
Is there a grab rail near the toilet? (If the toilet is in the bathroom, otherwise note ‘NA’.) Yes There is rail near the toilet for holding
Is lighting in the room adequate? Yes There is proper lighting
Is there adequate heating? Yes There is adequate heating
Is there sufficient ventilation to prevent condensation? Yes There is an exhaust fan in bathroom
Is there sufficient room near the shower area for a worker to provide assistance and support as required? Yes Yes, there is proper sufficient room near shower area
Are there any other safety issues? No Nil

When you have completed the safety check, answer the following questions:

  1. Is the bathroom currently safe for both Brenda and her future personal care worker? Explain your answer.
Yes, bathroom is safe for Brenda and her future personal care worker and this will ensure by the proper safety measures taken while construction and also there is proper safety equipment are installed for more safety (O’Leary 2017).




  1. List two recommendations you could make so this bathroom could be safer for Brenda. List two aids and two modifications required to reduce risk of injury or illness.
1. elimination of rugs

2. non-slippery mats for bathroom

3. railing should be installed

4. bathtub will be installed

5. bathroom should be cleaned regularly

6. make bathroom items easy to accessible

7. keep dangerous items out of the reach

8. keep a well-lit bathroom

Two aids in the bathroom

1. Trash dustbins in the bathroom

2. Tissue paper roll

Two modifications in the bathroom

1. good quality of electrical wiring

2. there should be properly checking of the bathroom dustbins



What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Photos of the bathroom (you can print these out or email them to your assessor) o
Your completed checklist o
Your answers to the questions o





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