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Covid-19 Study


This report is based on Covid-19 which is a broad group of pathogens such as viruses that causes diseases varying from the cold virus to more serious conditions. In this report, they compare the data of locality between India and Canada and world data also. They also express the number of cases there and the number of total cases of death, active case, and recoveries. In the end, they conclude by providing suggestions regarding precautions and actions taken to stay safe.


The family of viruses known as viral pathogens includes several viruses that may infect both living creatures. Some human virus infections, like MERS (the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) & SARS (the Swine Flu), can cause mild illnesses like the cold or flu, and others can cause considerable illness. The infection is referred to as coronavirus two respiratory viruses (SARS-CoV-2). It creates a condition known as coronavirus illness (COVID-19). The WHO classified the COVID-19 infection as an epidemic in March 2020. Therefore, this report analyses the data that which country had suffered more due to covid 19 or which country had not suffered.

  • Comparing the data of total case as well as death case between the India , Canada and the world
Countries Total cases Total death
India 4.38 crore 5.26 Lakh
Canada (Toronto ) 40.5 Lakh 43661
World 56.8 Crore 43.8 Lakh

  • Comparing the data of active case and recoveries of between the India, Canada and the world.
Countries Active cases Total recoveries
India 1.5 crore 2.8 Lakh
Canada (Toronto ) 7000 35 Lakh
World 13.7 Crore 42.0 Crore

We are comparing both the countries, India has more no. of cases of Covid-19 where people are suffered from infectious diseases or lack of immunity.  Still from 2019, India is increasing in total no.of cases to Canada (Vaishnay & Sharma, (2021), p6 (2)). From the point of view of tabular, more than 65 percent is an increase in the total no.of cases as well as the total no.of death cases also. If we talk about my locality, the active case is declined from the previous one. Due to providing various precautions as well as vaccines, Canada is recovered more quickly than India. One more reason is that India have a wide population than Canada. That’s why we look at a huge difference between them (Salgotra, & Gandomi, (2020), p5 (5)).

Therefore, we look at the data of the whole world, the ratio of recoveries cases is more than death which is good for all over the world. But on the other hand, the total no. cases were rapidly increased in the last two recent years due to pulmonary suppuration.   In fewer instances, multiorgan injury related to chronic failure was the direct reason for death. The group of cases had a variety of comorbidities, including overweight, cardiovascular disease, and pressure. Our data show that the majority of decedents’ leading causes of mortality were connected directly to COVID-19, although they did not show up to be satisfied with the performance of previous illnesses and illnesses (Renoud,et,al, (2021),p4(1)).


The result is based on the raw data i.e. there are no. cases in India than my locality.  Therefore, it is concluded that the covid-19 pandemic is adversely affecting the people, society as well as the world. It is advisable to prevent from Covid19 is to spend lots of time even if they feel ill or any sickness, staying away from large gatherings and groups of at least ten individuals, refraining from any unnecessary trips or buying, and maintaining a 6-foot space between them and other people when they‘re outside and having a healthy sleep schedule, which supports overall immune function and according to all followed the medical authorities’ advice.


Vaishnav, P. K., Sharma, S., & Sharma, P. (2021). Analytical review analysis for screening COVID-19 disease. International Journal of Modern Research1(1), 22-29. Available at,

Salgotra, R., Gandomi, M., & Gandomi, A. H. (2020). Evolutionary modelling of the COVID-19 pandemic in fifteen most affected countries. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals140, 110118. Available at,

Renoud, L., Khouri, C., Revol, B., Lepelley, M., Perez, J., Roustit, M., & Cracowski, J. L. (2021). Association of facial paralysis with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: a disproportionality analysis using the World Health Organization pharmacovigilance database. JAMA internal medicine181(9), 1243-1245. Available at,

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