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BSBLDR523 Lead And Manage Effective Workplace Relationships

Table of Contents

Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes. 5

Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships. 8

Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships. 13

Section 1: Establish effective workplace relationship processes

  1. Describe the organization you are basing this assessment on.
  2. Provide an overview of the organization and product/services/programs.

Boutique Build Australia Pty Ltd is a boutique building organization placed in Sydney that has proficiency in the designing and building of effective quality designer houses for the municipal areas of Sydney. The operational time of the firm is of 4 years (Breaugh, 2013).

  1. What are the values and goals of the organization?

The values of Boutique Build Australia include innovation, respect, honesty, reliability, quality and leadership. The goals of Boutique Build are to be the best and effective boutique builder in Australia and also to offer services with best quality to its clients.

  1. Describe your job role.

The role that has to be performed at the workplace of HR is human resources and this position is one of the most important at the workplace as all staff members’ responsibility has to be fulfilled by HR, the other important responsibilities are as follows –

1 Solution for human resource

2 Taking ownership of results and outcomes

  1. Explain how your job role takes responsibility for formulating, organizing and implementing plans, processes and strategies.

The manager of HR takes the responsibility for formulating, organizing, and implementing processes, plans and strategies are given below:

  1. Taking proprietorship of the outcomes of human resources
  2. Offering high level, professional advices to senior executives in inferring human resources policy.
  3. Explain how your job role applies the values and goals of your organisation.

The goals and the values that are being at the working place are completed or accomplished by the working staff which is working at the place and the job role of HR is to help in managing the human resource and by that, it leads to the growth of the firm.

Note: Your job role should be a leadership or management position that plays a prominent role in establishing and managing processes and procedures to support workplace relationships. As part of your role, you should use complex and diverse methods and procedures, a range of problem solving and decision-making strategies and exercise a considerable amount of judgement.

If you are using the case study, assume the role of HR Manager.

  1. Summarise the legislative requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.
  2. Summarise any legislation relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

Anti-discrimination – The key aim of this legislation is the every person has the same and fair opportunity in the enterprise. It mainly promotes equality in the organization so people don’t have to face any type of harassment and discrimination in their personal and working lives.

  1. Summarise any regulations relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

Code of conduct at every workplace act as the guide or map for all the staff working at the facility and on behalf of it they can act accordingly. Performing their job role along with their fellow members requires collaboration between them for smooth work done and the code of conduct helps in maintaining it.

  1. Summarise any codes relevant to workplace relationships in your organization.

It includes the different work-related policies such as the codes relevant to harassment and the fair work policies. On behalf of their background, no one must get harassed at the workplace.

  1. Summarise any standards relevant to workplace relationships in your organisation.

Quality standard – The work that has been delivered to the firm must be of top quality in order to better growth of the firm.

  1. Identify organizational requirements relevant to managing and leading workplace relationships.
As a minimum, your organization must have policies and procedures that address diversity, ethical conduct, conflict management and workplace collaboration.
  1. Summarise policies and procedures that address diversity.

Diversity policies are those policies that include the different work-related policies such as the codes relevant to harassment and the fair work policies. On behalf of their background, no one must get harassed at the workplace (Markos & Sridevi, 2010).

  1. Summarise the policies and procedures that address ethical conduct.

The ethical conducts are more or less similar to the code of conduct which includes every workplace acting as the guide or map for all the staff working at the facility and on behalf of it they can act accordingly. Performing their job role along with their fellow members requires collaboration between them for smooth work and the code of conduct helps in maintaining it

  1. Summarise the policies and procedures that address conflict management.

Conflict escalation and management policy and procedures – Issues and frustrations may happen in the enterprise. The aim of this policy is to offer effective and reliable applied methods for the nonsupervisory employees for protecting their apprehensions to the management of the enterprise and have entire concerns solved inside.

  1. Identify and describe the required processes for workplace collaboration from relevant policies and procedures.

The following things has to be included in the process which is more ideas around the profit, efficient and effective staff members, and lastly using the best present technology.

  1. Summarise any other relevant workplace documentation and resources available for workplace relationships (e.g. communications policy and procedure, performance review policy and procedure).

The methods of communication at the workplace are as follows –

1 Having a formal way of meeting

2 Having regular meetings that could occur on a specific day in the week or month

3 Sharing important information on the notice board, for personal information emails could be used.

  1. Attach the policies and procedures to this section of your portfolio as proof.
  2. Use the legislative and organizational requirements you’ve identified to develop processes that support workplace relationships.
Note: Each document must be written in clear and concise English, be professionally presented, grammatically correct and error-free. Include appropriate vocabulary.


  1. consultation processes for employees to contribute to issues that relate to their work role.

The purpose of the consultation box is to get feedback from the staff members and the following things can be included in the process such as different project-related surveys that are being required, and a suggestion box. Etc (Sandhya & Kumar, 2011).

Note: Describe the type, frequency and process required for at least four mechanisms where staff can provide input into a range of workplace related matters.

Examples of mechanisms include:

·           face-to-face discussions (formal and informal)

·           social media groups

·           dedicated email address for workplace feedback

·           surveys

·           suggestion box.

Make sure you:

·           provide specific details (e.g. for a suggestion box, indicate the location of the box and how suggestions will be recorded and actioned).

·           support, engage and motivate staff through your processes.

  1. conflict management processes.

The process for managing conflicts is given below:

  1. Problems will be identified first
  2. Interest of every person will be understand
  3. Possible options will be listed
  4. All options will be accurately analysed
  5. Appropriate options will be selected
  6. Entire agreements will be documented
  7. Agree on possibilities and monitoring
Note: Describe the processes that should be followed by employees to manage conflict. In your processes, consider:

·           cultural and social sensitivities.

·           differences in interpersonal, communication styles and leadership styles.

·           communication mechanisms

  1. processes for escalated issues (e.g. a hierarchy of responsibility to refer to relevant personnel).

For most organizations the hierarchy is the same for any escalation of the problem which is as – an employee raises the issue to the human resource manager, HR provides the information to the concerned person and the issue finally goes to the head of the department for a proper solution.

Note: Describe processes that include:

·           responsibilities of managers in disputes

·           responsibilities of employees in disputes

·           the process by which a dispute will be escalated.

·           relevant legislative considerations.

  1. Attach the processes to this section of your portfolio.
 Attach: Proof of policies and procedures relevant to workplace relationships
Workplace relationship processes (consultation, conflict management, escalation)

Section 2: Manage effective workplace relationships

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough information available to:

·           delegate and support the work of two staff members (at least one staff member should have a diverse background, such as culture, gender or disability).

·           address two separate conflict situations (at least one conflict should involve ethical conduct).

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional information.

  1. Identify the workplace relationships you will manage and lead by completing the table below.
Note: You may use the same staff members for different workplace interactions, if necessary.

Identify… Staff members Additional information
…staff members to whom you will delegate work tasks to (at least two): Jack



Jack – Italian

John – American


…staff members who will participate in consultations regarding work relationship issues (at least two): Jack



Jack – Italian

John – American


…staff members who will participate in conflict management relating to workplace relationships (at least two): Jack



Jack – Italian

John – American


  1. Delegate and confirm responsibility for fulfilling work tasks to at least two staff members (identified in the previous question).
  2. Complete the table to plan work delegation.
  3. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two delegations and confirmations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of face-to-face meeting with follow up email, completed workplan and screen shot of folder system showing cloud-based location where it is stored etc.).
Note: You must delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities to the two staff members on separate occasions. You may delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities in any appropriate manner as long as it adheres to the organisation’s policies, procedures and protocols. For example:

·           meet face-to-face with the staff member to discuss allocated work and follow up with an email.

·           create a project schedule and share the link with relevant employees.

·           complete a work plan for the staff member and sharing the plan via the organisation’s cloud-based document sharing platform.

As you delegate tasks and confirm responsibilities, adapt your communication style to build trust and ensure positive working relationships (e.g. use a friendly and professional style etc.). You will be assessed on this.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
To who will you delegate work to? John Jack
What work/responsibilities will you delegate and confirm for each identified staff member? Program related to the balance between work and life of the staff member Personalised learning in the company
How will you delegate the work tasks and confirm the responsibilities (twice, on separate occasions)? I will be responsible for every activity and task related to it. I will be responsible for every activity and task related to it.
How will you adapt your communication style to build trust and ensure positive working relationships? I am going to be very precise about my own communication skill and avoid any kind of misbehave. I am going to be very precise about my own communication skill and avoid any kind of misbehave (Breaugh, 2013).
  1. Support the two staff members to achieve their work responsibilities (delegated in the previous question).
  2. Complete the table to plan your support.
  3. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate support efforts to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal discussion, checklist of duties, photo of project schedule on notice board etc.).
Note: You must support the two staff members on separate occasions. You may provide support as long as it adheres to the organisation’s policies, procedures and protocols. For example:

·           coaching/mentoring/training.

·           providing a checklist of tasks and responsibilities.

·           place a team project schedule on the office notice board.

·           having regular informal discussions on the employee’s progress or performance.

·           using a larger font for visually impaired employees.

Make sure you follow the relevant diversity organisation’s policies and procedures as you support diverse staff members. You will be assessed on this.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you support each team member? The best way to understand the team members is by spending time with them on similar project work. And I will check their performance from a different perspective. The best way to understand the team members is by spending time with them on similar project work. And I will check their performance from a different perspective.
How does your support follow the policies and procedures related to diversity? The main thing that I am going to do is to make sure to act unbiased to everyone. The main thing that I am going to do is to make sure to act unbiased to everyone.
What information should be conveyed as you support the team member? All the information must be included in the program about the balance of work and life. All the information must be included in the program about the balance of work and life.
  1. Seek employee input to identify work relationship issues.
Note: You must seek employee input on two separate occasions, following the collaboration and consultation processes established in Section 1.

At least one workplace issue should involve the ethical conduct of a staff member.

  1. Complete the table to plan your consultation/collaboration.
  2. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your two separate collaboration/consultations to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of informal discussion, photo of suggestion box and completed suggestion slips etc.).
  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you facilitate consultation and collaboration on two separate occasions (e.g. host a team brainstorming session, set up a suggestion box, meet with individual staff member for coffee and chat)? The medium of communication will be email as it is fast and convenient for everyone. The medium of communication will be email as it is fast and convenient for everyone.
How does your facilitation follow the collaboration and consultation processes established in Section 1?  

The format that will be included in the email is going to be simple and brief



The format that will be included in the email is going to be simple and brief (Guest & Conway, 2002).


  1. Complete the table to summarise the outcomes of your collaboration/consultation:
  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
What workplace relationship issues were identified (at least two)? Sexual discrimination No motivation
How does the issue involve ethical conduct? (at least one issue should include ethical conduct)? There must be no kind of harassment should be permitted at the workplace. There is a need of more
  1. Address the identified workplace relationship issues.
  2. Complete the table to plan your conflict/dispute resolution to provide feedback on the consultation processes and address the relationship issues.
  3. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of feedback on two separate occasions to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of team meeting, email etc.).
  4. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of your efforts to address the issues to this section of your portfolio (e.g. video recording of mediation, email to remind staff of ethical conduct requirements etc.).
  5. Unless already viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you provided guidance, counselling and support on two separate occasions.
Note: You must address the workplace relationship issues on two separate occasions, following the conflict management and escalation processes established in Section 1. This may, for example include:

·           mediation

·           email to remind staff of appropriate conduct

·           poster showing ethical responsibilities

·           escalation to higher management levels.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you provide feedback to the relevant staff members on the outcomes of the consultation (e.g. staff newsletter, email, as part of a team meeting etc.)? The medium of communication for giving feedback will be emailed as it is fast and convenient for everyone. The medium of communication for giving feedback will be emailed as it is fast and convenient for everyone.
How will you address the workplace relationship issue? (e.g. act as a mediator between two individuals, provide training on appropriate language at work etc.)? the necessary training and classes lessons will be provided to all members the moral boost will be provided in the form of group meetings etc.
How will you provide guidance, counselling and support to assist the staff members overcome their relationship difficulties?

(Make sure you demonstrate your ability to motivate and engage others)

regular mentoring sessions along with experienced staff members for better knowledge about the task will be provided. regular mentoring sessions along with experienced staff members for better knowledge about the task will be provided.
How does your conflict management follow the conflict management and escalation processes established in Section 1? the process that has been used in it is totally based on the section 1 conflict resolution method. the process that has been used in it is totally based on the section 1 conflict resolution method (Markos & Sridevi, 2010).
 Attach: Proof of work task delegation and responsibility confirmation (x2)
Proof of staff support efforts (x2)
Proof of collaboration/consultations (x2)
Proof of feedback regarding consultation outcomes (x2)
Proof of conflict management efforts (x2)
Proof of guidance, counselling and support (x2)

Proof of work task and the responsibility confirmation


Subject: activity for jack and john

This mail is to inform you about the work activity that has been assigned to you so please kindly complete it together in the given time frame you may ask whatever you like to do the work.

kindly regard,


Proof of the support to staff

Email 1


Subject: activity support for jack

This mail is about the activity that you are doing, if you find any problem in it you can directly contact to the necessary authority and can take the help

Kindly regards


Email 2


Subject: activity support for john

This mail is about the activity that you are doing, if you find any problem in it you can directly contact to the necessary authority and can take the help

Kindly regards


Proof of Collaboration

Email 1


Subject: consultation with jack

There has been activity given to me for checking the flows in the firm. Please help me in finding and solving them.

Kindly regards


Email 2


Subject: consultation with John

There has been activity given to me for checking the flows in the firm. Please help me in finding and solving them.

Kindly regards


Proof of feedback

Email 1


Subject: feedback to john

There is feedback for the work you are helping me with I have forwarded it to you please kindly check it and revert me back.

Kindly regards


Email 2


Subject: feedback to jack

There is feedback for the work you are helping me with I have forwarded it to you please kindly check it and revert me back.

Kindly regards


Proof of conflict management

Email 1


Subject: conflict resolution

To make sure that everyone can handle conflict well a session regarding it has been conducted and please kindly take it.

Kindly regards




Subject: conflict resolution

To make sure that everyone can handle conflict well a session regarding it has been conducted and please kindly take it.

Kindly regards


Section 3: Monitor and review management of workplace relationships

If you are basing this assessment on your own business, make sure you have enough information available to monitor the outcomes of your efforts to address the workplace relationships.

If you are basing this assessment on the case study, refer to the Simulation pack for additional information.

Before you begin, read through Section 3. You may perform each step separately and submit separate proof for each step, or you may combine the steps into one event (e.g. a single meeting) and submit one single proof for all the steps in this section.
  1. Monitor the outcomes of your efforts to resolve workplace relationship issues in Section 2.
  2. Complete the table to plan and summaries the outcomes of your monitoring efforts.
  3. Unless viewed in person by your assessor, attach proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the conflict management to this section of your portfolio.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you monitor the outcomes for each occasion (e.g. follow-up discussion, survey, observation etc.)? The monitoring process is very important as to check the quality of the work and by looking at the both consumer and the worker it will become easy to check it. The monitoring process is very important as to check the quality of the work and by looking at the both consumer and the worker it will become easy to check it.
Summaries the outcomes of monitoring efforts.


By doing the necessary work and after the right actions which are being taken against the any kind of issues, the overall positive results have been shown in the firm which is a good thing. Necessary work and after the right actions which are being taken against the any kind of issues, the overall positive results have been shown in the firm which is a good thing (Breaugh, 2013).
  1. Communicate the outcomes of the conflict management for both identified workplace relationship issues to the relevant staff members (e.g. email, informal discussion etc.).
  2. Complete the table to plan your communication.
  3. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of your communication of outcomes to this section of your portfolio.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you communicate the outcomes? E mail E mail
  1. Seek feedback from relevant staff members (at least two) on how you have managed the workplace relationships.
  2. Complete the table to plan and summaries feedback.
  3. Unless viewed in person by your assessor or it forms part of a previous step, attach proof of how you sought feedback to this section of your portfolio.

  Occasion 1 Occasion 2
How will you seek feedback? E mail E mail
Evaluate the feedback:

·           What did you do well?

·           How can you improve your leadership style?

The method of communication is one of the highlight


By addressing the required concern the leadership style could became better

The method of problem resolution is being one of the highlight

By addressing the required concern the leadership style could became better

Identify at least one area for improving future workplace relations leadership in your organisation. Giving moral boost the staff members so that they can do better in there respected work area Giving right atmosphere the staff members so that they can do better in there respected work area
 Attach: Proof of how you monitored the outcomes of the conflict management (x2)
Proof of communication of outcomes (x2) – if relevant
Proof of how you sought feedback (x2) – if relevant

Email to the CEO of boutique proof of survillance

Email 1

To –

From –

Subject – surveillance of consumers

Respected sir,

This mail is to inform you about the process of surveillance that has been going to be controlled by me to make sure  there is not going to be any kind of issue at the place. Please provide the feedback if you want to.

Kindly regards

HR Manager

Email 2

To –

From –

Subject – Regarding the outcomes of surveillance

Respected sir,

This mail is to inform you about the process of surveillance that has been going to be controlled by me to make sure  there is not going well. Please provide the feedback if you want to.

Kindly regards,

HR Manager

Email to the CEO of boutique proof on communication outcome.

Email 1

To –

From –

Subject – about the communication outcomes

Respected sir,

This mail is about to inform you about the positive results which have been getting from the surveillance and we have made the necessary changes in the monitoring process for better resolution of the problem. Please provide us your valuable feedback.

Kindly regards

HR manager

Email 2

To –

From –

Subject – about the communication outcomes

Respected sir,

This mail is about to inform you about the positive results which have been getting from the surveillance and we have made the necessary changes in the monitoring process for better resolution of the problem. Please provide us your valuable feedback.

With regards,

HR manager

Email to the CEO of boutique proof of how you sought feedback (x2)

Email 1

To –

From –

Subject – about the feedback

Respected sir,

This mails is for asking you about your valuable feedback on the monitoring process.

kindly regards,

HR Manager

Email 2

To –

From –

Subject –

Respected sir,

This mails is for asking you about your valuable feedback on the monitoring process.

kindly regards,

HR Manager


Breaugh, J. A. (2013). Employee recruitment. Annual review of psychology64, 389-416.

Guest, D. E., & Conway, N. (2002). Communicating the psychological contract: an employer perspective. Human resource management journal12(2), 22-38.

Markos, S., & Sridevi, M. S. (2010). Employee engagement: The key to improving performance. International journal of business and management5(12), 89.

Sandhya, K., & Kumar, D. P. (2011). Employee retention by motivation. Indian Journal of science and technology4(12), 1778-1782.

Špoljarić, A., & Verčič, A. T. (2021). Internal communication satisfaction and employee engagement as determinants of the employer brand. Journal of Communication Management.

Verčič, A. T. (2021). The impact of employee engagement, organisational support and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction. Public Relations Review47(1), 102009.

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