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Assessment Task 1:

D-START Disability – Support, Training and Resource Tool.

A thorough evaluation method for the support requirements of individuals (16+ years) with a variety of types, levels, and combinations of disabilities living in various situations is called D-START. D-START is an innovative assessment tool that has been created to help government agencies and non-profit organisations that work with people with disabilities offer their clients the best possible disability-related services so they can achieve their personal objectives and improve their quality of life.

I-CAN To assess and direct the provision of assistance for people with a disability, including psychological disability, the I-CAN is a support needs evaluation (mental illness).
ADAT Adult Disability Assessment Tool

The ADAT makes it possible to produce a weighted score that is used to establish if the care recipient has a disability or a serious medical condition that necessitates a significant degree of care and, as a result, fits the criteria of a disabled adult.

SIS Supports Intensity Scale

SIS is a reliable and valid assessment instrument that was created with the goal of determining the kind, quantity, and intensity of support required for a person to engage fully in communal life. The person-centered planning approach was the main objective when designing the SIS.

FIM Functional Independence Measure

During physical therapy and rehabilitation, doctors, therapists, and nurses use FIM as a tool for assessment. FIM measures and tracks how much assistance a person could need to do daily tasks.

ICAP An evaluation instrument that aids in establishing a person’s eligibility to be a client of the Developmental Disabilities Administration is the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP).
SNAP Special Needs Assessment Profile

It is an online assessment prepared to get point out information in behavioural difficulties.

The reliability of an evaluation tool is based on how frequently and precisely it measures learning. If you have accurate assessment results, you can be confident that subsequent or equivalent tests will produce consistent results. This puts you in a better position to make generalisations about a student’s level of achievement, especially when using assessment data to determine how to teach and learn or when informing kids and their parents or caregivers. No result, however, can be guaranteed to be precise. Since there is always a potential that random variation will affect the assessment, you should always be prepared to contest outcomes.

The degree to which an evaluation tool captures what it was intended to capture defines its validity. The main quality of a good test is validity, which should always be present because educational assessment should always have a defined goal. An assessment tool’s validity is determined by how well it accurately measures the traits it was created to evaluate. For instance, a math requirement shouldn’t be placed on a reading comprehension examination.

  1. – Watch how your clients connect with their dining companions.

-Keep an eye out for both verbal and nonverbal cues.

– Keep track of the client’s mobility throughout the day, such as if they can sit down but require help standing up, whether they can use the restroom by themselves, or whether they can drink from a cup but not pour it.

-Identify the type of recreation assistance needed, such as wheelchair assistance, extra support, or supervision.

– Consult other staff members who deal with clients, including chaplains, volunteers, gardeners, and housekeepers.

A person who has many conditions or illnesses at once is said to have comorbid conditions, also known as coexisting conditions. The same idea is conveyed by phrases like co-occurring disorders and dual diagnosis. Everyone is affected differently by coexisting disorders, just like by mental health issues.

High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity are few examples of common comorbidities.

  1. Proworkflow is a reporting tool used in the review and progress of a client plan.

It works on the underlying features:

Customized  Reports

You can choose whatever data you’ve entered into our system to utilise as filters or as included information for custom reports. You may create any report you need with those tools, and you can even share the report with your team.

Features for Reports Built-in

ProWorkflows Standard Reports offer precise information on workload and performance in addition to your Projects, Tasks, Time, Staff, Clients, and Financial data if you’re not yet ready to start generating your own reports.

Export and Save Reports

You can use relative date ranges when saving your reports. This indicates that the data will be up to date whenever you run that report in the future. Your custom reports can be prioritised using the Favorites feature. we can export your customised report to Excel, PDF, or email.

  1. The studies draw attention to the less priority given to these individuals’ health requirements, the inadequacy of medical staff training, the contempt for the opinions of caregivers, and the ignorance of issues with consent and capacity. It was also acknowledged that doctors frequently made discriminatory assessments of the worth of the lives of those with intellectual disabilities. According to the findings, institutional discrimination is pervasive inside the NHS, and both the government and the NHS are failing to meet the requirements of one of society’s most marginalised, vulnerable, and stigmatised populations.
  2. Provide five examples.
  • The intellectual handicap known as Down’s syndrome is caused by the DNA having an extra copy of chromosome 21 or a portion of it. It is the most frequent chromosomal factor in children with mild to moderate intellectual impairments.
  • and developmental disability is fragile X syndrome. The X chromosome has changed or mutated, causing this genetic disease. The disability has an impact on a person’s growth, particularly in the areas of learning and conduct.
  • An intellectual handicap known as foetal alcohol syndrome is brought on by alcohol exposure during pregnancy. Women who consumes alcohol while pregnant put their unborn children at risk for this impairment. The degree of the child’s alcohol exposure during pregnancy affects the severity of the disability; women who consume significant amounts of alcohol during pregnancy increase the likelihood of their children developing severe symptoms.
  • Genetic disorder Prader-Willi syndrome results from an issue with a portion of chromosome 15. Infants born with the condition struggle to eat. Even so, the children’s eating behaviour alters at age 2, when their desire becomes insatiable and they are unable to control their appetite.
  • Autistic: An individual or child with Aspergers Syndrome possesses ordinary or above average intellect. They have fewer speech issues but may still struggle with language comprehension and processing.
  1. -Empathetic

-devoted to supporting people in making independent decisions

-a skill-full communicator who is aware of the many demands and communication methods


-patience, adaptability, and comprehension

-compassionate and supportive nature.

-dedication to the dignity-preserving rights of individuals with disabilities.

-capable of taking accountability.

-capable of cooperating as a team.

-capable of handling the physical demands of the position.

Employment People with disabilities who use disability employment services can find and hold jobs. People with a handicap, accident, or health condition may be able to get assistance from Disability Employment Services to get ready for, find, and keep a job.

Two components of Disability Employment Services:

• Disability Management Service

-Employment Support Service.

Housing The following housing alternatives are available: renting, boarding, living with others, buying or building your own home, living in the family home, and living in the family home.

These choices aid in giving disabled persons the chance to live their lives as they see fit, taking into account their unique circumstances and way of life.

Mental health The Disability Discrimination Act’s concept of disability may apply to mental diseases. Discriminating against a person because of a disability is illegal. A few confined exemptions and exceptions exist.
Physical health The lack of inexpensive, secure, and housing that is properly constructed is a serious problem for people with physical disabilities. Lack of access to such housing has a significant influence on our ability to live as independently as feasible within our own homes and engage fully in community life. Lack of suitable accessible housing might cause stress or mental health problems since it puts pressure on the disabled person to function outside of an accessible setting.
Recreational and social inclusion There is no doubt that individuals can participate in their community without being socially accepted. Being socially included requires a variety of elements to be present in one’s life.

People (children or adults) who have similar interests and preferences are brought together by recreation programmes and activities. One of the key elements in the growth of friendships is this.

Other advantages of recreation are available to everyone. It boosts community involvement, encourages physical fitness, and fosters overall wellness. Additionally, it offers chances for people to pick up new abilities, such as social abilities crucial for developing friendships and social connections.

Education and training Universities and colleges are becoming more conscious of the requirements of students with disabilities and those who struggle academically. They can aid you in a variety of ways, and you might be able to receive further financial assistance.
Financial support You might be eligible for income support if a disability prohibits you from working.

Jobseeker Payment is for those who are unable to work or study due to illness or injury. This payment is for those who require temporary assistance.

People who qualify for the Disability Support Pension have a chronic physical, mental, or emotional disability that:

• makes you unable to work

• limits the total hours you can work.

Cleaning and general daily duties You can actively contribute to maintaining your designated area clean in a more sustainable way by doing frequent clean-ups. While one-time clean-ups are effective at removing trash, it has been shown that ongoing clean-ups that keep an area free of litter have the same deterrent impact.

  1. A duty of care breach occurs when a standard of care is not met. If the harm suffered was foreseeable, the danger was not remote, and a reasonable person would have taken precautions to ensure the harm did not occur, the defendant will be found negligent. If any of the following apply: You were injured as a result of the behaviour of another person (either their actions or lack of action); the risk of an injury occurring was clear; it was reasonably foreseeable that you would be injured as a result of the other person’s actions (or lack of action); and the behaviour that caused the injury was unreasonable (i.e., if a reasonable person in the same situation would have done).
  2. Yes, there a breach of client privacy and confidentiality.

When someone purposely or unintentionally divulges information given to him in confidence, there has been a breach of confidentiality. Even if there was no mens rea, you will be held accountable for breaching a confidentiality agreement.

If it can be demonstrated that a violation of confidentiality causes actual harm or damage, a patient may file a lawsuit (this is rare). According to the Privacy Act, compensation is due. Ethics. The patient’s dignity is supported and autonomy and self-determination are made easier by maintaining confidentiality.

  1. No, Liana has not provided Ross with informed consent which is, mandatory before any patient is taken for a procedure. By assuring complete comprehension, informed consent fosters confidence between the patient and the clinician. Additionally, it lessens danger for both the patient and the clinician. Patients may make decisions that are best for them with clear communication about risks and options, and doctors run less of a chance of being sued. In both ethics and law, informed consent is essential when administering medical treatment. In order to make informed decisions regarding their care, patients have the right to information and inquiries about suggested treatments.

List A – Client issues

B – List B item that commonly co-exists Explanation of interrelationship
Culture and religion Behaviors of concern They teach us spirituality which helps to develop individuals’ behaviour.
Health issues Drugs and alcohol Drugs and alcohols are injurious to health, thus should not be consumed.
Disability Mental health Mental health should be taken care of, else it led to several other disabilities
Young age Employment Young people needs employment to fulfil their basic necessities.
Old age Child protection Old age people are responsible to take care of children as they are more mature and clam.
Homelessness Poverty Homelessness is an indicator of poverty, which should be eradicated.

Assessment task 2:

  1. Common disabilities due to TBI are:

-instability of knee joints

-depression and withdrawal.

-aggressive outbursts.

  1. It is possible to evaluate the needs of individuals of all ages using the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP). The ICAP gives data on a person’s capacity for movement, daily living, community life, and social and communication abilities.

The Service Need Assessment Profile (SNAP) is a tool used to assess the support needs of people with various types and degrees of disabilities in day support and housing. It creates an individual support profile with a night support rating and a daily time allotted for supporting the individual, expressed in hours (active, sleepover, or none required).

ASPECTS Information available about the individual
Physical Hairs, body size, shape, weight, facial features
Physiological Cognitive, affective behaviour
Residential Status, background.
Social Bonding with family, society, friends and other persons.

  1. The role of the person evaluating Sonny indirectly points to his brother Marlo, who manages all of his daily activities, including providing transportation to and from his doctor appointments and shopping trips.. Also adding to his duties, he may have to help with personal care like bathing, toileting, grooming and other tasks as per the requirements of the needy Sonny.
  2. In this scenario the major potential issues or risk factors that are identifiable are:

-reduce walking endurance.

-rise in blood pressure.

-emotional distress.

-consuming alcohol or cigarettes.

Sonny’s goals How could these goals be achieved?
To regain confidence in walking independently for longer periods of time by holding himself up while practising in the backyard while using a walking stick
To increase social networks by taking a part-time job or joining a neighbourhood club.
To travel in a private car for longer than 20 minutes at a time by starting out with shorter automobile trips and building up to longer ones.
To develop vocational skills By joining clubs in a local area
To reduce intake of alcohol and cigarettes By gradually avoiding them and taking less stress.

Sonny’s goals Who will be involved?
To regain confidence in walking independently for longer periods of time One close friend
To increase social networks Fun club
To travel in a private car for longer than 20 minutes at a time Marlo
To develop vocational skills Vocational trainer
To reduce intake of alcohol and cigarettes Nicotine Therapist

  1. Review can be done at intervals by care provider who will be responsible overall caring and he will collect and correlates the information available including monitoring parameters, information regarding further progress.

Monitoring will be carried out by assessing the standard procedure in relation to a performance target, based on the rate of improvement from routine evaluation of a particular ability.

EARLY MORNING Washroom, exercise Marlo
MORNING Bathroom, Breakfast Marlo
AFTERNOON Taking Nap Marlo

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