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A Rose For Emily What The Symbols Meant In The Story

‘A Rose for Emily’ is a story that is written by William Faulkner in which Ms. Emily
Grierson is a character who has mysterious life. The story reveals the customs, traditions, and
values of the story that is being constructed on the piece of literature. The story is been
written for a time when society is going through a major transition. The town is embracing
the modern era and at that time Emily is the girl who never changes and stay the tradition.

“A Rose for Emily” is a story that frames the struggle of Ms. Emily Grierson who tries to
maintain the tradition at a time of drastically radical change in the culture. The character of
Emily is attached to the tradition of her society. Emily stay as she was and was attached to
the community tradition even lots of changes has in its environment. She feels abandoned by
society and feels a vacuum inside her. In this story writer frame out the feeling of her how
she feels aloof from the world. She was not aware of the things that are her sealed wall.

Jefferson in the story embraces modern society and gives respect to the traditional nation.
Several areas are used by the writer to explore things and find out the literary elements and
analysis the elements. Moodle monkey uses the fundamental framework for drafting the
essay after being analyzed. Moodle monkeys first important priority for making impressive
and awesome content with a compelling conclusion. The content of the essay is framed out
the arguments by lots of research.
Emily is the symbol in the story of the old south, an aristocrat; Emily is the character whose
charm gets declined with time and is represented by the Griersons. On many occasions,
Emily is the character in the story that denies the death facts and exerted the power of death.
Emily is a girl who extremely loves her father even though he was not the ideal father for her.
Her father was a controlling figure even though she clings to her father and does not accept
that her father has gone away forever.
Homer Barron who has an intimate relationship with Emily has also died it was not easy for
Emily to acknowledge all this happening. Emily attempts to kill the person and keep the
person whom she loves. As the story of Emily reaches the end then it was found the lifeless

body of the person to whom she marriage grotesque. Emily refuses death but in the end, death
wins. The story is filled with symbols and imageries that signify the “rose”. Emily has a
monument that is the symbol of the southern Aristocracy at that time the whole world is
criticizing the modern world. Emily is the character that is go through lots of physical
transformation. In the context of the story, the writers signify the importance of culture and
Moodle monkey  has been working for many years and provides assignment help to students.
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research the content for the assignment. Moodle monkey has critically analyzed the story and
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