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10 Ways Veganism Can Change the World and Environment

The environment in which human lives provide all the necessities of daily life but human
consumption harms the environment. Due to human action environment getting degraded and
is facing climate change. If humans do not take action to protect the world then it can lead to
the loss of precious earth.

Every food that humans consume has an impact on the environment. Consumption of
non–veg has much more impact on the environment. The term veganism comes from which
humans can contribute to the environment. What humans can do to protect the environment
is the action of adopting veganism.
There are many ways that veganism can do to protect the environment and helps to change
the environment. Some of are:

1. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Everyone has a carbon footprint that relay on the habit of human consumption. U.S study
shows that human consumption habits generate a total of 16 tonnes of carbon footprint every
year. If human will continue to consume at this speed then to survive human needs five
planets to live. To reduce the burden on the earth need to be vegan. Vegan is the best way of
reducing carbon footprints by up to 73%. This is due to every animal product producing
greenhouse gases. Plant-based meals produce up to 90% fewer greenhouse gases (Benvenuti,
et al., 2022).

2. Vegan helps to reduce energy consumption

Burning of the fossil fuel is the largest source that generates greenhouse gases. Worldwide
25% emission of greenhouse gas is generated from fossil fuel burning. Meat needs lots of
energy before it gets ready for human consumption. Plant-based food requires little energy
consumption than non–veg food (González-García, et al.,2018).

3. Helps to conserve water

Water resource research report estimates that of the total water used for agriculture purposes
41% of it goes toward caring for and growing feed for the non-veg industry. If everyone
becomes vegan then humans can save up to 55% of their water footprint.

4. Reduce water pollution

Dumping of animal products in the ocean leads to create massive havoc on the ocean. Animal
bodies contain nitrogen and phosphorus that may react with the ocean water and can lead to
creating a dead zone. The dead zone is an area where oxygen contamination is very low for
animal survival like fish, but algae grow in that area. Due to this algae cover most of the
water bodies and that reduces the contact of the water surface with oxygen which leads to
depleting the level of oxygen and killing the lives of the ocean.

5. Veganism protects rainforest

About one-third of land goes waste in raising animals for human consumption. This process
leads to deforestation alternatively plant based food does not require much land for

6. Preserve habitat

The meat industry clears forests for growing and caring for cattle and cropland. It just not
cuts the trees but takes away the habitat of the forest. Veganism and offing non-veg food on
the plate can protect forests from deforestation.

7. Preserve the soil

Agriculture of the animals leads to the degradation of the soil. A wide range of cattle
–grazing leads to the depletion of the nutrients of the topsoil. Also, greed for feeding animal
farmers over the cultivation of corn and soya leads to depleting nutrients of the land. They
don’t give enough time to land recover because of greed. Reducing animal demand and
switching to the vegan side give the land time to recover.

8. Consumption of fewer resources

Demand for non-veg food takes away most of the earth's resources e.g. Millions of water
gallons, thousands of trees for feeding the animal. Growing crops directly for humans is a
direct process that requires less consumption of resources (Rosi,, et al., 2017).

9. Sustainable development

8.9% of the population suffering from the lack of resources leads to increase poverty. More
consumption of non-veg food leads to soil degradation and climate change that disturb the
future needs of the people. Turing to veganism could give freedom to 75% of total farmland
(Dorgbetor, et al, 2022).

10. Veganism helps to keep people healthy

The greediness of the industry to serve more and more people non-veg for the profit forces
industry to keep animals in crowded and filthy conditions. This creates the environment to
transfer disease from non-veg. Switching toward the veganism side reduces the chance of
getting animal-based diseases (Bryant, 2019).

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