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1. Introduction
Welcome to the learner’s guide for this unit of competency for the qualification BSB50320 Diploma of Human
Resource Management. This guide provides you with essential information on competency standards, delivery
plan and schedule, assessment plan, assessment tasks and learning resources for this unit of competency.
The purpose of this learner’s guide is to:
 Provide you with information on delivery schedule and plan of this unit
 Ensure that you understand how students will be assessed in this unit
 Provide information on assessment methods, strategies, and evidence requirements
 Provide information on learning activities and assessment tasks
 List resources which may assist in student learning and assessment tasks

2. Unit Overview
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop and monitor the implementation of
operational plans to support efficient and effective workplace practices and organizational productivity and
The unit applies to individuals who manage the work of others and operate within the parameters of a broader
strategic and/or business plans.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;
 Establish operational plan
 Manage resource acquisition
 Monitor and review operational performance
As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must demonstrate
their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are summarized in the
Competency Standards section below.
Prerequisite Requirements
This unit does not have a pre-requisite.
Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer
Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of
evidence of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the
Australian Qualifications Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a
Nationally Recognised Qualification from other institutes or universities.
Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the
required skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or
completed eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.

3. Competency Standards
This unit is derived from the Business Service training package, BSB for the qualification BSB50320 Diploma
of Human Resource Management.
Competency standards for this unit are made up of unit descriptor (As provided in the Unit Overview),
performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge, embedded employability skills components,
assessment requirements and evidence guide.
They can also be viewed at:
View Unit
The learners must familiarize themselves with all the competency requirements for this unit of competency and
ensure that they have received all the relevant information and support from the trainer and assessor that might
be detrimental to their academic performance and outcomes.
AQF Descriptor
The Diploma qualifies individuals who apply specialized knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake
advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. Graduates of a Diploma will
have specialized and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within one or more fields of
work and learning.
Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and
apply methods and technologies to:
 Analyze information to complete a range of activities
 Interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems
 Transmit information and skills to others
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined
responsibility in contexts that are subject to change and within broad parameters to provide specialist advice
and functions.

The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of

Element Performance

1. Establish operational plan

1.1 Research, analyze and document resource requirements
1.2 Develop operational plan in consultation with, and with
approval from, relevant stakeholders
1.3 Develop contingencies for operational plan
1.4 Explain plan to relevant work teams

2. Manage resource acquisition

2.1 Confirm that employees are recruited and inducted
according to the organization’s human resources management
policies, practices and procedures
2.2 Confirm that physical resources and services are acquired
according to the organization’s policies, practices and
2.3 Identify and incorporate requirements for intellectual
property rights and responsibilities related to acquisition of

3. Monitor and review operational

3.1 Assess progress of operational plan in achieving profit and
productivity plans and targets
3.2 Identify areas of under-performance, recommend solutions
and rectify the situation
3.3 Plan and implement relevant processes for ongoing
monitoring and confirm that support is provided for individuals
and teams
3.4 Negotiate recommendations for variations to operational
plans and gain approval from designated persons

Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
 Manage an operational plan for at least one business or work area.
In the course of the above, the candidate must:
 Develop and implement an operational plan using a variety of information sources and consultation
o Resource requirements
o Key performance indicators
o Monitoring processes
o Contingency plans
 Communicate with stakeholders to explain the plan and supporting information, seek approvals,
negotiate variations and engage work teams
 Confirm existence of relevant strategies, including strategies relating to:
o Recruiting, inducting and developing personnel
o Acquiring physical resources and services
o Protecting intellectual property
o Making variations to the plan
o Monitoring and documenting performance.

Knowledge Evidence
To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:
 Stakeholders involved in development and management of operations plan including escalation points,
colleagues and specialist resource managers
 Key information sources for proposal development and presentation including resource requirement
 Consultation processes
 Content of operational plans, including:
o Procurement processes
o Employee recruitment and induction strategies
o Physical resource and service acquisition strategies
o Key indicators of organizational performance
 Budget and actual financial relating to profit and productivity
 Methods for preparing operational plans and contingency plans
 Role of an operational plan in achieving an organization’s objectives
 Procedures and records associated with documenting performance
 Approaches for developing key performance indicators to meet business objectives
 Legislative and regulatory framework relating to the development and implementation of operational plan of
the organization, including:
o Fair trading laws
o Work health and safety

 Organizational policies, practices and procedures that relate to the operational plan.

4. Delivery Plan
Delivery is in the form of instructor-led, classroom-based training sessions supported by simulated learning
and/or project sessions. Within the classroom environment, delivery is supported by classroom-based activities,
tasks, lectures and structured lessons. Strategies for classroom-based learning focus on development of skills and
underpinning knowledge through practice, formative tasks, interaction, discussion, reading, feedback, and
practical examples of the theory.
Delivery Arrangement
The unit will be delivered over a prescribed period (term/semester) in a class-room training environment
through a structured learning program comprising of (but not limited to) lectures, presentations, case studies,
practical projects, discussion and classroom-based activities. Delivery schedule of this unit of competency is
provided at the beginning of this guide. Timetables will be advised at the beginning of each academic term and
posted on the notice board and college’s website.
It is expected that training/learning sessions will incorporate collaborative activities and tasks that are relevant
to the learning and evidence outcomes in this unit. The emphasis of learning, where possible, will be on linking
theoretical concepts and models with real-life situations to provide the learners with an opportunity to gain an
insight into key technological processes, professional environment and workplace practices.
Delivery Conditions
 Learners are required to attend the prescribed delivery sessions, in particular where assessment plan,
schedule, projects, and in-class activities and tasks are planned
 On commencement, the learners should review and understand all the course related information
including course structure, prerequisites and competency requirements for each unit of competency
 This unit of competency must be completed within the prescribed duration at the beginning of this
document. Due dates for the assessments will be set by respective assessors on commencement of the
unit and must be adhered to by all the learners
 The learners have the responsibility to maintain the required attendance and participate in all the in-
class activities and assessment/project tasks to be able to develop the required skills and knowledge.
 The learners must keep record of their activities, assessments and research and take an active
interest in exploring new concepts and ideas
 On expiry of the prescribed due dates for assessment, the learners will not be able to attempt any
assessments or the learning materials and must apply for a course extension. Learners should also
refer to other prevailing terms and conditions of delivery and assessment of this course and contact
the administration for further information if required.
Lesson Topics and Plan
The following lesson plans are planned for this unit. According to session times, trainers may expand these
lesson plans into their own session plans. Trainers must take a special note of the activities planned in the right-
hand column. These activities form part of “Formative Assessments”. The formative assessments are not
marked (assessed) but they contribute towards learning that prepares them for summative tasks.
The following topics are covered in the classroom training sessions.

The topics for this unit include; Lesson Topics Activities

1 Unit overview, assessment process, assessment conditions, resources Key
definitions and concepts
What are operational plans: Examples
Why operational plan?
Relevance of operational plans to other plans of the organization
Components of an operational plan
Models and methods for operational plans: Examples

Search and internet and
download sample operational
plans: Review and
understand the structure

Purpose and objectives of an operational plan
Difference between an operational and a strategic plan
Developing purpose and objectives
Defining outcomes
Identifying activities/actions to be delivered
Developing implementation schedules
Identifying and allocating resources
Developing an operational budget
Monitoring and maintaining the plan
Real-life examples and discussion

Review of two contrasting
operational plans: Discuss
specific models and methods
Develop strategies for
addressing resource

Analyze and document resource requirements
Understanding organizational consultation, feedback and approval
Developing KPIs to measure operational performance
Identifying and remedying under-performing areas
Developing and implementing HR strategies
Developing and implementing strategies to acquire and use resources
Copyright and intellectual property
How to maintain copyright
How to meet copyright requirements

Example: KPIs to measure
organizational performance
Describe budgetary processes
in organization’s
Discuss examples and forms
of IP

Understanding budgeting processes
Forecast Vs. actual budgets
Alternative approaches to improving resource usage
Eliminating resource inefficiencies and waste
Developing contingency plans

Develop a budget for a simple
operation: Training session,

Developing mentoring and coaching skills to work with people with poor
Developing planning and organizational skills
Developing in-house or organizational training plans
Evaluating operational plans and writing performance reports

Case Study discussion:
Training and Development at
TESCO Review and revision
Learner example A
Unit Evaluation

Assessment follow up and

Suggested Learner Resources
Slack N., Brandon-Jones A. and Johnston R., 2016, Operations Management, Pearson
Slack N., Brandon-Jones A. and Johnston R., 2018, Essentials of Operations Management, Pearson

Other Resources and Readings
Krajewski L. J. et. al., 2018, Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, Global Edition, Pearson
Baxter R., 2016, Operational Excellence Handbook: A Must Have for Those Embarking on a Journey of
Transformation and Continuous Improvement,
Ford B. R., Bornstein J. M., Pruitt P. T., Young E., 2010, The Ernst & Young Business Plan Guide (3rd Ed.,). Wiley
Inc The Staff of Entrepreneur Media, 2015, Write Your Business Plan: Get Your Plan in Place and Your
Business off the Ground, Entrepreneur Press
Strategy, Policy and Operational Planning:
Business and Operational Plan Examples:

Referencing Guide
Harvard Referencing Generator:

Misc. Videos and Online Educational Channels (General ref)
List of some of the online educational channels. Search for the relevant topics and concepts.
Khan Academy Channel
TED Talks
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Google for Education
Big Think
Crash Course
Microsoft Education
Stanford University Channel
Management Skills Courses


Harvard Business Review

5. Assessment Plan
Assessments for this unit have been developed by taking into account assessment guidelines as provided in the
training package and evidence requirements stipulated in this unit of competency. Assessment is an ongoing
process of gathering evidence to determine what each student/learner knows, understands and can do in order to
inform teaching and support learning of the intended curriculum.
The purposes of this assessment are;
 To collect evidences that demonstrate competency in the performance criteria of the unit and satisfy
skill, knowledge and employability skills requirements
 To provide feedback to the learners/trainees indicating the areas of improvement and professional
 To measure the effectiveness of the delivery plan and evaluate the learning outcomes
The required assessment criteria are provided in each assessment task for learner’s information.
Assessment Method
Assessment in this unit is based on assessment and evidence guidelines provided in the unit of competency and
the training package. The evidence is generated through summative assessment tasks. However, the role of
Formative Tasks is crucial in developing the required skills and knowledge in completing the summative tasks.
Formative tasks enable the trainers to evaluate their own delivery and adjust their facilitation based on the
outcomes from these tasks. The role of formative assessments is to improve learning and adapt to student needs.
These tasks and activities usually take place throughout the unit and planned in accordance with the summative
assessment plan/schedule. The formative tasks are generally referred to as “Portfolio” tasks. Portfolio is a
collection of all the formative tasks completed during the learning sessions. The portfolio can be used by
students as an evidence of participation or example of work completed as part of their learning.

Formative tasks are not assessed.
For summative tasks, the following assessment methods are available to collect the aforementioned evidence to
demonstrate satisfactory performance in this unit;
 Written Assessment Tasks
 Practical/Analytical Tasks
 Test/Examinations
 Projects
 Observation
 Integrated Assessment
The Written Assessment Tasks and Tests have been developed to address various parts of Performance
Criteria as well as Required Knowledge.
The Practical Tasks are developed to demonstrate competence in Required Skills. These assessment tasks and
activities are mostly designed as in-class assessments, enabling the trainers to observe the work being
undertaken and completed (i.e., demonstration of a specific/required skill). Practical tasks may also include use
of online learning tools, equipment, activities, or use of software. Instructions for practical tasks are generally
provided within the task description. However, trainers/assessor may set certain conditions for conducting and
observing these tasks.
The Project (Individual based) addresses various aspects of competency standard including Performance
Criteria, Required Skills and Employability Skills. The role of the project in assessment strategy is to measure
student/trainee competence as a form of Summative Assessment. It demonstrates the efficacy of instructions
and learning in the prescribed delivery period by assessing the overall performance of the students/trainees for
the purpose of grading/final results.

The Test/Exam is generally designed to test the Required Knowledge component of the unit of competency. It
may also be used to reinforce learning and test specific aspects of other part of competency where knowledge of
certain processes/procedures is required. A knowledge test may be verbal or written as specified in the task
description. Examinations are conducted under set conditions.
Observation forms part of in-class activities, participation in designated processes, presentation and
provides an option where specific skills need to be demonstrated to the assessor.
Some of the assessments in this course may be used as Integrated Assessments, i.e., to use evidence created in
one unit/task to determine competency in another unit/task. The concept behind the design of the integrated
assessment is to limit repetitive tasks that test the same or similar competency elements in different units of

Optional/Supplementary Assessments
In addition to the above assessment instruments, the following methods can be used, if required, in the context
of assessment for this unit of competence, especially in the circumstances where assessment involved
components of online learning as well as actual workplace activities and/or performance.
 Workplace Verification through RPL application
 Competency Conversation at completion of the unit
To successfully complete this unit, learners must demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge needed as
indicated in the Competency Standards (2).
Assessment can be both a formative and summative process. Formative assessment is used to provide
feedback to students and teachers to promote further learning. Summative assessment contributes to the
judgement of student learning for competency/award purposes.
Submission of Work
All the written works must be submitted in a soft/electronic copy required by the trainer/assessor, with an
accompanying “Assessment Cover Sheet”. Each Assessment Cover Sheet should be signed by the student and
must contain student details and date of submission.
Material submitted for assessment—Word processed reports, essays, projects, etc. must contain student’s
name, ID (if available), address and contact details. Within the context of these assessment tasks, the assessor
fulfils the role of client, manager, or supervisor, as applicable. Work submitted for “approval” within this
context must demonstrate care and attention to detail, such that the student inspires confidence that the work is
being undertaken competently.
In soft copy/electronic files students are encouraged to name the files according to established procedure. This
would typically include a course or unit code, assessment, or submission code, and in the case of multiple files
an alphanumeric identifier. Multiple files may also be required to be submitted within an enclosing folder (with
similar, appropriate naming conventions) or archive format—e.g. zip or rar.
Follow submission guidelines in each assessment task for specific instructions.

Assessment Tasks and Schedule
The following assessments are planned for this unit;
# Assessment Task/Activity Type Assessment Method
1 Review and Analyze a Samples Operational Plan Individual Written
2 Project: Develop an Operational plan Individual Written
3 Project: Review Operational Performance Individual Written
4 Knowledge Test Individual Written Test
These assessment tasks/activities have been described in detail in the following section.
Task schedule to be advised by trainer/assessor based on the lesson and session plans.

6. Assessment Tasks
Assessment Task 1: Individual
Assessment Task Review and Analyse a Samples

Operational Plan

Schedule TBA

Outcomes Assessed

Performance Criteria:
1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2
Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix

 Analysis report on a sample operational plan is required.
An Operational Plan is a detailed action-oriented plan that provides a clear picture of how a team, section or
department will contribute to the achievement of the organization's strategic goals (FLN). An operational plan
could be part of a strategic or a business plan, addressing human resource, physical resource, action items, key
performance indicators, and operational budget requirements to achieve the intended goals. A contingency plan
often accompanies an operational plan that prepares for alternative actions in case the operational plan meets
any obstacles.
With a view to develop an understanding of key components and use of operational plans, you will review and
analyze a sample operational in this assessment task. The sample operational plans are actual plans obtained
from public domain sources for the purpose of this assessment. Formats and contents of the plan differ from
organization to organization. However, you will be required to analyze the plan within the context of the
following areas.
 Stated goals and objectives
 Key performance areas
 Key performance indicators
 Human resource (people), processes, and technology requirements
 Physical and other resource requirements
 Action plan/task/items
 Budget/cost expectations
 Key responsibilities
Ensure that your sample plan provides you with enough information to analyze the above components. Your
analysis will essentially be based on your understanding and explanation of the plan – what you think about it,
its key features, and how, in your view, this plan will help the organization achieve their strategic objectives.
You may also want to visit respective organization’s website and gather further information to support your
Please note, merely reiterating the contents of the plan will not be construed as an analysis. Cambridge
dictionary defines analysis as the process of breaking up a concept, proposition, linguistic complex, or fact
into its simple or ultimate constituents. Accordingly, it will be expected that you will write the analysis in your
own words and understanding.
Plan analysis must be word processed and appropriately structured under headings/sub-headings.
Word Limit: 1200 words.

Assessment Criteria
Learner’s work will be assessed based on the following criteria. Learners have also been provided with this
assessment criterion in the “Learner’s Guide” to ensure that they cover all the task requirements. The same
criteria are used in the checklists in Section 8 (Learner Competency Records) to record assessment outcome.
The following criteria must be addressed for this task.
 Selected an appropriate business or strategic plan for the task
 Completed the task within a designated assessment session in presence of an assessor
 Addressed all the required areas of analysis
 Analysis reflects understanding of the concept and the components of an operational plan
 Analysis contains a reasonable level of scrutiny and/or inquiry into specific aspects of the plan
 Goals and objectives are analysed for their measurability and viability in the context of the plan
 Explained how the operational plan may align with other strategic or organisational plans
 Identified and analysed key performance areas of the plan
 Where possible, reviewed, summarised, and commented on KPIs (if provided in the sample plan)
 Identified and analysed company’s human resource requirements to support the operations
 Identified and analysed company’s physical and other resource requirements to support the
 Action items are noted and analysed for their effectiveness
 Budget and cost expectations are noted and explained for their relative influence on the plan
 Expressed on viewed and summarised key aspects of the plan in own words
 Analysis is appropriately structured and provides a clear and concise breakdown of the plan
Submission Guidelines
 Electronically, written analysis (typed word-processed)
 Ask trainer for more help

Assessment Task 2: Individual
Assessment Task Project: Develop an Operational

Schedule TBA

Outcomes Assessed

Performance Criteria:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix

 Operational plan is required
Operational plans provide an organisation with a mechanism to put their strategies in action and identify the
resources required to achieve their stated goals and objectives. Operational plans may also be termed as action
plans, annual plans, management plans or tactical plans. Separate operational plans are often prepared by
different departments within an organisation to outline their specific tasks and priorities.
In Assessment Task1, you developed the understanding of the structure and components of an operational plan
through an analysis of a sample operational plan. In this assessment task, given as a project, you will be required
to develop an Operational Plan for a sample organisation based on its Strategic Plan. You will be provided with
a sample strategic plan for this task.
Your trainer/assessor will play the role of the Senior Manager for the purpose of this task.
A past or an existing organisation can also be used as an example to develop the required organisational
context for this task. Alternatively, based on the sample strategic plan, research and collect some
organisational information as a background to your plan.
Develop an operational plan that includes.
 Executive summary
 Stakeholders, consultation, and approvals
 Operational goals and expected outcomes
 Action plan (convert strategies to actions)
 Key performance indicators (KPIs)
 Human resource requirements (including training or PD and strategies to address the requirements)
 Physical and other resource requirements (including strategies to acquire the resources)
 Resource conservation/waste management tactics
 Budget/cost expectations
 Key responsibilities; including intellectual property rights and responsibilities
 Communication plan (how plan will be communicated to all team)
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Contingency plan
An operational plan fundamentally addresses four questions:
 Where are we now?
 Where do we want to be?
 How do we get there?
 How do we measure our progress?
Contingency planning involves creating an alternative plan in the event of the original operational plan
changing or facing obstacles due to unforeseen circumstances. It can be based on anticipated risks (e.g., non-
availability of raw materials, government approvals etc.) and alternatives that can be used to keep the
operational plan moving.

Assessment Criteria
Learner work will be assessed based on the following criteria. Learners have also been provided with this
assessment criterion in the “Learner’s Guide” to ensure that they cover all the task requirements. The same
criteria are used in the checklists in Section 8 (Learner Competency Records) to record assessment outcome.
The following criteria must be addressed for this task.
 Identified and itemised project tasks
 Used/developed a profile/introduction of the organisation used in the task
 Developed an operational plan from the given strategic plan
 The plan is appropriately structured and presented as an official document reflecting a real-life
 Appropriate headings and sub-headings are used to structure the contents
 The content flow covers all the required elements of the plan and contains a logical sequence of the
 An executive summary is included and provides an overview of the plan
 Key stakeholders and consultation/approval processes are identified and defined
 An effective communication plan is developed to communicate the plan
 Operational goals/aims and expected outcomes align with the stated organisational or strategic goals
and objectives
 Key action tasks are developed to help implement the strategies
 The action plan addresses all the key strategic areas and establishes key responsibilities and timelines
 Identified and defined human resource requirements to implement the plan
 Strategies and processes to address human resource requirements are developed to support the
 Identified and defined physical and other resource requirements to implement the plan
 Strategies and processes to address physical and other resource requirements are developed to
support the implementation
 Requirements for IP rights and responsibilities are identified and addressed in acquisition of resources
 Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) are developed to measure the outcomes and plan effectiveness
 KPIs are realistic and include both qualitative and quantitative measures
 Budget and cost expectations for implementation of the plan/actions are estimated and provided in
appropriate format
 A risk-based contingency plan is developed to cover unforeseen circumstances and address business
performance issues
 The plan includes a detailed evaluation plan that helps monitor the plan and its effectiveness over the
stated duration
 Measures to address performance and skill/training requirements are included as part of the
implementation process
 Appropriate resource conservation tactics are suggested to minimise waste and improve usage
Submission Guidelines
 Please ask the trainer
Assessment Task 3: Individual
Assessment Task Project: Review Operational

Schedule TBA

Outcomes Assessed

Performance Criteria:
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,
Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix

 Performance review report is required
This task is a continuation of Assessment Task 2.
In a typical workplace environment, implementation and performance review of a plan would be a stepped
process, monitored over a long period time. In a classroom environment, this process will be simulated for this
task. Accordingly, for the purpose of this task, the class audience will play the role of the staff. Your
trainer/assessor will play the role of the Senior Manager.
Assume that your plan has been implemented and is being reviewed for its performance. You will be provided
with sample financial information (Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Statements). Review and analyse the
financial data against the KPIs set in your plan and take notes for presentation.
Next, you will be following the organisational process by,
1. Summarising requirements for implementing the plan – Action plan stages
2. Review of key stakeholder and consultation process in implementation
3. Articulating the KPIs for measuring the success
4. Presenting an analysis of the actual performance (sample financial data) Vs the KPIs
5. Analysing or seeking feedback on KPIs and adjusting as per the feedback in view of the performance
6. Articulating KPI management process and protocols
7. Plans for reviewing and improving the system
8. Articulating requirements for improvements and analysing
Assessment Criteria
Learner work will be assessed based on the following criteria.
The following criteria must be addressed for this task,
 Completed tasks as per instructions with quality of work
 Prepared the required review documentation and a presentation to the stakeholders
 Outlined and articulated implementation process and roles and responsibilities undertaken
 Outlined organisational communication plan and consultation processes
 Linked implementation to organisational policies and procedures as per the context developed within
this and other tasks
 Outlined and explained measures for evaluating plan performance
 Analysed financial information to review performance against the KPIs
 Analysis was succinct and relevant to the plan and its purpose
 Members were able to emulate the organisational process by using the sample data and cohesively
preparing and presenting plan performance information
 Allowed for a robust discussion and simulated a performance review meeting and process
 Captured and recorded audience comments and feedback
 Described processes for improvements and assigned roles and responsibilities
 Set processes for identifying improvement opportunities

 Developed a report comprising of implementation activities, processes, and how consultations and
delegations were made
Submission Guidelines
 Performance review report in 1200 words.
 Ask trainer for more help

BSB50320 | BSBOPS502 Manage Business Operational
Learner’s Guide | V 1.0 | March 2021

The Canberra Training School Pty Ltd t/a Canberra Business & Technology College
Provider Code: 40882 | CRICOS Code: 03465J
Assessment Task 4: Individual
Assessment Task Knowledge Test
Schedule TBA

Outcomes Assessed

Performance Criteria:
Underpinning Knowledge
Addresses some elements of required skills and knowledge
as shown in the Assessment Matrix

This is an open book test and could be undertaken at home. All the questions must be answered.
Duration: 2-3 Hour
Questions: Provide answers at the end, in answer section:
Q1. What is an Operational Plan? What information would an Operational Plan typically contain?
Q2. Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organisation’s objectives
Q3. In your opinion how would an Operational Plan of a Retail and Services firm will differ from that of a
Manufacturing firm?
Q4. Explain a typical budgeting process in an organisation.
Q5. What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? Provide examples of financial and non-financial KPIs in
your own understanding.
Assessment criteria
The following criteria must be addressed for this task:
 All the questions are attempted and answered as per questions
 Answers are consistent with the subject/concepts and demonstrate the required depth of knowledge
for this unit of competency
 Use examples and detail where it is required
Submission Guidelines
Learner to submit.
 Ask trainer for more help

7. Academic Policies and Processes
Students with Special Needs
If leaners/learners have any special needs (e.g. physical disability, learning difficulty) regarding assessment,
they should be directed to discuss these with the Course Coordinator. The college will endeavour to make all
possible and reasonable adjustments to any aspect of assessment in order to address those needs. Some
examples of additional support could include:
 Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN)
 Assistive technology
 Additional materials or tutorials
 Assistance in using technology for online delivery components.
Reasonable adjustment
Reasonable adjustment refers to any modification made to the learning environment, certification
requirements, training delivery or assessment method to help learners with a disability access and participate in
education and training on the same basis as those without disability (IBSA, 2015).
The Disability Standards for Education 2005 were formed under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. They
clarify the obligations of training providers to ensure that learners who have a disability are able to access and
participate in education and training on the same basis as those without disability.
Some examples of reasonable adjustments could include:
 Personal support services, e.g. a reader, Auslan interpreter, a scribe
 assistive technology or special equipment, e.g. screen readers, magnifiers, alternative keyboards
 modifying the presentation method, e.g. visual, oral, print, electronic
 adjustments to timeframes, e.g. providing materials prior to class, extended time limits
 adjustment of the physical environment, e.g. specific furniture, arrangement of classroom.
The determination of “reasonableness” requires judgement that must take into account the impact on the RTO
and the need to maintain the integrity of the qualification. While reasonable adjustments can be made to the
ways in which evidence of performance is gathered and demonstrated, the criteria for making Competent/Not
Yet Competent decisions (and/or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way. That is to say, the
standards expected should be the same irrespective of the individual being assessed (Disability Standards for
Education 2005).
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers
Learners may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required
skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed
eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.
Appropriate credit transfer may be granted to eligible learners against each unit of competency on evidence to
successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher nationally endorsed qualification. Credit
transfer learners will finish the course in a shorter duration and are advised to consult appropriate
authorities/bodies for applicable criteria if planning further study or stay in Australia.
Applicants who have completed formal training or who have relevant and current work or life experience and
consider they are able to meet the unit purpose may seek recognition.
The college acknowledges skills and knowledge obtained through:
 Formal training (conducted by industry or educational institutions in Australia or overseas)
 Work experience
 Life experience
The main focus is on the learning outcomes of these experiences, not on how, when or where the learning

To be granted RPL, applicants will be asked to:
1. Present evidence of their achievement;
2. Undertake a challenge test;
3. Attend an interview with specialist staff.
This evidence will be validated through either satisfactory supporting documentation of support from a
recognised industry or workplace representative or challenge testing
Academic Policies and Procedures
Applicable policies and procedure related to this course including plagiarism, assessments, appeals and
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college’s website.

ASSIGNMENT: (Answer Section)
Please provide answers of all tasks under following, using appropriate headings:
Task 1:
Analysis report on a sample operational plan (1200 words)
The Fairfield Hospital is the local hospital and is placed in Prariewood, the western area of Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia. The hospital has approx. 200 beds. It mainly gives different services of health including
common surgical, common medical, obstetric, emergency, pediatric, drug and physiotherapy services and
amenities of health. For approx. 40 to 45 years, Fairfield Hospital is giving a safe, welcoming and clean
environment for maintaining health and also with good treatment facilities. The strategy of development of
Fairfield Hospital involves giving more accurate places for particular treatment and consultation of outpatient
(Rosenfield, 2013).
Stated objectives and goals
Fairfield Hospital is an established and well-maintained charity that mainly aims for improving the health and
standards of life by giving accurate and well standard efficient and better care to those people who use all their
health services. The main aim of the hospital is for improving the quality and standard of people’s health by
giving the best services and amenities of a health and also some realistic services to their clients and patients.
Their target is to mainly offer a better and more effective quality of health services of medical that support to
improve the health of patients through the growth of safe, affordable, professional and caring services
(Rosenfield, 2013).
Key Performance Areas
The key performance areas are given below:
1. Better quality of health services and facilities – Improving the quality and also performance in the healthcare
environment can be very helpful with trustworthy, sustained and cost-efficient procedures of hospitals and
also permits them to obtain their key goals of improving the complete delivery of health and care and also
enhancing outcomes of patients (Carliner, 2015).
2. Partnerships of society – It is a very efficient key performance area mainly from the viewpoint of health
facilities and services, societies particularly have very great inputs and intelligence on mainly what they need
from all health facilities and services and on what particularly works to improve the health of patients.
3. Innovation & Research – It is very essential key performance area for Fairfield Hospital because it mainly
obliges to use of innovative means for preventing, diagnosing and monitoring issues related to health and it is
also aware of various devices and many drug medicines for managing and curing various diseases.
4. Efficiency and sustainability – Sustainability and efficiency if maintained in the hospital then it can help to
decrease risks and costs and also encourage very positive viewpoints and feedback from people (Carliner,
Key Performance Indicators
The key performance indicators are given below:
1. Patient and client satisfaction – The overall satisfaction of clients and patients is the key performance
indicator of the hospital that attracts a very large number of clients and patients and if the level of satisfaction
is more, then the hospital is mainly in profitability.
2. Net profit margin – The accurate way to ensure a positive and perfect net profit margin is mainly by
decreasing some inappropriate costs and expenses and also by exploring many streams of sales.
3. Utilization of equipment and tools of equipment – Tracking of all used tools and equipment must be done to
mainly identify where there is any kind of place to improve such as the reorganization of all tools and
equipment to other surroundings where there is mainly major need of improvement (Goldratt & Cox, 2016).

Human resources, technology and process requirements
In Fairfield Hospital, managers of human resources are responsible to make sure that all services and facilities
are efficient for executives of clinicians, staff and patients also. They have to also address many areas of major
concern in all departments of the hospital including directing and managing records of financial resources,
encouraging staff retention and also ensuring that all legislation related to healthcare facilities and services are
accurately obtained.
Various technology needs are there in the Fairfield Hospital. As Electronic health records (HER) support in
sharing of information and data of various clients and patients, outcomes of tests and other information or
data between all healthcare departments in the hospital. Some innovative technologies like blockchain and
machine learning based on the cloud also can be very helpful in maintaining great amounts of data and also
make data easier in managing and regulating (Goldratt & Cox, 2016).
Physical and other resource requirements
The various physical and some other resource needs in Fairfield Hospital involve knowledge, financial
resources, amenities, equipment and supplies. Some of the physical amenities in Fairfield Hospital involve the
supporting system of the building, great equipment for operations and surgeries and also the internal
formation of the infrastructure of the hospital. Other kinds of physical resources in the hospital include
medicine stock, professionals and specialists, beds etc. (Holzer, 2019).
Action plan/items/task
Items of action Responsible Duration
Monitoring all the inaccurate
procedures happening in the
operation theatres that lead to
the death of the patient

Safety Manager November 20XX

Review all framework of policies
and procedures for making sure
of the placement with the
structure of LMD

Operational Manager September 20XX

Appoint the manager of the
project for mainly the project
“Patient Care Challenge”

Operational Manager October 20XX

Budget/Cost Expectations
The expectations of budget and cost particularly involve three kinds of budget for Fairfield Hospital and it
includes mainly equipment for surgeries and treatment, capital and staffing. Out of these kinds of budgets,
mainly the budgets and costs of nursing and other labours are also very high in all facilities in the hospital
(Holzer, 2019).
Key responsibilities
Fairfield Hospital particularly considers offering the best and most effective services of healthcare to all its
clients and patients for satisfying all patients and clients in each manner. So, the main responsibilities of the
hospital are to attain its stated objectives and goals which mainly involve enhancing the health and standard of
life by offering a better and more effective standard of health services and facilities (Pressley & Afflerbach,

Task 2:
Project: Develop an operational plan (Detailed Activity)
Operational Plan
Executive Summary
Fairfield Hospital is a charitable hospital in the western suburb of Sydney, Australia and is a very reputed
hospital in the state. The main target of the hospital is to improve the health and standard of life of patients by
offering them a better quality of services and facilities related to healthcare and those individuals who mainly
utilize all facilities and services of health care. They are offering healthcare services for further than approx. 40
to 45 years and till now also they are giving the best healthcare services (Pressley & Afflerbach, 2012).
Stakeholders, approvals and consultations
The relevant stakeholders of Fairfield Hospital are consumers, managers, staff members, stream directors and
clinicians. Fairfield Hospital is mainly concerned with developing a better relationship of work with all its
stakeholders for maximizing the margin of profit of the hospital and also to give the best quality of services and
facilities of healthcare. The hospital is also in regular consultation and communication with all administrative of
the state that mainly works on the plans for making and establishing the procedures to provide
accommodations for present and upcoming constraints for assisting in the service and facilities delivery.
Operational goals and expected outcomes
Fairfield Hospital is an established and well-maintained charity that mainly aims for improving the health and
standards of life by giving accurate and well standard efficient and better care to those people who use all their
health services. The main aim of the hospital is for improving the quality and standard of people’s health by
giving the best services and amenities of a health and also some realistic services to their clients and patients.
Their target is to mainly offer a better and more effective quality of health services of medical that support to
improve the health of patients through the growth of safe, affordable, professional and caring services (Griffin,
Action Plan
Items of action Responsible Duration
Monitoring all the inaccurate
procedures happening in the
operation theatres that lead to
the death of the patient

Safety Manager November 20XX

Review all framework of policies
and procedures for making sure
of the placement with the
structure of LMD

Operational Manager September 20XX

Appoint the manager of the
project for mainly the project
“Patient Care Challenge”

Operational Manager October 20XX

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

The key performance indicators are given below:
1. Patient and client satisfaction – The overall satisfaction of clients and patients is the key performance
indicator of the hospital that attracts a very large number of clients and patients and if the level of satisfaction
is more, then the hospital is mainly in profitability.
2. Net profit margin – The accurate way to ensure a positive and perfect net profit margin is mainly by
decreasing some inappropriate costs and expenses and also by exploring many streams of sales.
3. Utilization of equipment and tools of equipment – Tracking of all used tools and equipment must be done to
mainly identify where there is any kind of place to improve such as the reorganization of all tools and
equipment to other surroundings where there is mainly major need of improvement (Griffin, 2021).

Human Resource Requirements
In Fairfield Hospital, managers of human resources are responsible to make sure that all services and facilities
are efficient for executives of clinicians, staff and patients also. They have to also address many areas of major
concern in all departments of the hospital including directing and managing records of financial resources,
encouraging staff retention and also ensuring that all legislation related to healthcare facilities and services are
accurately obtained (Mainardes, et al., 2013).
Physical and other resource requirements
The various physical and some other resource needs in Fairfield Hospital involve knowledge, financial
resources, amenities, equipment and supplies. Some of the physical amenities in Fairfield Hospital involve the
supporting system of the building, great equipment for operations and surgeries and also the internal
formation of the infrastructure of the hospital. Other kinds of physical resources in the hospital include
medicine stock, professionals and specialists, beds etc.
Resource conservation/waste management tactics
There are some ways to decrease waste and for conserving all physical and other resources and these include
the following:
1. Irradiation of microwave
2. Disposal of land
3. Chemical sterilization
4. Arid and drizzly treatment of thermal energy (Mainardes, et al., 2013).
Budget/cost expectations
The expectations of budget and cost particularly involve three kinds of budget for Fairfield Hospital and it
includes mainly equipment for surgeries and treatment, capital and staffing. Out of these kinds of budgets,
mainly the budgets and costs of nursing and other labors are also very high in all facilities in the hospital.
Key responsibilities
Fairfield Hospital particularly considers offering the best and most effective services of healthcare to all its
clients and patients for satisfying all patients and clients in each manner. So, the main responsibility of the
hospital is to attain its stated objectives and goals which mainly involve enhancing the health and standard of
life by offering a better and more effective standard of health services and facilities.
Plan of communication
Fairfield needs to make a communication plan as it mainly helps in developing goals, describing particular
patients and customers, identifying key and accurate duties and accountabilities, outreach the specific plan in a
particular duration and also help in engaging with entire stakeholders and executives of Fairfield Hospital
(Frumkin, 2015).
Evaluating and Monitoring
For monitoring and evaluating the operational plan, Fairfield Hospital mainly assesses the whole performance
of its members of staff by determining the accurate direction and responsibilities of the hospital. It also assists
in documenting the activities and operations of the hospital and also evaluates the definite differences
between mainly planned and realistic performance.
Contingency plan

The main aim of making the contingency plan is for allowing the hospital to appropriately return mainly to its
all daily activities and tasks smoothly after coming across some unforeseen events. It also helps the hospital in
preventing the entire human and other physical resources and also reduces the issues of their patients and
clients (Frumkin, 2015).

Task 3:
Performance review report (1200 words)
Action plan stages
The stages of the action plan assist in determining the timeframe and goals of Fairfield Hospital. These all
actions assist to evaluate the duration for the specific task in which that particular task is accomplished and all
actions were accurately implemented by the Hospital for similarly accomplishing those tasks this also assists in
evaluating the objectives of the hospital. The action plan stages are given below:

1. Key objectives of the hospital – The evaluation will involve mainly how the objectives of Fairfield Hospital
and the entire performance of all action that is mainly taken for making the definite goals and all these
objectives will mainly enhance the efficiency of the hospital.

2. Process – Process that will be particularly considered for implementing the action plan in a specific manner
that will mainly be very productive to achieve the particular key objectives.

3. Indicators – These are the various little process that is mainly taken by the hospital such as the services of
health, department of emergency etc. in the hospital activities, the physical resources like equipment of
medical and various machines will be purchased (Jesmin & Hui, 2012).
Key Stakeholders and consultation in the implementation

The relevant stakeholders of Fairfield Hospital are consumers, managers, staff members, stream directors and
clinicians. Fairfield Hospital is mainly concerned with developing a better relationship of work with all its
stakeholders for maximizing the margin of profit of the hospital and also to give the best quality of services and
facilities of healthcare. The hospital is also in regular consultation and communication with all administrative of
the state that mainly works on the plans for making and establishing the procedures to provide
accommodations for present and upcoming constraints for assisting in the service and facilities delivery
(Jesmin & Hui, 2012).

Articulating KPIs for the measurement of success
The key performance indicators assist to determine the performance report of Fairfield Hospital that is mainly
measured accurately by every department related to business activities of the hospital and by monitoring the
performance report of the whole hospital. These performance indicators are mainly recognized from the
stated goals of the hospital. For some better and more effective services of health which mainly have
performance indicators are required for identifying the performance of various departments of the hospital.
Key performance indicators are very essential as these mainly highlight the development of the hospital and
examine the objectives accurately (Broadbent, 2013).

Actual Performance vs. Key Performance Indicators
The variances between the definite performance and the key performance indicators that are mainly set for
the hospital have a great difference in their viewpoints. The key performance indicators are the goals and
objectives which are mainly set by the hospital but in actuality, these are not taken seriously as per the
situations sometimes by the departments of the hospital which is the major issue.
Some services of health were there of the staff of nursing and also some key indicators were there such as the
efficient manner of the treatment of health of the patient which is mainly offered by the hospital. The key
performance indicators for the department of health are mainly the management of cost and time in the
treatment of patients with some better facilities of health in the hospital (Broadbent, 2013).
Analyzing and seeking feedback and adjustment

The constructive feedback was mainly taken by all the executives and stakeholders of the hospital and also
from some patients feedback related to treatment and facilities of health were taken. Some of the executives
and stakeholders were also asked to give feedback on the action plan and operational plan that is made for
monitoring and evaluating the performance of the overall departments of the hospital (Laffan & Lindner,
KPIs management procedure and protocols
The protocols and procedures that are linked to the key performance indicators are set for measuring the work
performance of the hospital. These also measure the performance of facilities and services of health care
provided by the hospital.
To achieve the objectives the following protocols and procedures must be followed. These are given below:
1. The key performance indicators must be established in a way that is accurately aligned and controlled with
the goals that were mainly set by the hospital.
2. The requirements of the hospital must be considered and fulfilled and the facilities and services of health
care must be accurately maintained and controlled by the stakeholders and executives.
3. Surety must be there that all key performance indicators are reachable with productivity (Laffan & Lindner,
Requirements for analyzing and improvement
Some aspects are there that the departments of the hospital must consider requires some enhancement for
the development of the objectives. These objectives could be achieved by the given process:
1. The hospital is required to recruit some staff for each department so that it could increase its rate of
productivity (Mathis, et al., 2016).
2. The hospital must give more knowledge by conducting training and consultation sessions with some
3. The hospital is required to be more sustainable so that all patients are treated in a clean and safe
environment (Mathis, et al., 2016).

Task 4:
Knowledge Test (Open Book)
Q1. What is an Operational Plan? What information would an Operational Plan typically contain?
Operational plan is a practical kind of the document used to do the solution of the issues and do
the identification and outline to the given activities and set the target regarding the organization
and set the target during the particular time period it is the usually for the year. It is the kind of the
thing to take the different and undertaking things during the particular time period. I is the link and
the funding agreement of the things. It is the kind of the link and it is do the involvement to the
organization and the organization strategic plan.
It is the organizational target and plan which will the organization carry. It is achieving the work and
the objectives in the strategic plan (Towbin, et al., 2018).
Q2. Explain the role of an operational plan in achieving the organisation’s objectives
It is the operational plan and the organizational activities it is used to the development
and outline the work management and activity. It targets the organizational work and
carry out the organizational solution and the organizational development. It is the
normal kind of work situation and work agreement it is helpful to achieving the goals
and the aims to set out the goals and the goals adjectives. It is the framework and the
organizational activity plan it is the work to do the achievement of the plan and the
adjectives (Shobaki, et al., 2016).
Q3. In your opinion how would an Operational Plan of a Retail and Services firm will differ from
that of a Manufacturing firm?

While you are doing the manufacturing of the operational plan and work for it then the producing
of the goods and it is the thing do the storing them at the warehouse them they are doing the
delivery to the customers. There is the effective services provided by the operational facilities and
the simulation of the work produced. It is known as the consumption of the work and the services.
It is known as the objective regarding the objective and the plan (Towbin, et al., 2018).
Q4. Explain a typical budgeting process in an organisation.
The budgeting process is the land of the organization and it is prepared by the budget n the time
limit and the plan limitation. They had the involvement in the past budget and they are doing the
forecasting and do the work implement and operations. It is the final evaluation of the work budget
and the work procedure. It is the essential budget of the work and the work management. It is the
monitoring and the controlling system to do the work monitoring and the controlling for the final
evaluations of the work and the work services.
Q5. What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)? Provide examples of financial and
non-financial KPIs in your own understanding.
It is the performance indicator for the management regarding the specific indicator
and the objectives. It is measured by the work management and the work objectives.
It is the thing provides the target and they gives the work and the measurement of the
objectives and the work. They gives the milestones and the gauge progress (Shobaki, et
al., 2016).

Assignment/Assessment Declaration Sheet
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Al Shobaki, M. J., Abu Amuna, Y. M., & Abu-Naser, S. S. (2016). Strategic and Operational Planning As
Approach for Crises Management Field Study on UNRWA.
Broadbent, D. E. (2013). Perception and communication. Elsevier.
Carliner, S. (2015). Training design basics. Association for Talent Development.
Frumkin, N. (2015). Guide to economic indicators. Routledge.
Goldratt, E. M., & Cox, J. (2016). The goal: a process of ongoing improvement. Routledge.
Griffin, R. W. (2021). Management. Cengage Learning.
Holzer, M. (2019). Public productivity handbook. CRC Press.
Jesmin, I., & Hui, H. (2012). A review of literature on contingency theory in managerial accounting. African
journal of business management, 6(15), 5159-5164.
Laffan, B., & Lindner, J. (2014). The budget: who gets what, when, and how?. Oxford University Press.
Mainardes, E., Alves, H., & Raposo, M. (2013). Identifying stakeholders in a Portuguese university: a case
study: La identificación de los stakeholders en una universidad portuguesa. Ministerio de Educación.
Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., Valentine, S. R., & Meglich, P. (2016). Human resource management. Cengage

Pressley, M., & Afflerbach, P. (2012). Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive
reading. Routledge.
Rosenfield, S. (2013). Instructional consultation. Routledge.
Towbin, A. J., Perry, L. A., Moskovitz, J. A., & OConnor, T. J. (2018). Building and implementing an operational
plan. Radiographics, 38(6), 1694-1704.

The Microservices are a cutting-edge breakthrough in the field of programming development.
It is capable of maintaining the overall business at a high level with low level help and
freedom to operate. Therefore, we can conclude that this is a development variation of a good
programming application that quickly resolves the present business difficulties. Numerous
features, like flexibility, freedom, and loose coupling, are included in this engineering. This
aid engineering also makes it possible to deal with security and administration that facilitates
cloud computing. This design has been made in consideration of several components,
including framework skills and group association.

They have also developed using agile programming development and DevOps. As a result,
each organisation has a variety of legal obligations for data protection. Microservices design
is a practical approach for a large number of programming tasks. The main goals of this
engineering are adaptive and have a high level of adaptability. The programme may degrade
into multiple components, each of which would function independently. The microservices
application was segregated from the stone structures and operated by a single person.
In microservices, a large, substantial application is divided into roughly linked, free, and
independent services that collaborate with one another to provide solutions to extremely
complicated business problems. In the IT industry, microservices are becoming more and
more prevalent. Amazon, Netflix, and Spotify are really just a few examples of enterprises
that use microservices-based systems to manage their operations.
This article aims to discuss the fundamental principles and concepts of microservices design,
as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

Body of the report
Microservices design is a practical approach for a large number of programming tasks. The
main goals of this engineering are adaptive and have a high level of adaptability. The
programme may degrade into multiple components, each of which would function
independently. The microservices application was segregated from the stone structures and
operated by a single person.

The key principles are :

  1. Single Responsibility Principle
  2. Work around Business Capabilities
  3. You Build It, You Own it
  4. Framework Automation
  5. Plan for Failure
  6. Microservices Architecture Benefits and Drawbacks

Microservices engineering is growing in popularity these days because of its features, which
include flexibility, versatility, and many others that are clearly superior than stone monument
design. Nevertheless, despite its benefits, the microservices design requires a few different
points of view. The benefits and drawbacks of the architecture of microservices are shown in
the table below.


  1. Microservices provide these kinds of help with amazing nimbleness.
  2. Bilingual programming is made possible via microservices.
  3. Administrations become independent thanks to decentralised information and management.
  4. Microservices allow for more rapid project development.
  5. Traditional services are less adaptable than microservices.


  1. The complexity of microservices exceeds that of a solid.
  2. Microservices demand societal change.
  3. Solid services cost less than microservices.
  4. Microservices may be more defenceless in the face of security threats.
  5. The board of distributed applications and administrators

Engineering with microservices has several benefits. Microservices allow for very flexible
planning, creation, testing, and various administrations. Changes can be made quickly as a
result of more conservative administration.Because the services in the microservices are
independent of one another, if one stops operating, it won't affect the other services, which is
not always the case with granite monument architecture. Overall, microservices have
numerous shortcomings (Francesco., 2019). There is no compelling necessity to replace
the entire code because the administrations in microservices are independent. The only area
that needs alteration is modified, tested, and communicated, which speeds up the user's
communication. Since multilingual programming is made possible by the administrations,
programmers may choose the best language to carry out their work. The inexact coupling of
the microservices allows for great group flexibility (Kuprenko, 2019).

Microservices design, which is loosely connected as compared to solid engineering, is rising
to fame in the product development space and is frequently used by the organizations. The
adoption of microservice architecture has changed as a result of the problems with solid that
have been found. Microservices provide the organisation a number of benefits that aid in
increasing agility and flexibility. Although switching from solid to microservices is
advantageous for the organisation, actually putting microservices into practise is challenging
as well.

Microservices Architecture Benefits
Programming for microservices may be divided into several component advantages, enabling
each of these administrations to be supplied and then repurposed free without endangering
the security of an application. In other words, developers may dynamically build and deploy
administrations thanks to the microservices architecture.
Better problem segregation ensures that even if one of the microservices fails, the others will
continue to function.
Code for various administrations might be written in many languages.
Simple integration and pre-planned setup; use of open-source continuous reconciliation
technologies like Jenkins, etc.
The idea of microservices makes persistent delivery possible.

The code is based on the capabilities of the organization, and it must be flexible and reusable
in addition to being effective. Integration with third-party services and scaling are both
simple processes.
The distribution of parts among many servers or even network infrastructure is possible.
Excellently work with compartments, like Docker.
Because the many components of a programme are decoupled, microservices focus on
security monitoring.

Case studies and examples of successfully implemented microservices architecture
Large-scale websites and apps like Netflix, eBay, Amazon, the UK's Government Digital
Service, Twitter, PayPal, The Guardian, and a plethora of others have all made the transition
from traditional solid architecture to microservices engineering. To examine the results, let's
look at some examples of people who overcame hardships:
A superb user experience is made possible by Spotify's usage of microservices.
Kevin Goldsmith, Spotify's VP of Engineering, is aware from personal experience that a
project requiring scalability need a design that can adapt rapidly and continue to be inventive
in a cutthroat market. As a consequence, Spotify came to the conclusion that you should
design your framework such that you can easily scale individual components if you're
worried about scaling to a high number of customers. Spotify sought to maintain these
limitations to a minimal because they presently have around 90 teams, 600 designers, and
five development offices working on a comparable product across two continents.

Amazon Embraced the DevOps Philosophy with Microservices
Amazon has also embraced microservices. Their prior, two-layered architecture would have
been practically unable to manage the constant requests they receive from a number of
sources, including apps that interface with the web administration API in the same manner
that they interact with the live site. In 2001, the ecommerce site was still under
construction. It was built on a number of levels, each of which included a sizable number of
rooms, yet they were all securely connected to one another and functioned as an one
enormous stone monument.

These significant adjustments started structurally, when Amazon switched their robust
application to a Service Oriented Architecture. Amazon also changed the way their company
conducted business. They split up into smaller "two-pizza groups" their primary, developing
item development group.After making these adjustments, Amazon greatly enhanced the
lifetime of front-end innovation. Currently, item groups are able to make decisions on and
deploy new microservice provisions fast. The organisation now completes 50 million
arrangements annually thanks to microservice engineering and its never-ending conveyance

Ethical factors in particular security and privacy concerns
The issue should be notably upright in the first place and questionable in the second.
In applied morality, we apply regularising criteria from a more pragmatic perspective. The
following are probably the most well-known examples of such criteria being used in applied

Rule of generosity: Be kind to people who are unfortunate.
Rule of authenticity: Don’t deceive people.
Damage rule: Don’t injure other people.
Paternalisms guiding principle is to assist others in pursuing their general interests when they
are unable to do it on their own.

PC morality also referred to as data morals or cyber ethics—is the framework through
which the ethical implications of data security are thought through. PC ethics is a branch of
applied morality that has received significant attention from ethicists as well as from experts
in data innovation. A significant component of this curiosity is the expected outcome of the
rapid change in PC innovation, its applications, and its recommendations. Despite the term
"PC Ethics"

Many businesses have switched between solid to microservices engineering. Microservices
provide a lot of advantages over traditional applications, but because they integrate several
different services into a single application, security and protection are a concern.

Instead of incorporating such services into a single monumental stone structure,
microservices engineering focuses on creating several independent, limited-scope
arrangements of Microservices. Microservices are an alternative to stone monuments that
overcome the challenges posed by deteriorating solid designs dividing a single application
into smaller microservices Due to its potential advantages, such as versatility and
adaptability.Microservices for computerised transmission and readiness are widely accepted
in the IT industry. It cannot, in any case.Never forget that, compared to traditional services,
microservices are more complicated, expensive, and vulnerable to security risks with strong.
However, many companies already do so, with the advantages weighing more heavily than
the disadvantages now started operating their firm in a microservices structured manner.

Di Francesco, Paolo, Patricia Lago, and Ivano Malavolta. 2019. “Architecting with
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study.” Journal of Systems and Software
150(4):77–97. Retrieved from https://www-sciencedirect-
GOTO conference. (2015, December 23). GOTO 2015. Microservices at Spotify. Kevin
Goldsmith. [Video file]. Retrieved from James Lewis,
Martin Fowler. 2014. Microservices: A Definition of this New Architectural Term. Retrieved
Koschel, A., Astrova, I., & Dotterl, J. (2017). Making the move to microservice architecture.
2017 International Conference on Information Society (I-Society).
Lokesh Gupta. 2019. Microservices – Definition, Principles and Benefits. Retrieved from
Phil Witmer. 2019. The Top Microservices Disadvantages & Advantages. Retrieved from
Vitaly Kuprenko. 2019. 6 key benefits of microservices architecture. Retrieved from

6 Key Benefits of Microservices Architecture

Overview of the research
An AI is used to research and study humans’ brains to solve problems. This is spreading all
over the fieldwork in the technical and engineering department. It is also used in AI
technology to improve the work efficiency and its accuracy. It provides new height for
construction work and provides more opportunities and reduces the risks. The objective of the
research is to implement AI technology in construction projects (Krishnamoorthy, & Rajeev,

Literature review of the research
Construction building is a fast-growing business that needs good design and accuracy.AI
automation helps to make the work easy and accurate because it requires a lot of planning and
information. It helps to decrease the burden on the engineer and understand employees that
how can utilize the resources effectively. There are lots of reaches and articles which reviews
the articles that how to use AI in a more effective way which gives lots of accurate results in
the project and industry. AI is a useful tool that is used to modernize the construction

Objectives of research
The main objective of the research is to know how important AI is for designing the project
for the modernization of industry. It is important to maintain the AI and use it to provide
more accuracy and effectiveness in project construction. And it provides a great scope in the
construction field. Questions in the research are
1) Is AI helps in the field of construction?
2) Is AI reduce or increase the project cost?
3) Is AI bringing more effectiveness to the project?

Methodology of the research

The objective of the research is a qualitative approach that helps to find the question which
will be asked in the project and to find the proper strategies which provide more effective and
helpful research work. By observations, we can present conditions that how much we extend
the AI in the construction field. Through interviews, we can be asked people personally about
the research questions and people are positive that AI really boosts the industries to a new
height. And by focusing on a target group that is engaged in a discussion about AI design.
The advantage of AI is It is also used in AI technology to improve the work efficiency and its
accuracy (Berente, et al., 2021). It provides new height for construction work and provides
more opportunities and reduces the risks. The objective of the research is to implement AI
technology in construction projects. The disadvantage is it needs lots of modification and also
it requires a high technical team expert to use it.

The project will provide the scope which is needed the construction field and requires AI in
the construction project for accurate and effective work and reduces the risks.

It is an important factor while research the work of research should be efficient without the
hurting community and without targeting a part of society. Analytical data is used for
maintaining a qualitative approach (Siau, & Wang,2020).


Berente, N., Gu, B., Recker, J., & Santhanam, R. (2021). Managing artificial
intelligence. MIS quarterly, 45(3), 1433-1450.
Krishnamoorthy, C. S., & Rajeev, S. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems for
Artificial Intelligence Engineers. CRC press.
Siau, K., & Wang, W. (2020). Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics: ethics of AI and ethical
AI. Journal of Database Management (JDM), 31(2), 74-87.







The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for the unit/s in this topic.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Requirements Due date
1.       Review project
2.       Case studies
3.       Promote diversity



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Part A. 22

Part B. 22



This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment ofBSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace.

About your assessments

This unit requires that you complete 3 assessment tasks.You must complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.

Assessment Task About this task
Assessment Task 1: Review project You are required to review Marino Enterprises’ diversity policy and make recommendations for improvement.
Assessment Task 2: Case studies You are required to answer case study questions to demonstrate your knowledge of fostering respect for diversity in the workplace, federal and Victorian legal framework and workplace complaints procedures.
Assessment Task 3: Promote diversity You are required to identify a training need and present the topic to the class for the purpose of education, fostering respect and promoting the benefits of diversity.

This is an open book assessment and you may reference your learning material to assist you in completing these tasks.

Please note that cheating and plagiarism are considered academic misconduct and will not be tolerated at Ashton College.  Refer to the Client Information Handbook for more information.


Purpose of assessment

To demonstrate that you understand the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge for this unit.  This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage diversity in the workplace. It covers implementing the organisation’s diversity policy, fostering diversity within the work team and promoting the benefits of a diverse workplace.

How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task, making sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task, and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them – your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Marking criteria


To be assessed as satisfactory for this assessment activity each question or statement must have the correct response.


If you do not answer every question correctly, then your assessor will give you the opportunity to go over the incorrect answers or ask you a similar multiple choice question.

If you still do not answer all questions correctly then your assessor will arrange for you to re sit the entire assessment. Your trainer will provide guidance as to the areas of the learning materials that you need to review.

You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your Trainer/Assessor will provide feedback and will arrange a date for your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd attempt is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to attend of date scheduled for the 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task.

You must satisfactorily complete all assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.

Assessment Appeals

If you wish to appeal an assessment decision you should initially talk with your trainer/assessor and see if the situation can be resolved. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you may then lodge a formal complaint. Formal complaints are to be made to the Clients Service Manager.


Complaints and appeals are actioned within 5 days of receipt of a complaint or appeal. The College will act upon the outcome of any complaint found to be substantiated. Appeals must be lodged within 20 working days of the decision of a complaint process or assessment result.

For further information on this procedure refer to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.


Assessment Task 1
Unit Code:   BSBDIV501
Unit Title:     Manage diversity in the workplace



STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person’s work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.


Student Signature:  _________________________________________    Date:  ____/____/_______

Student Name:
Student  ID:
Trainer/Assessor Name:
Result Result

(Please Circle)

S  |  NS

S = Satisfactory      NS = Not Satisfactory

Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed                   Satisfactory.

Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature: Date:



Task summary

  • For this task you are required to review Marino Enterprises’ diversity policy and make recommendations for improvement.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required).
  • Marino Enterprises Diversity Policy (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
  • Marino Enterprises Style Guide (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).

When and where should the task be completed?

  • This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
  • Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What needs to be submitted?

  • Feedback report.


  • Read the background information below and complete the activities.
Over the past three years Marino Enterprises has grown considerably and have expanded their community involvement to include a number of employment programs for disadvantaged groups. Working closely with a local employment provider, Marino employ a number of people with disabilities, mature-age people and Indigenous Australians.

Marino has also engaged two local schools with which they employ and train a small group of school-based trainees across all facets of their business.

Marino Enterprises also employ a large group of people from the LGBTIQ community, immigrants and international travelling backpackers. This has not been a deliberate policy or program of the company but rather a word of mouth as an employer of choice in the community.

With such a diverse and transient workplace, Marino Enterprises feel that their Diversity Policy isn’t matching the work that they do now. There have also been a couple of situations that have not been handled or managed well.

  1. Analyse and review Marino Enterprises Diversity policy and provide feedback in a report to management. The policy is located in the Marino Enterprises Handbook.

Along with explaining the importance and purpose of having a robust diversity policy you are required to make recommendations for improvement so the policy extends to meet the changing workplace environment and culture, and is current in relation to the legislation framework.

Your report should be clear and concise and be written in a language suitable for the audience. You should also follow the Marino Enterprises Style Guide when laying out, formatting and saving your report.

Note: use your research skills to review other diversity policies that are available through your business networks or the Internet. Current legislation can be found at the Fair Work Ombudsman website ( and the Human rights Commission (

Answer Report

Marino enterprise has developedsignificantly and the enterprise has extended its involvement inthe community to add the number of programs of employment for the deprived groups. As the demographics of the workforce shift and international or global market arise, the diversity policy at the workplace inches nearer to becoming the necessity of the business rather than the banner that the organizations wave for showing their pledge to implementing change and differences (Hunt, et al., 2015).

The diversity policy at the Marino Enterprise will help to develop mutual respect and kindness among the staff and employees. Whether the employees operate in teams or groups comprised of colleagues with different disabilities, styles of work or those who signify different generations or cultures, the synergistic environment of work becomes the custom in the enterprise.  Although the peaceful environment at the enterprise might be hard to obtain, employees and employers yet identify the various talents and strengths that the policy of diversity gets to the Marino enterprise and they earn respect for the performance of their co-employees (Hunt, et al., 2015).

Various employees of different enterprises or organizations have remained marginalized because of discrimination, ageism and racism against individuals with disabilities. Just not only this racism is illegal and unethical, but this also has some serious consequences. By implementing the policy of diversity at the Marino enterprise, the employees can be relieved by the discrimination and racism they faced (Ohnos, 2021).

Conflicts certainly happen in any enterprise’s environment of work. But the workers who recognize the difference of other individuals frequently also recognize similarities, significantly when there are similar objectives, like quality and production. Respect among the employees minimizes the probability of conflicts in the organization. This can be done by implementing a diversity policy at the workplace. The capability of resolving the conflicts of the workplace reduces the prospective liability of the complaints of employees that can otherwise increase to official matters like litigation. The Marino enterprise must appreciate the efforts of their employees and employers so that the employees could feel to put their opinions and thoughts forward. The diversity at the workplace conserves the quality of workplace relationships of employees with their colleagues (Ohnos, 2021).

Diversity in the Marino enterprise is essential for the employees as it establishes itself in developing a great reputation or goodwill for the enterprise, leading to maximizing opportunities and profitability for employees (Berliner, 2013).

Marino enterprises must realize the importance of diversity policy for the betterment of their performance and employees’ also (Berliner, 2013).

  1. Work with at least one other class member to discuss your feedback and recommendations before you submit your report. Your assessor will arrange a time for this group meeting to occur.

During the group meeting you are required to share your feedback and recommendations and consider the views and feedback from your class member/s.

Your assessor will observe and assess you on the way that you communicate, collaborate and interact, and how you demonstrate respect towards others in personal interactions.

At the conclusion of the meeting, make changes to your report and submit it to your assessor.


Student 1 – Good morning all!

Students – Good morning!

Student 1 – How are you all?

Students – Good, how are you?

Student 1 – Same here. So, we are conducting this meeting to recommend your views and feedback on the diversity policy at the workplace.

Students – Okay, we have many recommendations on this policy.

Student 1 –Okay, so we start this by taking your viewpoints. So please start.

Students – The individuals must be sure that the diversity statement of the company and the present initiatives are accurate and obvious on the page of career and then reference it in each description of the job that is offered to the individuals.

Student 1 – Okay, this is the very accurate suggestion I say. Any other recommendations you all want to give?

Students –Yes, for the betterment of the enterprise, the company must give high-value scholarships and internships from the under-represented individuals’ groups that would help the company to advance very quickly in key performance and roles in the enterprise.

Student 1 – This is also a better one. Any other suggestion you want to give at last?

Students – Yes, the enterprise can conduct the programs of mentorship. These programs would help to make sure that every individual has various opportunities to progress and also establish closer relationships among employees.

Student 1 – It is also correct. Okay, thank you all for your recommendations.





What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Feedback report o


Assessment Task 2
Unit Code:   BSBDIV501
Unit Title:     Manage diversity in the workplace




STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person’s work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.


Student Signature:  _________________________________________    Date:  ____/____/_______

Student Name:
Student  ID:
Trainer/Assessor Name:
Result Result

(Please Circle)

S  |  NS

S = Satisfactory      NS = Not Satisfactory

Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed                   Satisfactory.

Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature: Date:








Task summary

  • For this task you are required to answer the case study questions to demonstrate your knowledge of:
  • How to foster respect for diversity in the workplace
  • Federal and Victorian legal framework
  • Workplace complaints procedure.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer, printer, the Internet and word processing software.
  • Marino Enterprises Diversity Policy (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).
  • Internal Complaints Procedure (provided in Marino Enterprises Handbook).

When and where should the task be completed?

  • This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class (where applicable).
  • Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What needs to be submitted?

  • Answers to all case study questions.


  • Read the case studies below and answer all of the questions. The answers must be word processed and submitted in a suitably formatted document.
Case study 1: Michael

Michael has worked for Marino Enterprises as their Accounts Officer in the Melbourne head office for the three years of their operation, and worked for Luigi for 10 years before then. He has explained to Luigi and his manager that he will be commencing a gender transition and will be known as Michelle upon returning from a month of leave.

Michael’s manager works with HR to set up information sessions for staff to discuss the matter before Michelle returns from leave.

At the first meeting, some of the other staff are hostile, asking, ‘When there’s only one of her, it or whatever, and there’s nearly twenty of us, why is it us who have to be accepting? Why do we have to change?’ The manager and HR team work to educate theemployees about transgender issues and discrimination, terminology and the acceptable use of names and pronouns.

Question 1

  • What Victorian Act do transgender people in the workplace have legal protection under?
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

The “Victoria – Equal Opportunity Act 2010” provides protection to transgender individuals.

Social discrimination, victimisation, and sexual harassment are all encouraged to be identified and eliminated. It supports equality and the gradual attainment of equality. Discrimination in public life is protected by it.

  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 2

  • In support of Michael’s transition, Marino Enterprises have discussed developing a transition plan. What might this transition plan include?
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

It should involve staff consultation and training sessions for when Michael returns after the transfer to Michelle.

It should include everyone’s acceptance policy.

It should be required to utilise appropriate terms and pronouncements when speaking to her.

Make arrangements for her exit.

The employees should be courteous and accepting of her new persona.

  • All of the amenities should be supplied to her on an equal basis.
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 3

  • As a manager what information would you need to know about in order to support Michael and to prevent discrimination? Make a list of at least three topics.
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • First I would like to directly ask her that what type of support she requires and how the staff and management help her and what rights she will have as a transient gender. After this matter I will concentrate on letting my staff understand regarding the transients Transgender rights therefore that they will be able to know that it is not legal to discriminate between the transience. Before time all the penalties and fines on the discrimination would be told to them.


  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 4

  • Marino Enterprises have not had this scenario arise to date and feel that they are not prepared, or covered legally to manage the situation or matters that may arise. What actions could they take to rectify their preparedness?
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • They could say it urgent aims and objective about the transgender acceptance. They could modify their internal policies as well. Acceptance and tolerance must be the important key objective in this case.______________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 5

  • As the manager, how could you respond to the hostile staff member and encourage respect?
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • In my opinion I would give awareness to my hostile staff and employees and then inspire them to be supportive and then present the acceptance to the opposite Gender as well as respect her traditions.____________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 6

  • If the hostile staff member was to continue making derogatory comments in front of Michelle, what is the first step in the Marino Enterprises’ Complaints procedure for her to follow?
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • In the Marino enterprise the first step will be to solve the matter or issues by both parties on their own and then settle the disputes themselves.


  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
Case study 2: Recruitment

Champions Sports Bar is owned and operated by Marino Enterprises and it has been subject to a discrimination complaint as a result of their recent recruitment campaign. They told the recruitment agency that they were looking for ‘young women with flair’ to fill the positions of bar staff. The recruitment company followed instructions and advertised the job as such and didn’t consider anyone other than females under 30.

Question 1

  • Who is liable for discrimination?

For the discrimination both the champagne bar as well as agency of recruitment is responsible.

  • Question 2
  • Discuss the four discrimination matters related to recruitment that an employer must consider.
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • Some matters that are related to recruitment that an employee should consider are-
  • As per the law the adjustment as well as changes must be created in the organisation.
  • It is not in the favour of law that to display or publish to authorise someone else to display or publish an advertisement that symbolise that the people inclined to engage in harassment, discrimination or victimisation.
  • One must make adjustments that are reasonable in their recruitment process as per the participant by sorting support or interpreters.
  • Information arranged from participants should be as per their skills and job. It should not involve information that can be utilised as a discrimination sign. One should present that they are utilising the information for the purposes of non-discrimination. The information of discrimination must not be demanded verbally or in written away by the interview and it is also not in the favour of the law.________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________
  • ___________________________________________________________________________________

Question 3

  • If a highly qualified male internal staff member had applied for this position and was told by his manager ‘bad luck mate, we’re employing girls’ on a number of occasions, what action can he take under the Complaints procedure?
  • Answer He could file his complaint under the gender discrimination act to take the action against the bar as it is not necessary to recruit only the girls in a bar. He can mention that I have experience in this field of work then I have the right to work (Roberts, et al., 2014).
  • Question 4
  • If a 52 year old female applied for the position, who was also more than qualified, and was told that she didn’t get the job because they were looking for young women, what federal Act has been breached?
  • AnswerHere the Age discrimination act has been breached. This act forbids discrimination in the process of discrimination based on the age of individuals. This act applies to older and young individuals. This act also prevents older and younger citizens from age discrimination(Roberts, et al., 2014).

Question 5

  • If the 52 year old female was told that she didn’t get the job because kegs of beer would be too heavy for her to lift and she hadn’t used their cash register system, would this still be considered discrimination? Explain your response.
  • Answer Yes, I will still consider it as discrimination against females. As we have no right to judge any individual’s potential and calibre. Every individual has some speciality in them. First, we should observe their performance and then judge them. Saying that you cannot lift kegs of beer is a kind of discrimination as we are demotivating the other individual(Roberts, et al., 2014).
  • Question 6
  • During the interview process for this position, a young woman fits the description and is qualified and is asked if she has children. She lets the interviewer know that she has two, one of which she is still breastfeeding. Prior to disclosing this information she was asked if she could start next week but the interviewer has gone cold and cuts the interview short. On what basis could the woman make a complaint?
  • Answer The young woman would file the complaint as per federal law. In this act, the interview cannot behave like this with the women and could not ask any personal questions(Roberts, et al., 2014).


Case study 3: Muhamad

Louise, a female staff member reports to her manager that Muhamad, a Muslim staff member, never shakes hands with female clients. Louise considers this to be rude and disrespectful to females, and show a total lack of equality. She requests her manager to tell Muhamad that he must shake female client’s hands.

Question 1

  • As Muhamad‘s manager, how should you deal with this situation?
  • AnswerIf I was the manager of Muhammad, I would make him understand to shake hands with the female clients by talking to him politely, giving him suggestion regarding workplace relationships, providing his knowledge about the importance of the policy of diversity at the workplace (Grainer, et al., 2014).

Question 2

  • What are the legal requirements?
  • Answer The manager must conduct training sessions at the workplace to give knowledge to Muhammad about gender equality and should implement the gender equality act at the workplace (Grainer, et al., 2014).


  • Three weeks have passed and Muhamad comes to you to report that Louise has cornered him in the photocopy room and told him that he is rude for not shaking hands with female clients. Louise has told you that she cannot work with Muhamad as his behaviour makes her sick!
  • What can you do to manage the situation and encourage them to work together?
  • AnswerIn this situation, the manager must conduct an urgent meeting with Louise and Muhammad and listen to both and also listen to their point of view regarding this. Then he must take their suggestion equally in this situation. Then he must give some valuable advice to them and then try to resolve the conflicts by giving accurate conclusions(Grainer, et al., 2014).


Outline what part of this situation you would document. Why is it important to be objective in documenting these situations?

  • Answer The situation is that Louise considers the behaviour of Muhammad with the female disrespectful and lack of equality. At the workplace, all the employees are treated as fair equals. No one should be discriminated against as per their caste, religion or gender (Wintgens, 2016).
Case study 4: Delores

A staff member, Delores, has approached you with a request not to have to deal with a particular customer because they feel that the customer is acting with racial hatred toward her.

Question 1

  • Can Delores refuse to deal with a customer on these grounds?
  • Answer I do not think that Delores is right in this situation. As we can’t choose our customer by ourselves or by their behaviour. We could not deny selling or dealing with our clients as this is against the law. So, Delores cannot refuse for dealing with the customers in these cases or matters (Wintgens, 2016).
  • Question 2
  • What are the employer’s legal requirements?
  • Answer The legal requirements of the employer includes the racial discrimination act, in which any of the individuals do not have the right to racially discriminate against another individual(Wintgens, 2016).

Question 3

  • As Delores‘s manager, how should you deal with this issue?
  • Answer If I was the manager of Delores, I would manage this issue by handling the customer with accurate and kind behaviour and telling him about the laws and regulations under the racial discrimination act. I would also suggest to Delores that he must every customer with polite manner (Wintgens, 2016).
Case study 5: Jackie

At lunch your colleague, Jackie, expresses a concern to you. She has recently disclosed information about her mental illness to your team leader, Kelly, who she has always gotten along well with. Kelly was shocked and said ‘well that explains everything, you should consider taking some leave’ Jackie feels as though Kelly has excluded her from general office conversations and work discussions since and has overheard Kelly telling other staff in the lunch room that ‘you’re crazy’ and ‘unstable’. Jackie doesn’t know what to do.

Question 1

  • What should Jackie do?
  • AnswerJackie must communicate with her senior manager regarding her condition. The senior manager then should communicate with Kelly and should make her realise her mistake. Jackie must not take much pressure regarding this matter(Wintgens, 2016).

Question 2

What federal and Victorian legislation applies in this situation?

  • Answer Victorian and federal legislation apply here are:
  1. a) Fair Work act 2009
  2. b) Disability discrimination act 1992
  3. c) Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986

Question 3

It is some months down the track and Jackie has not been able to resolve the conflict through informal channels. She has made a formal complaint against Kelly. In dot point, outline the formal process to be followed by the HR Manager under the Complaints procedure (Wintgens, 2016).

  • Answer The process includes:
  1. The HR manager must resolve this matter as soon as possible.
  2. He must communicate with Kelly and suggest to her about the disability discrimination act.
  3. The HR manager must give proper information to Kelly about the mental situation as it is a very serious matter and we should discriminate against anyone regarding his or her mental condition (Wintgens, 2016).
Case study 6: Will

Will is multi-lingual and very popular with customers of Ellia Hotel because of his language and customer skills but he has been homeless for six months and his manager at Marino Enterprises has just been given this information through another employee.

Will hasn’t missed one shift nor has he looked unclean or untidy. He has been caught taking food from the kitchen bins by the employee who has reported it. The manager has fired Will on the spot.

Question 1

  • Has Will done anything wrong?
  • Answer No, I do not think that Will has done anything wrong in this situation as he was just searching for food from the bins(Derthick, 2013).
  • Question 2
  • Can Will claim unfair treatment or discrimination? Explain your response.
  • Answer Yes, Will should claim discrimination and unfair treatment. He can claim under the legislation of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act (Derthick, 2013).

Question 3

  • Make two suggestions of how Will’s situation could benefit Marino Enterprises.
  • Answer Two suggestions are:
  1. As Will was very popular among the customers of Mario enterprise because of his behaviour and language, he must not be fired as this can affect the customers of Marino enterprise (Nelken, 2017).
  2. The nature of the behaviour of Will towards customers was appropriate and efficient, this will attract more customers.
Case study 6: Reflection

Think about a time that you felt as though your own prejudices have impacted a personal interaction, either with someone that you have worked with or someone you have come across in your day-to-day life.

Question 1

  • Outline the situation and describe how you would demonstrate respect, understanding and acceptance to that person in the same situation now.
  • Answer Once I was working in an organization named Marino Enterprise, there was an employee named Ashton Stark. He regularly taunts me regarding my age and caste. I felt very awkward around him and did not like him at all. I tried to ignore his comments and taunts regarding my caste and my age. But it was all now going above the limits. I felt stressed and I also could not focus on my work because of his comments. Then on one day, I decided to take this matter to top management and I put this matter forward to the senior authorities. Then they took action against him under the Age and racial discrimination act. Then he was fired from the job and I felt very relieved after this. So, at the workplace doing discrimination is a kind of crime and one should not attempt this as the other person can be demotivated (Nelken, 2017).



What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
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Assessment Task 3
Unit Code:   BSBDIV501
Unit Title:     Manage diversity in the workplace



STUDENT DECLARATION: I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from any other person’s work, except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and no part of this assessment has been written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the assessor concerned.


Student Signature:  _________________________________________    Date:  ____/____/_______

Student Name:
Student  ID:
Trainer/Assessor Name:
Result Result

(Please Circle)

S  |  NS

S = Satisfactory      NS = Not Satisfactory

Marking criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each task to be deemed                   Satisfactory.

Assessor’s feedback / date for re-assessment if required:
Assessors signature: Date:



Task summary

  • For this task you are required to identify a training need and present the topic to the class for the purpose of education, fostering respect and promoting the benefits of diversity.

Resources and equipment required to complete this task

  • Access to textbooks and other learning materials.
  • Access to a computer, printer, the Internet, word processing and presentation package software (such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint).
  • Audio visual equipment.
  • Case studies from Assessment Task 2.

When and where should the task be completed?

  • Part A of this task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class. Part B of this task will be completed in class time.
  • Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.

What needs to be submitted?

  • Part A – Memo.
  • Part B – Student is not required to submit anything.


  • This assessment task requires you to identify a diversity related training need and present the topic to your class. The topic should be related to one of the topics presented in the case studies in Assessment Task 2.
Part A
  1. Firstly, in a brief memo to your assessor, identify the training need to address the particular issue of difference and discuss at least three ways that a company could promote their diversity policy to staff. Submit your word processed memo to your assessor.


To: The Assessor

From: HR Department

Date: 9-03-2022

Subject: Regarding Training for Diversity Policy

In our organisation the diverse that are involved in our department will like to start a training of diversity policy for the employees.

The training would include the cross-cultural overview organisation, sexual orientation, identify differences, conservative and liberal beliefs, ethnic city, race and rights among others that would be held after two weeks on the approval. The duration for completing it is one week.

The training would be started to inspire the harmony over the employs from that we could accomplish the following-

All voice and opinion would be heard and it would not contain the destructive criticism and it would lead to an entire usual benefit.

Oriented by the policies of anti discriminatory.

Holding the virtues that would promote the usual benefit for staff would strengthen our relations by one another. By having a force of collaborative things than organisation could make their vision and mission a reality.

The cultivated I was brainstorming in which teams of cross functional composed of various ethnicity and gender that would collaborate.

Part B
  1. Prepare and present the topic to your class. The purpose of the presentation is to:
  • Promote the benefits of diversity in the workplace, including how diversity could enhance products/services and contribute to a competitive advantage.
  • Educate staff on your diversity policy and the Marino Enterprises complaints procedure (this should be referenced rather than step-by-step introduction).
  • Educate staff on the issue of difference that you have chosen.

You will have 20 minutes for your presentation. You are required to use a presentation package and audio visual equipment but you have creative freedom to present the information in the most engaging and interesting way as long as it is appropriate. You may make the use of images, videos, role plays, facts and figures, tables, etc if you chose.

Your assessor will be looking to see that you:

  • Demonstrate respect for the differences you are presenting.

For example, this might include being an advocate during the discussion, being well informed on the topic and discussing the benefits of diversity and why this is important.

  • Encourage diversity and sell the benefits of working effectively in a diverse workplace such as Marino Enterprises.

For example, diversity gives the opportunity for people to learn skills and knowledge from people with different skills/knowledge to themselves; it gives a chance to learn about different cultures, religions, food, the way people live, a different language, history of a country or place, it may open job opportunities, workplaces may offer flexible working arrangements for everyone not just those that need it.

  • Help your class members acknowledge issues relating to workplace diversity.

For example, this might include asking questions of the audience to gauge their understanding and acceptance and responding with information that aligns with the legal framework, polices and the company’s commitment to diversity and giving staff the opportunity to view their opinions and views.

  • Identify diversity factors and give examples of diversity in the workplace.

This might involve being well informed of your topic and providing sound facts and figures and examples of diversity that are discussed in the case studies (or other case studies).



What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Part A – Memo o
Part B – You do not need to submit anything NA


BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency. All student submissions are to be attached to this summary sheet before placing on the students file.
Student Name:
Student ID No:


Please attach the following documentation to this form Result

(Please Circle)

S = Satisfactory

NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1 Case study S  |  NS
Assessment Task 2 Presentation S  |  NS
Assessment Task 3 Project S  |  NS
Final Assessment Result for this unit

C – Competent, NYC – Not yet Competent (Please Circle)

C  /  NYC

Marking Criteria – Student must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each assessment task to be deemed competent in this unit.

Assessor Feedback:



Assessor Declaration:  I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Signature:    ____________________________

Date:              ____/_____/_____


BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace


Note: To be removed by the Assessor and returned to the student

Student Name:
Student ID No:

(Please Circle)

S = Satisfactory

NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment Task 1 Case study S  |  NS
Assessment Task 2 Presentation S  |  NS
Assessment Task 3 Project S  |  NS
Final Assessment Result for this unit

C – Competent, NYC – Not yet Competent (Please Circle)

C  /  NYC

Assessor Feedback:




Assessor Declaration:  I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback

Signature:    ____________________________

Date:               ____/_____/_____



please cut here

Assessor Declaration: (to be filled out and given to the student when assessment is handed in)

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

Student Name:
Student ID No:

Student has submitted this assessment on  ____/_____/_____

Trainer Signature:               ____________________________


Hunt, V., Layton, D., & Prince, S. (2015). Diversity matters. McKinsey & Company1(1), 15-29.

Ohnos, T. (2021). Taiichi Ohnos Workplace Management.McGraw-Hill Education.

Berliner, J. S. (2013). Factory and Manager in the USSR.Harvard University Press.

Roberts, C., Davies, E., &Jupp, T. (2014). Language and discrimination.Routledge.

Grainer, M., Noble, C. H., Bitner, M. J., &Broetzmann, S. M. (2014). What unhappy customers want.MIT.

Wintgens, L. J. (2016). Legisprudence: practical reason in legislation. Routledge.

Derthick, M. (2013). The influence of federal grants.Harvard University Press.

Nelken, D. (2017). Using the concept of legal culture (pp. 279-303).Routledge.


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