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Introduction to Logistics

Active model exercise
Question 1
According to the material requirement plan of the organization describe the production of
item B will be changed from week 3 to week 2 then there is no change in the order releases
for items B, C, and, D (Marchet, et al., 2018). there is no change between these items because
there are no planned order releases from weeks 2 and 3 because there are 0 productions in
both the week in item B and because of this there is no change in items B, C, and D as they
have no relation with each other but they can change the production of item C in the week 2
because they manufacture 400 quantity of this product in the second week but there is 0 level
of the production in the market and the organization has to increase their production in the
company to increase the company sales in the market for the benefits and gaining the profit of
the organization in the market (Marchet, et al., 2018).

Question 2
As based on the on-hand inventory for item C and it is directly increased from the level of 0
to 200 directly this describes the difference in both the production and the manufacturing
level of the goods and the products in the organization. as you can see both of the production
levels of items B and D this is the important thing for the organization (Meunier, et al., 2016).
based on the plan order realizes of the production level of item C is staying on the 0 levels in
the first and this is the lack point in the organization as the first week of the production
company does not focus on the goods of item C. this is will affect the production and the
manufacturing level of item B in the market as on the second week. This is the way the other
item such as B and D production and the manufacturing level in the organization will
decrease automatically.

Question 3
Based on the fixed order quality FOQ of item D increased from 500 to 750 then this will help
the company to increase the production level of the B and C and because they are reducing
the production level of the D this is the reason company will focus on the manufacture of the
goods and the service of the other items in the organization as the item D production reduce
and the company will be focussing on the other item of the organization (Meunier, et al.,
2016). there is a change in the production level of the company of item D at the reducing
level in the manufacture of the 150 items. This is the affection of the other items of the
organization as they are manufacturing them of the flashy flashers organization.


Question 4
Based on the table and the records of the company also, the plan order realizes describe there
is the slow manufacture start for the item C in the organization but as they have started late
production of the organization in the item of the company but the item C production will
remain to stay long and till week 6 compares to the manufacturing level of both the products
from the first 1 of the organization (Ogura, et al., 2015). according to the planned order report
and the table if there are changes in the production of item C then there are the chances that
the production level of the other two items B and D will be increased automatically as the
company focus on the manufacture products of the items products. This is the amount of the
level and the changes that happen in the organization as they will reduce the focus on the
manufacture of the product item C and they do produce the item of the B and D these are the
changes that happen in the organization (Ogura, et al., 2015).


Assignment 2

Flashy flashers are the organization that produces the side lamp lights and the headlights that
are used in the vehicle and this firm produces the automotive electrical components. As this
organization supplies the parts and the types of equipment that will be used in the vehicle and
they are doing their best in the company as they are working in the garage to provide the best
and excellent level of customer service for better and positive feedback from the customer of
the organization. as the organization sales report, this has been very clear and it is mentioned
in the company case study is that there are the two types of products that are known as the
best selling products of the company are known as side lamp and the headlamp.


According to the manual of the MRP explosion for the side lamps and the headlamps of the
organization, this has been very clear that the headlamps of the company are the high level of
selling in the market compared to side lamps this table describes the difference between both
the commodities selling in the market and there is the competition between both the products
in the organization (Song, et al., 2015). based on the production level of the company and the
selling price also, the MPS explosion cost of the unit and the unit available in the hand of the
organization describe the difference between both the product demand in the market and the
level of the manufacture is not similar with each other (Song, et al., 2015).

Increase manufacture
Compare to the details of the company manufacture of the goods and the products this has
been very clear that the company has to increase the manufacture of the side lens (SL111P)
more in the organization for the better and increase the sales rate of the organization
(Cornish, et al., 2016). according to the master production schedule and the company has to
start their production from the 1week based on the details and the manufacturing of the goods
and the MPS start date the company is lacking in the manufacturing of the goods in the first
week and the second week of the company. this describes the company lacking point in goods
manufacturing (Cornish, et al., 2016).

The most important thing in the organization as the company has a medium level of
production. The company has to increase their production level in the organization for the
better and the good result in the organization. they have to increase the production level of
the company as they also, develop the new teammates and the worker for the production of
the goods in the organization (Klumpp, 2018). they have to get more materials and raw
materials for the production of the goods and the products of the organization (Klumpp,

They have to focus on both the products of the organization which has a high level of demand
in the organization and it is very important for the organization. as the side lamps and the
headlamp has the high level of the demand in the organization as the most of the sales which
have an increase in the week 3 and week 5 also, in week 6 the SL100E has the highest level
of the production and this product has the highest level of the production in the organization.

A flashy flasher has a medium-sized firm that has a total of 900 employees and 125
managerial and administrative personnel. Based on these data and the details the organization
has to increase the recruitment because according to manufacturing goods of the organization
they have to hire more employees and co-workers for the company to get better and the good result with the help of this they will be able to get a better positive result. As the vice
president of the operations and the supply chain of the organization, I have to manage the
supply of the organization as they have to get better and the positive result of the organization
(Bayarçelik, et al., 2020).

Inventory control manager
Inventory control of the organization describes the well maintained and this will explain the
investment records of the organization and the transaction describe the company has what
kind of amount in their on hand at the current period and the balances are credible (Surajit,
2018). The MRP production or the explosion of the organization each week describes and
handles the production and the manufacturing level of the organization of each level. As the
organization receives the investment in the company based on the investor and the investor
control manager of the company that handles and maintains the balance of the production of
the organization. the MRP outputs of the organization are providing the priority and the
capacity reports of the company. they also, handle the order launching capability of the
company (Bayarçelik, et al., 2020).

Based on the report and the details that are mentioned above in the organization describe the
company has to focus on the manufacture and the production of the organization and they
also, have to hire more workers and employees in the organization to increase the production
level of the company and with the help of this company will be able to increase the
production level of the two main products of the organization in week 1 and 2 which is the
most important week for the organization to do production in the market.


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