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HRM Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Week 1: Evolution of HRM

Full reference:  Rotich, K.J. (2015). History, evolution and development of human resource management: a contemporary perspective. Global Journal of Human Resource Management3(3), 58-73.

Research objective and research question:  As per Armstrong (2006) the Human resource management can be stated as a coherent approach to the assets of the organization. The main objective of the research is to focus on the accountability in the telecom industry that ensures the long term goals. 

Outline of the method: This article discusses the historical development of the management. It also emphasis on the different evolutionary phases which outlines the different functions and also shape the development of human resource management. To gather the data, a researcher uses a mixed method for the evolution of HRM. AS it can be determined that with the increase in time the employees use different techniques and practice that leads to the goal of organization’s. It also emerges through sociological and psychological research. 

Discussion of the findings:  This article traced the different historical developments about human resource management. It also emphasizes on the different period and experiences of different countries. During the pre-historic, different methods can be used for the tribal leaders and these actions can be recognized to train and select the individuals for jobs. Later on, the theorist of different countries examines the nature of work systems and applied by professionals and management. 

Summary of the conclusions: From the above analysis, it can be determined that the Human resource management is an important function in management and it also evolves to become the indispensable sector. It consist the different factors such as human resource planning, Knowledge management, performance and quality management, industrial relations management, health and safety etc. 

Indication: It can be stated that if all the functions of Human resource management can be performed effectively and efficiently, then they can easily attain the goals. Through the employees can retain more and develop their activities. 

Week 2: The context of HRM

Full reference:  Malik, M. (2013). Impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee performance in telecom sector—With reference to MTS India. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review, 2(4), 41-45.

Research objective and research question:  As Per the study of Malik (2013), it can be identified that the practices of human resource management play a crucial in the telecom industry. It also emphasises on the different elements such as selection, the role of training, selection, job definition, appraisal and participation of employees. It also identifies the different practices for the Telecom industry, and apart from this it also enables the employees to perform their work effectively and efficiently. Through this study, they can understand the different practices and methods that lead to an increase in profit. For this study, the research question is whether the practices of HRM play a crucial role in increasing the satisfaction and productivity of employee or not. 

Outline of the method: By analysing the study it can be identified that the researcher can use the mixed method that includes both qualitative and quantitative method to evaluate the role of different practices of HRM. Data can be gathered through the 50 respondents by using the questionnaire. They also used the different tools to analyse the results of data. 

 Discussion of the findings:  After the completion of the study the Malik (2013), observed that there is a strong relationship between the performance of employee and correlation and that can be derived by the correlation.  Apart from this it also identified the different variables such as training (0.65), performance appraisal (0.47) and participation of employees (0.56). The above result indicated the performance of the employee, and that leads to the goal of the organisation. 

 Summary of the conclusions: From the above study, it can be concluded that several factors lead to the performance of employees. It can also be identified that the MTS use the different practices of HRM to increase the share of profitability and productivity. The different practices such as training, job definition, and selection and performance appraisal contribute towards the organisation. 

Indication: This article analyses the different practices of HRM, and it has been observed that with the high increase in salary the greater number of employees get attracted, and they retain in the organisations. Due to this, there will be a greater number of employees, and that leads to an increase in competition. Apart from this, certain factors help the employees to remain in the organisation; this can be people management, job definition etc. 

Week 3: Industrial relations: Frameworks and practices 

Full reference: Washimkar, G., & Deogaonkar, A. Impact of Employee Productivity Analysis on Service Quality Telecom Industry. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 446.

Research objective and research question:  This main objective of the research is to analyze the relations of employees within the telecom industry. In the sector of telecom, the relations of employee become a crucial part and also judge the profitability of the business. The main goal of this article is to understand the positive and negative impacts of employee productivity due to which the differences can be caused. 

Outline of the method: To analyze this change it is essential for the researcher to study deeply. For this, they have to gather the true and real data from the various sources. They have to do the mixed research in which they can provide the questionnaire o their employees so that they can fill easily. Apart from this, they have to do surveys and take interviews of employees. Through all this, they can easily analyze the relations of employees with the organizations. 

Discussion of the findings:  By analyzing the data, it can assert that the telecom industry is going through the phases of consolidation of business that ensure the margins of profit. In the new era of business, technology plays a crucial role due to this telecom sector requires the employees to enhance their productivity level. It can also be stated that the level of productivity can be maintained through their relations, if employees maintain their positive relationship with their subordinates and superiors then there will be a positive relationship. On the other side, if they show attitude, ego then they are not able to perform well in the organization. This creates a negative impact. Due to this factor, there will be positive and negative relations of employees and that creates hampers the industrial relations. In addition to this impact of this ensures the ownership, trust, and belongingness within the telecom industry. 

Summary of the conclusions: From the above analysis, it can be stated that the impact of Employee productivity on service quality plays a significant role in the future. The enhancements of productivity initiate from the use of technology such as the internet, computer, and the skills within the workforce. If the telecom sector does not provide better services and incentives then it can be assumed that employees are not happy with them and that creates the negative impacts and effects the relationship with the organizations. So, to develop positive industrial relations, it is essential for the HR manager to provides all the relevant factors of HRM so that they can be motivated and perform better to attain the goals. 

Indication: To last for the long term, it is necessary for the manager to provide all the facilities so that a greater number of employees can retain and easily develop in their fields.  Due to this factor, the organization can earn a high rate of profit that leads to a high rate of productivity. If all this factor can be maintained then there will be better relations with organizations. 

Week 4: HR Planning in a changing environment 

Full reference:  Afzal, F., Mehmood, K., Sherazi, S.M.R., Sajid, M. and Hassan, M., (2013). Effect of human resource planning on organizational performance of the telecom sector. In Information and Knowledge Management (Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 173-182).

Research objective and research question:  According to Afzal and others (2013), this article emphasis on the impact of human resource planning and on the performance of the organization. The main objective of this article is to determine the different determinants of human resource planning that contributes towards the performance of the telecom industry. It raises the question that whether the different factors of HRP constitutes a positive relationship or not. The main objective of this article is to check the continuation of human resources and determine the variables that lead to an increase in organizational performance. 

Outline of the method: To collect the data a survey of the questionnaire was employed that encompasses the population of different firms in respect to the telecom industry. The result of the study is based on the empirical evidence that develops flexibility and becomes a crucial part of the firm. The data can be gathered through the field study and they can adopt the different practices. 

Discussion of the findings:  As per Afzal and others (2013), the practice of human resource management is changing in the sector of the telecommunication sector. It can be analyzed that with the tools of HRP such as training, selection, incentives, benefits for the employee that leads to attaining the goals. Apart from this, it can be analyzed that human resource management is the strategic component and the practices that are distinctive in heir work. Selection, incentives, training provides positive measures and significant to others. In addition to this, it also stresses the role of human resource planning that adopts suitable practices in order to induce the best quality of skills. It also specifies the responsibilities, duties of the individuals that can be performed by them. The performance of an organization can be measured through productivity and financial stability and that leads to effectiveness. It also adopts the three practices that are to develop the abilities, skills among the different employees. It also ensures security and provides participation among the employees. Lastly, it motivates employees by providing incentives and benefits. 

Summary of the conclusions: It can be concluded that motivation is indicating a positive relationship with the other factors. The more incentives will be provided to the employees there will be more motivated. Apart from this, there is an increase in the level of technology and through that, they can train a number of employees. 

Indication: With the increase in the different factors of human resource management the employees can gain their knowledge and experience and that leads to the attainment of the goal. With this, it can be analyzed that a greater number of employees can retain and that leads to the growth of the telecom sector. 

Week 5: Work design challenges in a global environment 

Full reference:   Al-Maamari, M. H., Al-Mamary, Y. H., Nor Aziati, A. H., & Shamsuddin, A. (2015). Issues Related to Employees at Telecommunication Companies in Yemen. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 8(12), 377-390

Outline of the research objective and research question: In this study by Al-Maamari, Al-Mamary, Nor Aziati, & Shamsuddin (2015), different issues related to the telecommunication companies are studied. It also evaluates the concept of Human resource information systems that can be used to record, collect, analyze and retrieve data that concerns the resources of organizations. It can also be stated that the function of human resources is accountable for developing, attracting and maintaining the workforce of the firm. It also supports the different activities such as maintaining the records of existing employees, evaluating the potential employees and creating the programs to develop the skills and talents. The research question for this study is whether the system of MIS increases the effectiveness of HRM practices or not? 

Outline of the method: The researcher uses the mixed method as the uses both primary and secondary source. The employees can evaluate on their basis of performance, and that can be gathered through the secondary source. Apart from this, they also use different systems such as HRM and MIS to gather information, and that leads to effective decisions making. It also carried the qualitative and that is based on the existing research. 

Discussion of the findings: After the analysis, the Al-Maamari and others observed that the management information system is one of the important tools in the sector. The main objective behind this is to provide the complete, reliable and timely to systems. It also provides the reports to their managers so that they can easily access the performance of the organization. The main role of a management information system is to manage the data, organize it and retrieve the information system. It also provides faster and accurate services and also affects the performance of employees. It can be stated that employee satisfaction is more challenging and also includes in the telecommunication sector. Apart from this, different factors hinder the performance of employees. On another side, the other employees are not satisfied while using the systems. This article establishes the stability of demands, autonomy in the jobs and also enhances the motivation. It also discusses the models that optimize the different level of motivations and well-being in the system of work.  Apart from this it also harmonizes the different interfaces between the different jobs. 

Summary of the conclusions: From the above analysis, it can be stated that the system identifies the challenges of work design and that can lead to the dissatisfaction of employees from mechanical jobs. The sector of telecommunication is the promising sector, and that can be available in the field of investment and trade. There is a competition in the service prices, and that leads to an increase in demand. The billing system plays a crucial role in the sector of telecommunication, and that is the combination of software, hardware that groups the information for the individuals and records the payments to the customer. The concept of emerging allows the designers to evaluate the different factors of job design and that can be changed according to the different jobs.  

Indication: In this article, the employees the different practices and also understand the system of MIS that provides the information. It also enables the worker to resolve their dispute and overcome different challenges. With the help of MIS systems, the telecom sector can improve the rate of the market, and it also attracts the employees. 


Afzal, F., Mehmood, K., Sherazi, S.M.R., Sajid, M. and Hassan, M., (2013). Effect of human resource planning on organizational performance of telecom sector. In Information and Knowledge Management (Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 173-182).

Al-Maamari, M. H., Al-Mamary, Y. H., Nor Aziati, A. H., & Shamsuddin, A. (2015). Issues Related to Employees at Telecommunication Companies in Yemen. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 8(12), 377-390

Malik, M. (2013). Impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee performance in telecom sector—With reference to MTS India. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Management Review, 2(4), 41-45.

Rotich, K.J. (2015). History, evolution and development of human resource management: a contemporary perspective. Global Journal of Human Resource Management3(3), 58-73.

Washimkar, G., & Deogaonkar, A. Impact of Employee Productivity Analysis on Service Quality Telecom Industry. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 446.