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PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management

Table of Contents

Assessment 3. 3

Introduction. 3

Aims and benefits. 3

Integration management. 4

Project management integration. 5

Change amendment plan. 8

Conclusion. 11

References. 13

Assessment 3


Bartone highway improvement strategy helps to guide the development of the NSW road corridor for the development of the people. This is the project which is working currently in New Zealand. The main reason behind this improvement management strategy of the Barton Highway. The key benefit of this barton highway improvement strategy is to improve the efficiency of the roads. They also, increase the safety procedures of the organization. The main motive of the project development is to develop and construct the highway road and the bridge. They want to construct this bridge with all the safety and the maintenance of the security for the people. The Australian and NSW government joint their funds for the improvement of the Barton Highway. The motive of the development of this highway is to use it for transportation with the roads and the maritime. This project should be completed in a short period of the duration. They also, have to use the proper protection procedures on the highway. They are focusing on the improvement procedures of the safety procedures and the road safety.

Aims and benefits

The highway construction company aims to build the highway in the combined forms. This will provide the benefit of the tour site and makes the easy way for them to travel in the city. This also reduces traffic and pollution and makes things faster in society. Building this project is an important thing to do and for this, they have to follow the working policy and the procedures. During the construction of this project, the Australian government is using an intelligent transport system. This is the manufacture of the project and this will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location (Cozens, 2015).

They want to produce a better level of the services and this will help the people to understand the direction. Building the highway and helping the people will become the fastest route in transportation. This is the duty of the government to help the development and the infrastructure of the highways. This construction will help the country to build the economic procedures of the country. The aim and the benefits of this project development are to make sure to handle the infrastructure in the highway site.  Their motive and aim are to provide an extra level of safety and security to their local people in the city. They are also, focusing on expanding and improving the safety procedures of the people who are going to be using the highway. This is the main reason the government of Australia and New Zealand is spending their money on the fund and for the development of the NSW roads (Cozens, 2015).

Integration management

Integration management is the thing that is used in the construction of the highway with full of safety procedures. During the management of the project and with the help of integration management is to they will be able to handle all departments on the construction site. In the architectural design of the bridge and therefore, they have to make sure to handle the things. The project management integration has to divide into the different types of tasks and the resources and also, they have the various types of responsibilities (Cozens, & Van der Linde, 2015).

In this management procedure, they will start the work by completing the task step by step. In task 1 they have to purchase the raw materials and the types of equipment for buildings the highway and the roads. Therefore they will buy the materials and the resources for the company’s development. The materials that will use in the construction of the highway are the soil, sand, bricks, and cement also, the stones. These all are the types of equipment that are used in the manufacturing of the products and the highway construction (Cozens, & Van der Linde, 2015).

In the second task, they want to allocate their work to their supervisor according to their working policy. they also, divide their work based on the demand of the company and the workers working specialty. This will be the task that will be handled by the supervisor and the resources will take from the project management plan and the project management schedule and their report. This is all management should be done during the time of the construction. This will be the duty of the supervisor to handle this department to divide the work between the team members (Foster, et al., 2016).

The third task is about developing the design of the bridge. This will be done under the supervision of the engineer’s team and the architecture. They have to develop the design of the highway and in they have to take care of everything related to the environment. They have to make sure to protect the environment and after that, they will set up the roadside facilities. These are the facilities that will help the company to increase safety and provide safety measures to the people. The resources that are used in developing the design of the bridge with the help of the design documents. Highways have to be in the maintenance and developed under the supervision and with the help of the civil engineers for the safety of the people (Foster, et al., 2016).

Task 4 is the last step to starting the procedures of developing and constructing the Highway. The team management has to purchase the technologies and types of equipment also, as the machinery. These are the machinery that will work on the big level and this may cost high. Some technologies are used in manufacturing and constructing the highway. The camera, video graffing, maps, and design template. These are the various types of resources that are used in developing and manufacturing the highway. The responsibility for this is the purchase manager of the management and the construction team. This is their duty to make sure to handle things and develop a better and more secure plan for the construction of the Highway. These all are the details and the step that will be followed in the construction of the highway in the project management integration of the highway (Ghomi, et al., 2016).

Project management integration

These management steps include the four-step and the meaning of this step is to manage the construction of the highway. They want to the management of their project development. There are four tasks which they have to do in the management of the construction of the highway. In the first task, they will have to measure the roads and then based on the measurement they will calculate them. During the measurement, they have to use the measurement types of equipment to maintain the balance. The contractor and their team members are responsible for this department or the task management. Also, they will have to handle the measurement and the other things should be maintained because they have to provide the securities to the people (Ghomi, et al., 2016).

In the second task, they have to find out the best level of the contractor and the reason behind this is that. They have to build a better level of the highway and the reason is that it will be sued by the people at a large level. This has been very clear that there is an estimate that a total of 95% of people will be able to use this highway in a day. The resources which are conducted and collected from the resources are the details of the construction company. The internet, google, magazines also, newspapers. these are all sources that will help the management team of the highway construction to build a bridge in a better and more protective manner.  The marketing team manager and their teammates have to handle this department and make sure to finalize the deals with the construction contractors’ companies (Giles, 2016).

During the development and construction of the highway. They have to follow the task third in this task they have to check the quality. The quality of the materials during the construction of the highway is an important thing. The reason behind checking the quality is because this is the main source on which the highway building. The materials will describe the strong and the manufacturing level of the construction of the highway. They have to check the best level of the materials and based on this they have to make a list of the materials and then buy it (Jurewicz, et al., 2016).

The list contains all the materials and the rescue details that provide the warranty and the security for a long time in the building of the highway. This is the reason they have to make sure to do the quality standard is the rescues which are they have to do to handle the things. The quality manager and their team members also, the financial budget and their HOD will be responsible for the company’s development. This is the point they have to buy and finalize the materials based on their demand and the budget which is created by the Australian government and the NZ governed (Playford, et al., 2021).  Task  Resources  Responsibilities 
1.  Measurement of roads to build the highway. Measurement equipment. Contractor team
2.  Find the best contractor to build the highway or roads. Detail related to the contractor companies. Marketing manager and team.
3.  Check the quality of work done by the project team. Quality standards Quality manager
4.  Purchase an intelligent transportation system to help the road user. Intelligent transportation system Purchase manager

In the fourth and the last task of this process, they want to purchase the electronics and their support. Also, the types of equipment for the rescues that help in the development of the highway. During the fourth task, they have to get the help of the intelligence and transmission system at this time. This will be used by the road user and provide safety to the people as they feel safe traveling on the highway at night time. This has been a common issue in the society in which most the people face some kinds of crimes and the risk during the traveling at the night time at the highway. This is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and the long-distance (Jurewicz, et al., 2016).

These all are the four task which is followed and handled by the project management integration team. After that, they have to follow these procedures to get better and fine deliveries during the construction of the bridge on the highway (Playford, et al., 2021).

Change amendment plan

During the development of the strategies and manufacturing of the highway, they have to do changes in their management plan. The change is required in the management team plan. Based on these the government has to find out the best level of contractors for their company and handle the development. This is the main reason the government of Australia and New Zealand is spending their money on the fund and for the development of the NSW roads. Based on these they have to make sure to handle the things in the manufacturing of the highways. This is the reason they have to handle the materials that will describe the strong and the manufacturing level of the construction of the highway.

In the second step of the change management plan of the company during the building the construction of the highway. They have to deal with the contractors and the suppliers of the materials. This is the reason they have to contact the suppliers which have the best quality of the materials available at a reasonable price. This will provide benefit the highway team and the government of Australia and New Zealand.

The changes in the management plan for the construction of the highway have to maintain the contract between the suppliers of the materials and the best level of the technology holder. They have to make deals with the suppliers or the dealers that will provide affordable prices for developing the bridge and the highway.  This is the main reason they have to check the price of the materials and the types of equipment and also, the resources will become under the budget maintenance. The budget will be developed by the financial department of the construction highway team of the Australian government. The changes in the management describe the importance of the construction team and their engineers’ development. Engineers and the architecture have the duty to present the authority of the Australian government and New Zealand. There are various types of tasks and the preparation required for the company’s development. This has been very clear that most of the construction companies and the machinery manufacturers will come to the team of the construction for the contract.

During the process of contracting with the companies and the supporting partner for building the bridges they have to make sure to maintain the laws and the rules, also the regulations. This is for the safety of the people and the country’s government that are funding the development of the bridge. This is their duty to make sure to handle things and develop a better and more secure plan for the construction of the Highway. These all are the details and the step that will be followed in the construction of the highway in the project management integration of the highway. They have to make sure to handle things and observe the working process. The construction team and their team members have to make sure to follow the working procedures while the establishment of the highway (Szymanek, 2015).

The motive of the building this highway on such a large scale with the big team and their settlement security and also, under their supervision. This is the manufacture of the project and this will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location. This is the feature that helps them to relocate to the location when they get lost during their time of traveling. Also, this is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and the long-distance (Szymanek, 2015).

The motive for using this equipment at the place like the traveling at the midnight. The use of these tools and the techniques to relocate the location for the people who get lost while traveling is because this will be used by the road user and provide safety to the people as they feel safe traveling on the highway at night time.

The government of Australia and New Zealand want to install the camera on the roadside. This will help the people and the society to maintain security in the society. Also, reduce the rate of crime in the cities and people will feel free to travel. Some data present the highway crimes in Australia and these are all the data that is present and happen at the road safety and their crashing period. The statics of the data and the crime comparison on the western Australian highway describe the crime rates on the highways. There is data that present and describe the road deaths by the cars and the other vehicles on the highways (Scott-Parker, 2017).

Calendar year Driver Passenger Pedestrian Motorcyclist Cyclist Australia
2008 670 303 189 245 28 1,437
2009 707 333 196 224 31 1,491
2010 636 284 170 224 38 1,353
Baseline1 671 307 185 231 32 1,427
2011 568 286 186 202 34 1,277
2012 610 260 170 223 33 1,300
2013 557 204 158 213 50 1,187
2014 533 228 151 191 45 1,151
2015 555 251 161 203 31 1,204
2016 622 208 182 249 29 1,292
2017 566 234 161 211 39 1,221
2018 522 204 177 191 35 1,135
2019 577 205 159 211 39 1,195
2020 534 189 138 188 41 1,095
12 months to Dec-20212 532 181 134 234 39 1,127
% change to baseline -20.7% -41.0% -27.6% 1.3% 21.9% -21.0%


These are the data that describe the road accident details and the other data which is also, lead to the accident procedures. This is the main motive of both the country’s government for raising the fund and development. Also, installing the cameras on the corner side of the roads will help the government to track the records. This is the step that will help them to get a better level of the services and the government will be able to find out the main reason behind such level of the cases that happen on the highway. According to the data of the 12 months of road accidents that describe the death of drivers is around 532 and the passenger death is 181 (Tao et al., 2022). This is the source that is presented by the Australian road deaths data based as of November 2021 (Tao et al., 2022).


The conclusion of the report which has been mentioned above is the details of the construction of the highway. This is the project which is working currently in New Zealand. The main reason behind this improvement management strategy of the Barton Highway. The key benefit of this barton highway improvement strategy is to improve the efficiency of the roads. Australian and New Zealand countries’ government wants to provide security the traveling at midnight on the highway. This will help the people and the society to maintain security in the society. Also, reduce the rate of crime in the cities and people will feel free to travel. Manufacture of the project and IT will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location. This is the feature that helps them to relocate to the location when they get lost during their time of traveling. Also, this is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and for the long distance.




Cozens, P., & Love, T. (2015). A review and current status of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED). Journal of Planning Literature30(4), 393-412.

Cozens, P., & Van der Linde, T. (2015). Perceptions of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) at Australian railway stations. Journal of Public Transportation18(4), 5.

Foster, S., Hooper, P., Knuiman, M., Christian, H., Bull, F., & Giles-Corti, B. (2016). Safe RESIDential Environments? A longitudinal analysis of the influence of crime-related safety on walking. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity13(1), 1-9.

Ghomi, H., Bagheri, M., Fu, L., & Miranda-Moreno, L. F. (2016). Analyzing injury severity factors at highway railway grade crossing accidents involving vulnerable road users: A comparative study. Traffic injury prevention17(8), 833-841.

Giles, M. (2016). Study in prison reduces recidivism and welfare dependence: A case study from Western Australia 2005-2010. Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice, (514), 1-9.

Jurewicz, C., Sobhani, A., Woolley, J., Dutschke, J., & Corben, B. (2016). Exploration of vehicle impact speed–injury severity relationships for application in safer road design. Transportation research procedia14, 4247-4256.

Playford, D., Strange, G., Celermajer, D. S., Evans, G., Scalia, G. M., Stewart, S., … & NEDA Investigators. (2021). Diastolic dysfunction and mortality in 436 360 men and women: the National Echo Database Australia (NEDA). European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging22(5), 505-515.

Scott-Parker, B., & Oviedo-Trespalacios, O. (2017). Young driver risky behaviour and predictors of crash risk in Australia, New Zealand and Colombia: Same but different?. Accident Analysis & Prevention99, 30-38.

Szymanek, A. (2015). Methodological aspects of risk management in road transport. Journal of KONBiN36(1), 51.

Tao, W., Agha Abbasi, M., Ali, M., AL Maliki, A. H., Zainol, R., AL Maliki, A. A., & Hussein, E. E. (2022). An Advanced Machine Learning Approach to Predicting Pedestrian Fatality Caused by Road Crashes: A Step toward Sustainable Pedestrian Safety. Sustainability14(4), 2436.

MIS607 Cybersecurity Mitigation Plan for Threat Report


Executive summary

This report is about improving the security of the Peters Excellent Packers (PEP). Peter excellent Packers is the service of meatpacking and delivery that is located in western Sydney. Their enterprise is from small to medium and previous year their turnover was approximately $15 million. They also hire some employees and utilize their software system, established in-house. This entire system will be used for all the inventory as well as accounting purposes and huge reporting of the tax. They are concerned about the attacks that had been done with JBS Foods. The PEP has a website that takes the orders for their services and problems invoices. In this report, the mitigation project with some suggestions for ongoing security management had been designed. This is extremely significant to have accurate security management in the system therefore all the system resources could be secured from the malicious and dangerous users or attackers accessing illegally. The system integrity requirement had to be handled and controlled.

Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

Threats List and STRIDE Categorisation Summary. 5

Threats Analysis (Using Risk Matrix) 9

Threats and Controls. 12

Mitigation Scheme. 13

Conclusion & Recommendations. 15

References. 16





This report is about the Peter excellent Packers which is service of meat packing and delivery and that is located in western Sydney as well. The PEP’s previous year’s turnover was approximately $15 million. They wanted to improve the security of their organization. They are utilizing their software system and the system will be utilized for all the accounting as well as inventory methods. Recently JBS foods had gone through malicious attacks. PEP is concerned regarding the attacks that had been done on JBS foods. PEP wants to secure over the same type of malicious attacks or other attacks that had been hit in JBS foods. This organization also wants some mitigation strategies over all these vulnerabilities or threats that Might find it after the research or study of the JBS foods organization. The main purpose of this assessment is to mitigate the PEP organization from the attacks that can be hit on their security system. Their security system has all the important information therefore it should not be hit. This assessment is important because it provides different threats that can be done in the organization and various attackers could hack the security systems. The mitigation strategies and the control measures are also provided in this report. Therefore, all the trades could be handled properly if the exact mitigation theory had been implemented in the organization.



Threats List and STRIDE Categorisation Summary

In the software system of PEP, there were various types of threats that could occur. The entire system is having internal as well as external threats. The PEP system could be accessed by two types of clients. One client is the general client that could access the interface of the web for locating the orders. Other is the members of a staff that could access the inter intranet for internal operations of the staff.Various types of threats are given below-

Leaking of Username and password- There were leaking of passwords and usernames of the legitimate users could occur Then the malicious user utilizes all this to access any network that they are trying.

Ransomware- These types of attacks could disturb the entire system therefore There is a requirement to be aware of these kinds of attacks. It could also cause some big losses to the operations of the organization. JBS foods the world’s largest producer of meat also per dollar million in the ransomware attack. It had been revealed by the company that it had been hit the day before by what is known as an organized cyber security attack on their North American and Australian systems and it was in the restoring process by having some backups. This attack is malware that encrypts the system of the target. Then the attackers demand a ransom to unlock all the files that they have. In some cases, the hack could also obtain access to the data of the target, and then the ransom would also guarantee that it will not be made publicly. Therefore, the PEP was away here from the ransom were attacks that could happen in the organization (Duncan et al., 2021).

Daniel of service attacks- In this attack the network on the machine shut down, creating it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS Attacks achieved this by flooding the target with traffic or sending the data or information that gives a crash in the network. The attackers sneak and go into the network to access all the data as well as information that the organization has. The organization has much important information in the systems or networks that they have created. Then the attackers could also assess that data that is having no direct allowance.

Hardware destructions- In hardware destruction there is no system of backup. In the main transaction server of the PEP, there could occur some destructions. All these destructions would lead to entire data loss.

Virus attacks- There are attackers to send some program pieces that could even destroy the entire current data as well as the system integrity. After this, the virus attacks the system and starts behaving abnormally (Mohurle& Patil, 2017).

Phishing- To the client machine there were many malicious URLs are send. When the company clicks on that URL then the system will be hacked and there would be rerouted to the site of the clone.

Insider threats- Different insider users could access the system by maintaining their self-interest. They will share the information with the other parties without having any allowance to the organization.

Privilege escalation- In this, the attackers could enhance their access privileges therefore they could access all the product’s knowledge for that they have no authorization or authentication.

STRIDE Threat modeling– Itis a significant tool in an export’s arsenal of security. The threat modeling is the team of security by a practical substructure for dealing with the threats that are coming. This model code also recommended what defenses to involve, likely the profile of the attacker, attack vectors, and attackers of assets that needed most. STRIDE Model includes six thread categories spoofing identity, tampering with the data, Repudiation threats, information disclosure threat, Daniel of services, and elevation of privileges (Namias& Chace, 2022).

  Threat Violated property Explanation of threat
S Spoofing Identity Authentication It happens when the hacker or attacker impersonates the authenticated device or user to spread malware, bypass the access control system or steal the information.
T Tampering with data Integrity It is the modifying act like manipulating, editing, or destroying the data with the help of unauthorized mediums.
R Repudiation Non-repudiation These attacks occur if the system or the application does not obtain controls to Properly track as well as actions of log users, therefore, allowing malicious manipulation or forging the identification of the new action (Alkasassbeh et al., 2016).
I Information Disclosure Confidentiality It is also known as information leakage and it happens if the website unintentionally reveals all the private information of the organization to the other users.
D Denial of service Availability In this attack the network on the machine shut down, creating it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS Attacks achieved this by flooding the target with traffic or sending the data or information that gives a crash in the network.
E Elevation of privileges Authorization In this the attackers could enhance their access privileges therefore they could access all the product’s knowledge for that they have no authorization or authentication (Agrafiotis et al., 2018).




Threats Analysis (Using Risk Matrix)

Threat analysis the processor utilized to determine that system component required to be secured as well as security risk types or the threat they must be secured. The threat modeling assists the PEP Organisation to quantify vulnerabilities and risks, confirming those that require extreme attention as well as resources do therefore reduce the surface of the attack which is the purpose of the attacker.

S. No. Threat Likelihood Consequence Overall risk Explanation of threat
1 Spoofing Identity Possible Major High It happens when the hacker or attacker impersonates the authenticated device or user to spread malware, bypass the access control system or steal the information.
2 Tampering with data Unlikely Minor Moderate It is the modifying act like manipulating, editing, or destroying the data with the help of unauthorized mediums (Simmons et al., 2014, June).
3 Repudiation Possible Moderate High These attacks occur if the system or the application does not obtain controls to Properly track as well as actions of log users, therefore, allowing malicious manipulation or faking the identification of the new action.
4 Information Disclosure Likely Major Extreme It is also known as information leakage and it happens if the website unintentionally reveals all the private information of the organization to the other users.
5 Denial of service Possible Catastrophic Extreme In this attack the network on the machine shut down, creating it inaccessible to its intended users. DoS Attacks achieved this by flooding the target with traffic or sending the data or information that gives a crash in the network.
6 Elevation of privileges Unlikely Moderate Moderate In this the attackers could enhance their access privileges therefore they could access all the product’s knowledge for that they have no authorization or authentication (Mozafari et al., 2020).


Threats and Controls

In the Peter Excellent Packers (PEP) the controls for the trades had also been recommended. All the threats could be mitigated if some Precautions are kept in mind. The best manner to secure from the spoofing involves setting up two-facto authentication (2FA), Ignoring emails and calls from unknown sources, utilizing a secured web browser, and utilizing or network firewall. Data tempering prevention could involve easy measures of security like data encryption and this could involve length like FIM or File integrity monitoring system for better security and control. For preventing the information disclosure attack the organization should use strong authorization, secure communication links by protocols that gave confidential text, use strong encryption, and do not store passwords or secret information in plain text. The Daniel of service medication defines as the processor of successfully securing a network or targeted server from distributed attacks of Daniel of services. The targeted victim or network is capable to mitigate the coming threat or risk with the help of designing network equipment or service of cloud-based protection (Raiyn, 2014). To mitigate the ransomware risk the organization has an accident response plan. The backups are also critical in this attack. The organization should utilize anti-spam and antivirus solutions. The organization should maintain all the systems patched. The organization should restrict internet access and utilize a proxy server for internet access. They should also restrict access to usual entry points of ransomware like social networking sites and personal emails accounts. The organization must apply the least privilege principles as well as segment the network.



Mitigation Scheme

Control access to ecosystem applications– As many employers are hired in the organization then it is very difficult to confirm who is the right person and who is assessing the applications at the right time. So locating robust access management or AM abilities at the manufacturing technology or steak permits the organization or the companies to influence Standardised protocols, the identity of federated and context-driven SSO that is also known as one single sign-on to confirm that the right phase of access control had been applied at the correct time. The workflow of AM would easily develop and change the manufacturing ecosystem that continues to increase and it would also decrease the cost, time, and risk in the organization.

Strengthen Authentication– In the organization more workers, partners and suppliers utilize antiquated means of authentication. Therefore, by leveraging contextual signals, CARTA or Continuous adaptive risk and trust, and security of zero trust then the organization could make stronger and reinforce the years step up and basic authentication workflows as well as it will also reduce or entirely decrease the reliance on passwords and usernames. It would also mitigate the risk of weak credentials, phishing attacks, and malicious actors’ ability to spread ransomware and malware attacks over the company.

Modify correctly- Nowadays all the organizations wanted to modify their systems and they are also obtaining cloud-based IAM. Implementing these technologies and modifying the technologies will be beneficial for the organization but somewhere the security could become at risk. Therefore obtaining the hybrid IAM solution permits the company to control the modernization at their speed and to expeditiously Legacy system that creates a huge risk to the security. The most useful and successful hybrid solution gives the Means to unity that recognize over various on premises, hybrid, and cloud identity stores while contributing to entire tenant isolation and the latency to control spear in the traffic.

Secure non-human identities- The explosion of both industrial, as well as consumer IoT in the manufacturing industry, had made weakness growingly exploited by other malicious attacks. By influencing hi capabilities of IAM at the edge company or capable to make seamless and secure management for the link and control devices of IoT and other identities of non-human. Establishing a standards-based method for authorizing as well as authenticating this identity gives the company a scalable as well as and automated method for implanting zero trust security at the manufacturing technology stack score by not needing human interventions. This would also permit companies to simply integrate the identities that are non-human by the organization applications at pace.




Conclusion & Recommendations

It had been concluded from the entire report that Peter excellent Packers or PEP is the meat Packing as well as delivery service that is located in western Sydney. They have a website for delivering and packing the services. From that website, they take the orders and the issue invoices also come from that website. All the transactional databases had been linked by that website. They have heard about JBS foods that got hit by attacks on their site. Therefore PEP wanted to know what kinds of threats could come into their organization and how they will mitigate all these risks and threats. In the report, the threats that could come to the organization had been mentioned and the mitigation strategy and scheme were also mentioned in the report. The threat analysis of the risk that could come in the organization or also mentioned in the report. It had been recommended that the organization and all the users should be aware of the coming risks and threats. The organization should implement and locate robust access management or AM abilities at the PEP. Nowadays all the organizations wanted to modify their systems and they are also obtaining cloud-based IAM. Implementing these technologies and modifying the technologies will be beneficial for the organization but somewhere the security could become at the risk.




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PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management



Table of Contents

Assessment 3. 3

Case project identification. 3

Integration management plan. 5

Change management plan. 11

Configuration management plan. 15

Conclusion. 16

References. 17

Assessment 3

Case project identification

This report is about improving the playground and barbeque area of Alexandria Park. They are planning to modify the barbeque area at the Park of Alexandria. They wanted to establish the design of the concept. In the next 10 years then wanted to modify as well as update more than the 60 parks over the area of Sydney, from the little pocket parks and gardens to huge local parks and gardens. They are interested in understanding who utilizes the recent parks, what works as well as what does not work. They also liked to listen to some ideas and views about the new parks and playgrounds. Alexandria Park is a very important location for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As the upgrade part then the city would also work with the knowledge holders of culture, the community members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and local students of schools to establish the strategy of cultural design that would train how First Nations stories are celebrated in the garden or playground. In this project, the infrastructure and heavy construction project types had been selected. The risk that comes in this project is management (organizational and leadership) risk, technical risk, physical risk, and logistic risk. The requirements of the construction are an evaluation of the progress, performance of the schedule, actions for the contractor before real commencement, contracts management, and activities for the employer during the cycle of the project. For controlling the construction of this project some best practices are setting the scope clearly of the project, concentrating on the details, anticipating the setbacks of the project, the modification should be done according to the requirements, and communicating regularly (Plan, 2015).


Integration management plan

Project objectives

The objective of improving the playground and area of barbeque in Alexandria Park is to modify and upgrade the area. The Alexandria Park had been developed for the perfect sports as well as a picnic.


Their scope is that in the next 10 years they wanted to modify as well as update more than the 60 parks over the area of Sydney, from the little pocket parks and gardens to huge local parks and gardens.

Business case

This report is about improving the playground and barbeque area of Alexandria Park. They are planning to modify the barbeque area at the Park of Alexandria. They wanted to establish the design of the concept. In the next 10 years then wanted to modify as well as update more than the 60 parks over the area of Sydney, from the little pocket parks and gardens to huge local parks and gardens. They are interested in understanding who utilizes the recent parks, what works as well as what does not work. They also liked to listen to some ideas and views about the new parks and playgrounds. Alexandria Park is a very important location for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As the upgrade part then the city would also work with the knowledge holders of culture, the community members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and local students of schools to establish the strategy of cultural design that would train how First Nations stories are celebrated in the garden or playground. In this project, the infrastructure and heavy construction project types had been selected.


The risks that are coming in this project are:

Management (organizational and leadership) risk: The management risk involves the wrong selection of the team of the project, there is inadequate communication infrastructure is a car, no document processors, project manual and processes, Unsatisfactory control, poor quality control, lack of experienced persons in the team of the project, and inability to take the time appropriate actions. If there are some failures to know some specific hazards then some steps in the risk management could not be executed for the risk. It is extremely suggested to consider the risk before starting this kind of construction project.

Technical risk: Technical risk includes anything that bounces from making the product that is needed by the customer. It could involve resources uncertainty, the uncertainty of materials availability, incomplete design, and inadequate investigation of the site. This risk could usually happen if there are variations in the scope as well as the requirement of the project and when there are errors in the designs.

Physical risk: Low-quality procurement or Inadequate resources, weather conditions like cold temperature, heavy rainfall, extremely hot, materials non-availability like quantity and quality, Unsecure working conditions, theft, wastage on fire, and many more.

Logistic risk: Logistic risk could be considered in some form from every market supply-chain view. This risk involves the transportation availability facilities and the construction equipment availability like construction machinery, labor, spare parts, and fuel. Without locating all these issues of the logistics that the risk could become big and it could also be loss in the project and the project could also be delayed (Municipality, 2012).

Constraints challenges

Cost overruns- Various projects of construction face miserably if it comes to meeting their starting estimates of the cost. On the worldwide range, the overheads of the average cost in the project of construction initiates at 16.5%. The individual project might exceed or extend their project by 175%. If the project is used then the rest could be higher the cost overruns. Project the scale and complexity word specifically define your capability to satisfy the requirements of the original cost. The problems that could come are:

  • Unrealistic measurements due to ignorance, deception, or naivety
  • Material amount escalation, external risk, and adverse conditions of the weather
  • Scope changes, demand of the client, and starting the design of the project.
  • Performance error and inadequate project management

Schedule overruns and unrealistic deadlines- This problem is usually in the project management of construction as the budget overruns and may stem from the reasons similar variety that involves poor management and unforeseen issues. The important ones or lack of preliminary analyses and forecasting. It could give result in unworkable deadlines as well as unrealistic expectations. When the limits of the project time hours are so tight and they were not in line or sequence by the work actual score then the manager is probably to face some other negative impacts or issues besides the overruns of the schedule. The unreasonable Deadlines course employee burnout, the morale of a low team, and excess stress. The influence of performance quality as well as productivity. Therefore To deliver the project on schedule as well as establish realistic deadlines than one had to revise your entire strategy of time management.

Inadequate risk management- It is already mentioned that the failure to control the risk leads to schedule and budget overruns. In the construction projects, the risk management is a huge challenge that deserves special outlining as the risks businesses face in this construction industry are more costly as well as diverse than in others-

  • Unknown conditions of this site
  • Economic crisis and issues
  • Security risk that outcomes in injuries and accidents
  • Issues by suppliers and subcontractors
  • Inclement weather and natural disasters
  • Problems with team coordination
  • Escalation in cost of materials
  • Shortages of workforce and turnover of the staff

There are some of the risks that the manager of construction should take into account before starting the real work. Otherwise, they had to suffer from the low-performance quality, stakeholder issues and conflicts, and constant delays that could also decrease the chance of a successful project. Therefore all the projects are unique, the security and number of factors that could threaten their completion depend to a huge exceed. To deal with issues well then you must be required to obtain an approach of methodological to the risk management (Sears et al., 2015).


Get the right people or train your team- The industry of the construction could experience a lack of labor shortage. When you start the project then you must confirm that you have to take the right people. Also, give the correct people the correct responsibilities and jobs and confirm your crew or dream is clear by their expectations on the quality of construction. One should spend their time with the team to train them. It is because training is very important to effectiveness. For the supervisor, the training required principles of sound management and techniques to maintain the project running easily and smoothly. If supervisors assist their team members to master the critical skills then one would see the advantage in productivity in terms of their project.

Invest in technology- Now for successful construction projects technology is very important and one could also say it is the key to construction. For many organizations and industries, construction investment in technology will seem intimidating or even impossible. The reason for this is the convincing fear their workforce to get concerned regarding it being hard to obtain these technologies. But the technologies do not have to be finished with their innovative products for your processes of work. Investing in the correct technology said is the chance to set you apart from the other organizations.

Understand the specification of the project- Some of the persons start by laying down the plan of the project and it is very important to know about the plan of the project. The contractor is required to fully understand the specification as well as the standards that had been set by the team and the customer. All the standards and the specification must reflect the finished outcomes of the project that had been made (Harris et al., 2021).

Discuss with the team- It is very clear to give the ideas of the towers to your team and how things will be scheduled and what had been expected should be clear to the team members. A very good suggestion is a project kick-off meeting to do the discussions.

Tools and techniques

  • Concrete mixer
  • Brick hammer
  • Bolster
  • Chisel
  • Circular saw
  • Digging bar
  • End frames
  • Ladder
  • Measuring tape
  • Line and pins
  • Plumb rule
  • Rammer
  • Safety glasses
  • Excavators
  • Bulldozers
  • Wheel tractor
  • Pile driving machine

Lesson learned discussion

It had been concluded from the integrated management plan that the objective is to improve the playground and area of the barbeque of Alexandria Park. It had been established for the perfect picnic as well as sports. The toilets were also constructed in the park. It will be designed according to the plan and requirements. The plan and scope are to modify 60 parks in the area of Sydney city in the next 10 years. The risks that are coming up in this project are Management risk, physical risk, technical risk, and logistical risk. The constant challenges that are coming in this project are Cost overruns, schedule overruns and unrealistic deadlines, and inadequate risk management. The requirements for this project are to invest in the technology, discussed by the team members, get the correct people or train your crew or team,  and Understand the specification of the project. As the upgrade part then the city would also work with the knowledge holders of culture, the community members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and local students of schools to establish the strategy of cultural design that would train how First Nations stories are celebrated in the garden or playground. In this project, the infrastructure and heavy construction project types had been selected. The risk that comes in this project is management (organizational and leadership) risk, technical risk, physical risk, and logistic risk. The requirements of the construction are the evaluation of the progress, performance of the schedule, actions for the contractor before real commencement, contracts management, and activities for the employer during the cycle of the project. For controlling the construction of this project some best practices are setting the scope clearly of the project, concentrating on the details, anticipating the setbacks of the project, the modification should be done according to the requirements, and communicating regularly.



Change management plan

Reason for the change

The change management plan had been developed for improving the playground and barbeque area of Alexandria Park. In this plan, they need to develop the design of the concept. In the next 10 years, they also needed to update as well as modify more than 60 parks in the region of the city of Sydney. The change management plan had been established as they wanted to give many other facilities to the people. They also wanted to know some views and suggestions from the other team members regarding the playgrounds and parks. The change had been considered because they want to design a new map and a new design for the same area. Alexandria Park is a very important location for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As the upgrade part then the city would also work with the knowledge holders of culture, the community members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and local students of schools to establish the strategy of cultural design that would train how First Nations stories are celebrated in the garden or playground (Birss et al., 2016).

Phase Stakeholder Change type Impacts Actions
Design Engineering or design consultant There are the changes in the codes and regulations that are the reason the change is done on the project site and redevelopment is occur. The impact will be that the design rework will be done. Better design control, and extreme buildability in the design.
Construction Subcontractors or the contractors The defect of quality can come while taking the materials. Orders of change, design change, and rework of site. Quality control

Coordinated drawings and documents

Daily and regular logs

Specifications User, owner, client, or architect Changes to needs like project scope, brief of design, and specification of the project. Changes in the construction process and design. Give detailed specification document before bidding

Benefits from the change

The change management plan had been established for improving the playgrounds barbeque area at Alexandria Park because they wanted to assess as well as understand the requirement and the change impact. They want to design another map for the parks and playgrounds. They also want to do changes in the regulations and codes that are done at the site of the project. The rework of the site should be done according to the requirements and schedule. The stakeholders that are involved in this are our design consultant, sub-contractor, user, client, architect, and contractors. Through the change management plan, they could align the resources inside the business to support the change. The change management plan also manages the diverse change cost. It could also decrease the time required to execute the change. The change management plan will be done according to the staff and helps the staff members to understand the process of the change. After the change, Alexandria Park will look very well and perfectly designed. Therefore the change is needed in this project.


S. No. Milestones
1 Understand how to select the location of the park.
2 Understand the community and market
3 Engage the community during the process of planning
4 Factors in the architecture and landscaping
5 Give options for the multiple activities of the park
6 Select accurate equipment for a playground for the park
7 Start the construction
8 Construct toilets and other facilities
9 Finishing

Change management communication plan

S. No. Stakeholder Power/interest Issues Communication vehicle Frequency
1 Contractor, labor Medium Poor productivity Email Weekly
2 Labour, site engineer, project manager, contractor Medium Work is not done according to schedule (Downs, 2016). Face to face meetings Monthly
3 Project manager, human resource manager Low Skilled labor shortage Email Weekly
4 Contractor Low Material cost increasing Email and face to face meetings Monthly
5 Site engineer, contractor, project manager High Poor project performance Email and face to face meetings Weekly



Configuration management plan

Project overview

It is about improving the playground and barbeque area of Alexandria Park. They are planning to modify the barbeque area at the Park of Alexandria. They wanted to establish the design of the concept. In the next 10 years then wanted to modify as well as update more than the 60 parks over the area of Sydney, from the little pocket parks and gardens to huge local parks and gardens. They are interested in understanding who utilizes the recent parks, what works as well as what does not work (Walker, 2015). They also liked to listen to some ideas and views about the new parks and playgrounds. Alexandria Park is a very important location for the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Requirements of configuration

The traceability of the Playgrounds of the barbeque area at Alexandria Park Is required. It has been concluded that proper identification, as well as system elements documentation, interdependence, and interfaces, had been identified. In the project, thorough and timely disposition and vetting of change requests had been done. The documentation and control of the approved changes to baseline had also been done.

Tracking configuration

The project scope had been done appropriately according to the schedule. The scope of the project is to improve the playground and area Barbeque of Alexandria Park. It will be also helpful for maintaining the records of changes.

Documenting changes

The Improving of the Barbeque area of Alexandria park is going on according to the requirements, schedule, and budget. It is confirmed that the outcomes of the project meet all the requirements (Wilcock & Knights, 2017).




It had been concluded from the report that redevelopment had been done for improving the playground and barbeque area of Alexandria Park. The construction or redevelopment is going on with step by step process. They wanted to develop 60 parks in the next 10 years. They also collected many views and suggestions regarding developing new parks and playgrounds. This place is so important for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. In this project, the infrastructure and heavy construction project types had been selected. The risk that comes in this project is management (organizational and leadership) risk, technical risk, physical risk, and logistic risk. The requirements of the construction are an evaluation of the progress, performance of the schedule, actions for the contractor before real commencement, contracts management, and activities for the employer during the cycle of the project. For controlling the construction of this project some best practices are setting the scope clearly of the project, concentrating on the details, anticipating the setbacks of the project, the modification should be done according to the requirements, and communicating regularly.




Birss, C., Cowell, C., Hayward, N., Peinke, D., Hrabar, H.H. and Kotze, A., 2016. Biodiversity Management Plan for the Cape mountain zebra in South Africa. Jointly developed by CapeNature, South African National Parks, Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency, National Zoological Gardens, Department of Environmental Affairs, Northern Cape Department of Environment and Nature Conservation, Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development. Environmental Affairs and Tourism and Free State Department of Economic, Small business, Tourism, and Environmental Affairs. Version1.

Downs, L.J., 2016. Time management training. Association for Talent Development.

Harris, F., McCaffer, R., Baldwin, A. and Edum-Fotwe, F., 2021. Modern construction management. John Wiley & Sons.

Municipality, N.L., 2012. Integrated development plan 2012-2017. Ceres: Witzenberg Municipality.

Plan, A., 2015. List of Attachments for Public Hearing No. 2 Community Development Block Grant Funding Allocations for FY 2015-16 & One-Year Action Plan. City.

Sears, S.K., Sears, G.A., Clough, R.H., Rounds, J.L. and Segner, R.O., 2015. Construction project management. John Wiley & Sons.

Walker, A., 2015. Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.

Wilcock, G. and Knights, P., 2017. Applying Configuration Management to Manage the Design and Operation of Critical Mining Systems.



BSBCMM511 Communicate with Influence



Task 2

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment




Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number




For Trainer and Assessor to complete:


◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment




Completed successfully


Did the student satisfactorily:

Comments Y N DNS
The student has satisfactorily completed and submitted the following:


·         Meeting agenda in Task 2.1.1

·         Email to the marketing team in Task 2.1.1

·         Meeting preparation table in Task 2.1.2

·         Reflection – meeting with the Marketing Team in Task 2.1.3

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.1.4

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.1.5

·         Meeting agenda in Task 2.2.1

·         Email to stakeholders in Task 2.2.1

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table in Task 2.2.2

·         PowerPoint in Task 2.2.2

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders in Task 2.2.3

·         Peer Review forms in Task 2.2.4

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.2.5

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.2.6

·         Focus group presentation –  preparation in Task 2.3

·         PowerPoint in Task 2.3

·         Testing feedback forms in Task 2.3

·         Reflection on the focus group in Task 2.3

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.3




The student organised and led the meeting with the marketing team (Role-Play):

·         Explained the meeting objectives and seek consensus

·         Assigned roles such as the meeting chair and note-taker

·         Facilitated the brainstorming

·         Made sure that all team members participate actively

·         Led the meeting to achieve clear outcomes

·         Used active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding

·         Adapted communication style to build trust with the team

·         Sought consensus

·         Created a positive work environment during the meeting


Feedback in comments.



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Confirm authority to present material on behalf of an organisation or work area, according to organisational policies and procedures

·         Identify information that may be subject to confidentiality and manage appropriately

·         Identify information needs of audience and prepare a position in line with purpose of communication


This is evidenced by:

·         Meeting preparation table in Task 2.1.2

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table in Task 2.2.2



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify the need for meeting and schedule according to stakeholder availability

·         Prepare meeting materials and distribute to stakeholders


This is evidenced by:

·         Meeting agenda in Task 2.1.1

·         Email to the marketing team in Task 2.1.1

·         Meeting preparation table in Task 2.1.2

·         Meeting agenda in Task 2.2.1

·         Email to stakeholders in Task 2.2.1

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table in Task 2.2.2

·         PowerPoint in Task 2.2.2



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Conduct meeting and contribute to discussions

·         Seek consensus on meeting objectives


This is evidenced by:

·         Reflection – meeting with the Marketing Team in Task 2.1.3

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.1.4

·         Participation in the meeting with the marketing team (Refer to Marking Sheet)

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders in Task 2.2.3

·         Peer Review forms in Task 2.2.4

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.2.5

·         Participation in the meeting with the stakeholders (Refer to Marking Sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Summarise outcomes of meetings and distribute to stakeholders


This is evidenced by:

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.1.4

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.1.5

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.2.5

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.2.6



The student participated in the meeting with relevant stakeholders (Role-Play):

·         Explained the meeting objectives and sought consensus

·         Assigned roles such as chair and note-taker

·         Facilitated the conversation

·         Ensured participation and engagement from stakeholders

·         Led the meeting to achieve clear outcomes

·         Used active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding

·         Adapted communication style to build trust with the team

·         Created a positive work environment during the meeting

·         Presented the promotional message and the mood board

·         Answered questions from stakeholders and provide relevant information

·         Established areas of common ground and potential compromise

·         Managed the stakeholders’ different personalities and expectations

·         Negotiated changes and improvements

·         Achieved consensus and obtain approval for the promotional message and the mood board


Feedback in Comments.



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify objectives of negotiation, and needs and requirements of stakeholders

·         Identify and document potential issues and problems

·         Prepare positions and supporting arguments according to objectives


This is evidenced by:

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table in Task 2.2.2



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Communicate with stakeholders, and establish areas of common ground and potential compromise


This is evidenced by:

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders in Task 2.2.3

·         Peer Review forms in Task 2.2.4

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.2.5

·         Participation in meeting with stakeholders (Refer to Marking Sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Confirm and document outcomes of negotiation


This is evidenced by:

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.2.6



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Identify forums to present according to organisational objectives

·         Determine tone, structure, style of communication and presentation according to target audience

·         Prepare presentation according to desired outcomes


This is evidenced by:

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table in Task 2.2.2

·         PowerPoint in Task 2.2.2

·         Focus group presentation –  preparation in Task 2.3

·         PowerPoint in Task 2.3



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Provide an opportunity for audience to ask questions


This is evidenced by:

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders in Task 2.2.3

·         Peer Review forms in Task 2.2.4

·         Participation in meeting with stakeholders (Refer to Marking Sheet)

·         Testing feedback forms in Task 2.3

·         Reflection on the focus group in Task 2.3

·         Participation in the focus group (Refer to Marking Sheet)



Demonstrated ability to:

·         Follow up with stakeholders following presentation

·         Evaluate presentation and identify areas for improvement


This is evidenced by:

·         Peer Review forms in Task 2.2.4

·         Meeting minutes in Task 2.2.5

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.2.6

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders in Task 2.2.3

·         Testing feedback forms in Task 2.3

·         Reflection on the focus group in Task 2.3

·         Email to the CEO in Task 2.3



The student lead the focus group (Role-Play):

·         Explained the objective of the focus group presentation

·         Presented the finalised promotional message and mood board

·         Ensured participation and engagement from the focus group

·         Used active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding

·         Adapted communication style to build trust with the focus group

·         Created a positive environment during the focus group

·         Answered questions from the focus group and provided relevant information

·         Collected feedback from the focus group


Feedback in Comments.



When collaborating with the group, the student has actively participated in group work with a substantial contribution that can be assessed individually for all the requirements of this task.  



Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory


Student Name:


Assessor Name:


Assessor Signature:







Table of Content


Student Declaration. 2

Task 2 – Communicate with influence. 10

Task 2.1 Meeting with the Marketing Team… 15

Task 2.2 Present to and negotiate the draft work with relevant stakeholders. 19

Task 2.3 Present to a focus group. 27

References. 31

Task 2 – Communicate with influence


Task summary and instructions


What is this assessment task about? Refer to and read the documents saved in a separate folder:


  • MMI company profile and project task
  • Policies and Procedures


You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI as a Project Manager (PM) to develop and implement a project to open a new campus in Sydney (refer to MMI strategic objectives).


  • The Board of Directors (BoD) has allocated 3 million dollars to the project.
  • Project duration: 1 year.
  • You can employe four new staff members to be part of the project team for its duration. Source the rest of the project team from existing MMI personnel (flexible work arrangements will be needed)


The project includes:


  • Finding premises in Sydney CBD ( 800-1000 square metres, onsite parking for staff, natural light)

Ideally, there will be enough room for 5-7 classes, one meeting room, one computer lab, 1 x student kitchen, student lounge, 1 x staff kitchen, three offices for staff, toilet facilities

  • Rent the premise
  • Obtain necessary permits
  • Source architect and building company
  • Source and buy furniture and equipment
  • Liaise with the architect and building company


The project steering committee is composed of:


  • Mr Eli Brown – Non-executive Director
  • Mr Leonard Black – CFO
  • Academic Manager (Jacob Graham)


The project sponsor is Taylor Varin (Client Service Manager), played by the trainer and assessor.


Your trainer and assessor will provide support and mentorship in the role of Project Sponsor (PS).


The Project Manager is going on maternity leave, and her replacement won’t start for another four weeks. As you are in charge of the new campus project, the CEO asked you to assist the marketing team in developing the following:


·         A promotional message to advertise the new campus in Sydney

·         A mood board to inspire the design  of a new website dedicated to the new campus


This assessment requires you to:

·         Work in collaboration with the marketing team to draft your promotional message and mood board

·         Present your draft work to relevant stakeholders for feedback and approval

·         Negotiate changes to the promotional message and mood board

·         Present and test the finalised work using a focus group


The above activities will require the skills and knowledge learned in this unit of competency.


Please note that the performance evidence for this unit requires you to:


A.    participate in and lead at least two meetings

B.    prepare and make a presentation to two different groups


This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o   Product-based

o   Direct observation of Role-Play

o   Case Study

o   Other (specify)


It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:


·         Confirm authority to present material on behalf of an organisation or work area, according to organisational policies and procedures

·         Identify information that may be subject to confidentiality and manage appropriately

·         Identify information needs of audience and prepare a position in line with purpose of communication

·         Identify the need for meeting and schedule according to stakeholder availability

·         Prepare meeting materials and distribute to stakeholders

·         Conduct meeting and contribute to discussions

·         Seek consensus on meeting objectives

·         Summarise outcomes of meetings and distribute to stakeholders

·         Identify forums to present according to organisational objectives

·         Determine tone, structure, style of communication and presentation according to target audience

·         Prepare presentation according to desired outcomes

·         Provide an opportunity for audience to ask questions

·         Follow up with stakeholders following presentation

·         Evaluate presentation and identify areas for improvement

·         Identify objectives of negotiation, and needs and requirements of stakeholders

·         Identify and document potential issues and problems

·         Prepare positions and supporting arguments according to objectives

·         Communicate with stakeholders, and establish areas of common ground and potential compromise

·         Confirm and document outcomes of negotiation


Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.


You are required to address the following:

·         Task 2.1 Meeting with the Marketing Team

  • Meet with the marketing team to brainstorm ideas about the assigned task

·         Task 2.2 Present to and negotiate the draft work with relevant stakeholders

  • Present the draft work to stakeholders during a meeting
  • Negotiate changes, improvements and approval

·         Task 2.3 Present to a focus group

  • Present the finalised work to a focus group for testing


Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

·         complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,

·         use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

·         meet the word count where required,

·         use the scenario provided,

·         use the templates provided where required,

·         for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

·         if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.


Specifications You must deliver/participate in:


·         Meeting with the marketing team (Role-Play) in week 3

·         Meeting with relevant stakeholders in week 4 (Role-Play)

·         Presentation for the focus group in week 5 (Role-Play)


You must submit to GOALS


·         Meeting agenda x 2

·         Email to the marketing team

·         Meeting preparation table

·         Reflection – meeting with the Marketing Team

·         Meeting minutes x 2

·         Email to the CEO x 3

·         Email to stakeholders

·         Meeting, presentation and negotiation – preparation table

·         PowerPoint x 2

·         Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders

·         Peer Review forms

·         Focus group presentation

·         Testing feedback forms

·         Reflection on the focus group

Resources and equipment •        Computer with Internet access

•        Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software

•        Learning material

•        Scenario for assessment as provided

•        Appendices as provided

•        Relevant policies and procedures as provided

•        Templates as provided


Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.















Complete the following activities:


You have been recently engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as MMI as a Project Manager (PM) to develop and implement a project to open a new campus in Sydney (refer to MMI strategic objectives).

The Marketing Manager is going on maternity leave, and her replacement won’t start for another four weeks. As you are in charge of the new campus project, the CEO asked you to assist the marketing team in developing the following:

  • A promotional message to advertise the new campus in Sydney
  • A mood board to inspire the design of a new website dedicated to the new campus

This assessment requires you to:

  • Work in collaboration with the marketing team to draft your promotional message and mood board
  • Present your draft work to relevant stakeholders for feedback and approval
  • Negotiate changes to the promotional message and mood board
  • Present and test the finalised work using a focus group


Task 2.1 Meeting with the Marketing Team


Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 3 of class to meet with the marketing team (played by a group of classmates). This is a Role-Play.

The meeting is about brainstorming ideas for the promotional message and the mood board.

The trainer and assessor will validate that the meeting took place and provide feedback on the marking sheet.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

  1. Organise the meeting (20-30 minutes)


Stakeholders availability is as follows:


Team Member Role Availability
Jason Content Writer Monday 10-12

Tuesday 16-17

Thursday 10-13

Friday 15-16

Maria Marketing Officer Monday 9-10

Wednesday 13-14

Thursday 12-13

Logan Social Media Officer


Wednesday 16-17

Thursday 12:30-13:30

Friday 12-13


  1. Develop a meeting agenda (Template 1).

Include 3-4 agenda items, consider staff availability when scheduling a time for the meeting.

Template 1 -Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Title Promotional message and MoodBoard Feedback
Date and Time 08/04/2022
Location Conference room
Attendees Maria, Logan and Jason
Items for discussion Presenter Duration
Promotional message and Mood Board Rationale Maria 7 minutes
Impact requirements of market must be discussed as per competitor website Maria 7 minutes
Ideas of moodboard must be shared Logan 7 minutes
Review of Action Items from the previous meeting NA
Proposals for the next meeting agenda Marketing manager 7 minutes
Message ideas for promotion must be shared Jason 10 Minutes


  1. Write an email to the team to inform them about the meeting.

Attach the meeting agenda and mention any other relevant meeting material in the message body (example: link to competitors’ website).

Use Template 2.

The email text should be grammatically correctand written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to Marketing Team
To: Jason, Logan and Maria
Subject: For activities of promotions
Date email is sent:
Attachments: Promotioanl message and meeting miutes drafting

Respected Team,

This email is to advise you that perhaps the CEO have asked me to produce marketing messaging to market the Diploma of Leadership and Management program to college grads. I’m pleased to inform that early severe droughts of the advertising messages and mood board have begun. A meeting was held to brainstorm fresh ideas for the aesthetically attractive goal which we needed. As a result, we’ve designed a mood board again for MMI corporation, and a marketing messages to go with it. The sales and meeting minutes are included in the file.


Thanking you

Kindest regards




  1. Prepare for the meeting


Reflect on the meeting requirements and prepare for the meeting. Complete the table below:


Meeting preparation
Authority to present


What is your authority to organise and facilitate this meeting?



Identify any compliance requirements (2-3).

For instance:

·          Information subject to confidentiality

·          Adherence to policy and procedures

·          WHS considerations

1. MMI quality standards

2. Board of directors expectations

3. Health and safety regulation compliance

4. Information confidentiality.

Information needs


What do participants need to know? What is the purpose of the meeting? (2-3 key items)

This meeting goal is about creating the various ideas for the program of diploma leadership for students and by drafting of promotional messages and Website’s mood board of various international students.


Describe your position in line with the purpose of the meeting. For example, how will you ensure that the meeting has clear outcomes? How will you allow everybody to engage in the brainstorming? (30-50 words)

The meeting’s effectiveness would have been assured if there were a specific agenda with timelines and goals with each topic. The meeting’s subject and goals would’ve been communicated to participants in preparation.

To get everybody interested in the brainstorming session, the Round Robin approach are used.


  1. Conduct the meeting (20-30 minutes)

Facilitate the meeting with the marketing team:

  • Explain the meeting objectives and seek consensus
  • Assign roles such as the meeting chair and note-taker
  • Facilitate the brainstorming
  • Make sure that all team members participate actively
  • Lead the meeting to achieve clear outcomes
  • Use active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding
  • Adapt your communication style to build trust with the team
  • Create a positive work environment during the meeting

Reflect on the meeting and answer the questions in the table below.

(50-100 words in total)

Reflection – meeting with the Marketing Team
How did you take notes during the meeting? Notes of meeting is been taken in meeting minutes format
Who chaired the meeting? Marketing manager
How did you facilitate the meeting? Provide an example. I coordinated the meeting by ensuring everybody had access to the agenda. I started the meeting by offering a warm welcome to all guests and laying out the requirements. I made sure that now the meeting’s agenda and processes were followed, and also supporting other people’s ideas and viewpoints. I recommended, for example, that we use a cyclic table style to enable for consecutive entry out of each participant.
What did you do well? What could you improve? Agenda of meeting is been managed by us and meeting protocols has been managed. Participants is been engaged and items is been discussed. This must be improved by having better timestamp.


  1. Write the meeting minutes


Record the meeting minutes using Template 3.


Template 3 -Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Meeting Title Mood board and promotional message discussion
Date and Time 08/04/2022
Location Conference room
Attendees Logan, Marketing manager, Jason and Maria
Apologies NA
Summary of Discussion
Marketing impact discussion Marketing analysis of competitor website has been presented by Maria having the main analysis
Ideas must be shared Ideas has been discussed by Jason for the content and structure of the message which must be followed by Maria and Jason who has been giving the inputs and feedback
Moodboard ideas Logan is been presented the mood board design ideas and this has invited recommendations from Jason and Maria has given the inputs.
Action Items
Responsibility Deadline
Moodboard designing and draft design Logan 08/04/2022
Promotional message idea refining Jason 08/04/2022


  1. Inform stakeholders of the outcome of the meeting

Write an email to the CEO, Ms Deborah Red, to inform her about the ideas brainstormed during the meeting and your choice with the promotional message and mood board.

Include a draft of the promotional message and mood board in the message body. Please note that the mood board can be as simple as a collage of images.

Attach the meeting minutes to the email.

Use Template 2.

The email text should be grammatically correct and written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(60-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to the CEO
To: Deborah Red
Subject: Mood board designing and promotional message
Date email is sent: 08/04/2022
Attachments:Meeting minutes

Respected Ma’am,


The purpose of such an email is to keep you posted on our performance on the project you’ve assigned to me. The advertising agency had sessions in which we reviewed different thoughts and points of view, which contributed in the development of the plan we might have designed. All of the guests offered their information and insights about how to use compelling promotional material and mood boards to effectively market our university to international students. The recommended mood board and promotional material are outlined below:

The meetings are also supplied as a download. Your valuable input or idea is much appreciated.


Thanking you

Kindest regards


Task 2.2 Present to and negotiate the draft work with relevant stakeholders


Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class to meet with relevant stakeholders (played by a group of classmates). This is a Role-Play.

The meeting is about :

  • Presenting your draft work for the promotional message and the mood board
  • Gather feedback and input from stakeholders
  • Negotiate changes and improvements
  • Obtain approval

The trainer and assessor will validate that the meeting took place and provide feedback on the marking sheet.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.


  1. Organise the meeting (20-30 minutes)


Stakeholders availability is as follows:


Stakeholder Role Availability
Deborah Red CEO Tuesday 11-12

Thursday 16-17

Leonard Black CFO Monday 12-13

Wednesday 10-11

Thursday 15-17

Taylor Duncan Academic Manager Monday 12-14

Tuesday 10-12

Thursday 12-17

Friday 9-10


  1. Develop a meeting agenda (Template 1).

Include 3-4 agenda items, consider staff availability when scheduling a time for the meeting.

Template 1 -Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Title Improvements in Promotional message and Moodboard feedback
Date and Time 08/04/2022
Location Conference room
Attendees Leonard Black, taylor Duncan, Marketing manager and Deborah Red
Items for discussion Presenter Duration
Ideas and strategies introduction Marketing manager 12 minutes
Promotional message and mood board presentation Marketing manager 12 minutes
Changes and Improvements negotiation CEO, CFO, Marketing manager and Academic manager 17 minutes
Review of Action Items from the previous meeting NA
Proposals for the next meeting agenda Marketing manager 7 minutes


  1. Write an email to the stakeholders to inform them of the meeting.

Attach the meeting agenda and mention any other relevant meeting material in the message body (example: link to competitors’ website).

Use Template 2.

The email text should be grammatically correct and written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to Stakeholders
To: CFO, Academic manager, Marketing team, CEO
Subject: Work negotiation and presentation drafting
Date email is sent: 10/04/2022
 Respected team,


The purpose of this email is to invite all to a meeting where the advertising agency will present and evaluate the promotional campaign works for the Diploma of Leadership and Management program.

We aim to obtain comments and data from you, the attendees, during this meeting so that we may talk about any necessary modifications or changes and also get your approval.


This meeting is being happened in the meeting room on Saturday, 10/04/2022 on 11:00 AM



  1. Prepare for the meeting


Reflect on the meeting requirements and prepare for the meeting, the negotiation and the presentation.


Assume the following:

  • The implementation of your proposal for the promotional message and the website would be 10% over budget. The CFO does not want to run any project over budget.
  • The CFO is detailed oriented; he likes facts and data; he is efficient and to the point. He is not a risk-taker.
  • The Academic Manager is not assertive but responsive; she values the quality of the courses. She is a low-risk taker and compliance-driven. She can be over-sensitive, emotional and sometimes dramatic.
  • The CEO is a risk-taker, decisive and determined. She is strong-minded. She can be impatient, inflexible, and a poor listener.
  • The CEO would be happy to spend additional money on your proposal, but she knows that the board would not accept a higher budget.
  • The CEO wants an engaging and professionally structured presentation.


When conducting the meeting, please note that your classmates will play their roles based on the scenario described above.


Complete the table below:


Meeting, presentation and negotiation –  preparation
Authority to present


What is your authority to organise and present in this meeting?

There is the responsibility of marketing manager for services promotion, brands, business and products and they will be in charge in marketing strategies and pricing development and business leads is to be generated.


Identify any compliance requirements (2-3).

For instance:

·          Information subject to confidentiality

·          Adherence to policy and procedures

·          WHS considerations

Compliance requirements must be as follows

1. MMI policies and procedures

2. MMI quality standards

3. Board of directors

Information needs


What do the stakeholders need to know? What is the purpose of the meeting? (2-3 key items)

Participants is been required for knowing the different objectives, course, goals and values of the company.


Describe your position in line with the purpose of this meeting. For example, how can you influence the stakeholders to approve your draft work? (30-50 words)

In this attendees is been need for containing the overview of organization that can include the statistical data and development of new systems and stakeholders involvement.


Outline the forum of choice for the presentation, including details. For instance, how the meeting will be structured.

This meeting would start having overview of issues should be discussed and room of presentation is to be followed by comments, reviews and time.


Determine and outline the tone, structure and style of communication of the presentation according to the target audience.

Meeting sound, format, target audience and arrangement must be formal, constructive and respectful

Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation

(5-6 slides) to present the promotional message and the mood board.

Include a slide for Q&A.

Submit the PowerPoint with the assessment. Call this PowerPoint 1.


Objectives of the negotiation


Identify the objectives of the negotiation during the meeting (2-3)

1. Obstacles is to be remived that can be faced by company

2. fair and reasonable budhget is to be set for project

3. Relation is to be maintained with stakeholders

Needs and requirements from stakeholders


Identify needs and requirements from stakeholders (4-5). Hint: refer to the scenario provided and the Case Study in Appendix 1.

To expand the industry’s permanent base to Sydney, wherein training program is becoming increasingly popular.


To expand the course options, add a new qualification to the registration section.


Boost the number of regular consumers who participate in approved programmes.


Rethinking authorised business courses to add a work component over the semester to make them more accessible to international students.

Issues and problems


Identify potential issues and problems. (3-4)

CFO is not approved by promotional message and mood board

CFO is not been agreed to budget.

Position and supporting arguments


Prepare position and supporting arguments for the negotiation.

School must be researched by some students which is been enrolled.


  1. Conduct the meeting (20-30 minutes)

Facilitate the meeting with the stakeholders:

  • Explain the meeting objectives and seek consensus
  • Assign roles such as chair and note-taker
  • Facilitate the conversation
  • Ensure participation and engagement from stakeholders
  • Lead the meeting to achieve clear outcomes
  • Use active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding
  • Adapt your communication style to build trust with the team
  • Create a positive work environment during the meeting
  • Present the promotional message and the mood board
  • Answer questions from stakeholders and provide relevant information
  • Establish areas of common ground and potential compromise
  • Manage the stakeholders’ different personalities and expectations
  • Negotiate changes and improvements
  • Achieve consensus and obtain approval for the promotional message and the mood board

Reflect on the meeting and answer the questions in the table below.

(100-150 words in total)

Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders
How did you take notes during the meeting? Written document of summary is been made by us, suggetions, feedback, key point from the stakeholders to be discussed.
Who chaired the meeting? Marketing manager
How did you facilitate the meeting? Provide an example. Clear articulation of the meeting in that stakeholders must be provided having requirements of project.
What negotiation technique/s did you use? Why? Using of the structured presentation that can include the statistical data, evidence and information.
What was the tone of your presentation? How did you positively influence stakeholders? Tone, style and structure of meeting related to target audience must be formal, positive and polite.
What did you do well? What could you improve? This can be smooth and effective.


  1. Peer- review
  • Provide the stakeholders with the feedback report form (Template 4) before the presentation, in soft or hard copy, to take notes.
  • Ask your classmates to complete the feedback report, sign and date.
  • Provide evidence that the feedback reports were completed: a scanned copy of the forms attached to your submission.
  • Take the feedback received into consideration and finalise the promotional message and the mood board to present to the focus group in Task 2.3.


Template 4 -Feedback Report

Peer Review Form
Full Name and signature of the student completing the peer review. Full Name:




The Project Manager facilitated the meeting effectively by encouraging participation and feedback. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Project Manager demonstrated positive reception of ideas and acknowledged suggestions, improvements and feedback. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The presentation was engaging, informative and professionally delivered. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Project Manager established a relationship of mutual trust and respect with the stakeholders. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Project Manager negotiated effectively with the stakeholders. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Project Manager used active listening and questioning when discussing and clarifying information and to confirm understanding. Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The outcome of the meeting was…. Exceptional Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Overall, the meeting was … Exceptional Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor
Feedback about organising and facilitating the meeting.

(30-50 words)

The team’s architecture may be improved for completing tasks, and indeed the moderators and presentation must complete work in a timely manner (Arnold, et al., 2015).
Feedback about negotiation skills.

(30-50 words)


With excellent diplomatic skills, the amount of uncertainty and understanding that arises as a result of an inadequate information or exposition may be decreased.


Feedback about the presentation.

(30-50 words)

The powerpoint was well-organized and well-structured, and it was simple to read and comprehend.


  1. Write the meeting minutes


Record the meeting minutes using Template 3.


Template 3 -Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Meeting Title The atmosphere board is shown, as well as the promotional strategy that is offered.
Date and Time 6 april 2022

1:00 to 1:30

Location Conference hall
Attendees Taylor Duncan, Leonard Black, Deborah Red
Apologies NA
Summary of Discussion
Mood boards and advertising message draught presentations. 1) The proposal was taken into consideration.

2) The attendees submitted their opinions and comments (Dike, et al., 2015).

Questions and answers, as well as feedback


1) For help, there must have been images with in subjects.

2) Sample booklets and PowerPoint presentations are utilised.

Responsibility Deadline
<It is possible to improve the advertising messages.> Marketing of team 6 April 2022
< The kanban board might be better> Marketing of team 7 April 2022



  1. Inform stakeholders of the outcome of the meeting

Write an email to the CEO, Ms Deborah Red, to summarise the outcome of the meeting.

Summarise the agreed changes and improvements, and describe the actions taken to implement the agreed changes.

Attach the meeting minutes to the email.

Use Template 2.

The email text should be grammatically correct and written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(60-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to the CEO
To: Ms. Deborah Red
Date email is sent: meeting minutes
Attachments:Additional measures, as well as agreed-upon enhancements and adjustments

Ms. Red,


The purpose of this email is to advise you that enhancements and adjustments have already been introduced to the employment conditions. The study is carried out, and the significance of social networks is highlighted in order to emphasize the relevance of spending in the sector. The appropriate activities will be made in order to comply with the suggestions. The minutes of the meeting are appended below.


Warm regards

Manager of marketing




Task 2.3 Present to a focus group


This task requires you to test the finalised promotional message and mood board with a focus group.

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 5 of class and present the finalised work to a group of classmates who will play the role of prospective students (target group in the focus group) in simulated work conditions.This is a Role-Play.

Duration: 15-20 minutes.

The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play and provide feedback on the marking sheet.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Before the presentation

  • Plan for the presentation. Complete the table below:


Focus group presentation –  preparation
Authority to present


What is your authority to organise and present to the focus group?

Because he or she is in charge of developing advertising campaigns, producing new sales opportunities, and supervising advertisement department staff, the marketing strategy for advertising enterprises, services, items, or brands is his or her responsibility.






Identify any compliance requirements (2-3).

For instance:

·          Information subject to confidentiality

·          Adherence to policy and procedures

·          WHS considerations

The industry’s policies or processes.


Anything that must remain confidential.


Attending university requirements



Information needs


What does the focus group need to know? What is the purpose of the focus group? (2-3 key items)

Participants should be informed of the goals, objectives, values, and visions.


The importance of these programs in supporting career advancement must be understood by the participant.



Describe your position in line with the purpose of communication. For example, how can you collect unbiased and objective feedback from the focus group? (30-50 words)

According to the target audience, the sound, form, and appearance of this meeting had to be formal, constructive, and enjoyable. To attract foreign students, the program’s aim and the different programs it offers must be presented in an aesthetically compelling and accessible manner. It is necessary to have communication skills, but also stress management and mental stability (Mládková, 2012).


Outline the forum of choice for the presentation, including details. For instance, how the testing will be structured.

The conference will present an overview of the topics to be covered, as well as a place for exhibitors, before moving on to a period for questions, suggestions, and observations.




Determine and outline the tone, structure and style of communication of the presentation to the focus.

Based on its intended population, the tone, style, and structure of this workshop may be conversational, positive, respectful, and honest.

Prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation

(5-6 slides) to present the finalised promotional message and the mood board to the focus group.

Include a slide for Q&A.





  • Prepare to provide the testing feedback form (Template 5) to each participant in the focus group (soft or hard copy).


Template 5 -Testing feedback form

Testing Feedback Form

Name of the student providing feedback:

Thank you for participating in this focus group.

You will be presented with a promotional message for the new campus in Sydney and a mood board for a website promoting the campus to prospective students students.

Please answer the questions below and let us know what we are doing right and what we can improve.

Question Your answer
Describe your first impression of the promotional message about the new campus in 3 words.
Would the message lead you to find out more about the school and campus? Y ☐

N ✓

How would you describe the tone of the message? Use one adjective that best describes it. Polite
Would you visit the campus based on the appeal of the promotional message? Y ✓

N ☐

When looking at the mood board, what did you think (tick all that applies): I liked the colours Y ✓N ☐



The design is appealing Y ✓N ☐



I would explore the website Y N ☐



Would you change anything?  Y ✓N ☐

If yes, what?



What caught your attention in the mood board? Why?
Do you have any questions, observations, or feedback that you would like to share? Y ✓

N ☐

If yes, please provide your comments below:



During the presentation

  • Explain the objective of the focus group presentation
  • Present the finalised promotional message and mood board
  • Ensure participation and engagement from the focus group
  • Use active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding
  • Adapt your communication style to build trust with the focus group
  • Create a positive environment during the focus group
  • Answer questions from the focus group and provide relevant information
  • Collect feedback from the focus group

After the presentation

  • Provide evidence that the feedback reports were completed: a scanned copy of the forms attached to your submission
  • Reflect on the presentation to the focus group and answer the questions in the table below.

(50-100 words in total)

Reflection – Meeting with stakeholders
How did you facilitate the focus group? By motivating and interacting with others while maintaining an optimistic outlook.


What did you find most challenging during the presentation? It’s challenging to capture the interest the enthusiasm of the focus group.


Provide an example of a question you answered. What makes the program stand out to others?


What did you do well? What could you improve? Communications approaches that are acceptable will be employed.


  • Write an email to the CEO, Ms Deborah Red, to summarise the focus group’s outcome.

Summarise the feedback received by the focus group and how you will follow up on that feedback.

Use Template 2.

The email text should be grammatically correct and written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to the CEO
To: Deborah Red and CEO
Subject: the outcomes of focus group
Date email is sent:
Dear Ms. Deborah Red

This email is to notify you of the findings of the roundtable discussion, as well as the techniques we will use to anticipate and respond to your input.


We are happy to report that all of the responses have been favourable, and the overseas students have expressed their gratitude.


All of the children were captivated and included in storyboard as a result of our tone and advertising message. This excellent outcome would have not been possible with out ideas received from consumers and the marketing firm. We are pleased with our accomplishments and effort.


We eagerly await your useful suggestions and input on this matter.


Marketing manager



Please include your references below:


(Please refer to this referencing guide if needed or speak to your trainer for any specific referencing requirements for this assessment)


Mládková, L. (2012). Leadership in management of knowledge workers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences41, 243-250.


Dike, V. E., Odiwe, K., Ehujor, D. M., & Dike, V. E. (2015). Leadership and management in the 21st-century organizations: A practical approach. World Journal of Social Science Research2(2).


Arnold, R., Fletcher, D., & Anderson, R. (2015). Leadership and management in elite sport: Factors perceived to influence performance. International journal of sports science & coaching10(2-3), 285-304.





SITXMGT001 Monitor work operations


Table of Contents

Case study 1. 3

Monitoring of working hours and efficiency included in those hours. 3

Use of consultative process for systems and procedures. 3

Measures were taken for preventing the hygiene issues. 3

Involved delegation process. 3

Estimation of budget and determining whether training will be required for accomodating new jobs  4

Ways in which daily operation won’t get impacted due to proposed changes. 4

Case study 2. 5

Nature of complaint 5

A procedure that should be followed for receiving a complaint 5

Standard procedure for investigating a complaint 5

Legal responsibilities as a manager 6

Case study 3. 7

A systematic approach for investigation areas. 7

Solutions for limitations. 7

Aspects to be investigated in food as well as beverages service areas. 7

Details of staff involved. 7

Case study 4. 9

Suggestions for an effective implemented and detailed system for each department 9

Implications for the existing staff. 9

References. 10

Case study 1

Monitoring of working hours and efficiency included in those hours

First and foremost, GPS trackers could be used for tracking the drivers and developing an understanding regarding how their work is going on, since it is very tough and exhausting for drivers to complete a whole tour, one more driver or a guide should be appointed so that the work will get divided and there will not be much pressure on one person only.

Use of consultative process for systems and procedures

Every driver will be made aware of the use of GPS devices on vehicles, and if they feel fine regarding the same. After the difficulties of drivers were assessed regarding regards to them not being able to finish their job effectively, it will be their choice whether they want to add one more person either as a driver or guide for helping them in finishing their job. Before application, each staff member will be properly trained and fully energized (Li et al., 2020).

Measures were taken for preventing the hygiene issues

  • Every vehicle will be taken for professional auto repairing as well as inspection.
  • The professional car engineer will be summoned for regular inspection.
  • Application of regulations regarding food safety as well as hygiene will be done by each staff member.
  • Training will be provided to staff for complying with the standards of hygiene.
  • Rewards, as well as fines, will be set, and the staff members will be able to report each other for not obeying the rules.
  • Some of the tour fees will be refunded to customers if any kind of hygiene issues will be reported by them

Involved delegation process

  • A meeting will be conducted with all the staff members regarding the new work plans.
  • If anyone will have any questions or problems regarding the new changes, they will be addressed.
  • All responsibilities in line with the vehicles, like cleaning as well as inspection will be of the drivers.
  • The guides will have to manage the routes of the tour and the time to be spent at each spot.
  • The team involved in the preparation of food will pay attention to the suppliers, hygiene as well as the offering needs of different customers.
  • It will be the duty of the guide to ensure the issues regarding the safety of any customer.

Yes, the specification of the new job will have to be provided in writing, at least 6 of such specifications will be written.

Estimation of budget and determining whether training will be required for accommodating new jobs

The direct cost of estimation involves the salary cost of the new tour, inspection cost of vehicles, material cost (paper printing, new hygiene qualified equipment), and repair costs. While the indirect cost will involve the HR cost, office cost, or the non-operation losses during this time of adjustment (He et al., 2020).

Yes, there will be the need for pieces of training. Some professional guidance will be needed by the rivers and hygiene study class by the team of food preparation. But the newly hired guides, need to know every spot of the complete tour, which will be already offered to them for studying before work.

Ways in which daily operation won’t get impacted due to proposed changes

  • The day-to-day operations won’t get impacted since everything is planned and executed systematically and things will not add more responsibilities but is a delegation of appropriate responsibilities to each staff member.

Case study 2

Nature of complaint

The nature of the complaint here seems to be that of sexual harassment. Since it has been clear from what Elena told that she gets silent offensive remarks from her supervisor very frequently, she also noticed him stalking her on numerous occasions after the work and he also ensure that he is working the same shifts as her.

A procedure that should be followed for receiving a complaint

  • In the first place, Elena should be reassured that she is being taken seriously.
  • All the evidence provided by Elens will be collected
  • Changing the shifts of Elena and her supervisor.
  • Investigating whether her complaint is real, by checking the surveillance camera or inquiring the office staff (Siuta & Bergman, 2019).

Standard procedure for investigating a complaint

  • Assuring Elena’s supervisor, that a fair investigation will take place on behalf of the accuser and the accused.
  • Interviewing all the main witnesses in this matter and asking open-ended questions along with seeking facts that approve or disapprove the allegations made by the employee.
  • Interviewing supervisor, applying the same respectful approach with him as accorded with the accuser.
  • Consulting with the attorney for making sure that the whole situation is looked upon reasonably and purely based on the collected pieces of evidence.
  • Make sure that the attorney also supports your direction.
  • Deciding whether this incident of sexual harassment took place, is based on documentation as well as advice from attorneys and colleagues.
  • Changing a reporting assignment if required.
  • Assuring the employees that no incidents like this occurs by follow-up, and documentation of that follow-up, with the employee who filed the original complaint, keeping all the documentation separate from the personal file.

Legal responsibilities as a manager

As a manager, it is my responsibility to understand completely the act of sex discrimination along with other laws on discrimination, and sexual harassment, and should also make sure that the development of a written policy is done, that prohibits sexual harassment and assure employees of a safe workplace. The complaint should also be immediately reported to the EEO officer (Hardies, 2019).



Case study 3

A systematic approach for investigation areas

The areas that are to be investigated are the operational issues, meal servicing, quality of meals, one-on-one conversations with the sous chef and the head chef regarding the lack of equipment capacity they say have been faced by them, and conversations with the front-of-house office.

A systematic approach for the same will be –

  • Interviewing all the staff members regarding the issues in their specific areas individually.
  • Take a note of the reviews of the customers and the problems they have been facing.
  • Trying to understand their problems and discussion of best possible solutions for the same problems.
  • Implementation of the solutions in a systematic manner.

Solutions for limitations

Since the budget is still 5 months away, the potential solution will be to buy this equipment on credit or rent them for some time, until and unless the equipment is acquired.

Aspects to be investigated in food as well as beverages service areas

In the food as well as beverages section, the quality of meals is to be inspected and since it is bad, what are the reasons for the same. The lack of some equipment capacity and other issues faced by chefs and the investigation of complaints regarding the meal services (Phucharoen & Sangkaew, 2020).

Details of staff involved

Details of staff that are involved in this process include:

Operational staff – for operational issues

Kitchen staff- in quality and preparation of food.

Waiters – regarding the delays in service of food.

Front of house or F & B staff – according to whom everything is going normal.



Case study 4

Suggestions for an effective implemented and detailed system for each department

A meeting should be conducted with the manager as well as supervisor, and the new set up policies, as well as the procedure, should be discussed for all the departments involving each product as well as services and should also be enforced strictly for each staff member.

HR: a full-time staff needs to be hired, the number of part-time staff should be decreased in each department of the hotel. Because of the new management, there should be re-interview as well as observation of all the staff members, and only those who are suitable and excellent should be chosen to make them stay. A series of training classes should be arranged on service for the staff members to put inappropriate job positions and providing apt induction for the senior staff.

Food, as well as beverages: a written procedure, should be developed for weekly or daily presence of beverages, every head chef as well as sous chef who cooks, should ensure making the same recipes and same presentation of food. All the processes of cooking should be organized as well as recognized in the meeting (Ushakov et al., 2020).

Housekeeping: all the staff of housekeeping should be trained for cleaning as well as setting up of the room under the same kinds of procedures. There should be daily operational meetings for monitoring the progress as well as discovering the problems and also ensuring to solve them.

Implications for the existing staff

Establishment of transparency as well as effective communication, since the selection of staff, has already been done because of new management, we need to encourage and compliment these staff members, For all the pieces of training as well as strict policies for the future of hotel for getting better as well as competitive.

Personal counseling should also be provided when needed, the implementation should be monitored, by observation as well as an examination of their performance, with the help of customer reviews. Rewards, as well as a punishment system, should also be implemented for encouraging them to behave as well as study better.


Hardies, K. (2019). Personality, social norms, and sexual harassment in the workplace. Personality and individual differences151, 109496.

He, L., Zha, J., & Loo, H. A. (2020). How to improve tourism energy efficiency to achieve sustainable tourism: Evidence from China. Current Issues in Tourism23(1), 1-16.

Li, Y., Li, R., Ruan, W., & Liu, C. H. (2020). Research of the effect of tourism economic contact on the efficiency of the tourism industry. Sustainability12(14), 5652.

Phucharoen, C., & Sangkaew, N. (2020). Does firm efficiency matter in the hospitality industry? An empirical examination of foreign demand for accommodation and hotel efficiency in Thailand. Journal of Tourism Analysis: Revista de Análisis Turístico.

Siuta, R. L., & Bergman, M. E. (2019). Sexual harassment in the workplace. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

Ushakov, R. N., Kryukova, E. M., Khetagurova, V. S., Mukhomorova, I. V., & Zelenov, V. V. (2020). The efficiency of hotel management. Training of specialists in the hotel industry field. Journal of Environmental Management & Tourism11(2 (42)), 388-395.

Assessment Task 1


Part A: Operational Plan Cup Bake

Operational Objectives

by December 2023

Actions required Details of resources required to achieve actions Timelines Allocation to: KPIs
To shortlist 3 to 4 potential sites or places Accurately monitor all the sites individually Human resources 1 month Alan Perfectly monitoring of sites
Lookout location for NSW South Coast – Eden to the Site of Ulladulla region Monitor and check the location and infrastructure (Leo, et al., 2019).


Human resources 1 month Peter Identification of the perfect location
Involve inputs or communication of stakeholders for overhead sites Communicate with the relevant stakeholders and engage with them to make a recommendation for the sites Human resources 5 days Alan Good communication skills
Identify resources and materials required to begin designing or building the selected site Keep in mind the infrastructure and think about the relevant resources and materials (Leo, et al., 2019).


Physical resources and technology 5 days Peter Identification of relevant resources
Identifying the requirements of staff for some new locations both Bakery and Café Engage with the staff and communicate with them by conducting informal meetings Human resources 3 days Alan Staff requirements were identified
Site of NSW South Coast completely operational from upcoming August Prepare the site completely to start the operations (Leo, et al., 2019).


Human resources and physical resources 5 months Peter The site was completed to start the operations


Part B: Risk assessment

Critical success factors:  

Good management skills

Internal & external stakeholders: Alan, Peter, Staff, Manager, Operational Manager


Risk description Severity Rating Likelihood Rating Overall


Treatment/control methods Timeline/Monitoring
Financial risk 4 4 16 Make sure that funds are available. Utilize the funds with optimism (Ullah, et al., 2021).


Technical risk 3 2 6 Monitor the systems of technology and make regular updates (Ullah, et al., 2021).


Economical risk 4 3 12 Regularly check the inflow and outflow of cash in the cafe Daily
Fire at sites 3 2 6 Make sure that all fire extinguishers are available at sites and working accurately (Voznytsia, 2021).


Within a week
Injury to workers 2 1 2 Make sure first aid is available at the site and apply the policy of WHS to protect the workers from injury (Voznytsia, 2021).


Critical success factors:  


Internal & external stakeholders:  


Risk description Severity Rating Likelihood Rating Overall


Treatment/control methods Timeline/Monitoring
Falls and ships 3 2 6 Make sure that the workers are safe from any kind of fall (Ramezani, et al., 2020).



Food safety 4 3 12 Make sure that all the ingredients are fresh daily
Damages due to natural disasters 2 1 2 Take the plan of insurance policy to be secure from any kind of damage due to natural disaster (Ramezani, et al., 2020).



Within a year
Theft 2 1 2 Make sure that all the funds and monetary resources are kept at bank or safe places Weekly
Poor management of brand 3 2 6 Develop excellent strategies regarding marketing and management (Ramezani, et al., 2020).



Within a week




Assessment Task 2


TASKS to Perform:


Task description: Skills required Relationship to other tasks within Company
Handling the customers During this time we have to talk to the customers in a low and sweet voice (Qian, et al., 2021). We have to maintain the balance between the working policy of the organization.
Welcoming the customers They have to welcome the customers with a warm welcome. This describes the quality of the work of the company.
Provide a better level of the services The fastest service in the bakery will describe the importance of the customers in their company. They have to make sure to handle the customer on time.
Taste and the equality matter in the food This is an important thing to do in the organization is because the taste of the food will provide positive feedback from the customers. The presentation of the food will matter the most (Anyakoha, 2019).
Clean the table after the customers leave These are the services that describe the hygiene factors of the company. They have to use the cleaning types of equipment and the sanitizers for the safety of everyone.
Presentation of the dish The presentation and the decoration will make a better impact on the customers. They want to get to their quality better settlement.
Reach the level of customer satisfaction This is the duty of the organization that they have to reach the level of customer satisfaction. This will describe the company working policy and provide the settlement of the company.
Polite behavior They have to always have to put polite behavior in front of their customers. This shows the respect of the customers from the company.
Taken the action They have to take the action on time to present the better deliveries. This describes the company working policy and the action they have taken for the company’s development.
Employment The company has to hire candidates which know have the better services (Qian, et al., 2021). They should take the better level of the services and for they need the candidates which have the proper knowledge.
Job strategies They have to provide the services which will meet their working strategies. This is the better and the most innovative service es available.




ACTIVITES to Perform:


Activities description: Repetitive/Irregular/Sequence Core competencies: Degree of difficulty:
Customer handling Repetitive Nature maintenance and the customer handling services knowledge (Delicato, et al.,  2020). 4
Services handling Repetitive They have to handle the services and provide a better level of the services. 4
Feedback examination Sequence They want to examine the feedback of the customers to make the better  working policy 4
Review the working policy Sequence They have to review the working policy. 3
Calling the customers Irregular They have to call their customers for further details of the booking services (Strah,2022). 2
Services details Repetitive They have to give and provide a better level of the services 4
Baking Repetitive They want to bake the cookies and the cakes on time for better deliveries. 4
Hiring new candidates Repetitive This is the duty of the HR of the organization to hire the new candidates in the organization. this is the duty of HR to present a better level of the services (Delicato, et al.,  2020). 4
Handle the complaints Repetitive The management team has to handle the complaints which are raised in the organization. 4


  1. Identify the environments that this role will be working including:
    1. What stages the sites are at
    2. Safe/unsafe
    3. Controlled/Uncontrolled
    4. Training/Briefing required


Environment description: Safe/Unsafe Controlled/Uncontrolled Training required/Briefings:
Safe working environment Safe Controlled The expert and the head chief do not require the training.
Cooking procedures Safe Controlled They have to use the proper cooking training procedures to give better deliveries.
Baking skills Safe Controlled They have to use their baking skills in the cooking services but they have to take the proper handle and the management (Salehi, et al., 2020).
Lisitng the ingriedients Unsafe Controlled There might be a situation in which they will forget the ingredient to buy and this will make a tough situation for the organization.
Using the oven Unsafe Uncontrolled There might be a situation in which the cooking and the baking will might get failed. This will create the risk and the issue in the company while cooking (Di Nunzio, et al., 2020).
Baking procedures Unsafe Uncontrolled There might be a situation in which they have to do a better level of backing to maintain the taste in the cakes.
Ingrideints Unsafe Uncontrolled During the backing procedures if the ingredients will may get fail this will destroy the taste of the cakes.
Locality Safe Controlled A safe environment is an important thing to do and for this, they have to put the CCTV camera for their safety.
Protocol management Safe Controlled They have to handle things protocol management and for that, they have to follow the rules and the regulations (Anyakoha, 2019).
Nature Safe Controlled The nature of the staff member describes the person’s personality and the nature of the towards their staff members in the organization.
Communication Safe Controlled They have to communicate with their clients perfectly. The communication skills describe the company working policy and its management settlements.
Greetings Safe Controlled Greetings will describe the customer’s satisfaction and also, develop an image of the organization in the market. This will also, help the company to get positive feedback towards the company from their clients.





Anyakoha, C. (2019). Job analysis as a tool for improved organizational performance of SMEs in Lagos, Nigeria. Central European Journal of Labour Law and Personnel Management2(1), 7-16.

Delicato, C., Schouteten, J. J., Dewettinck, K., Gellynck, X., &Tzompa-Sosa, D. A. (2020). Consumers’ perception of bakery products with insect fat as partial butter replacement. Food Quality and Preference79, 103755.

Di Nunzio, M., Picone, G., Pasini, F., Chiarello, E., Caboni, M. F., Capozzi, F., … &Bordoni, A. (2020). Olive oil by-product as a functional ingredient in bakery products. Influence of processing and evaluation of biological effects. Food Research International131, 108940.

Leo, M., Sharma, S., &Maddulety, K. (2019). Machine learning in banking risk management: A literature review. Risks7(1), 29.

Qian, M., Liu, D., Zhang, X., Yin, Z., Ismail, B. B., Ye, X., & Guo, M. (2021). A review of active packaging in bakery products: Applications and future trends. Trends in Food Science & Technology114, 459-471.

Ramezani, P., Edrington, C. S., Hoang, P. H., Deb, N., Papari, B., &Ozkan, G. (2020, February). MetaMetric Approach in Performance Assessment of System Level Controllers for Different Operational Objectives. In 2020 IEEE Texas Power and Energy Conference (TPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Salehi, F. (2020). Effect of common and new gums on the quality, physical, and textural properties of bakery products: A review. Journal of texture studies51(2), 361-370.

Strah, N., Rupp, D. E., & Morris, S. B. (2022). Job analysis and job classification for addressing pay inequality in organizations: Adjusting our methods within a shifting legal landscape. Industrial and Organizational Psychology15(1), 1-45.

Ullah, F., Qayyum, S., Thaheem, M. J., Al-Turjman, F., &Sepasgozar, S. M. (2021). Risk management in sustainable smart cities governance: A TOE framework. Technological Forecasting and Social Change167, 120743.

Voznytsia, A. (2021). Operational objectives of natural and artificial systems (Doctoral dissertation, National Aviation University).


Task 1

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the taskis all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.

The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:

·         legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication

·         organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication (including digital form):

  • workplace policies
  • codes of conduct
  • organisational reputation and culture

·         techniques to resolve communication challenges

·         methods to mentor and coach others

·         key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with special needs or disabilities

·         communication protocols relevant to organisational information needs:

  • internal and external communication guides
  • risk based/emergency communication guides
  • style/formatting of communication guides
  • processes for allocation of responsibilities for standard communication

·         communication challenges relevant to performance evidence:

·         conflicts with clients or team members

·         potential risks or safety hazards

·         unethical or inappropriate communication

·         appropriately framing organisational messaging

·         key relevant features of:

  • different communication styles
  • different communication methods
  • relevant cross cultural communication techniques
  • negotiation and conflict resolution techniques.

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation as instructed.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,

·         answer all questions as instructed,

·         answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,

·         all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

·         review the questions carefully,

·         answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),

·         further research the topics addressed in each question.

Specifications You must submit to GOALS the

·         assessment coversheet,

·         answers to all questions,

·         references.

Resources and equipment •        computer with Internet access,

•        access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,

•        learning material.

Re-submission opportunities

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.

Answeall the questions below

Question 1

List and outline three (3) legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication.

(30-50 words/legislative requirement)

Legislative requirements Outline
Freedom of Information Act 1982 It gives public members the right for accessing some legal documents of the Government of Australia.
Privacy Act 1988 This act controls how the Government of Australia distribute and utilizes information that they gathered about people.
Consumer and Competition Act 2010 This act covers various surroundings of the market: the associations between consumers, retailers, wholesalers and suppliers (Broadbent, 2013).

Question 2

Why are the following organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication?

(30-50 words/organisational requirement)

Organisational requirements Why it is important
Policies and procedures The main purpose of having the procedures and policies work appropriately is to ensure they are efficiently communicated. Communicating procedures and policies on daily basis make sure that the staff are informed.
Code of conduct It is the essential manner for communicating the culture of the workplace of compliance and ethics.
Organisation reputation and culture Efficient communication retains interior procedures running effortlessly and helps in creating positive relationships with individuals both outside and inside the organization.
Professional development for staff In the team, being capable of communicating efficiently with the co-employees will help in developing trust, make the professional relations stronger, increase teamwork and help the individuals in becoming further effective and productive(Broadbent, 2013).

Question 3

Select and describe three (3) methods/techniques to resolve communication challenges.

(30-50 words/method or technique)

Method/Technique Description
Develop baseline standards of communication Develop the group of standards by which the organization communicates with both introverts and extroverts.
Make clear expectations and norms This looks like the guidance for setting some standards, it is further about answering how of communication inthe workplace regarding the expectations, frequency and channel.
Pursue feedback proactively By surveying the staff regularly, leadership could gather feedback and tool down into the information required for monitoring problems, enhance the culture of the workplace and boost the engagement of staff (Hermanson, 2013).

Question 4

Outline two (2) mentoring and two (2) coaching methods.

(30-50 words/method)

Mentoring method Outline
Listening proactively It is the most elementary method of mentoring, When we listen proactively, we demonstrate to our mentees and mentors that their apprehensions have been understood and heard.
Building belief and trust The further that our mentees and mentors trust us, the further dedicated they will be to our partnerships with the mentors and we will be further productive (Hermanson, 2013).
Coaching method Outline
Collaboration Leaders should know how to effectively work together with the staff and also them in working collaboratively together.
Listening The most essential skill of efficient coaching is the capability of listening to other individuals (Hermanson, 2013).

 Question 5

Address the following questions about cross-cultural communication:

Question Answer
What is cross-cultural communication? It is the procedure of identifying both similarities and differences among a group of cultures to efficiently involve within the provided context.
List two (2) principles of cross-cultural communication. Two principles are given below:

1. Maintain protocol and etiquette

2. Practice listening proactively

Why is cross-cultural communication important?

(30-50 words)

This kind of communication offers the understanding that how the staffs of varied cultures communicate, speak and observe the environment across them.
List three (3) barriers to cross-cultural communication. Three barriers are as follows:

1. Language

2. Partiality

3. Ethnocentrism (Trotter, 2015).

Outline how you can communicate more effectively with a person with a disability.

(30-50 words)

We could communicate more effectively with the individual with the disability are as follows:

1. Utilize the standard voice tone

2. Be patient and polite

3. Offershelp if it seems important, but be polite and respects the wishes of individuals if they do not approve of our offer.

Provide an example of how you can communicate with a person with an intellectual disability.

(30-50 words)

Communicate slowly and leave some pauses for the individual for processing the words. Communicate directly to the individual concerned as they are a vital place in the entire communication.
Provide an example of how you can communicate with a person with a vision impairment.

(30-50 words)

Communicate with the individual by utilizing natural speed and tone. Do not communicate slowly and loudly unless the individual also has an impairment of hearing (Trotter, 2015).

Question 6

What would you include in the following communication protocols relevant to organisational information needs?

List three (3) inclusions for each.

Communication protocols Inclusions
Internal and external communication guides Internal communications guides include:

1. Group meetings

2. Personal meetings

3. Communication with staff

Guides of external communication include:

1. Advertisement

2. Feedbacks

3. Questionnaires

Risk-based/emergency communication guides It includes:

1. Information of contacts

2. Process for sharing information

3. Guidelines

Style/formatting of communication guides It includes:

1. Usage of logo

2. Tone

3. Viewpoints

Processes for allocation of responsibilities for standard communication It includes:

1. Priority

2. Availability

3. Sets of skills(Trotter, 2015).

Question 7

Outline two (2) communication challenges relevant to each of the following:

Factor Communication challenges

(30-50 words/factor)

Conflicts with clients or team members 1. Cultural differences between members of the team and clients.

2. Emotional taboos and barriers

Potential risks or safety hazards 1. lack of described procedure

2. Terminated tasks

Unethical or inappropriate communication 1. Manipulation of data

2. Break of confidentiality

Appropriately framing organisational messaging 1. Overload of information

2. The opening of conversation (Hollnagel, 2018).

Question 8

Address the following questions:

Question Answer
Define negotiation.

(30-50 words)

It is the strategic conversation that resolves the problems in a manner that both parties find satisfactory.
Define mediation.

(30-50 words)

It is the intended collaborative procedure where the persons who have disputes with each other recognize problems and establish options.
Research, select and briefly outline three (3) techniques for negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution and incident de-escalation. Technique Outline (20-40 words/technique)
Be enduring Endurance is very important during the process of negotiation as the process needs a long duration.
Be neutral and offer to reason The manager must make accurate decisions concerning productivity and objectives.
Set transparent expectations It makes the employees easily understand their work (Hollnagel, 2018).
Select and outline three (3) different communication styles. Communication style Outline (20-40 words/style)
Aggressive In this style, individuals make their decisions without seeing the rights of another individual.
Passive In this style, the individual avoids their rights and permits another individual to invade their rights.
Assertive In this style, the individual expresses and understands their requirements, feelings and ideas.
Select and outline three (3) different communication methods. Communication method Outline (20-40 words/method)
Verbal It could be on the phone, via Zoom or Skype, face-to-face etc.
Non-verbal It includes postures, facial expressions, touch, eye contact etc.
Written It includes a contract, tweet, report, memo etc.(Hollnagel, 2018).


Please include your references below:

Broadbent, D. E. (2013). Perception and communication. Elsevier.

Hermanson, G. T. (2013). Bioconjugate techniques. Academic press.

Hollnagel, E. (2018). Safety–I and safety–II: the past and future of safety management. CRC press.

Trotter, C. (2015). Working with involuntary clients: A guide to practice. Routledge.

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻   I declare that this task and any attached document related to the taskis all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻   I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the process explained to me

◻   I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻   I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻   I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻   I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title

Unit Code

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻   Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment


Question Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete.

Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:

Completed satisfactorily
S NYS DNS Comments
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory  Not Yet Satisfactory
Student Name:
Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about?

This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.

The questionnaire is designed to meetthe knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:

·         legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication

·         organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication (including digital form):

  • workplace policies
  • codes of conduct
  • organisational reputation and culture

·         techniques to resolve communication challenges

·         methods to mentor and coach others

·         key principles of cross-cultural communication and communication with individuals with special needs or disabilities

·         communication protocols relevant to organisational information needs:

  • internal and external communication guides
  • risk based/emergency communication guides
  • style/formatting of communication guides
  • processes for allocation of responsibilities for standard communication

·         communication challenges relevant to performance evidence:

·         conflicts with clients or team members

·         potential risks or safety hazards

·         unethical or inappropriate communication

·         appropriately framing organisational messaging

·         key relevant features of:

  • different communication styles
  • different communication methods
  • relevant cross cultural communication techniques
  • negotiation and conflict resolution techniques.

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation as instructed.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?

·         submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,

·         answer all questions as instructed,

·         answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,

·         all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

·         review the questions carefully,

·         answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),

·         further research the topics addressed in each question.

Specifications You must submit to GOALS the

·         assessment coversheet,

·         answers to all questions,

·         references.

Resources and equipment •        computer with Internet access,

•        access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,

•        learning material.

Re-submission opportunities

You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.

Answerall the questions below:

Question 1

List and outline three (3) legislative requirements relevant to workplace communication.

(30-50 words/legislative requirement)

Legislative requirements Outline
Freedom of Information Act 1982 It gives public members the right for accessing some legal documents of the Government of Australia.
Privacy Act 1988 This act controls how the Government of Australia distribute and utilizes information that they gathered about people.
Consumer and Competition Act 2010 This act covers various surroundings of the market: the associations between consumers, retailers, wholesalers and suppliers (Broadbent, 2013).

Question 2

Why are the following organisational requirements relevant to workplace communication?

(30-50 words/organisational requirement)

Organisational requirements Why it is important
Policies and procedures The main purpose of having the procedures and policies work appropriately is to ensure they are efficiently communicated. Communicating procedures and policies on daily basis make sure that the staff are informed.
Code of conduct It is the essential manner for communicating the culture of the workplace of compliance and ethics.
Organisation reputation and culture Efficient communication retains interior procedures running effortlessly and helps in creating positive relationships with individuals both outside and inside the organization.
Professional development for staff In the team, being capable of communicating efficiently with the co-employees will help in developing trust, make the professional relations stronger, increase teamwork and help the individuals in becoming further effective and productive(Broadbent, 2013).

Question 3

Select and describe three (3) methods/techniques to resolve communication challenges.

(30-50 words/method or technique)

Method/Technique Description
Develop baseline standards of communication Develop the group of standards by which the organization communicates with both introverts and extroverts.
Make clear expectations and norms This looks like the guidance for setting some standards, it is further about answering how of communication inthe workplace regarding the expectations, frequency and channel.
Pursue feedback proactively By surveying the staff regularly, leadership could gather feedback and tool down into the information required for monitoring problems, enhance the culture of the workplace and boost the engagement of staff (Hermanson, 2013).

Question 4

Outline two (2) mentoring and two (2) coaching methods.

(30-50 words/method)

Mentoring method Outline
Listening proactively It is the most elementary method of mentoring, When we listen proactively, we demonstrate to our mentees and mentors that their apprehensions have been understood and heard.
Building belief and trust The further that our mentees and mentors trust us, the further dedicated they will be to our partnerships with the mentors and we will be further productive (Hermanson, 2013).
Coaching method Outline
Collaboration Leaders should know how to effectively work together with the staff and also them in working collaboratively together.
Listening The most essential skill of efficient coaching is the capability of listening to other individuals (Hermanson, 2013).

 Question 5

Address the following questions about cross-cultural communication:

Question Answer
What is cross-cultural communication? It is the procedure of identifying both similarities and differences among a group of cultures to efficiently involve within the provided context.
List two (2) principles of cross-cultural communication. Two principles are given below:

1. Maintain protocol and etiquette

2. Practice listening proactively

Why is cross-cultural communication important?

(30-50 words)

This kind of communication offers the understanding that how the staffs of varied cultures communicate, speak and observe the environment across them.
List three (3) barriers to cross-cultural communication. Three barriers are as follows:

1. Language

2. Partiality

3. Ethnocentrism (Trotter, 2015).

Outline how you can communicate more effectively with a person with a disability.

(30-50 words)

We could communicate more effectively with the individual with the disability are as follows:

1. Utilize the standard voice tone

2. Be patient and polite

3. Offershelp if it seems important, but be polite and respects the wishes of individuals if they do not approve of our offer.

Provide an example of how you can communicate with a person with an intellectual disability.

(30-50 words)

Communicate slowly and leave some pauses for the individual for processing the words. Communicate directly to the individual concerned as they are a vital place in the entire communication.
Provide an example of how you can communicate with a person with a vision impairment.

(30-50 words)

Communicate with the individual by utilizing natural speed and tone. Do not communicate slowly and loudly unless the individual also has an impairment of hearing (Trotter, 2015).

Question 6

What would you include in the following communication protocols relevant to organisational information needs?

List three (3) inclusions for each.

Communication protocols Inclusions
Internal and external communication guides Internal communications guides include:

1. Group meetings

2. Personal meetings

3. Communication with staff

Guides of external communication include:

1. Advertisement

2. Feedbacks

3. Questionnaires

Risk-based/emergency communication guides It includes:

1. Information of contacts

2. Process for sharing information

3. Guidelines

Style/formatting of communication guides It includes:

1. Usage of logo

2. Tone

3. Viewpoints

Processes for allocation of responsibilities for standard communication It includes:

1. Priority

2. Availability

3. Sets of skills(Trotter, 2015).

Question 7

Outline two (2) communication challenges relevant to each of the following:

Factor Communication challenges

(30-50 words/factor)

Conflicts with clients or team members 1. Cultural differences between members of the team and clients.

2. Emotional taboos and barriers

Potential risks or safety hazards 1. lack of described procedure

2. Terminated tasks

Unethical or inappropriate communication 1. Manipulation of data

2. Break of confidentiality

Appropriately framing organisational messaging 1. Overload of information

2. The opening of conversation (Hollnagel, 2018).

Question 8

Address the following questions:

Question Answer
Define negotiation.

(30-50 words)

It is the strategic conversation that resolves the problems in a manner that both parties find satisfactory.
Define mediation.

(30-50 words)

It is the intended collaborative procedure where the persons who have disputes with each other recognize problems and establish options.
Research, select and briefly outline three (3) techniques for negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution and incident de-escalation. Technique Outline (20-40 words/technique)
Be enduring Endurance is very important during the process of negotiation as the process needs a long duration.
Be neutral and offer to reason The manager must make accurate decisions concerning productivity and objectives.
Set transparent expectations It makes the employees easily understand their work (Hollnagel, 2018).
Select and outline three (3) different communication styles. Communication style Outline (20-40 words/style)
Aggressive In this style, individuals make their decisions without seeing the rights of another individual.
Passive In this style, the individual avoids their rights and permits another individual to invade their rights.
Assertive In this style, the individual expresses and understands their requirements, feelings and ideas.
Select and outline three (3) different communication methods. Communication method Outline (20-40 words/method)
Verbal It could be on the phone, via Zoom or Skype, face-to-face etc.
Non-verbal It includes postures, facial expressions, touch, eye contact etc.
Written It includes a contract, tweet, report, memo etc.(Hollnagel, 2018).


Please include your references below:

Broadbent, D. E. (2013). Perception and communication. Elsevier.

Hermanson, G. T. (2013). Bioconjugate techniques. Academic press.

Hollnagel, E. (2018). Safety–I and safety–II: the past and future of safety management. CRC press.

Trotter, C. (2015). Working with involuntary clients: A guide to practice. Routledge.

MBA 663 Communication Persuasion and Influence

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Gender stereotypes. 3

Power. 4

Self-monitoring. 6

References. 7


The development in the personality will help the person to learn and increase their working style. There are most the people in the society as they want to increase their personality. The real use of personality development is to help the person to get more and more opportunities. They will get a better life and new goals in their life as this is an important thing to do for the personal level development. The real meaning of this blog post is to describe the technologies and the ideas that will help the person to improve their image on the professional level.

Gender stereotypes

As the person wants to develop their professional image even if there are men or women.  But most of the time only men will get the advantage to do these things (Kurok, 2020). The importance of developing a professional image. The person will get the opportunity and the option to explore their talents. While developing their professional image and development they get a chance to explore more things in the market. They have gotten their aura in society. The importance of developing the professional image in society. As a person, they get a chance for a better exploring level. Therefore they will get the chance for improving their background and their working status. There are competitors in the market and the reason behind this is the covid-19. This is the reason the unemployment increase in the society. Due to the private sectors and the co-operative department will not be able to hire the candidate. The reason behind this is that there is a competition level. Also, therefore they have to find out a solution to increase the selection procedures. This is the main reason the candidate has to develop their personality development. The development of their professional image will get the chance to reach near to their goals (Tkachenko, 2017).

Importance of the development in the image to fight the competition on a personal level. Also, this will help them to make their aim and the goals clear in their life. As they will have to give better deliveries in return for the development of these methods in the person’s life (Zaplatynska, et al., 2020).

They have to use a better level of solution to resolve this issue. As a person for the development, they have to improve their image in the professional section. They have to build confidence in themselves. A positive thought in the person’s mind will help them to boost their thinking. As the social development and the development of the person on the professional level. They will get a chance to learn differently and the various types of activities. The person becomes active and also, able to get the chance to explore and express themselves in the company. The companies will love to give the chance to the people like this and they will be able to identify their positive and the negative path.


The solution is required to improve the personal image of the person.

On the professional level and this is the theory and the solution method.

Image development and exploring their mind thoughts while sharing (Little, et al., 2015). Their ideas express their feelings. For the time being their professional image develops in the society and they feel confident from the inside and the outside. This has been very clear that a positive thought makes the person and helps them to deliver their thoughts. As the company will give them appreciation and this is the reason the person. According to the person’s point of view as they think if their personality will get develop then this will be their positive point. The reason behind this is that more people will ask for their choice and their advice. As they get the chance to lead the group and impose their thinking on the others. Based on their experience and their thinking they can do the changes in the working society in both the private and the government sectors. Therefore they will get the advice and their popularity will be increased in the society (Little, et al., 2015).


As a human beings, they want to set their goals and the aim. Therefore for reaching that point they have to make sure to do the possibilities which will provide them success in return. There is the famous scenario which is run in the society. “that is people will follow only the successful personal life and their working ways. But! No one is ready to examine their failure results”.

This is the reality and thinking of the people of the society against their thought. As some people choose the right path to develop in their life. Therefore some chose the wrong to become the successful person with the shortcut route. This is the reason professional image development will help the person to define the difference between the wrong and the right. They will also, get the chance for better achievement in the future and build a bright future for themselves and their family members. Person to develop a personality they have to make themselves a person with a positive mind and thoughts. They have to learn and explore various types of technologies and the thinking way. Therefore they have to expand their way of thinking and not make themselves a narrow mind person. During the process of the development of the personality and the professional working scenario, they have to make sure to get the better advantage and disadvantages. Working with people on the professional level will help the person to develop their background areas and image in the society and workplace.

A positive working environment will boost the person’s confidence and build a new type of identity inside the person’s mind. This will help the company and the areas of the working sector to get a better level of the results and the innovative ideas in the society. This will lead to a better level of development and most of the most important things the other members of the society. They are ready to take your advice and suggestion for future development and improvements. Personality development and professional image changes will change the person’s surroundings and the working environment. A professional image will include the education, qualification, expertise, certificates, and specialty of the person in their life (Elias, 2018).

Moto of the professional image development of the person will include all these types of elements that make a person ready to lead in the working sectors. Increasing their thought and technologies for better results. These are the thinking and the thought that will help the person to do the changes in their mind and they will be able to improve their professional image by learning from others.


Based on the data above and the experiment also, the method will apply to the person. These methods will help them to get a better level of the deliveries and improve the personality of the person. Therefore their image will be developed and their professional image will get better day by day after understating their thoughts. This is the way the professional image will be developed by the person in the society.




Elias, A.S. and Gill, R., 2018. Beauty surveillance: The digital self-monitoring cultures of neoliberalism. European Journal of Cultural Studies21(1), pp.59-77.

Kurok, V. and Tkachenko, N., 2020. Future English Teachers’ Professional Image Forming. Postmodern Openings11(3), pp.95-114. 2872-Article Text-10090-1-10-20201002.pdf

Little, L.M., Major, V.S., Hinojosa, A.S. and Nelson, D.L., 2015. Professional image maintenance: How women navigate pregnancy in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal58(1), pp.8-37. Little_et_al.._2015._Academy_of_Management_Journal.pdf (

Tkachenko, N., 2017. Foreign Language teacher’s professional image structure. Modern Science Moderní věda1, pp.77-84. MODERN SCIENCE (

Zaplatynska, A., Zavadska, T., Oliinyk, H., Pavelkiv, R., Panchenko, T., Sichkar, S. and Vasylieva-Khalatnykova, M., 2020. Justification of the professional image for the development of the educator’s professional image. Education.pdf

Introduction To Digital Media


Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Explanation. 4

Suggestion. 8

Conclusion. 9

References. 10


The usage of social media apps and their importance in today’s lifestyle. This has been very clear that most people depend on social media apps. There are various types of digital platforms available in the market. The people are using them for their better development. Some of the apps will be used to reduce the workload. Therefore they use it to save their time and money. There are social media and digital platforms that are available in the market such as Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Facebook. These are the apps that will explain in detail in this report and their usage will also be identified.




Apps Development Evolved Personal usage and purpose Frequency Duration
Instagram Instagram is an app that is launched in October in the year 2010. This is an app known as the social media app and the motive of this app is to share pictures and videos just like Facebook. There have been so many changes happening in the app of Instagram while using it. But there is a drastic level of changes that happened on Instagram within the 5 years. These are the changes that describe the increment of Instagram in society. Most people use this app for chatting with their friends so I do the same things. The motive for my using this app for share the meme with my friends and chat as  I love this app’s features. My frequency of mine using this app will be 1-2 hours a day (Jesse, 2015). Most of the time when I use Instagram it will be in the nighttime as everyone gets ready to sleep that is the duration of my using this app.
Youtube The day youtube was launched in this world will be on the day valentine’s day in the year 2005. In the starting, this is the app for placing the videos, and comments, like, and the share are the features that are used in this (Auxier, et al., 2021). In the past 6-8 years massive changes are happening on youtube as this has become a community of the people. The people who love to post their videos and become the creators and the editors. Therefore they get the platform to show their talent to the world. On the other hand, the biggest production companies in Hollywood will create channels to realize their upcoming project and movie trailers. This has become the platform for people to earn more and more money. The purpose and the usage of this app most the people will do it and their motive is to become famous. The people who love to post their videos and become the creators and the editors. Therefore they get the platform to show their talent to the world (Montag, et al., 2019). The frequency of using this app will be 45 minutes per day. Also, the duration will be in midnight or morning mostly.
LinkedIn The establishment of this app will be in May 5t in yar 2003. This is the platform that is built by the American business and for the employment-oriented from the online basis. This app will become the most famous app after the pandemic situation created in the society this means. During the covid—19 there is an increment in the unemployment rate increase so high in the market and due to this people are using this app for the employment and the internship bais. This is the app that is used in the market for building the connection between the people of the private sector and for me, the usage of this app is to get to know more details about the internship and the various types of the programs. I will use this app for 5 hours a day to increase my knowledge (Maglietta, et al., 2018). The duration of this app is in the morning.
Pinterest This app is established in December 2009. Also, the official website of this app is issued in March 2010. This is an app that is innovative by the ben Silberman and their colleagues also, friends. The motive of this app is to share the ideas of the people related to clothing, apps, quotes, and the shopping website. I use this app for the shopping purpose Duration will be 30-45 minutes a week. Evening and at the night I use this app.
Facebook This  is an app that is launched on October 28th in 2003 and the pp for  sharing the  pictures and connecting new friends online This app has become famous in the year of 2008 to 2010. In most of people start using this. After Instagram, I was not that much interested in using this   app Once a week Nighttime



According to the table that have explain the difference between all the apps. Based on my thought I want to advise that LinkedIn and Instagram is the app that is used the most in the public sector. They have o make sure to improve the working department and the features of their apps. This will help the people to explore more and this will increase the use rate of the apps in the market. Both of the apps have to increase their market and the contingency with the people. This will increase the use rate of the people of their apps as the unemployment increase in the market due to the pandemic situation in the society. As they have to increase the extending level of their app use (Auxier, et al., 2021).




Based on the data above details and the information of the using app and their details. The company has to provide a better level of cybercrime and protection from the cyber risk in the society so that people use their app more freely.




Auxier, B. and Anderson, M., 2021. Social media use in 2021. Pew Research Center1, pp.1-4. Microsoft Word – Social Media Use in 2021 FINAL 4.5.21 chart update (

Jesse, G.R., 2015. Smartphone and app usage among college students: Using smartphones effectively for social and educational needs. In Proceedings of the EDSIG Conference (No. 3424). Template (

Maglietta, R., Renò, V., Cipriano, G., Fanizza, C., Milella, A., Stella, E. and Carlucci, R., 2018. DolFin: an innovative digital platform for studying Risso’s dolphins in the Northern Ionian Sea (North-eastern Central Mediterranean). Scientific reports8(1), pp.1-11. DolFin: an innovative digital platform for studying Risso’s dolphins in the Northern Ionian Sea (North-eastern Central Mediterranean) | Scientific Reports (

Montag, C., Lachmann, B., Herrlich, M. and Zweig, K., 2019. Addictive features of social media/messenger platforms and freemium games against the background of psychological and economic theories. International journal of environmental research and public health16(14), p.2612. ijerph-16-02612.pdf















K7 SITXINV001 27APR22W064


Table of Contents

Task 1. 3

Occasions 1. 3

Step 1. 3

Step 2. 3

Task 3. 3

Task 4. 5

Occasions 2. 5

Step 1. 5

Step 2. 5

Step 3. 6

Step 4. 7

Task 2. 8

Occasions 1. 8

Step 1. 8

Step 2. 8

Step 3. 9

Step 4. 10

Occasions 2. 11

Step 1. 11

Step 2. 11

Step 3. 12

Step 4. 13

References. 15 

Task 1.

Occasions 1.

Unavailability of cook at the birthday party.

Step 1.

At the birthday party, the cook is unavailable. For the cook, we have to give the coaching because the cookis not available for the cooking at the parties, so we have to do this for the better services.And the timing of this meeting is 10:00 to 11:00 am. And the coaching is given by the supervisor. (Hartmann 2013).

Step 2.

Coaching for the unavailability. At the birthday party, the cook is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the cook for the unavailability. For the birthday party,we need a cook for the cooking in the birthday party so we have to take the coaching for the cook.

For the coaching, the supervisor has to take the coaching for the cook, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of party.And the time of the coaching is 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Coaching for the unavailability. At the birthday party, the cook is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees.


Task 3.

Date- 27-04-2022

Time-10:00 am to 10:20 am

Duration- 10 to 20 min

Agenda- coaching/training, arrange

Supervisor- good morning,

Cook- very good morning, sir

Supervisor- As we know that you have to take this coaching for your unavailability in the organization. Coaching for the unavailability. At the birthday party, the cook is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the cook for the unavailability. (Lavelle 2016).

Cook- sorry sir.

Supervisor- we have to take some action on you, your effective communication is lost about it. At the birthday party, the cook is unavailability. For the cook, we have to give the coaching because the cook is not available for the cookingat the parties so we have to do this for the better services.

Cook- sorry sir.

Supervisor- you have to take this coaching session to improve yourself and the organization too.

Cook- okay sir.

Supervisor- for involving the cook in additional experiences that they deepen in there for the unavailability for the organization. the supervisor has to take the coaching for the cook, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of party.

Cook- sir what is the timing of the coaching.

Supervisor- 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Supervisor- after this you can become the best cook in this organization.

Cook- thank you, sir



Task 4.

In the organization, the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. In the coachingfor the cook and the training task. After the training,the cook does the hall work with good quality. And the cook comes on the time and the cook makes the food on time also. After the training, the cook does all things on time, and work is done with full of safely. For the cook, we have to give the coaching because the cooking is not available for the cooking in the parties so we have to do this for the better services. After this, the preformation is very good. No issues we see.At the birthday party, the cook is unavailability.


Occasions 2.

Unavailability of helper staff at the party.

Step 1.

At the party, the helper staff is unavailability. For the helper staff, we have to give the then-coaching because the helper staff is not available for help in the parties so we have to do this for the better services. And the timing of this meeting 10:00 is to 11:00 am. And the coaching is given by the supervisor.

Step 2.

Helper staff for the unavailability. At the party, the helper is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the helper staff for the unavailability. For the party, we need helpers for the cooking the party so we have to take the coaching with the help of all helpers.

For the coaching, the supervisor has to take the coaching for the staff, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of party. And the time of the coaching is 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Coaching for the unavailability. At the party, thehelper staff is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees.

Step 3.

Date- 27-04-2022

Time-10:00 am to 10:20 am

Duration- 10 to 20 min

Agenda- coaching/training, arrange

Supervisor- good morning, all of you,

Helper staff- very good morning, sir

Supervisor- As we know that you have to take this coaching for your unavailability in the organization. At the party, the helper staff is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the staff for the unavailability

Helper staff- sorry sir.

Supervisor- we have to take some action on you, your effective communication is lost about it. At the party, the staff is unavailability. For the staff, we have to give the coaching because the cooking is not available for the cooking in the parties so we have to do this for the better services

Helper staff- sorry sir.

Supervisor- you have to take this coaching session to improve yourself and the organization too.

Helper staff- okay sir

Supervisor- for involving the staff in additional experiences that they deepen in there for the unavailability for the organization. the supervisor has to take the coaching for the staff, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of party.

Helper staff- sir what is the timing of the coaching

Supervisor- 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Supervisor- after this you can become the best helper staff in this organization.

Helper staff- thank you, sir.


Step 4

In the organization, the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. In the coaching of the helper staff and the training task. After the training, the staff does the hall work with good quality. And the staff comes on the time and the helper makes the food on time also. After the training, the helper staff does all things on time, and work is done with full of safely. For the helper staff, we have to give the coaching because the staff is not available for the cooking in the parties so we have to do this for the better services. After this, the preformation is very good. No issues we see. At the party, the staff is unavailability. For the helper staff, After this over the sale will increase up to 20%. In the organization, the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. In the coach of the helper staff and the training task. After the training, the staff does the hall work with good quality. And the staff comes on the time and the helper makes the food on time also.

Task 2.

Occasions 1.

Business meeting. The organization manager is unavailability

Step 1.

At the business meeting of company XYZ, the manager of over hospitality organization is not available, the manager is unavailable. For the management, we have to give the coaching, because the manager is not available for the management in the parties so we have to do this for the better services. And the timing of this meeting 10:00 is to 11:00 am. And the coaching is given by the supervisor.

Step 2.

The manageris notavailable. At the business meeting, the manager is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the manager for unavailability. For the business meeting, we need the manager for the managementof the business meeting.So, we have to take the management of the organization with the help of all managers.

For the management, the supervisor has to take the manager, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of business meeting. And the time of the meeting of the manager is 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Coaching for the unavailability of the manager. At the meeting, the manager is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees.

Step 3.

Date- 27-04-2022

Time-10:00 am to 10:20 am

Duration- 10 to 20 min

Agenda- coaching/training, arrange

Supervisor- good morning, all of you,

manager- very good morning, sir

Supervisor- As we know that you have to take this coaching for your unavailability in the organization. At the business, the management is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the manager for the unavailability

manager- sorry sir.

Supervisor- we have to take some action on you, your effective communication is lost about it. At the party, the management is unavailability. For the manager, we have to give the coach becausethe coach givesyou the knowledge available for the coaching in the parties so we have to do this for the better services

manager- sorry sir.

Supervisor- you have to take this coaching session to improve yourself and the organization too.

manager- okay sir

Supervisor- for involving the staff in additional experiences that they deepen in there for the unavailability for the organization. the supervisor has to take the coaching for the manager, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of business meeting. (Lisinskiene, 2018).

manager- sir what is the timing of the coaching

Supervisor- 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Supervisor- after this you can become the best management in this organization.

manager- thank you, sir.


Step 4.

In the organization, the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. In the coaching of the manager and the training task. After the training, the manager does the hall work with good quality. And the manager comes on time and the helper makes the management on time also. After the training, the management does everything on time, and work is done with a fullmanager. For the helper manager, we have to give the coaching because the manager is not available for the management in the organization so we have to do this for better services. After this, the preformation is very good. No issues we see. At the party, the manager is unavailability. For the manager. After this, the organization, and the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. At the business meeting of company XYZ, the manager of over hospitality organization is unavailability, The manager is unavailability. For the management, we have to give the coach, because the manager is not available for the management in the parties so we have to do this for the better services. (Dmitrieva, et al.,2015).

Occasions 2.

Business meeting. The organization’smanagement staff areunavailability                     

Step 1.

In the business meeting of company XYZ, the managementstaff of over hospitality organization is unavailability, The management staff is unavailability. For the management, we have to give the coaching, because the management staff is not available for the management in the business meeting so we have to do this for the better services. And the timing of this meeting 10:00 is to 11:00 am. And the coaching is given by the supervisor. (Rhind 2012).

Step 2.

The management staff is unavailability. At the business meeting, the management staff is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the management staffin unavailability. For the business meeting, we need the management staff for the management of the business meeting. So, we have to make the management of the organization with the help of all management staff.

For the management, the supervisor has to take the management staff, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of business meeting. And the time of the meeting of the management staff is 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Coaching for the unavailability of the management staff. At the meeting, the management staff is available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. (Garcia 2016).

Step 3.

Date- 27-04-2022

Time-10:00 am to 10:20 am

Duration- 10 to 20 min

Agenda- coaching/training, arrange

Supervisor- good morning, all of you,

Management staff- very good morning, sir

Supervisor- As we know that you have to take this coaching for your unavailability in the organization. At the business meeting, the management staff is not available. The benchmark to the train against it is the performance of the employees. For the training, we use one-on-one communication for the training of the management staff for the unavailability

Management staff- sorry sir.

Supervisor- we have to take some action on you, your effective communication is lost about it. At the party, the management staff is unavailability. For the management, we have to give the coaching because the coaching gives you the knowledgeavailable for the management in the meeting so we have to do this for the better services

Management staff- sorry sir.

Supervisor- you have to take this coaching session to improve yourself and the organization too.

Management staff- okay sir

Supervisor- for involving the staff in additional experiences that they deepen in there for the unavailability for the organization. the supervisor has to take the coaching for the management staff, in the training the supervisor gives the training to availability in the organization in this type of business meeting.

Management staff- sir what is the timing of the coaching

Supervisor- 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Supervisor- after this you can become the best management in this organization.

Management staff- thank you, sir.


Step 4.

In the organization, the supervisor monitors the hall’s progress. In the coaching of the management staff and the training task. After the training, the management staff does the hall work with good quality of the management. And the management staff comes on time and the makes the management on time also. After the training, the management does all things on time, and work is done with full of management. For the management, we have to give the coaching because the management staff is not available for the management in the organization so we have to do this for better services. After this, the preformation is very good. No issues we see. At the party, the management staff is unavailability. For the manager. After the coaching,the management staff gives its best management skills. And the organization makes15% more profit.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


Dmitrieva, N. V., Zaitseva, N. A., Kulyamina, O. S., Larionova, A. A., & Surova, S. A. (2015). Scientific and theoretical aspects of the staff recruitment organization within the concept of” talent management”. Asian social science11(3), 358.

Freeman, A. L. (2019). How to communicate evidence to patients. Drug and therapeutics bulletin57(8), 119-124.

Garcia, A. L., Reardon, R., McDonald, M., & Vargas-Garcia, E. J. (2016). Community interventions to improve cooking skills and their effects on confidence and eating behaviour. Current nutrition reports5(4), 315-322.

Hartmann, C., Dohle, S., & Siegrist, M. (2013). Importance of cooking skills for balanced food choices. Appetite65, 125-131.

Lavelle, F., Spence, M., Hollywood, L., McGowan, L., Surgenor, D., McCloat, A., … & Dean, M. (2016). Learning cooking skills at different ages: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity13(1), 1-11.

Lisinskiene, A. (2018). The effect of a 6-month coach educational program on strengthening coach-athlete interpersonal relationships in individual youth sport. Sports6(3), 74.

Price, M. S., & Weiss, M. R. (2013). Relationships among coach leadership, peer leadership, and adolescent athletes’ psychosocial and team outcomes: A test of transformational leadership theory. Journal of applied sport psychology25(2), 265-279.

Rhind, D. J., Jowett, S., & Yang, S. X. (2012). A comparison of athletes’ perceptions of the coach-athlete relationship in team and individual sports. Journal of Sport Behavior35(4), 433.

Seely, J. (2013). Oxford guide to effective writing and speaking: How to communicate clearly. OUP Oxford.

Youngner, S. J. (2016). How to communicate clearly about brain death and first-person consent to donate. AMA journal of ethics18(2), 108-114.