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Task 1 Temperament Traits. 3

Task 2 Goodness of Fit. 6

References. 8

Task 1 Temperament Traits

Task #1               25 Marks                  





Which Trait Best Describes You & Why? – (Easy/Flexible), (Slow to Warm/Fearful), or (Difficult/Feisty)

This Trait can describe me as the greatest and it will be slow tobe fearful. As an adult and a child, I do trust that being low for the fearful/warm can best describe me I can find this in each situation. There has been required more time for warming active and being relaxed with so many new people than the others have been required. I tend for withdrawing from people whom I am not and cannot be comfortable with.

Temperamental Traits Reflect on your traits and provide 1 example for each.

Include all criteria in this response as requested.

1.    Activity Level As the child’s movement level is been medium. When being grown up I loved bopping or dancing and singing together. I was never been a fan of playing in the park and sports fan unless this is with the siblings.
2.    Biological Rhythm In a child, the biological rhythm is been medium. I have loved, eaten, slept and I have not ever given my parents any issue or problem when my parents have been found out that I have been unable for drinking the breast milk my mother then I can cry and I can sleep beside my father.
3.    Adaptability My adaptation was poor as a youngster. Since I was young, my family relocated a lot, this disrupted our normal habits, which I despised since I discovered new settings tough. When we relocated, I’d usually adjust slowly.
4.    Approach/Withdrawal In my childhood, I travelled together around a lot of places such as nurseries, schools, and day-care centres. This means encountering unfamiliar challenges and meeting new individuals.
5.    Sensitivity Threshold At a younger age, I am feeling very sensitive due to which I do not play and did not touch any stuff. As I earlier stated, I was sensitive to both my mother’s milk and diapers/pull-ups. Apparels tags, and also socks, bothered me. Loud noises bothered me, so I was highly conscious of my surroundings.
6.    Intensity of Reaction At a younger age, I have some strong emotional issues. I want to confess that at a younger age I was a very pretty empathetic and theatrical person. Therefore, whether things are bad or good, I have to handle things positively and give the best response.
7.    Distractibility In childhood, I was distracted lowly as well as moderately. At a younger age, if I were focused on completing a chore or a sport that was essential to me,I will complete it until it was accomplished.If I prepare something that I didn’t find important and then saw another that indignant my attention.
8.    Quality of Mood In childhood, my mood gets medium or moderate. Growing older, I was a happy little girl who was content with who my parents is and also with the items I received, no matter how insignificant. So I’d guess I am in a much more great mood than a bad one most of the time.
9.    Persistence As a youngster, I had a poor level of perseverance; if I encountered anything very tough, I would simply give up and become irritated; I usually struggled in school, and I’d have requested help than attempt somebody on my own.

Task 2 Goodness of Fit

Question 1

Traits Kayle Sonia
Adaptability My adaptation was poor as a youngster. Since I was young, my family relocated a lot, this disrupted our normal habits, which I despised since I discovered new settings tough. When we relocated, I’d usually adjust slowly. When Sonia has visited the toddler room, then she can become unsettled and did not leave the side of the educators.

Sonia cannot venture off and she has been required the guidance for playing in a pro-social way.

Distractibility As a kid, I was both moderately and lowly distracted. When I was younger, if I was concentrated on completing a chore or a sport that was essential to me, I will complete it until it was accomplished. If I does something that I didn’t find significant and then saw another that piqued my attention, I would leave it and go do it. During the one-on-one communications with Sonia can engage for such a moment then it can be resumed for crying and wiggling.

Sonia can remain to be attended the activity for such 2-3 minutes then they can be distracted.

Withdrawal/Approach We traveled together around a lot when I was a kid, so we had to adjust to various nurseries, day-care centers, and schools. This means encountering unfamiliar challenges and meeting new individuals As Sonia came to the early day’s program, she could weep aloud when her mother said goodbye. Whenever an instructor tried to reclaim her activity and concentration, she might participate briefly, but even then, revert to sobbing and following an instructor.
Persistence As a youngster, I had a poor level of perseverance; if I encountered anything very tough, I would simply give up and become irritated; I usually struggled in school, and I’d have requested help than attempt somebody on my own. If the situation of the problem-solving is been presented, Sonia can be frustrated and can respond int grabbing the peer.


If Sonia is been sick then they cannot allow the instructor for putting them down for playing.

Question 2

To support and guide Sonia, I will resolve the problem of the Sonia that she facing in their life by providing the best solution. I will also conduct the one-on-one meeting with Sonia that taking the toy back and beating her peers also disappointments them.




Charlesworth, R. (2016). Understanding child development. Cengage Learning.

Gesell, A. (2021). Child development. Prabhat Prakashan.

Keenan, T., Evans, S., & Crowley, K. (2016). An introduction to child development. Sage.

Thompson, R. A. (2014). Stress and child development. The Future of Children, 41-59.