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BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management





Student Name: _________________________________________________________


Student ID: ___________________________________________________


This section records the outcome of each task/assessment requirement so that the final assessment outcome can be determined for BSBLDR523Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Student must achieve a satisfactory outcome in each of the three (3) assessment tasks to be deemed competent in the unit. There is space to record up to three attempts at each assessment task.

A not satisfactory result for any discreet assessment task (after the student has had three (3) attempts), will result in the student being deemed not yet competent.

Assessment Tasks Unit Outcome
Satisfactory (S)
Not satisfactory (NS)
Please note (N/A) where further attempts are not required
Date Assessor initials
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions Attempt 1  


Attempt 2  


Attempt 3  


Assessment Task 2: Case Study &  Roleplays Attempt 1  


Attempt 2  


Attempt 3  


Final Assessment Results Result (C/NYC)
BSBLDR523Lead and manage effective workplace relationships Competent Not Yet Competent
Student Name:


Student ID:


Qualification: BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Does the student wish to appeal the result?    □ YES   □NO
Assessor Name: John Mtandwa


Assessor Signature:


Date:           /       /



Assessment Plan

The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to satisfactorily complete all tasks to demonstrate competency for this unit.

Your Trainer / Assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below and keep a note of the due dates for your reference.

Assessment Requirements Due date
1.       Written Questions 18/02/2022
2.       Case Studies& Roleplays 25/02/2022


Agreement by the student
Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign

this before you start each assessment task.

Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? R   Yes
Do you agree that the assessment process is clear? R  Yes
Do you understand your rights to appeal then decisions made in an assessment?


Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?

R  No        ¨   Yes

If yes, what are they?


R  Yes




¨  No

Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Student Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: 07/02/2022_________________________
    • Assessor Name: John Mtandwa_________________________________________________________________________________
  • Assessor Signature: ____________________ Date: 07/02/2022_________________________
  • Assessor Note: If the student ticks ‘NO’ for any item except the reasonable adjustment, the assessor must not commence the assessment activity until the matter has been resolved and records of the resolution have been entered into the Student Management System (SMS).
  • If a student identifies any specific needs or considerations, assessors must provide a detailed record of how the situation was managed in the assessment outcome record for this assessment.
Version control
Version No. Date Dept. Change
1.0 16/12/2020 Training Original
Copyright Statement
© Copyright Clinton Institute


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without permission in writing from Clinton Institute. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of information used herein.

While every effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein.






Assessment Plan. 3

Contents. 5

Introduction. 6

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions. 13

Assessment Task 2: Case Studies and Roleplays. 27


Unit code Title Training Package
BSBLDR523 Lead Band manage effective workplace relationships Business Services Training Package


For further information regarding assessment criteria including-

  • Application of unit
  • Elements and performance criteria
  • Assessment requirements
  • Modification History
  • Performance Evidence
  • Knowledge Evidence
  • Assessment Conditions.


Please refer to:

Understanding Assessment Terminology

Describe: Give a detailed account by recounting, characterising, outline and relating, in sequence, an event, situation, theory or point.

Discuss/Explain: Clarify or elaborate on the facts.  Focus on reasons how and why things happen or a why a particular point is important in the relevant context.

List: Using dot points, list a series of points, steps or stages that relate to the question.

Outline: Leaving out minor details, give an account of thing or a process outlining the main points of a topic.

Review: Provide a summary while analysing and commenting on the evidence, argument or other relevant points.

Summarise: Identify and interpret the most relevant features of a theory, discuss issue or detail, leaving out the finer details.

Develop: Involves the creation of the materials/activities/procedures to achieve the outcome.  This is about designing and creating,

Implement: After materials/activities/procedures are developed, test all materials/procedures to determine if they are functional and appropriate for the intended audience.

Evaluate: ensures that the materials/activities/procedures achieve their desired goals and involves a detailed review including any recommendations for change and reasons.


While cooperative effort and the sharing of information are encouraged, you must ensure your assignments and assessments are representative of your own effort, knowledge, and skills. You must not take the work of others and present it as your own. Plagiarism may result in the assignment/assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by the Trainer / Assessor.

Students accused more than once of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be dismissed or cancelled from their course at the discretion of the Clinton Institute Director of Studies.

Plagiarism can take several forms:

  • Quoting from a book or an article without acknowledging the source.
  • Handing in someone else’s work as your own.
  • Stealing and passing off another person’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own.
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation or idea.
  • Downloading information from the internet without acknowledging the source.
  • Copying a section of a book or article and submitting it as one’s own work.
  • Presenting as a new and original idea or produce something which was derived from an existing source.


Referencing Materials

If you are unfamiliar with how to reference, we recommend that you review Two types of citations are included:

  • In-text citations are used when directly quoting or paraphrasing a source. They are located in the body of the work and contain a fragment of the full citation. Depending on the source type, some Harvard Reference in-text citations may look something like this:
    • “After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…” (Fitzgerald, 2004).
  • Reference lists are located at the end of the work and display full citations for sources used in the assignment. Here is an example of a full citation for a book found in a Harvard Reference list:
    • Fitzgerald, F. (2004). The great Gatsby. New York: Scribner.*
  • It is preferred that students utilises Harvard Style referencing. Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow this format:
    • Books: Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
    • Journals/publication: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s).
    • Websites: Website name, (Year published). Page title. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo. Year].

Understanding your results

The great thing with competency-based training is that you either deemed ‘competent’ (you can demonstrate the required skills and knowledge) or ‘not yet competent’ (at this time you haven’t been able to demonstrate required skills or knowledge). The key word is “YET”.

Your Trainer / Assessor will provide you with feedback on your assessments so that you know what you have done well in your assessment and what you need to improve upon or fix. An “NYC” result does not mean that you have failed and that is it – you have the opportunity to try again.  It could be that one question in your assessment was deemed not yet satisfactory and this is the only question that will require review.

Assessment outcomes

Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). You must complete all tasks satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks are assessed as not yet satisfactory, you will be given an overall outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).


You will be allowed up to two (2) reassessments attempts to complete each task and achieve a satisfactory outcome. You will be given a timeframe for resubmission and advised what you must include in the resubmission.


There is an Assessment Task # – Outcome Record incorporated within an Assessment Cover Sheet at the beginning of each discreet assessment activity. Assessors will complete the Outcome Record section for each assessment activity. The summary of the outcomes will be transferred to the Overall Unit – Record of Assessment Outcomes located on the reverse of the first page Cover sheet of this Student Assessment Booklet.

Assessors Note -theOverall Unit – Record of Assessment Outcomes will become the first page of the submitted work when completed (by reversing the first page Cover sheet of this Student Assessment Booklet)


Results legend

C Competent You have successfully completed unit and met the minimum

competency criteria and demonstrated the required skills and knowledge.


NYC Not Yet Competent You have not met minimum competency criteria for the unit. Certain section/s require review due to not meeting the requirements and, therefore, your work is deemed not yet competent.


Note: If you have had an initial assessment, a first reassessment and then a final reassessment, you will no longer have an opportunity to resubmit.  You will receive a “NYC” and have to re-enrol in the unit.


S Satisfactory Individual assessment/question is satisfactory.
NYS Not Satisfactory Individual assessment/question is not a satisfactory result for a specific assessment activity.

Assessment attempts and resubmissions

You will have up to three (3) attempts to achieve a satisfactory outcome for each assessment. If after three (3) attempts you cannot achieve a satisfactory result for any assessment activity, the overall outcome with be Not Yet Competent (NYC) for the unit.


You will be given the opportunity to resubmit a Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) assessment task up to two (2) times. Following the assessment outcome, you will be given appropriate feedback on previous attempt. This will enable you to have a total of three (3) attempts.


You will be provided with an appropriate timeframe by your trainer to resubmit your work. For example, you may be given 14 days to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks or projects. Should you be required to complete a roleplay or presentation, your assessor will make an appointment time, which suits both of you.


The Assessment Task Cover Sheet at the start of each assessment activity, includes a space to record the details of any re-attempts and resubmissions. Assessors must ensure that this is comprehensively detailed so that anybody reviewing the assessment record can tell exactly what occurred, when it occurred, how it occurred, who was involved and where any further evidence is located. Assessors must also make reference to ensuring that any reattempt or resubmission has been assessed in accordance with the model responses and performance descriptors included in the Assessor’s Marking Guide.

Assessment task cover sheet

At the beginning of each individual assessment task, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill out your student  details  on each cover Sheet and make sure you sign the student declaration.

Your assessor will complete the Outcome Record section and give you feedback about how well you went in each task. This will be written on the Assessment Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals

You have the right to appeal an assessment decision. To make an appeal about an assessment decision, you must follow the process outlined in the Student Handbook.

Note that the Overall Unit – Record of Assessment Outcomes contains a section which says “Does the student wish to appeal the result?YESNO

Assessors must ensure that the appropriate box is ticked, after conferring with the student if necessary.

Assessment Overview

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

About your assessments

There are three(3) assessment tasks for this unit. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.

Assessment Task About this task
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions You must correctly answer all twelve (12) questions to show that they understand the knowledge required of this unit.
Evidence Required

·         All completed questions.

Assessment Task 2: Case Studies& Roleplays (2) There are four (4) parts to this assessment task-

Part A: Develop consultative process for WHS

Part B:  Research workplace diversity ; implement diversity policy via workshop (Roleplay 1)

Part C: Manage workplace diversity difficulties

Part D: Provide guidance, counselling and support for workplace issues (Roleplay #2)

Evidence Required

Part A:

·         WHS Consultative Processes Plan  (Activity 2)

Part B:

·         Workshop Meeting Agenda (Activity 2)

·         Role Play #1 Observation Checklist – completed by Assessor(Activity 3)

Part C:

·         Answers to all questions in Activities 1 to 4

Part D:

·         Resolution of Diversity Issues Meeting Agenda (Activity 1)

·          Role Play #2 Observation Checklist – completed by Assessor (Activity 2)

·         Answers to all questions in Activities 3


How to submit your assessments

When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.

Instructions about submitting your work can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.

Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them. Your assessor will put the documents you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.


Student: Please fill out your details and date of submission and complete the declaration. Keep a copy of your submission.

Student Name  
Student ID
Date of submission  
Course / Qualification BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit(s) BSBLDR523Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>__________________________________________declare that this is my own work and:

R None of this work has been completed by any other person.

R I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

R I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

R I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor to complete
Assessment requirements Satisfactory/
Not satisfactory


(pls circle)

Written questions completed   1    2    3
Overall Outcome for Assessment Task 1:    

ASSESSOR FEEDBACK – Detail any gaps identified and any reassessment requirements

(if more space is required, continue on reverse of this page)


Assessors: Please provide a copy of this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. The original copy must be supplied to the office and kept on the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature:  … ………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name:  JohnMtandwa_________________________________________________________________________________


Authenticity Check
Student Name:
Student ID:
Unit of Competency:
Assessor Use Only
I confirm that I have checked this completed student assessment item and confirm (Assessor must tick one of the following):

R I have checked the authenticity of this work and am unable to detect any form of plagiarism, collusion or cheating and believe the contents of the submission is the students own work.

¨  I have checked the authenticity of this work and have identified potential instances of plagiarism, collusion or cheating. A detailed file note is attached to this completed assessment item, detailing the issues of concern, which will be submitted to the Director of Studies for further investigations and action. The student has been marked Not Yet Satisfactory in this assessment.

Assessor Signature: Date checked: //2022


Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Task summary:

You are required to answer all twelve (12) questions correctly in this task.

You will have two (2) hours to complete this assessment.


Resources and equipment required to complete this task


Note: Clinton Institute provides students with access to a computer and internet

When and where do I complete this task?

This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the date(s) and time(s) of the assessment.

What do I need to submit and Do?

What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Answer all twelve (12) questions. You will need to submit your answers to all twelve (12) questions.

Decision Making Rules

Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance component listed.

You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment task.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be advised by your Assessor in writing and discussed with you directly.


  • This is an open book assessment – you can use your learning materials as reference.
  • You need to answer all questions correctly
  • You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided and/ or you may complete using softcopy tasks or templates electronically when provided.
  • If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper your name and the question number/s you are answering.


Assessor will tick either □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory for each question and sub-questions.


Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Question 1

  1. List below at least three (3) organisational systems that can support the development of effective work relationships
1) Divisional structure

2) Functional structure

3) Matrix structure



□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Give three (3) examples of strategies that could be in place to ensure information associated with the achievement of workplace responsibilities are communicated within an organisation to all co-workers, to support the development of effective work relationships.
1) Don’t focus on the person, make focus on the company issues.

2) don’t be manipulative always be genuine.

3) Affirming responses should be used.



□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Give three (3) further examples of procedure or processes that could be in place to ensure information associated with the achievement of workplace responsibilities are communicated within an organisation to all co-workers, to support the development of effective work relationships.
1) set clear expectations and goals.

2) Words should be raised not the voice.

3) Clarifying questions should be asked.


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Give three (3) further examples of systems, strategies or processes/procedures that could be in place to ensure workplace achievements are communicated within an organisation to all co-workers, to support the development of effective work relationships.
1) By building inclusive and diverse teams.

2) Encourage frequent and clear communication.

3) Clearly define the responsibilities and roles of the team members.








□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Overall Outcome for Question 1:□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


Question 2

You are considering changing procedures related to organising staff rosters, which would impact on the employees’ hours.

  1. Do you have a legal responsibility to consult workers in this instance? Give the reason for your answer.
If the regular roster of the employee is changing by the employer, then discussion with the employees should be done. The employer needs to provide the correct information about the change.






□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

  1. If you were going to consult a worker about staff rosters, what processes could you use to ensure employees have an opportunity to contribute to this and other issues related to their work role? (List at least two(2)
1) Press releases.

2) Notice boards (Rocha, et al.,2012).






□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Overall Outcome for Question 2:□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 3

List at least three (3) the key components of the Fair Work Act that are relevant to managing effective workplace relationships.

1) Enable flexible Fairness and arrangements in work.

2) Minimum entitlements safety net.

3) Discrimination should be prevented against employees.




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 4

List below three (3) ways where your personal conduct and communication style could assist in modelling behaviours, building the trust and positive working relationships to support colleagues and external contacts.

1) Communication

2) Teamwork

3)  Respect




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


Question 5

  1. Describe how you could guide and support fellow colleagues adjust their interpersonal communication skills to meet the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical environment.
1) Clear language should be used.

2) Understand the body language differences.

3) Practise paraphrasing and reflective listening.

4) Be inclusive and open with other cultures (Diller, 2018).



□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. You want to take a new worker to lunch to find out how they are settling into their new job. The person does not speak English as a first language and you’re worried that you will not be able to make yourself understood.

How might you adjust your own interpersonal communication styles to converse with the person successfully taking cultural diversity and language issues into account. Provide at a minimum of five (5) examples.

1) The closed questions should be avoided.

2) Active listening should be practiced.

3) Speak slowly so that the person can understand.

4) Maintain etiquette while talking.

5) Keep the talks simple.




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Overall Outcome for Question 5:□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 6

Outline how you could use your networks to build workplace relationship and what outcome could be achieved for your team and organisation.

using your networks to build workplace relationships Three different network types should be focused on.

Help them with their career goals.

The gratitude should be expressed to them.




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

outcomes your networks could achieve for your team and organisation Fresh ideas can be achieved.

Build confidence

Get career support and advice.

Strengthening the connections of business (Pilch & Turska.,2015).





□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


Question 7

  1. Why are interpersonal styles a key aspect of work relationships?
Employee recognition drives more when there is good interpersonal communication. When the interpersonal relationship of the employees is good with the managers, the good work is recognized and provide constructive feedback.





□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Why are communications a key aspect of work relationships?
There is critical effective communication for fulfilling the job needs, increasing productivity, and building the truest sense with the other persons by non-verbal communication and verbal communication for achieving the business goals.





□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Why is consultation a key aspect of work relations?
Consultation means consideration taking from the employees asking for the views while making the decisions. Employee engagement is increased by the consulting process on important decisions at the workplace (Keyton, et al.,2013).





□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Why is cultural and social sensitivity a key aspect of work relations?
The productivity of the employees is increased by the cultural sensitivity, the communication barriers also reduced and full engagement in the environment of the workplace.


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Why is networking a key aspect of work relations?
For meeting people at the professional levels, the help is done by networking. The experienced professionals are introduced by the networking.





□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Why is conflict resolution a key aspect of work relations?
The skills of conflict resolution are important so that there can be a healthy environment at the workplace because it helps inmanaging relationships, money, and time.




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Overall Outcome for Question 7:□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 8

List the six (6) key methods/components when planning and developing processes for consultation with employees

Step 1 – Identifying opportunities and problems.

Step 2 – Forecasting and inventory conditions.

Step 3 – Alternative plans formulating.

Step 4 – Alternative plans evaluating.

Step 5 – Alternative plans comparing.

Step 6 – Plan selecting (Khaleel, et al.,2016).


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


Question 9

List the six (6) key methods/components when planning and developing processes for conflict management.

1) Problem defining.

2) Communicate and come together.

3) Relationships establishing.

4) Action plan developing.

5) Taking commitment.

6) Feedback providing.




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 10

List the eight (8) key methods/components when planning and developing processes for task issue management.

1) Creating a register

2) promptly reporting

3) Issues logging

4) Assigning actions

5) Monitoring progress.

6) Impact assessing

7) Resolution approving

8) issue closing.


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 11

List three (3) methods you could use to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the management of workplace relationships from relevant stakeholders

1) Team meetings

2) Chat and Email

3) Collaborative spreadsheets


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 12

Summarise, for each of the  seven (7) commonly accepted leadership styles listed below, at least three (3) of the key features which would  describe each style.

  1. Autocratic
This leadership is also known as the leadership of authoritarian. The characteristic of this leadership is control of the individual over little input and decisions of the group member. Features of this leadership is –

1) Clearly defines processes and rules.

2) Structured environment

3) Stakeholder limited input(Nanjundeswaraswamy & Swamy.,2014).

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Authoritative
When there is complete control of the leader on the management style refers to the authoritative leadership. The goals process, determining, and the setting are done by this leader.

Features –

1) Adapting ability

2) Empathy

3) Self-confidence







□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Pacesetting
Pacesetting is the leadership style when the leading is done in the front by the leader, high standards are set constantly for the team.

Features –

1) Constant improvement in team culture.

2) Skilled manager capable of the front leading.

3) The limited management required by a skilled team.


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Democratic
In the process of decision-making, there is the participative role of the group members which is considered democratic leadership. The offer in this leadership is participating opportunity, encouraging discussions, and exchanging ideas.

Features –

1) Multiple opinions

2) Intelligence

3) Courage




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Coaching
The motivations, weaknesses, and strengths of the team members are involved in the coaching leadership and for helping in the improvement of an individual.

Features –

1) Safety and trust

2) Active listening

3) Feedback

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Affiliative
The followers promote harmony, the help is provided in conflict solving by the affiliative leader.

Features –

1) Empathy strong sense

2) Creates focus and harmony on conflict resolution (Sethuraman& Suresh.,2014).


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


  1. Laissez-Faire
The hands-off approach is taken by the laissez-faire leadership and for decision making freedom is provided to other members.

Features –

1) leader guidance

2) Constructive criticism

3) Charge is taken from the leader side when necessary.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Overall Outcome for Question 12:□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory






What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to each question o



Student: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately.  Make sure you keep a copy of your work.

Student Name  
Student ID
Date of submission  
Course / Qualification BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
Unit(s) BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>__________________________________________declare that this is my own work and:

R None of this work has been completed by any other person.

R I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.

R I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

R I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature:___________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor to complete
Assessment requirements Satisfactory/
Not satisfactory


(pls circle)

Part A: Develop consultative process for WHS   1     2     3
Part B:  Research workplace diversity ; implement diversity policy (Roleplay #1)   1     2     3
Part C: Manage workplace diversity difficulties   1     2     3
Part D: Provide guidance, counselling and support for issues (Roleplay #2)   1     2     3
Overall Outcome for Assessment Task 2:    

ASSESSOR FEEDBACK – Detail any gaps identified and any reassessment requirements

(if more space is required, continue on reverse of this page)


Assessors: Please provide a copy of this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. The original copy must be supplied to the office and kept on the student’s file with the evidence.






Assessor Signature:  …………………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name:  John Mtandwa________________________________________________________________________________



Authenticity Check
Student Name:
Student ID:
Unit of Competency: BSBLDR523
Assessor Use Only
I confirm that I have checked this completed student assessment item and confirm (Assessor must tick one of the following):

R I have checked the authenticity of this work and am unable to detect any form of plagiarism, collusion or cheating and believe the contents of the submission is the students own work.

¨  I have checked the authenticity of this work and have identified potential instances of plagiarism, collusion or cheating. A detailed file note is attached to this completed assessment item, detailing the issues of concern, which will be submitted to the Director of Studies for further investigations and action. The student has been marked Not Yet Satisfactory in this assessment.

AssessorSignature: Date checked:   /  /2022






Assessment Task 2: Case Studies and Roleplays

Task summary:

There are four (4) parts to this assessment task-

Part A: Develop consultative process for WHS

Part B:  Research workplace diversity ; implement diversity policy via workshop (Roleplay 1)

Part C: Manage workplace diversity difficulties

Part D: Provide guidance, counselling and support for workplace issues (Roleplay #2)

  • You will have six (6) hours to complete this assessment, which may be undertaken in more than one session.

Resources and equipment required to complete this assessment

  • Computer and Microsoft Office/ Email
  • Access to the internet
  • Meeting space
  • Handout –WHS Consultation Process Plan template(available on request)
  • Handout – WHS Consultation Meeting Agenda template(available on request)
  • (WHS Act 2011))
  • (WHS Regilations 2011)
  • Handout – Australian Human Rights CommissionGPGB_ten_steps
  • Handout – Australian Human Rights Commission GPGB_recruitment_guide
  • Handout – Marino Enterprises’ Internal Complaints Procedure

Note: Clinton Institute will provide all the forementioned to complete this assessment

When and where do I complete this task?

This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the date(s) and time(s) of the assessment.

What do I need to submit and Do?

What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Part A:Research and develop WHS Consultation Plan Consultation Plan
Part B:Research best practiceand facilitate a meeting to implement Diversity Policy Meeting Agenda

Roleplay #1 Observation checklist – your assessor will complete.

Part C : Research internal complaints procedures and resolve workplace issues Answers to all questions in Activities 1 to 4
Part D:Facilitate a meeting to resolve workplace issues Meeting Agenda

Roleplay #2 Observation checklist – your assessor will complete.

Answers to all questions in Activity 3

Decision Making Rules

Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance components listed.

You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question and component to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment activity.

What happens if I get something wrong?

If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be advised by your Assessor in writing and discussed with you directly.

PART A – Develop WHS Consultative Processes – Model Response

students Instructions:

Case Study – Background Information

You work as the Manager of Ellia Hotel, a part of Marino Enterprises. You have been asked by the owners of the hotel to develop communication processes to manage ideas and information with regard to WHS consultative arrangements with employees.

You have been advised that there needs to be

  • a minimum of six (6)  processes aimed at satisfying the legislated obligations regarding consultative arrangements between employers and employees
  • each process must provide practical opportunities for staff to contribute ideas and input in relation to WHS issues

·         at least one (1) process that relates to employees’ WHS training.



Review background information and research legislation & Codes of Practice

  • The student is to review the case study information and use the internet to research the below relevant legislation and Codes of Practice regarding WHS requirements.
WHS Legislation and Regulations

Research the two (2) relevant WHS legislation and regulations

·         WHS Act 2011

·         WHS Regulations 2011

Codes of Practice

Research the two (2) relevant codes of practice in the State in which you are studying

Victoria Tasmania
·         Workplace amenities and work environment ·         First Aid in the workplace
·         Communicating occupational health and safety across languages ·         How to manage Work Health and Safety in Risks




Develop a WHS Consultative Processes Plan

You are to develop a WHS Consultative Processes Plan, detailing a list of five (5) processes and corresponding actions, to be implemented for legal compliance in the consultation processes between employer and employees.

You are to use the research from Activity 1 of this assessment task (research of the legislation, regulations and specific codes of practice) to assist in identifying relevant actions.

You must use the template following (which is also available as  the Handout –WHS Consultation Process Plan templateon request).


Note that-

  • Processes 1) to 4) are to be non-training processes
  • Process 5)is to be a training process and must relate to employees’ WHS training
  • The suggested frequency and follow-up actions required must be included for each process








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WHS Consultative Processes Plan


Prepared by:Manager
Process: Non-training process Frequency andFollow-up actions:
1)Problem defining

The problem that is faced by the employee and its exact clarifying is done in this step. The question arises from the side of the employees and to find the solution for that.


The problems can be defined in 1 week after planning the project.

Follow-up actions:

The techniques and the different strategies can be used in defining problems at the workplace.

2)Problem structure

After the problem defining, the managing of the problem is done and for that, the structure is needed to solve the issues.


The structure problem can be described in 2 days after the work is done.

Follow-up actions:

The problem structure can be identified by analyzing and checking the problems and by keeping an eye on the problems.

3)Issues prioritizing

the different elements and problems will be prioritized and the critical elements will be determined first.

The issues can be identified in 2-3 days.

Follow-up actions:

If the issues are identified in the workplace, then the prioritizing and solution of that issue should be done first for maintaining the working environment (Rosenhead, 2013).

4)Work plan and analysis plan

The analysis process of the plan will be there in this process. The work distribution in this plan will be done based on the issues that are prioritized.


The analysis can be done in 2 days

Follow-up actions:

An analysis of the work plan should be done to check if there is no other problem or issue at the workplace.

TRAINING Process: Frequency and Follow-up actions:
5)Conduct analysis

An analysis of the issues will be conducted for implementing the plan.

It can be done in 1 day

Follow-up actions:

The plan which needs to be implemented the checking of that plan should be done and to check if anything is required in the work plan.





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PART B – Policies for Diversity  and  Organisational Values– Model Response

Student Instructions

Read the Case Study # 1  Background Information below and then complete the research required in Activity 1 to Activity 3.

After completing Activities 1 to 3, you will use the outcomes of those activities in Activity 4 when you will participate in Role Play #1. Your Assessor will observe and assess you in the role play, using the Observation Checklist provided.


Case Study 1 – Diversity Policy
Case Study  #1 – Background Information

Over the past years Marino Enterprises has grown considerably and have expanded their community involvement to include a number of employment programs for diverse groups. Working closely with the local community and local employment providers, Marino has employed a number of people with disabilities, mature-age people, indigenous Australians, people from the LGBTIQ community, immigrants and international travelling backpackers

The diverse range of staffing has been a deliberate effort in response to the organisation’s overarching ethical values of cultural inclusiveness and being a proud and reputed employer of acceptance and choice in the community.

With such a diverse and transient workplace, Marino Enterprises’ Board felt that their current Diversity Policy was no longer matching the workplace. There have also been a couple of cultural and diversity related situations involving staff that have not been handled well by management.

You have been recently employed as the Human Resources Manage. The Board of Directors has allocated you the task of implementing a new  more up-to-date Diversity Policy which has been  the outcome of extensive consultations. The implementation of the updated policy is necessary to-

  • ensure that the organisation’s cultural diversity and ethical values will continue to be  followed, in all operating activities and in the organisation’s culture
  • to strengthen staff selection recruitment activities through more formal good diversity practices
  • assist in resolving or eliminating potential conflicts and other difficulties

Activity 1

  1. The Australian government’s Business Australia Equal opportunity and diversity information and guidelines were introduced during the consultations, and accepted in principle as integral to the development of the new Diversity Policy. Research those guidelines and relevant Fact Sheets at-

to gain an understanding of those guidelines.


There is law or guidelines for the employment of disabled persons and for providing support to the employee there are some services that are provided to the disabled people to make sure that they are having equal opportunity in the organization, and the services are –

1) Disability employment service

2) Being supported and finding work in the workplace.

3) Work assist

4) Employment assistance fund

In the link provided above, there are the employment legislation of the different types of employees and the government provide them some schemes and some employment act for the young people are considered according to my understandings.

  1. The consultations also introduced the recommendations of the Australian Human Rights Commission in their Good Practice Good Business Guideline – Ten steps that you can take to create a fair and productive workplace. Those recommendations were also accepted in principle as integral to the development of the new Diversity Policy. Refer to the handout-


to gain an understanding of those guidelines


Ten steps for creating a productive and fair workplace are –

1) On the harassment and discrimination, the policy should be developed and implemented.

2) The process should be established for responding to the complaints that can arise from harassment and discrimination.

3) Regarding harassment and discrimination, make sure that the knowledge about procedures and policies is there within the employees.

4) The training should be provided to the staff for the responsibilities and rights.

5) Make sure the model behavior of the manager is consistent towards promoting harassment and discrimination.

6) The issues should be discussed regarding harassment and discrimination.

7) For reflecting the organization’s commitment, the policies should be established.

8) Plan and identify for addressing the risk factors for harassment and discrimination.

9) Make sure about communication, information, premises technology at your workplace.

10) Identify the problem which can arise from harassment and discrimination.


  1. Consultations also addressed selection and recruitment, which is outsourced to an external employment provider.the Human Rights Commission also has strategies which are suggested as checklist items by to assist organisations to prevent discrimination in recruitment practices. The new Diversity Policy includes a new section that addresses the selection and recruitment of staff and incorporates those strategies. Refer to the handout-


to gain an understanding of those strategies.


1) The structure of the current staff should be reviewed.

2) The description of the position should be created.

3) Find the staff candidates that are potential for the job.

4) Application evaluation.

5) Interviews should be organized.

6) Take the candidate’s interview.

7) The offer should be made to the best candidate (Diller, 2018).


Part B Activity 2

The Board have asked that you plan and facilitate a meeting to implement the updated Diversity Policy and ensure it will be understood and respected. The Board anticipates that the new inclusions in the policy will overcome any potential future difficulties that may be encountered in the workplace relating to diversity.

The Board has asked that the following key stakeholders be invited to the meeting-

  • CEO
  • Marino Enterprises’ Managers and Supervisor’s (representative(s))
  • the local employment providers
  • operational staff representative(s)


Using the template following (which is also available as  the Handout – WHS Consultation Meeting Agenda template on request), develop an Agenda to facilitate the meeting. (Note that your Agenda must be prepared using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.)

The purpose of the meeting is-

  1. To implement the new diversity policy, so that any potential conflicts or difficulties relating to diversity and discrimination can be resolved
  2. To acknowledge Australian federal and state discrimination laws
  • To introduce the additional inclusions in the policy, which have been incorporated following the consultation, specifically-
    • Business Australia Equal opportunity and diversity information and guidelines
    • Australian Human Rights Commission in their Good Practice Good Business Guidelines-
      • GPBG_ten_steps
      • GPGB_recruitment_guide

(as researched in Activities 1 to 3)

  1. To acknowledge Australian discrimination legislation
  2. To provide guidance, counselling and support in staff recruitment and selection, so that any potential issues or difficulties relating to diversity and discrimination can be resolved
  3. Promote some of the benefits of diversity and gain commitment to the new diversity policy





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Workshop Meeting agenda

Purpose of meeting:

(summary only)

1) Implementing a new diversity policy.

2) To acknowledge the state discrimination and Australian federal laws.

3) Introduction of policies additional inclusions.

4) To acknowledge the legislation of Australian discrimination.

5) In the staff selection and recruitment support, counseling and guidance are provided.

6) Promote some diversity benefits and on the diversity policy gain commitment.

Venue: Conference hall
Chair: HR Manager
Minute taker: Minutes not required
Invitees: 1) Operational staff representative

2) Local employment providers.

3) Marino Enterprise’s supervisors and managers.

4) CEO


Agenda items
1 Welcome to the workshop
2 Purpose of workshop
3 Australian federal discrimination laws (the six (6) key federal legislation)
  Workshop purposes:

For acknowledging the employees about the state discrimination and Australian federal laws. For implementing the diversity policy so that difficulties and potential conflicts can resolve of the discrimination and diversity. For providing support and guidance to the employees.

Australian federal discrimination laws:

1) Disability Discrimination Act 1992

2) Age Discrimination Act 2004

3) Sex discrimination Act 1984

4) Racial Discrimination Act 1975

5) Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986


4 Local State discrimination laws (list the one (1) key legislation for the state where you are studying)
  The Fair Work Act 2009


5 Relevant Good Practice Information/Guidelines included in new policy – handouts #1 & #2
  Controlling risks that are recognized and judged by us as law satisfying and to convey about the procedures and policies on their rights at the workplace.



6 Selection and recruitment of staff guidelines included in new policy – handout #3
Application evaluating and finding candidates that are potential for the job.



7 Benefits of a diversity
  1) There is an increment in productivity.

2) Increased profits.

3) Better performance of the employee.

4) Training management.


8 Responsibilities for complying with diversity policy
  Compliance with legislation

Make sure that there is no discrimination or harassment.

Operational compliance

Make sure that there is a benefit for the employees by the conditions and terms of the workplace.

Policy currency/reviews

Sensitizing and training the employees.


9 Feedback / Questions and closing
  If there is any question regarding the meeting please ask and if not, we are closing the meeting. Please provide feedback.



Party B Activity 3

At a time organised by your Assessor, you will role play as the Marino Enterprises  Human Resources Manager to chair and facilitate the workshop that you developed the Agenda for in Activity 2.  Your Assessor and the other students will participate in the role play.

Your Assessor will observe you whilst participating in this role play and complete an Observation checklist as you facilitate the workshop.


  1. You will roleplay as the Human Resources Manager responsible for implementing the Marino Enterprises Diversity Policy. You will facilitate a workshop meeting with staff and other relevant parties to implement and ensure that the new inclusions in the updated diversity policy are understood and supported by the key stakeholders.
  2. Your Assessor will roleplay as the Marino Enterprises CEO
  3. Three (3) other students will roleplay as representatives of the Marino Enterprises managers, supervisors and staff
  4. One (1) other student will role play the external employment service provider.
  5. You will chair and facilitate the workshop and be required to actively lead the discussions and answer questions where necessary. The purpose of the workshop is as outlined in Activity 2.1
  6. You will be expected to play the lead role to seek collaboration, and demonstrate high levels of support and facilitation skills, as well as the ability to motivate the other participants


Roleplay Cast:

The following individuals will be at the meeting;

  1. Student being assessed (Student 1) – role play as the Human Resources Manager responsible for implementing the Diversity Policy
  2. Assessor – roleplay as the Marino Enterprises CEO
  3. Student 2 – roleplay as the Marino Enterprises Managers’ and Supervisors’ representative
  4. Student 3 – roleplay as the outsourced local employment provider
  5. Student 4- roleplay as an operational staff representative

General instructions for all role players include:

  • Participate in discussions about any diversity in the workplace
  • Raise questions or seek clarification on any items or issues you are unsure about
  • Raise questions or seek clarification on any items where you disagree or have difficulties accepting.
  • respond to open questions, by elaborating and providing additional information.
  • respond to closed questions, with a single word reply.

The other participants will be provided with a general script for each role to be played.

Student Note:  The script for specific role players is general in nature, so that the student being assessed can respond in real time, without notice. Role players are to ask different questions or raise different issues as far as possible.



Student instructions for conducting the meeting :

  • Prior to the meeting, print one copy of the three (3) guidelines from Activity 1 for your own reference during the meeting. You will be permitted to refer to, read and quote from the guidelines/fact sheets where necessary in order to provide accurate and sufficient detailed information to the attendees.

Print four (4) additional copies so that you can distribute them to the attendees during the meeting.

  • Open the meeting, welcome and identify each participant. Advise the participants that they may interrupt the workshop at any time to make comment, give feedback or ask questions regarding the item being discussed.
  • Follow the Agenda you developed in Activity 2.
  • Whilst winding up the workshop:
    • ask each participate if they have understood the information provided to them
    • provided a last opportunity for participants to ask questions and/or provide feedback
    • Ask each participant if they will support the new diversity policy
  • Thank participants for their attendance.


During the roleplay you must-

  1. play the lead role to seek collaboration, and demonstrate high level support and facilitation skills
  2. allow participants to make contributions/give feedback related to their work role
  3. demonstrate the ability to motivate the other participants
  4. use communication styles to model behaviour, build trust and positive relationships
  5. provide guidance, counselling and support where appropriate
  6. offer information and resolution to any issues raised
  7. confirm the acceptance of delegated responsibilities
Meeting with Assessor

Date – 11/02/2022

Time – 9:00 am

Agenda – To inform about the updated diversity policy

Attendees – Student 1, assessor, student 2, student 3, student 4.

Respected sir,

This meeting is conducted for explaining the diversity policies and their changes, we are providing you the facilities and support for the development of the skills of the employee. Please speak if there is any question regarding the meeting and please contribute to the communication and provide feedback about the new diversity policies and their changes. We have provided you with the fact sheets and guidelines which you can consider in the workplace. Some legislation is included for your rights like the Disability discrimination act, Racial discrimination act, these acts will be benefited you in the organization. We will provide you the support and guidance regarding your work and counseling will also be provided if needed. The information about every legislation is described in the fact sheet please consider it. We are responsible if there will be any harm, harassment, and discrimination in the organization it will not impact your work.

Thank you


HR manager


Roleplay #1: Diversity Policy implementation- Observation Checklist

Name of Student being assessed:

Roleplay as HR Manager

Location: Hobart/Melbourne campus
Name of Assessor:

Roleplay as CEO:

John Mtandwa
Other roles played: Managers’ and Supervisors’ representative

Local employment provider

Operational staff representative

Assessors are to write “S” or “NYS” for each line item (row). If the student gets the item correct on the first attempt, the second and third attempt columns do not have to be completed. If a student gets the item correct on the second attempt, there will be a “NYS” on the first attempt, a “S” on the second attempt and the third attempt will be left blank. Students are allowed a total of three attempts.

Note that to obtain a satisfactory outcome for this assessment activity, students must achieve a satisfactory outcome for every line item and each sub point.

Date: 22/02/2022
Did the Student: Comment if required Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
1.       Professionally welcome the attendees        
2.       Outline the main purposes of the workshop  


3.       Refer to the federal laws and provide guidance when required
4.       Identify and refer to the correct Local State discrimination law
5.       Refer to the recommended good diversity practices
6.       Provide guidance for selection and recruitment of staff
7.       Promote the benefits of a diverse workforce
8.       Delegate and confirm acceptance of responsibilities
9.       Provide opportunity for participants to contribute/provide feedback
10.    Close the workshop with commitments to support the new policy
11.    play the lead role to seek collaboration and demonstrate high level support & facilitation skill
12.    Used appropriate body language to motivate and to gain and build trust
Outcome for Task:  □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Assessors Comments (Assessors must insert a comment to explain any instance where a student does not achieve a satisfactory outcome for a specific item).





Assessors Signature: Date: 22/02/2022



PART C – Processes and systems to manage difficulties – Model Response

Instructions To Student

Case Study 2 – Michael/Michelle
Michael has worked for Marino Enterprises as their Accounts Officer in the Melbourne head office for the three years of their operation, and worked for Luigi for 10 years before then. He has explained to Luigi and his manager that he will be commencing a gender transition and will be known as Michelle upon returning from a month of leave.

Michael’s manager works with HR to set up information sessions for staff to discuss the matter before Michelle returns from leave.

At the first meeting, some of the other staff are hostile, asking, ‘When there’s only one of her, it or whatever, and there’s nearly twenty of us, why is it us who have to be accepting? Why do we have to change?’

The manager and HR team are working together to educate the employees about transgender issues and discrimination.

Activity 1

In support of Michael’s transition and to avert potential staff conflict issues, Marino Enterprises is developing a transition action plan. What are the six (6) key strategies that this transition plan should include?  (Note you must use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions in this response.)

Six strategies that should be included in the transition plan are –

1) Training of the employees.

2) Good communication skills should be required while talking.

3) Provide respect and listen to them.

4) don’t make assumptions of the pronunciation like her, his, he, or she. The doubt will be cleared by them, don’t ask.

5) Be proactive and supportive.

6)  Be an ally.



□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Activity 2

As the manager, how could you provide guidance, counselling and support in response to the hostile staff members and encourage respect?

1) Provide training, mentorship, and feedback.

2) Provide a clear vision and strong leadership.

3) Communicate formally with the employees.

4) Provide knowledge about the LGBT community.

5) By maintaining a positive environment at the workplace (Mathis, et al.,2016).




□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Activity 3

One of the hostile staff members continues to harass and make derogatory comments in front of Michelle. What are the four (4) steps (in order) under the Marino Enterprises’ Internal Complaints Procedure(provided as a handout), that would be implemented that Michelle must follow before starting a formal resolution process?  Include a timeline for each step, and assume each step fails to resolve the matter so Michelle needs to know what the next step is.

4 steps that will be taken under the complaint’s procedure are –

1) Warn the employee and provide the mail on their behavior.

2) If the staff member continues the process, then there will be the legislation that will be applied to them.

3) The help will be taken from the Australian Human Rights Commission.

4) State and territory anti-discrimination bodies will be consulted for more opinions.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Activity 4

If Michelle’s complaints are not resolved through the informal processes you have described under Activity 3 above, outline the formal resolution processes that would be implemented if Michelle then raises a formal complaint directly to the Human Resources Manager? Include the timelines for each step.

Step 1 – Recording and identifying the workplace issue – 2 days

Step 2 – prioritizing issues – 1 day

Step 3 – Resolve issues and report on the issues – 5 days.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


PART D – Providing guidance, counselling and support – Model Response


Case Study 3 – Muhamad/ Louise and Michael
Continuing from Case Study 2………

Louise, a female staff member with Marino Enterprises, reports to her manager that Muhamad, a Muslim staff member, never shakes hands with female clients. Muhamad also refuses to shake hands with Louise herself and Michelle. Louise considers this to be rude and disrespectful to females, and that this behaviour shows a total lack of equality and disrespects the Diversity Policy and ethical values and required ethical conduct of the organisation.

Louise requests her manager to tell Muhamad that he must shake female client’s hands.

As  the Marino Enterprises  Human Resources Manager you have called a meeting to-

           i.            assist in the implementation of the transition plan for Michelle

         ii.            provide guidance, counselling and support to assist Muhamad, Louise and Michelle in resolving their work relationship difficulties

        iii.            identify any other workplace relationships difficulties or issues


Activity 1

Using the template following (which is also available as  the Handout –Resolution of Diversity issuesAgenda template on request), develop an Agenda to facilitate the meeting. (Note that your Agenda must be prepared using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.)


Meeting – Resolution of Diversity issues -Agenda

Purpose of meeting:



Resolving the relationship difficulties at the workplace and identifying other issues at the workplace.



Venue: Conference hall
Chair: Manager
Minute taker: Minutes not required
Invitees: Students, assessor, and HR manager.



Agenda items
1 Welcome to the workshop
2 Reiterate purpose of meeting
3 Marino Enterprises” Diversity & ethical values
  Meeting purpose:

For resolving the difficulties support, counseling and guidance will be provided to the employees to provide knowledge about the LGBTQ community and how to treat them in the organization and to provide knowledge about the legislation when harassing or bullying someone in the organization.

Diversity and ethical values:

The ethics and diversity at the workplace try to make an individual comfortable while working in the organization. Equal opportunities are promoted and the promotion of the employees is done not based on gender, race, and creed but based on merit.


4 Transition Plan for Michelle
  1) The communication style with the other member should be proper.

2) No offensive language should be used.

3) Respect those who are communicating and respecting your gender.

4) Active listening should be done.


5 Marino Enterprises’ Internal Complaints Procedure
  1) The contact can be done through leaders if there is any complaint.

2) Provide email at the company customer care.

3) On the website the feedback form can be filled out by the employee and customer both if there is any problem.

4) The toll-free number of the company can be used by the employee for telling issues.





6 Other issues raised- Louise and Muhamad
  The female employees were feeling the wrong behavior from them.



7 Guidance for making personal adjustments
  They will be provided training and information about the workplace and make sure that there will be no conflicts in the workplace.


8 Support available to make the personal adjustments
  They will be told that the support and the development of the skills will be done from the side of the organization and there will be no discrimination and harassment regarding cast, gender, and community. Fair work will be done in the organization.



9 Systems & processes to identify & resolve work relationship difficulties
  1) Good communication skills.

2) Proper training.

3) Best leadership style will be provided.

4) No discrimination and improve the working environment by conducting activities.


10 Feedback / Questions and closing
  The question about discrimination and the LGBT community are cleared we are closing the meeting.

Activity 2

At a time organised by your Assessor, you will participate in the role play as  the Marino Enterprises  Human Resources

During the meeting you are to provide guidance, counselling and support to assist each of the co-workers in resolving difficulties.

Your Assessor and the other students will also participate in the role play. Your Assessor will observe you whilst participating in this role play and complete Role Play #2 Observation Checklist as you conduct the meeting.


  1. You will roleplay as the Human Resources Manager responsible for implementing the Transition Strategies for Michelle’s return to work – refer to Part C Case Study 2 Activities 1 and 2.
  2. You will plan for and facilitate the meeting with Louise, Muhamad and Michelle, to assist in the implementation of the transition plan for Michelle, identify any other diversity issues, and provide guidance, counselling and support to assist Muhamad, Louise and Michelle in resolving their work difficulties.
  3. Your Assessor will roleplay as the Michael who has transitioned to Michelle
  4. Two (2) other students will roleplay as Louise and Mohamad
  5. Expected outcomes of the workshop include acceptance by each party of other’s needs and values and resolution of issues.


Roleplay Cast:

The following individuals will be at the meeting;

  1. Student being assessed (Student 1) – role play as the Human Resources Manager responsible for implementing the Diversity Policy
  2. Assessor – roleplay as Michelle
  3. Student 2 – roleplay as Louise
  4. Student 3 – roleplay as Muhamad

General instructions for all role players include:

  • Participate in discussions about any diversity and acceptance in the workplace
  • Raise questions or seek clarification on any items or issues you are unsure about
  • Raise questions or seek clarification on any items where you disagree or have difficulties accepting.
  • respond to open questions, by elaborating and providing additional information.
  • respond to closed questions, with a single word reply.

Other participants will be provided with a general script for each role to be played.

Student Note:  The script for specific role players is general in nature, so that the student being assessed can respond in real time, without notice. Role players are to ask different questions or raise different issues as far as possible.



During the roleplay you must–

  1. play the lead role to seek collaboration, and demonstrate high level support and facilitation skills
  2. allow participants to make contributions/give feedback related to their work role
  • demonstrate the ability to motivate the other participants
  1. use communication styles to model behaviour, build trust and positive relationships
  2. provide guidance, counselling and support where appropriate
  3. offer information and resolution to any issues raised
  • Reinforce Marino Enterprises cultural diversity/ethical values
  1. Outline and follow the Marino Enterprises Internal Complaints Procedure
  1. Seek feedback on the management of the workplace relationship issues
Meeting with Louise,Michelle, Muhamad

Date – 11/02/2022

Time – 9:00 am

Agenda – Toprovide knowledge about the LGBT community.

Attendees – Louise, Michelle, Muhamad, and manager

Respected employees,

Good morning, everyone, we are here to take knowledge about the discrimination acts and knowledge about the LGBT community. There is nothing different in the persons all are same accept of their nature, everyone acts same as the person, so there should be no discrimination done in the organization. The facilities and the guidance will be provided if needed. At the workplace discrimination with the employees and within the employees is not acceptable. We will provide you with the best leader to give you more knowledge about this procedure. Please consider these legislations and provide feedback or queries on the website if any. There are ethical values and cultural diversity at the workplace.

Thank you


HR manager




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Roleplay #2: Meeting on diversity issues- Observation Checklist

Name of Student being assessed:

Roleplay as Human Resources Manager

Location: Hobart/Melbourne campus
Name of Assessor:

Roleplay as Michelle

John Mtandwa
Other roles played: Louise


Assessors are to write “S” or “NYS” for each line item (row). If the student gets the item correct on the first attempt, the second and third attempt columns do not have to be completed. If a student gets the item correct on the second attempt, there will be a “NYS” on the first attempt, a “S” on the second attempt and the third attempt will be left blank. Students are allowed a total of three attempts.

Note that to obtain a satisfactory outcome for this assessment activity, students must achieve a satisfactory outcome for every line item and each sub point.

Date: 23/02/2022
Did the Student: Comment if required Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
1.       Professionally welcome the attendees        
2.       Outline the main purposes of the workshop  


3.       Reinforce Marino Enterprises cultural diversity/ethical values
4.       Outline and respond appropriately to Transition Plan queries
5.       Outline the Marino Enterprises Internal Complaints Procedure
6.       Summarise the other issues that have been brought to attention
7.       Provide appropriate guidance to make  personal adjustments
8.       Provide counselling to empower the team to make right choices
9.       Provide support to the work team to make the adjustments necessary
10.    Identify processes to identify & resolve work relationship issues
11.    play the lead role to seek collaboration and demonstrate high level support & facilitation skill
12.    Used appropriate body language to motivate and to gain and build trust
Outcome for Task:  □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Assessors Comments (Assessors must insert a comment to explain any instance where a student does not achieve a satisfactory outcome for a specific item).





Assessors Signature: Date: 23/02/2022



Activity 3

Having considered the feedback provided by others at the conclusion of the meeting-

  1. In the general opinions of the participants, what is the style of leadership that the participants have described and perceive that has been in place?
1) Autocratic leadership

2) Coaching leadership

3) Democratic leadership

4) Affiliative leadership.

5) Authoritative leadership (Kesting, et al.,2015).



□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

  1. What style of leadership is most likely to be intended with the implementation of the new Diversity Policy?


1) Authoritative leadership because in this leadership style there are confident leaders, the expectations are set by these leaders, and energy and encouragement is provided by them.

2) Coaching leadership because in this leadership style the support and guidance are provided by the leader for improving the skills.

3) Democratic leadership because these leadership styles help work in the team in spirit and the discrimination at the workplace is not done under them.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

  1. What improvements could you identify for future workplace relations leadership?
1) Career development will be offered to the employees.

2) The communication at the workplace will be improved by the leaders.

3) Positive feedback will be provided by the leaders.

4) The first impression matters the most in the organization and it will be enhanced by the employees (Kesting, et al.,2015).


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory









What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Part A: Consultation Plan o
Part B:
·         Meeting Agenda o
·         Roleplay #1 Observation checklist Assessor to complete
Part C:answers to all questions in Activities 1 to 4 o
Part D:
·         Meeting Agenda o
·         Roleplay #2 Observation checklist Assessor to complete
·         Answers to all questions in Activity 3 o





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