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PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management


PRJ5105 Project Integration and Change Management

Table of Contents

Assessment 3. 3

Introduction. 3

Aims and benefits. 3

Integration management. 4

Project management integration. 5

Change amendment plan. 8

Conclusion. 11

References. 13

Assessment 3


Bartone highway improvement strategy helps to guide the development of the NSW road corridor for the development of the people. This is the project which is working currently in New Zealand. The main reason behind this improvement management strategy of the Barton Highway. The key benefit of this barton highway improvement strategy is to improve the efficiency of the roads. They also, increase the safety procedures of the organization. The main motive of the project development is to develop and construct the highway road and the bridge. They want to construct this bridge with all the safety and the maintenance of the security for the people. The Australian and NSW government joint their funds for the improvement of the Barton Highway. The motive of the development of this highway is to use it for transportation with the roads and the maritime. This project should be completed in a short period of the duration. They also, have to use the proper protection procedures on the highway. They are focusing on the improvement procedures of the safety procedures and the road safety.

Aims and benefits

The highway construction company aims to build the highway in the combined forms. This will provide the benefit of the tour site and makes the easy way for them to travel in the city. This also reduces traffic and pollution and makes things faster in society. Building this project is an important thing to do and for this, they have to follow the working policy and the procedures. During the construction of this project, the Australian government is using an intelligent transport system. This is the manufacture of the project and this will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location (Cozens, 2015).

They want to produce a better level of the services and this will help the people to understand the direction. Building the highway and helping the people will become the fastest route in transportation. This is the duty of the government to help the development and the infrastructure of the highways. This construction will help the country to build the economic procedures of the country. The aim and the benefits of this project development are to make sure to handle the infrastructure in the highway site.  Their motive and aim are to provide an extra level of safety and security to their local people in the city. They are also, focusing on expanding and improving the safety procedures of the people who are going to be using the highway. This is the main reason the government of Australia and New Zealand is spending their money on the fund and for the development of the NSW roads (Cozens, 2015).

Integration management

Integration management is the thing that is used in the construction of the highway with full of safety procedures. During the management of the project and with the help of integration management is to they will be able to handle all departments on the construction site. In the architectural design of the bridge and therefore, they have to make sure to handle the things. The project management integration has to divide into the different types of tasks and the resources and also, they have the various types of responsibilities (Cozens, & Van der Linde, 2015).

In this management procedure, they will start the work by completing the task step by step. In task 1 they have to purchase the raw materials and the types of equipment for buildings the highway and the roads. Therefore they will buy the materials and the resources for the company’s development. The materials that will use in the construction of the highway are the soil, sand, bricks, and cement also, the stones. These all are the types of equipment that are used in the manufacturing of the products and the highway construction (Cozens, & Van der Linde, 2015).

In the second task, they want to allocate their work to their supervisor according to their working policy. they also, divide their work based on the demand of the company and the workers working specialty. This will be the task that will be handled by the supervisor and the resources will take from the project management plan and the project management schedule and their report. This is all management should be done during the time of the construction. This will be the duty of the supervisor to handle this department to divide the work between the team members (Foster, et al., 2016).

The third task is about developing the design of the bridge. This will be done under the supervision of the engineer’s team and the architecture. They have to develop the design of the highway and in they have to take care of everything related to the environment. They have to make sure to protect the environment and after that, they will set up the roadside facilities. These are the facilities that will help the company to increase safety and provide safety measures to the people. The resources that are used in developing the design of the bridge with the help of the design documents. Highways have to be in the maintenance and developed under the supervision and with the help of the civil engineers for the safety of the people (Foster, et al., 2016).

Task 4 is the last step to starting the procedures of developing and constructing the Highway. The team management has to purchase the technologies and types of equipment also, as the machinery. These are the machinery that will work on the big level and this may cost high. Some technologies are used in manufacturing and constructing the highway. The camera, video graffing, maps, and design template. These are the various types of resources that are used in developing and manufacturing the highway. The responsibility for this is the purchase manager of the management and the construction team. This is their duty to make sure to handle things and develop a better and more secure plan for the construction of the Highway. These all are the details and the step that will be followed in the construction of the highway in the project management integration of the highway (Ghomi, et al., 2016).

Project management integration

These management steps include the four-step and the meaning of this step is to manage the construction of the highway. They want to the management of their project development. There are four tasks which they have to do in the management of the construction of the highway. In the first task, they will have to measure the roads and then based on the measurement they will calculate them. During the measurement, they have to use the measurement types of equipment to maintain the balance. The contractor and their team members are responsible for this department or the task management. Also, they will have to handle the measurement and the other things should be maintained because they have to provide the securities to the people (Ghomi, et al., 2016).

In the second task, they have to find out the best level of the contractor and the reason behind this is that. They have to build a better level of the highway and the reason is that it will be sued by the people at a large level. This has been very clear that there is an estimate that a total of 95% of people will be able to use this highway in a day. The resources which are conducted and collected from the resources are the details of the construction company. The internet, google, magazines also, newspapers. these are all sources that will help the management team of the highway construction to build a bridge in a better and more protective manner.  The marketing team manager and their teammates have to handle this department and make sure to finalize the deals with the construction contractors’ companies (Giles, 2016).

During the development and construction of the highway. They have to follow the task third in this task they have to check the quality. The quality of the materials during the construction of the highway is an important thing. The reason behind checking the quality is because this is the main source on which the highway building. The materials will describe the strong and the manufacturing level of the construction of the highway. They have to check the best level of the materials and based on this they have to make a list of the materials and then buy it (Jurewicz, et al., 2016).

The list contains all the materials and the rescue details that provide the warranty and the security for a long time in the building of the highway. This is the reason they have to make sure to do the quality standard is the rescues which are they have to do to handle the things. The quality manager and their team members also, the financial budget and their HOD will be responsible for the company’s development. This is the point they have to buy and finalize the materials based on their demand and the budget which is created by the Australian government and the NZ governed (Playford, et al., 2021).  Task  Resources  Responsibilities 
1.  Measurement of roads to build the highway. Measurement equipment. Contractor team
2.  Find the best contractor to build the highway or roads. Detail related to the contractor companies. Marketing manager and team.
3.  Check the quality of work done by the project team. Quality standards Quality manager
4.  Purchase an intelligent transportation system to help the road user. Intelligent transportation system Purchase manager

In the fourth and the last task of this process, they want to purchase the electronics and their support. Also, the types of equipment for the rescues that help in the development of the highway. During the fourth task, they have to get the help of the intelligence and transmission system at this time. This will be used by the road user and provide safety to the people as they feel safe traveling on the highway at night time. This has been a common issue in the society in which most the people face some kinds of crimes and the risk during the traveling at the night time at the highway. This is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and the long-distance (Jurewicz, et al., 2016).

These all are the four task which is followed and handled by the project management integration team. After that, they have to follow these procedures to get better and fine deliveries during the construction of the bridge on the highway (Playford, et al., 2021).

Change amendment plan

During the development of the strategies and manufacturing of the highway, they have to do changes in their management plan. The change is required in the management team plan. Based on these the government has to find out the best level of contractors for their company and handle the development. This is the main reason the government of Australia and New Zealand is spending their money on the fund and for the development of the NSW roads. Based on these they have to make sure to handle the things in the manufacturing of the highways. This is the reason they have to handle the materials that will describe the strong and the manufacturing level of the construction of the highway.

In the second step of the change management plan of the company during the building the construction of the highway. They have to deal with the contractors and the suppliers of the materials. This is the reason they have to contact the suppliers which have the best quality of the materials available at a reasonable price. This will provide benefit the highway team and the government of Australia and New Zealand.

The changes in the management plan for the construction of the highway have to maintain the contract between the suppliers of the materials and the best level of the technology holder. They have to make deals with the suppliers or the dealers that will provide affordable prices for developing the bridge and the highway.  This is the main reason they have to check the price of the materials and the types of equipment and also, the resources will become under the budget maintenance. The budget will be developed by the financial department of the construction highway team of the Australian government. The changes in the management describe the importance of the construction team and their engineers’ development. Engineers and the architecture have the duty to present the authority of the Australian government and New Zealand. There are various types of tasks and the preparation required for the company’s development. This has been very clear that most of the construction companies and the machinery manufacturers will come to the team of the construction for the contract.

During the process of contracting with the companies and the supporting partner for building the bridges they have to make sure to maintain the laws and the rules, also the regulations. This is for the safety of the people and the country’s government that are funding the development of the bridge. This is their duty to make sure to handle things and develop a better and more secure plan for the construction of the Highway. These all are the details and the step that will be followed in the construction of the highway in the project management integration of the highway. They have to make sure to handle things and observe the working process. The construction team and their team members have to make sure to follow the working procedures while the establishment of the highway (Szymanek, 2015).

The motive of the building this highway on such a large scale with the big team and their settlement security and also, under their supervision. This is the manufacture of the project and this will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location. This is the feature that helps them to relocate to the location when they get lost during their time of traveling. Also, this is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and the long-distance (Szymanek, 2015).

The motive for using this equipment at the place like the traveling at the midnight. The use of these tools and the techniques to relocate the location for the people who get lost while traveling is because this will be used by the road user and provide safety to the people as they feel safe traveling on the highway at night time.

The government of Australia and New Zealand want to install the camera on the roadside. This will help the people and the society to maintain security in the society. Also, reduce the rate of crime in the cities and people will feel free to travel. Some data present the highway crimes in Australia and these are all the data that is present and happen at the road safety and their crashing period. The statics of the data and the crime comparison on the western Australian highway describe the crime rates on the highways. There is data that present and describe the road deaths by the cars and the other vehicles on the highways (Scott-Parker, 2017).

Calendar year Driver Passenger Pedestrian Motorcyclist Cyclist Australia
2008 670 303 189 245 28 1,437
2009 707 333 196 224 31 1,491
2010 636 284 170 224 38 1,353
Baseline1 671 307 185 231 32 1,427
2011 568 286 186 202 34 1,277
2012 610 260 170 223 33 1,300
2013 557 204 158 213 50 1,187
2014 533 228 151 191 45 1,151
2015 555 251 161 203 31 1,204
2016 622 208 182 249 29 1,292
2017 566 234 161 211 39 1,221
2018 522 204 177 191 35 1,135
2019 577 205 159 211 39 1,195
2020 534 189 138 188 41 1,095
12 months to Dec-20212 532 181 134 234 39 1,127
% change to baseline -20.7% -41.0% -27.6% 1.3% 21.9% -21.0%


These are the data that describe the road accident details and the other data which is also, lead to the accident procedures. This is the main motive of both the country’s government for raising the fund and development. Also, installing the cameras on the corner side of the roads will help the government to track the records. This is the step that will help them to get a better level of the services and the government will be able to find out the main reason behind such level of the cases that happen on the highway. According to the data of the 12 months of road accidents that describe the death of drivers is around 532 and the passenger death is 181 (Tao et al., 2022). This is the source that is presented by the Australian road deaths data based as of November 2021 (Tao et al., 2022).


The conclusion of the report which has been mentioned above is the details of the construction of the highway. This is the project which is working currently in New Zealand. The main reason behind this improvement management strategy of the Barton Highway. The key benefit of this barton highway improvement strategy is to improve the efficiency of the roads. Australian and New Zealand countries’ government wants to provide security the traveling at midnight on the highway. This will help the people and the society to maintain security in the society. Also, reduce the rate of crime in the cities and people will feel free to travel. Manufacture of the project and IT will help the people to get the information and the related to the key and the location. This is the feature that helps them to relocate to the location when they get lost during their time of traveling. Also, this is the reason the security which is provided by them will help them to get and feel safer while traveling alone, and for the long distance.




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