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MGT 601 Dynamic Leadership

MGT 601 Dynamic Leadership

Assessment 1

Part B: Reflexive Report

Executive summary

This report certainly reflects the learning and experience of a leader in terms of the learning process. I have evaluated my roles in the different aspects related to the issues regarding leadership that were associated with the position of security supervisor at the vaccination centre. The report also leadership journey that was experienced in the particular job. This report certainly analyses and evaluates the journey as a leader in the job role that was assigned to me. Moreover,the report mainly discusses my strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities for the same. A reflective framework has been applied for the understanding of mentoring in respect to the social skills as well as the situational leadership style with the adoption of the new improvements in terms of the organization. My job role involved certain aspects that are decision-making skills in respect to the vaccination centre and leading almost 15 guards under me so that the operations and the security can work smoothly.



Table of Contents

Executive summary. 2

Introduction. 4

The job role, leadership responsibilities, and leadership issues. 4

Interpretation of the result 5

Process of giving and receiving constructive feedback. 5

Implications of receiving the feedbacks. 6

Theory and conceptual frameworks. 7

Conclusion. 7

References. 9





The report’s purpose is to reflect in terms of the leadership journey in respect to the job rule that consists of the current position of the security supervisor at the vaccination centre. This role had a lot of influence in respect to the way of contributing, reacting, concerning the organizational and cultural changes in the organization. This report certainly explains it in the context of the reflection of the present level of self-awareness and the self-confidence in respect to the awareness of the confidence in terms of leading the organization with the help of proper leading organizational skills and aspects. Moreover, it is very imperative to be a successful leader as learning to hone the skills that are already possessed by the individuals in terms of working in the lack of the context in terms of the leadership and the thinking of decision-making process respectively. As the initialization of the leadership is now shifting in terms of being more employee-oriented in respect to the efficiency in the operations.

The job role, leadership responsibilities, and leadership issues

The recent job role I have carried out is being a Security supervisor at Sandown park vaccination centre. I had almost 15 guards under me as I lead the team related to security. The decision-making process plays a very imperative part in the terms of deciding which individual is going to get vaccinated first and the sequence. Moreover, the process of site management and overall management is also my duty so management skills play a very imperative part in the organization as well as the organizational context in terms of the operations. Monitoring the aspects of the operations as well as I was appointed as a supervisor because of my skills in terms of leading a particular team. My task was generally to delegate some of the tasks related to the security of the individuals that use to visit the vaccination centre for the vaccination process as my impression was good and I seemed responsible to the individual for having a good impression in terms of the interview process. The biggest challenge that I experienced in my entire job role is that it is tough being a leader. There are different aspects of individuals that are needed to be considered before providing any order as it is quite difficult to consider everything. Understanding the environment and also collecting the knowledge level related to the industry is needed in terms of efficient leaders and communications.Major factors of the leadership journey of the roles and the journey that play a very imperative role in terms of operations of the organization in terms of emotional intelligence as well as self-awareness (Kalargyrou, et al., 2012).

Interpretation of the result

The interpretation of the results shows that positive emotions that show the decision-making process as they are needed to build away according to the negative emotions as well as limiting the thinking process. The results show that it is needed to pay attention in respect to the feelings of the interpretation and thinking of the contribution the basis of biasness in terms of the paying attention that needs to impact the feelings that are needed for the interpretation as well as the thinking of the decision making process as well as a thinking process. The familiarising the common biases in terms of the consideration of the emotions and events that are needed in terms of the biases. The results also show that it is needed to pay more attention in terms of body language, demeanour as well as facial expressions, and voice tone. The consistent discussion in terms of exploration in terms of the questions that are needed to be explored (Plante, 2012).

The results show that it is needed for the recommendation and the obliged to have the feedbacks in terms of the organization as they are intended to take care of the confidential data of the operations. The activities of the development are presented in terms to use the efficient technique. Emotions play a very imperative role in terms of the consideration of the cognitive biases of the organization. Involving the decision-making process with the help of brainstorming in terms of decision-making in terms of maximizing the major strengths. As the result, I am a person that can deal with certain problems and certain issues and I can figure out what is wrong and what is right. I certainly seek the capabilities and opportunities related to the workplace of the organization. I archive and accumulate the information ideas in terms of artifacts and relationships (Iordanoglou, 2018). According to the report, my strengths are that I quickly understand the issues of the organization and derive the solutions, and also for meeting new individuals, I take care of the resilient and outstanding in terms of the operations and working.

Process of giving and receiving constructive feedback

According to the leadership style that I have pertained, this was visible that the organization can gain or gather intelligence with the help of proper leadership styles as well as seeking transformational leadership style was used and was effective in terms of the operations. My partner elaborated that I am very good at making decisions and managing the team in a positive aspect. He told me that I am very calculative in terms of the decision-making process and providing orders to individuals. I use emotional intelligence for the calculation of the risks in different aspects and the different situations in the organization. But he also told me that I have a lot of anger issues that are not very good for the job role that I am seeking currently as it is a very negative part of the leadership and also personalizing the skills of the operations. I have thought that I will work upon my anger issues that are not a very good aspect of my journey and my leadership skills. I have also decided to reduce my ego in terms of the leadership style because it is hampering my work and it is not a very good aspect of my skills (Bradberry & Greaves, 2012).

According to the different requirements of the organization and the level of the circumstances, it shows the change in the leadership styles asper the operations of the organization. Management of a team is very essential in terms of the operations of the organization. I have amazed that I need to change my leadership style and skills accordingly to increase the effectiveness of the operations. My capabilities consist of making decisions and taking challenging decisions in operations. I have consulted with my partner and he has guided me towards my capabilities as to how effectively I can take certain decisions and how important it is to take these decisions in the operations. My partner is my excellent motivator and helps me a lot in terms of the interpersonal skills of the operations and helps in increasing and improving my skills of the team and also the positive attitude of the operations and circumstances (Morison & McMullan, 2013).

Implications of receiving the feedbacks

Having proper and reliable feedback is very essential in terms of the operations and related to the job scenario as it helps in improving the activities. Feedbacks play a very imperative role in the leadership of the organization that helps in achieving quality and satisfaction of the subordinates that are present in the team as team members. It helps in highlighting the important suggestions helps in motivating the leader or supervisor of the team. Situational leadership explains that the leaders are required to behave or work in terms of the situation that is prevailing in the group and how it helps in becoming an effective leader in terms of the team. Making the subordinates feel part of the team is an integral aspect of the organization and the team itself. Development of the mentoring skills can be a key feature and a key aspect that can help in the improvement of the learning and leadership skills Of the security team. Clarification of the issues that help in gaining the feedback from the subordinates as they offer feedback and that help in gaining the trust, respect, commitment towards the team in terms of achievement of the skills. I need to develop certain skills that my partner has let me know with the help of the feedback of my performance from the last 8 months (Prieto, 2013).

He told me I was not very efficient at first as I faced issues in understanding the work and also the important aspects of work and the operations of the organization But with the ongoing time it is easier for me to develop those skills to handle the team. That is why with the help of the interview that was quite clear that I was able to supervise the security team alone and I became the supervisor. According to the feedback provided by the partner, I also need to have some social skills to socialize with different individuals. I need to manage and recognize the distinct emotions of the different members so I can communicate effectively and that helps in managing the operations. Gaining the dedication and the trust of the individuals is very essential for the knowledge of expressiveness in terms of emotional sensitivity, social expressiveness as well as the emotional control, emotional sensitivity of the employees of the organization. As a leader is my responsibility to inspire the team in terms of conveying the positive regard, attitude and conceptualizing the experience in terms of the abstract that occur in terms of the social skills (Johansen, 2012).

Theory and conceptual frameworks

The conceptual framework of the leadership shows the suggestions that can that shows the components that consist of the efficacy development in terms of the leadership. I have worked as a Security supervisor at Sandown park vaccination centre with 15 guards for 8 months and the main focus was decision-making skills as well as site management.  I have used Kolb’s reflective cycle that certain consists of 4 stages. This model helps me reflect the active experimentation and I have decided to increase and built more empathy so that helps in the motivation and behaviour of the individuals of the areas. According to my job experience, I have seen that my skills provide me with the confidence in terms of the operations and the organization of the requirement that helps in the improvement (Hancock, et al., 2012).


This report concludes that the recent job role I have carried out is being a Security supervisor at Sandown park vaccination centre. I had almost 15 guards under me as I lead the team related to security. According to the different requirements of the organization and the level of the circumstances, it shows the change in the leadership styles asper the operations of the organization. As the result, I am a person that can deal with certain problems and certain issues and I can figure out what is wrong and what is right. I certainly seek the capabilities and opportunities related to the workplace of the organization.




Bradberry, T., & Greaves, J. (2012). Leadership 2.0. TalentSmart.,+T.,+%26+Greaves,+J.+(2012).+Leadership+2.0.+TalentSmart.&ots=plzWsw-8En&sig=VyweGcosminuWHbYpkauvY4D8no&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Bradberry%2C%20T.%2C%20%26%20Greaves%2C%20J.%20(2012).%20Leadership%202.0.%20TalentSmart.&f=false

Hancock, D., Dyk, P. H., & Jones, K. (2012). Adolescent involvement in extracurricular activities: influences on leadership skills. Journal of Leadership Education, 11(1).

Iordanoglou, D. (2018). Future Trends in Leadership Development Practices and the Crucial Leadership Skills. Journal of Leadership, Accountability & Ethics15(2).

Johansen, R. (2012). Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.,+R.+(2012).+Leaders+make+the+future:+Ten+new+leadership+skills+for+an+uncertain+world.+Berrett-Koehler+Publishers.&ots=Vo5v7X7oj5&sig=zb9UIXco7hjVbymCaoME0YWObzM&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=Johansen%2C%20R.%20(2012).%20Leaders%20make%20the%20future%3A%20Ten%20new%20leadership%20skills%20for%20an%20uncertain%20world.%20Berrett-Koehler%20Publishers.&f=false

Kalargyrou, V., Pescosolido, A. T., & Kalargiros, E. A. (2012). Leadership skills in management education. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal16(4), 39.

Morison, S., & McMullan, C. (2013). Preparing for the future: challenges and opportunities for management and leadership skills. British dental journal214(1), E2-E2.

Plante, L. (2012). A guide for entrepreneurs who lead and manage change. Technology Innovation Management Review2(3).

Prieto, B. (2013). Establishing and building leadership skills. Leadership and Management in Engineering13(3), 209-211.