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Executive summary

Respondents made a clear priority of people in their rapid response to the problem, guaranteeing a swift shift to working from home and allowing health and safety precautions for employees. They were members of task forces and crisis squads, and they were promoted. Communication played an important part in keeping the firm running smoothly. Continuity was maintained, and when feasible, premium recoveries were pursued. Preventing or reducing process improvement disruptions activities are an essential component of any Entrepreneurship Risk Management approach. (ERM). Tools for risk management, such as a strategic planning process BCPs provide a framework for creating organizational capacity. Resilience in the face of disruptive events like this pandemic and the government’s subsequent steps, such as detentions.

The findings of our poll highlight the importance of ERM and the variety of solutions available to risk executives. The preponderance of contributors’ organizations (74 percent) had BCPs in place, which helped to limit the effect of the COVID-19 issue.

Because although the pandemic was still a minority the existing policies and procedures, BCPs, and other mechanisms assist to illustrate why a great proportion of participants (90 percent) believed their firms were well or moderately positioned to address influenza (31 percent).



Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Background. 4

Conclusion. 11

References. 12





In this report, we have discussed the security and safety of the central London University in which thousand of academic, as well as the student 10000, is present. Students are from ars background as well as from Science background 80% student are from Greater London area and 20% student are coming from International. In this, we need to discuss safety and security and how we will manage this, and we will talk about the risk Threads and impacts of any hypothetical organization. In this evolution of Idea and various option as well as appropriate accommodation is included which is beneficial for the organization and also include the business continuity plant for the organization to prevent any types of threads or this generated within the organization.


Discuss the threats, risks, and impacts facing the hypothetical organization. Analyze the effect(s) these may have on its ability to meet its missions and strategic aims and objectives.

Many schools and colleges are reconsidering their risk policies. Unlike in the past, when management accounting was limited to individual domains (compliance, internal audit, quality, and reinsurance) and generally managed in silos, universities and colleges are now understanding that their risk inventory is fundamentally interrelated. Maximum visibility is beneficial, but it is frequently insufficient. Schools are discovering that they require a transportation system, data, procedures, and culture—to be ready for the dangers (and possibilities) that will decide if they should continue or flourish(Onyshchenko, et al., 2019).

Universities should not need to know all of the solutions to all of the hazards they encounter, but they may be greater awareness of the ever-widening range of threats they confront and therefore more effective. Institutions may also consider adopting a “firm” approach to planning, rather than compartmentalized strategies for dealing with risks particular to their role or purpose that exist inside distinct departments or units (Rudkjoebing, et al., 2022).

Five main classifications arise from current examples of trademark and financial damage: corporate entrepreneurship risks, character risks, operational model risks, recruitment supply concerns, and prevention and detection. These dangers highlight why college education has been continuously developing in the people, processes, and competencies needed to thrive in the normal state of affairs of constant pain.

Risks associated with the business concept

Corporate entrepreneurship risks put an institution’s capacity to earn sufficient money, and in certain situations, even to survive, in jeopardy. In a context where new methods of schooling delivery, economic development, and attendance are fast emerging, the criteria listed below influence the longevity and applicability of school/university business strategies. Entities that would not prepare for these issues risk being overtaken by some more agile Riva(Mandritsa, et al., 2021).

Risks to one’s reputation

Universities and colleges are frequently targeted in the 24/7 news cycle, which favors negative publicity. Institutions may suffer from a loss of alumni and commercial contacts, as well as brand public approval. Schools that are conscious of your image and have command around their growing media profile can lessen the danger of ruining a character that has taken years to create(Aven& Zio, 2021).

Risks associated with the management structure

Inadequate procedures, people, and tools impact an institution’s capacity to perform smoothly and economically, posing a danger to its operating model. As plans and revenue streams change, organizational agility is essential for being competitive, adaptable, and contemporary. Universities and colleges’ operational models cover a wide variety of operations, including how to offer academic programs, undertake research, implement choices, regulate value chain, maintain attendance, and sustain board certification, as demonstrated below.

Risks associated with membership supply

Tuition-dependent universities cannot maintain their commercial health and support services without a steady stream of students. The capacity of a school to foresee staff turnover, resource utilization, and aging infrastructure to sustain the student population is limited when there are gaps within projections and actual student enrolment. Emerging innovations have referred to diminishing student numbers (the number of graduates is predicted to shrink by 9% between 2026 and 2031)1 along with changing demographics(Vorobeva, et al., 2021).

Leaders of strategy execution, such as Howard Schultz, possess a diverse range of skills and attributes that distinguish them from inferior organizational plans. One of them had to be the ability to inspire employees to be more productive to help their organization succeed. Leadership who develop strategy may encourage employees to accept key objectives and move the organization forward. Poor decision, but on the other hand, struggle to organize their people and redirect their collective energy in a positive, decided direction(Păunescu, et al., 2018).

Universities play a critical role in education, as well as education, research, and development. Academic institutions provide formal experience for rising occupations and even the knowledge essential for self-level and self-development through their instructional strategies. From a humanitarian but also a legal standpoint, colleges play a critical role in any sector. Sustainability expertise is also required of graduates from all areas. Universities may assist in offering new information and skills to tackle the difficulties of community sustainability, as well as boosting greater perception and establishing the circumstances for educated choice, the importance of goods, and consumer demands. Colleges are thought to be important institutions in the process of societal change and growth(Rudkjoebing, et al., 2022).

The most crucial task they’ve been given is to produce a highly-skilled workforce and research output to accomplish certain goals. University may also play a role in the creation of new nongovernmental organizations, the development of new cultural beliefs, and the learning and socialization of individuals in the new social age. The purpose of this report should be on the role of academic institutions in ushering about the industrial, ecological, social, and aesthetic revolution in the community from a legal standpoint. The quality of education in societal development is also highlighted.

Critically apply relevant theoretical models and methods to the organization. You can make assumptions about the scenario context, but you will need to identify clearly and present such assumptions within the main body of the report.

A theoretical model is frequently expected to be included with your dissertation. Numerous students may be stumped by this criterion, unsure of how to construct a conceptual background. You should always be aware some people find developing a robust computational foundation difficult. Many academic publications lack a solid theoretical foundation, making it hard for a person to comprehend what the study is attempting to accomplish. If you find a way of getting this portion correct, your investigation will have a strong basis, and the goal of your dissertation will be much clearer to anybody who reads it (Onyshchenko, et al., 2019).

Ideas and their explanations, as well as shortened versions that are important to your research, make up a conceptual framework. The theoretical approaches must demonstrate an understanding of the institution’s research group’s concepts and theories, as well as connect it to the class’s wider areas of study(Morris & Zwart, 2020). 

In academics, the conceptual perspective is difficult to come by. You must examine your learning material and associated research resources for thoughts and ways to resolve that are relevant to the study topic you’re concentrating on. A theory’s applicability, ease of application, and interpretative strength must all be considered while choosing one(Ilmawan &Runturambi, 2022).

The conceptual perspective supports the inquiry in the following ways.

If basic notions are expressed plainly, the reader may critically assess them.

The theoretical model creates a connection between scholars and previous knowledge. Based on something like a theoretical foundation, you’ll be given a basis for your ideas and research approaches.

If basic notions are expressed plainly, the reader may critically assess them.

The conceptual perspective creates a connection between the researcher and background knowledge. Based on something like a conceptual model, you’ll be given a basis for your ideas and research approaches(Korystin, et al., 2021).

Defining the underlying concepts of a research study forces you to respond to why it might be the way it is. It enables you to advance from simply seeing an event to drawing broad generalizations about many aspects of that event. Having a hypothesis can help you spot the flaws in such broad generalizations. A theoretical basis specifies the critical variables that influence a phenomenon of interest. It makes you think about how under certain situations those critical elements may change (Mandritsa, et al., 2021).

In the human sciences, a hypothesis is an assumption that is meaningful because it serves a specific function: to interpret this same symbolic importance, nature, and challenges of a symptom that is frequently encountered but not appreciated in the reality we live in so that we should use that insight and understanding to act in somewhat efficient and properly informed ways (Vorobeva, et al., 2021).

Explain how the organization can become resilient based on an evaluation of ideas and options and recommendations for resilience development.

If the economical recovery from the COVID-19 tragedy is to be long-term and durable, a return to “standard operating procedure” and environmentally harmful development patterns and practices must be avoided. If left unaddressed, environmental calamities such as rising global temperatures but also resource scarcity might inflict significantly greater impacts than COVID-19. To avert disaster, expansionary monetary strategies are essential to “keep building better.” This includes more than merely re-establishing the economics and re-establishing communities. Because catastrophes do happen, recovery strategies must also improve business activity and behavioral issues to reduce the likelihood of adverse disasters while simultaneously improving society’s resilience to them (Korystin, et al., 2021).

There is a strong emphasis on well-being, and diversity is at the core of this strategy. When examining whether rehabilitative packages can “gradually construct better,” evaluate if they are aligned with looooooooong decarbonization, factoring in environment protection, reducing damage to the planet, and strengthening supply chain obtuseness. Well-designed treatment centers may target many of these factors at the same time, such as speeding up the movement to basic road infrastructure and investing more in low-carbon, decentralized energy systems (Păunescu, et al., 2018).

Countries’ priorities in battling the COVID-19 pandemic were to stop the medical issue and launch swift economic rescue efforts, the latter aimed largely at giving crucial funds and safeguarding employment in the face of unexpectedly decreased output. As the medical issue in some nations fades, the focus has shifted to developing initiatives to kick-start economic recovery. This policy brief looks at how some stimulus spending may lead to a recovery that “builds back even better,” that is, one that otherwise gets companies’ and individuals’ lives back on track fast, but also ensures long-term prosperity (Aven& Zio, 2021).

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed numerous critical weaknesses in our communities and monetary order, in contrast to the disease’s acute human misery and the economic difficulties for multitudes. For decades, global interconnection has aided in the creation of significant economic and social advantages, although unequally, but has also aided in the early introduction of the epidemic. More broadly, the severity and duration of the economic recession have demonstrated that a key tenet of globalized trade – prioritizing short-term economic and social development and efficiency above long resilience – may come at a high cost to society. Many nations are struggling to get pharmaceuticals and other key commodities, revealing the unsustainability of lengthy and complicated global value chains(Satriya &Rofii, 2022).

Business Continuity Plan


This plan helps to remove the risk and threats which decrease the growth rate of the organization as well as provide the appropriate solution to improve the performance of the organization.

Key Business area:

1) Strategy: Proper training, as well as coaching, is provided to every staff member so no one will create any type of risk and easily manage the work in any situation like pandemic and other problems.

Marketing: Appropriate marketing techniques are implemented to increase the sales of the organization and attract more consumers (Ilmawan &Runturambi, 2022).

Finance and HR: appropriate employees are hired and also deserving candidate is selected and included by more shareholder to make the big brand in the market.

Technology: Including new technology within the organization.

Critical functions:

Management of the project is done properly by providing the work to the project team, including of technology team is must to understand and manage the risk related to the technology and also risk analysis department is included to neglect the risk and also another thing is also included.

Business area and functions dependencies:

Both are linked to each other if the department is performing well then indirectly the organization is also performing well in the appropriate manner.

Understanding that you might suffer a setback seems to be an important component of process management. Some operations inside your company may be abruptly interrupted if an unanticipated occurrence or event occurs (Morris & Zwart, 2020). 

“Determine who is responsible over what, when, and wherein that midst of an occurrence.”

Manage operations:

Each operation required appropriate time like the technology department provide 2 months, the operating department provides 3 months, risk analysis needs 3 months, and many more are included (Satriya &Rofii, 2022).


Inside this report, the importance of the safety and security team is discussed, and also manager of the department and their roles and responsibilities within the organization is discussed appropriately and also threats and risk which is generated and affected the growth of the organization is removed by the appropriate method and techniques. Some threats and risks try to decrease the growth rate of the organization and also effected on the mission and aims of the organization for this problem many techniques and strategies is need to include which might be used to remove them. Appropriate assumptions and brainstorming ideas are needed to implement to manage everything inappropriate manner. And for managing the risk organization is also trying to include the Business Continuity Plan which is included by the organization to fulfill its aims and mission and improve the growth rate at appropriate times. 


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Ilmawan, I. U., &Runturambi, A. J. S. (2022). The Analysis of Transnational Organized Crime/Tnoc Threats and Risk Analysis Pre-And Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Occurred in Indonesia. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences5(1).

Korystin, O., Svyrydiuk, N., &Tkachenko, V. (2021, August). Fiscal Security of the State Considering Threats of Macroeconomic Nature. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Accounting, Management, Banking, Economic Security and Legal Regulation Research (BAMBEL2021) (Vol. 188, pp. 65-69).

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