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BSBSTR501 Establish innovative work Environments



BSBSTR501 Establish innovative work environments

Task 1 – Knowledge Questions

Task summary

·         This is an open book knowledge test, to be completed in your own time.

·         You need to answer all the written questions correctly.



·         Access to textbooks/other learning materials.

·         Access to a computer and Microsoft Office.

·         Access to the internet.


·         Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment via Canvas.


Submit onto Canvas

·         This completed workbook


Assessment criteria

·         All questions must be answered correctly for you to be assessed as having completed the task satisfactorily.


Re-submission opportunities

·         You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor via Canvas. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.


·         If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.


·         You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.


·         You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.


Assessment Cover Sheet
Candidate name:  



Candidate ID  



Trainer’s Name:
Date Submitted:  



Candidate declaration: I declare that:

·         I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task

·         This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have been used, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them

·         I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to disciplinary action.

Candidate signature:  




Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Briefly describe three (3) theories of innovation. (approximately 100 words)

Three innovation theories are –

1) Finance Innovation – There is a large concern of financial innovation that is concerned about generating money and collaboration for achieving revenue-related objectives.

2) Delivery Innovation – Three aspects are involved in the delivery innovation that is customer engagement, marketing, and platform. The focus of this innovation is on distributing the services and products for the specific market or the customer happiness is improved because of new networks.

3) Process Innovation – The manufacturing of commercial solution is concerned with process innovation and the company deliver that. There is no alteration in these items.



Question 2 Describe the context for innovation in the workplace, including:

·         core business values

·         overall objectives

·         broader environmental context

·         value and benefit of innovative ideas and projects

(approximately 100 words)


1) core business values – Core innovation values are crucial for providing structure. Embody your attitudes and beliefs about innovation. The priorities of the organization define the core values.

2) Overall objectives –the objectives of innovations are goals for improving things by ordering magnitude. The experiments, creativity, and risk-taking are required by the innovation.

3) Broader environmental context – The behavior of environmental innovation incorporates waste treatment, production processes, raw material, and product design.

4) Value and benefit of innovative ideas and projects – The problems are solved easily; the productivity also increases and competition should be given to the competitors by innovative ideas(Latham, 2014).


Question 3 List two (2) factors and tools that motivate individuals to innovate.

(approximately 100 words)


Two factors that are used for motivating the individuals for innovating are –

1) Get involvement of leadership – the leadership team provides support in the communication of the innovation and motivation is done to the employees, but there is the effective leadership involvement.

2) Innovation roles of dedicated staff – There is the executive support of the innovation, but the core initiative is side-lined. Staffing the team with dedicated innovation ensures that the focus of innovation will not be lost if the issues will arise.



Question 4 What is creative thinking? List two (2) innovative work practices that can be applied in the workplace.  (approximately 100 words)

Critical thinking – The different ideas and innovations are gained intentionally in creative thinking with the use of existing information. Thinking different styles are involved in creative thinking and the information is examined with the different viewpoints.

Two innovative work practices that are applied at the workplace are –

1) Scrum often and early – New challenges are presented in daily life, and there is a smart idea for starting the work by addressing them. Scum master led the scrums and it is the agile process for addressing and reviewing the problems.

2) Make remote work seamless – The empowerment in the workers is needed by the companies, not only the embracement. This means reinvented processes and cloud technologies in investing(Eragamreddy,2013).


Question 5 Describe five (5) ways of celebrating and promoting innovation in the workplace (approximately 100 words)

Five ways of promoting and celebrating workplace innovation are –

1) Encourage collaboration – the work practices should be created to encourage the employees and make them work together and discuss the improvement ways openly.

2) Hire different perspective people – While hiring, look at the employee’s vision towards the organization and see whether they are passionate about the job or not.

3) Offer training – The training needs to be offered so that more approaches and thoughts come with employees.

4) Give employees space and time to innovate – Be approachable and open in the new ideas, space should be given to the employees for sharing and creating new ideas.

5) Provide rewards to the employees for giving ideas – Reward employees for suggesting the ideas for the innovation.

Question 6 Discuss two (2) approaches to management and leadership and how they support and hinder innovation. (approximately 100 words)

Two approaches to leadership and management and their hinder innovation are –

1) Lack of diversity – Hiring the employees for innovation and diverse team building subsequently will provide the innovation initiatives in the organization.

2) Employees are not empowered forinnovation – Many managers fear that the distraction will be done to the employees by innovation in daily life. 37% of employees did not feel innovative or empowered for discussing the new ideas.

Question 7 Describe three (3) challenges and barriers to innovation and list ways of overcoming them.

(approximately 100 words)


Three barriers and challenges to innovation and the ways for overcoming them are –

1) Politics wars – As the growth of the company, and the complexity of the internal politics. There is easy innovation time for the small startups compared with the larger corporations.

2) Lack of budget – There are long-term goals in the ongoing endeavor innovation, the impact measuring is kind of difficult.

3) Cultural issues – the innovation and risk go hand-in-hand. There can be failures in the innovations, in the businesses, and some missteps that are viewed and unacceptable (Coad, et al.,2016).




Coad, A., Pellegrino, G., & Savona, M. (2016). Barriers to innovation and firm productivity. Economics of Innovation and New Technology25(3), 321-334.


Eragamreddy, N. (2013). Teaching creative thinking skills. International Journal of english language & translation studies1(2), 124-145.


Latham, J. R. (2014). Leadership for quality and innovation: Challenges, theories, and a framework for future research. Quality Management Journal21(1), 11-15.