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SBM1103 Project and Program Information & Communication Systems Assignments

Assessment 2: Reflective Journal

This reflection is all about the Acquisition of program information and communication systems. In this time its contribution is so large that it gives its main focus on productivity and generation of revenues. There are many options provided for obtaining information systems that are purchasing, take on lease and built it. The most interesting topic that is provided in this topic is to acquire information system is to buy it will provide so many benefits which include It saves more time then to build it, Also the company can identify its results before investing in this, also the company no need to costs based on hiring as no person needs to hire for the system (Nasr, et al., 2015). There are also some demerits of buying the information system which includes what expectation made from the system may not be like that, once the information system got implemented it is hard to modify it and also takes so much time in changing, it is a tough task to combine the new system with the already existing systems.

 Earlier it was known that information system can only be acquired through purchase not through leasing or building but from this topic it gets to know that anybody not only can acquire the information system through purchase instead they can also acquire it through lease and building. Information systems can be acquired through purchasing, leasing, and building. Also acquiring information systems through leasing is considered quite well. Some of the advantages of this leasing are that it will provide proper balance in the budget, also with the help of leasing it will facilitate fast technological distribution, and it reduces efforts. But with all merits there are some demerits together which include no asset available in the premises relating to that, also it gives chances of unaccepted risk and also it is not possible to follow all the terms and conditions for such a long period. 

Most people follow the concept of acquiring information systems through buying but from this content, it gets to know that it is also a better option to hire information on the lease or acquire it by self-building. Building is also a good option for minimizing other expenses related to buying and leasing.  From this topic, it is learned that rather than acquiring information systems through buying it is better to build this system In- House (Al-Durra, et al., 2018).  There are two ways in building the information system that is Build from scratch and build from components.

 By hiring software engineers it will be possible to build an in-house information system. For the implementation of effective information software, there are 8 stages for that which include: Starting of the project, Analysis of the system and the studies made from them, Designing and logical analysis, developing and acquisition, Execution, functioning, Post Audit, and preservation.


  • Al-Durra, M., Nolan, R. P., Seto, E., Cafazzo, J. A., & Eysenbach, G. 2018. Nonpublication rates and characteristics of registered randomized clinical trials in digital health: Cross-sectional analysis. Journal of medical Internet research20(12), e11924. Available at:
  • Nasr, F.M.M., Zhen, T. and Abdelgader, A.M.S., 2015. National information and communication technology policy in Yemen: The Response of security sector for decision-making. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (Vol. 2). Available at: