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ITECH7400 IT Service Management and Professional Culture Assessment

Post 2

ACS Code of ethics is the element of ACS constitution. As the member of this constitution I must advance and uphold the effectiveness, dignity and honour of being professional. As a good citizen I must adhere the following society values –

  • Honesty
  • Competence
  • Professionalism
  • Primacy of public interest
  • Professional development
  • Increment in quality life (ACS, 2020).

These are the components of ACS code of ethics. Now, to solve the ethical dilemma that we discussed above such as deontology, utilitarianism, social contract theory and character based ethical theory, I would suggest the IT professionals, surgeons and patients also to do act in accordance with the ACS codes of ethics. To become a good citizen of Australia every individual must adhere the principles or components discussed above. 

In honesty, the surgeon and IT professionals should be honest in terms of representing their knowledge, skills, products and services (ACS, 2020). 

With this ACs value, the surgeon and IT professionals would be able to distinguish between their personal opinions and professional opinions. 

In Competence, the surgeon and IT professional must apply their work diligently and competently for their stakeholders (patients).

With this ACS value, the surgeon and IT professionals will accept their responsibility regarding their professional activity. This will not permit both of them to misrepresent their knowledge and skills (Users, 2020). 

In professionalism, as a professional surgeon and IT professional they must increase the integrity and they should respect their patients.

This ACS value will help in continuous upgrade of knowledge and skills of surgeon and IT professional. This will also tell both that whether their work is affecting their profession and their relationships with others (Teaching, 2020). 

In Primacy of public interest, in this component of ACS code of ethics all the professionals must place public’s interest over their own personal, sectional and business interests. 

This value helps in identifying those individuals who are impacted by the work of surgeon and IT professional. This will help in identifying any type of conflict within the profession and the professional activity. 

In Professional development, the surgeons and professionals have to increase their own professional development and of their staff and colleagues as well.

This ACS value will help surgeon and IT professionals to take a calm, informed, knowledgeable and objective stand on their professional work. This will also help in endeavour o expand knowledge of public and their understanding on ICT.

In Increment in quality life, the surgeon and the IT professionals are responsible for struggling for the quality life which does not affect the others by your work (ACS, 2020). 

With this ACS value the surgeon and It professionals would be able to promote and protect the health and safety of those individuals who are affected by your professional activity. This will be helpful in getting personal satisfaction, control over those affected and competence.

When it comes to become a good citizen every person must adhere these principles of ACS code of ethics. This leads to peace, and good application of the knowledge and learning.

In situation of such dilemma between different values, Primacy of public interest obtains preference over other values. These ACS codes of conduct basically aim at someone as a practitioner individually and these codes of conduct will then be guidelines for the acceptable professional conduct. These guidelines will be applicable to the members of the ACS who are the surgeon and IT professional given in the case study. These codes of conduct will be helpful in dealing with such kind of dilemmas.  The ACS values discussed above will be helpful in resolving the dilemmas (Teaching, 2020).


  • ACS, (2020). About ACS CODE OF ETHICS. Available at – [Accessed on – 19 April 2020]. 
  • Wood-Black, F., & REM, M. (2016, August). What’s in a Code of Conduct?. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (Vol. 252). 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC.
  • Teaching, (2020). About Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics. Teaching. Available at – [Accessed on – 20 April 2020]. 
  • Users, (2020). About Australian Computer Society CODE OF ETHICS. Users. Available at [Accessed on – 20 April 2020].