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BSBSTR502 Facilitate continuous improvement

Student Declaration

To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

  • I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)
  • I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken

against me according to the process explained to me

  • I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment
  • I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
  • I understand the rights to re-assessment
  • I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Unit Title

Unit Code



Student ID number


Task Number
Question Marking Sheet – Assessor to complete.


Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed:

Completed satisfactorily




Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Task Outcome:                 Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐
Student Name:
Assessor Name: Assessor Signature:


Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions.

The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively.

The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency:

·         systems and processes facilitating continuous improvement

·         common decision-making processes

·         organisational policies and procedures relating to digital systems, decision-making processes and continuous improvement systems

·         business systems and requirements, including:

o   knowledge management

o   quality

o   sustainability

o   performance management.

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated business documentation as instructed.

What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit your answers to the questions within the set timeframe,

·         answer all questions as instructed,

·         answer all questions using your own words and reference any sources appropriately,

·         all questions must be answered satisfactorily.

It is advisable to:

·         review the questions carefully,

·         answer the questions using online research and the learning material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures),

·         further research the topics addressed in each question.

Task summary and instructions
Specifications You must submit to GOALS th

·         assessment coversheet,

·         answers to all questions,

·         references.

Resources and equipment •         computer with Internet access,

•         access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software,

•         learning material.

Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.

 Answer all the questions below:

 Question 1

Outline three (3) systems and processes facilitating continuous improvement. (150-200 words in total)

Systems and processes facilitating continuous


KAIZEN This method is introduced in Japanese management. The meaning of the word kaizen is kai=change, zen=good. This means good change. It means acquiring good working methods/people and eliminating waste. Acquiring efficiency helps improve business (Akter, et al., 2015).
PDAC. The {PDAC} is basically a [plan, do, check, adjust] process which supports kaizen and continuous improvement. It is a process which provides continuous improvement from the early designs of any product or any stage of the process, product, or system.
PDSA. The PDSA is basically the [plan, do, study, act] .in this the first step that takes place is planning or a product then doing the further steps of studying it and then acting on its result.

Question 2

Outline a process of choice for decision-making. (50-100 words)

We can better understand it by the following steps given below:

Step 1. they need to identify the main purpose of the decisions to make.

Step 2. They need to gather information.

Step 3. They need to judge every alternative.

Step 4. Analysing every choice presented.

Step 5. Appraisal of alternatives.

Step 6. Slection of the best decision and then finally selecting one decision (Vohs, et al., 2018).

Step 7. Taking the decision into action and executing the decision.

 Question 3

List four (4) organisational policies and procedures that relate to digital systems, decision-making processes and continuous improvement systems.

Choose three (3) from you list and outline them: importance, general structure, summary of content. (50-100 words/policy and procedure)

List of organisational policies

and procedures

1.     Device using policy
Policy and Procedures Outline
2.    Internet and email policy An employee must make an email to the company for the online submission of documents and forms or any kind of work. This is for the betterment of the company and the employee itself.  It is important as emails could be checked when the leaves or the work was submitted.
3.    Safety and security It is basically the policy to protect employees from serious work illness and severe injuries. And also to make the place of work secure and healthy for the employees.  Along with health, it is very important to protect and check the equipment, software,  and company assets.
4.    privacy Privacy policies are a must in every company as the privacy of any employee or customer is very confidential. It is very important to maintain a curtain between the customers and the employees. So that no misuse of the information takes place (Höchtl, et al., 2016).

 Question 4

Explain how continuous improvement systems and processes relate to other business systems and requirements. Consider knowledge management, quality, performance management and sustainability.

Relation to Explanation (40-80 words/business system and


Knowledge management It is the process in which the organization organises the information for analysing the information in such a manner so that it is accessible to employees. The document may also include skills, frequently asked questions and more. It helps the company in a continuous process as knowledge about any product helps the company grow with the product and have success, not failure.
Quality The quality of a product or the quality used in a product helps any company archive a continuous process. As every customer purchases products of good quality and customers are then reliable. It is helpful in the continuous process as quality effect and affects the customers.
Performance management It is an ongoing process of connection or communication between the employee and supervisor that is basically held throughout the whole year for strategies and technical objectives. It is helpful in the continuous process as it maintains a relationship between supervisor and employee.
Sustainability The main objective is to prevent resources like natural and physical resources from being deployed so that the company and the workers may use it for a longer period of interval. It is helpful in the continuous process as it helps the company save losses and prevent resources.


Akter, S., Raiyan Yasmin, F., & Ferdous, M. A. (2015). Implementation of kaizen for continuous improvement of productivity in garment industry in Bangladesh. American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal7(3).

Höchtl, J., Parycek, P., & Schöllhammer, R. (2016). Big data in the policy cycle: Policy decision making in the digital era. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce26(1-2), 147-169.

Vohs, K. D., Baumeister, R. F., Schmeichel, B. J., Twenge, J. M., Nelson, N. M., & Tice, D. M. (2018). Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: A limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative. In Self-regulation and self-control (pp. 45-77). Routledge.

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