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BSBMGT520 Plan and Manage Flexible Workforce

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Assessment task 1. 3


References. 16

Assessment task 1

  1. Discuss your understanding of workforce planning

Answers. the workforce planning is the planning of the business is the very important part of the business in the workforce planning is the process of the analyzing the forecasting of the planning for the workforce of the business and the workforce planning for the supply and the demand and in the management of the business, we have to interventions to the ensure that the organization is the right ton the people with all type of the skill in the right to the places at the right for the right time of the workforce of the planning for the fulfill in it mandate too. In the workforce, we have the many types of the key for it as a set of the strategies, and the development action plan and the least thing is an action plan for it.

  1. Explain how legislation, regulations, and policy relate to flexible workforce arrangements

Answers. the flexible workforce arrangements are the simply put in the flexible work arrangement are in the alternate for the arrangements and the schedules for the traditional working in the day and the week for the business, it is the flexible work arrangements and the legislation and the regulations it is that policy it is the course of the action for all type of the proposed or the adopted for the organization and any type of the individual in the order to the achieve for there goals. In the flexible workforce, arrangements have lots of things for the like, alternative schedule and flex time for it or job sharing, 100% of the remote.

  1. Which factors would you need to consider when scoping workforce requirements needed to achieve organizational goals?

Answers.  the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals. we have some of the factors for the organization first thing does make the set strategic planning for the goals we have to do this thing in the organization. And the analyze the all current workplace profile this thing is very important in the business. After this, we do implement the action plan this thing is the step for the working departments and all the teams. And in the scoping we have the many more thing on it are monitor and the evaluate or revising the plan the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals

  1. List and briefly explain 3 different labor engagement options.

Answers. the three labor engagement options are as follows:

  1. contextual engagement: in the labor options it is the sensation of the pregnancy for the woman to fells when the woman’s lowermost part descends it is engaged.
  2. Engagement of convenience: It is the level of the enthusiasm and the dedication in the worker in the fells to word the jobs
  3. social engagement: social engagement is the process of communication in the form of online communication it can take the place on individual social media like Twitter and Facebook and the LinkedIn the many more thing on it.


  • Identify 5 issues impacting the flexible workforce.

Answers. the 5 issues in impacting the flexible workforce.

  1. The technology feel
  2. Workplace flexible it is the major motivator in it.
  3. Employees feel like the martyrs
  4. Condensed workweeks
  5. Remote working, job sharing, part-time positions.


  1. What steps would you take to implement flexible and innovative work arrangements

Answers. we have to take the some of the implementations flexible and the innovative work arrangements are as follows:

  1. Keep a record of the agreement for the flexible
  2. Toll all employees what expected of them
  3. Review and the management for the performance.


  1. Describe 4 different team structures.
  2. special purpose teams.
  3. Multifunctionalnal teams
  4. Management teams
  5. Working teams
  6. Identify various technologies you would need to facilitate flexible teams

Answers. in the various technologies we need in the order to the facility for the flexible teams it is the enable business for the operations to be a the many more the flexible. And it provides the ability to the colleagues the communication for it and the collaborate with the each the other on it via the differences in the systems. And one of the effective strategies for the manage the flexibility of the workforce is emphasizing online communication. the workforce planning is the planning of the business is the very important part of the business in the workforce planning is the process of the analyzing the forecasting of the planning for the workforce of the business and the workforce planning for the supply and the demand and in the management of the business, we have to interventions to the ensure that the organization is the right ton the people with all type of the skill in the right to the places at the right for the right time of the workforce of the planning for the fulfill in it mandate too. the various technologies, we need in the order to the facility for the flexible teams it is the enable business for the operations to be a the many more the flexible.

9 Explain how you would ensure that the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties are clear and understood

Answers. in this the best solution is to assert itself and approach its boss with the concerns.

It can do that thing he asks to for the meeting to the boss. And they can discuss their job responsibilities. Paraphrase to clarify that thing can use in this.

10 When may adjustments need to be made to flexible work arrangements?

Answers. the flexible work arrangement needs to make with the full for the employees on it to make the increased ability to the attract, and its help the employees manage there all the responsibilities, and the very important thing on it reduced absenteeism and the presenteeism. the flexible workforce arrangements are the simply put in the flexible work arrangement are in the alternate for the arrangements and the schedules for the traditional working in the day and the week for the business(Eastman, C. M. 2015).


  1. Explain why you should consult stakeholders when developing and implementing flexible work arrangements.

Answers. in the flexible work arrangement the reduced absenteeism or the presenteeism in this helps the all of the employees in the business and the management their responsibilities the outside of the work of the business and it is to be the increased the jobs satisfaction the energy, and the ability to the handle the stress. the various technologies, we need in the order to the facility for the flexible teams it is the enable business for the operations to be a the many more the flexible. And it provides the ability to the colleagues the communication for it and the collaborate with the each the other on it via the differences in the systems. in the flexible work arrangement, the reduced absenteeism or the presenteeism in this helps the all of the employees in the business and the management their responsibilities the outside of the work of the business(Eastman, C. M. 2015).

  1. Outline the 9 steps in effective coaching.


  1. To know all the employees
  2. To foster the transparency
  3. Create clear the objective and all goals
  4. To celebrate success
  5. Share the constructive feedback
  6. Ask for the feedback
  7. Pave the way for the success (Domínguez, M. 2016).
  8. Build mutual trust
  9. Manage the inter-team disputes.
  10. Explain how you can ensure that the flexible workforce integrates with other aspects of the organization

Answers.  with the support of the organization and the employees the flexible workforce integrates with the other just because of the support for the business and the employees the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals. we have some of the factors for the organization first thing does make the set strategic planning for the goals we have to do this thing in the organization. And the analyze the current (Eastman, C. M. 2015).workplace profile this thing is very important in the business. After this, we do implement the action plan this thing is the step for the working departments and all the teams and the employees the flexible workforce integrates with the other just because of the support for the business

  1. Explain how you can prevent discrimination against the flexible workforce.

Answers.  the prevent discrimination against the flexible workforce to the draw up a policy explaining the flexibility of the working which they requests will be the consideration in the business what they business needed. and they also develop a written policy that defines all types of procedures and rules too. (Domínguez, M. 2016).

  1. Explain 5 ways that you can embed the organization’s innovation and production systems into flexible workforce arrangements.

Answers. the 5 ways that we can embed the organization’s innovation and the production systems into the flexible the workforce arrangements

  1. Quantify potential savings: quantifying potential savings means that the saving which is the world to be achieved.
  2. Highlight the benefits of the flexible for the individuals: the benefits of the flexible for the individuals fewer injuries and a positive state of the mind.
  3. Pilot flexible working arrangement and the (ABW): it is the flex time and the compressed workweek or the job sharing.
  4. Report on the pilot results: the objective and the measurable to the unambiguous and the relevant for the programs for the goals.
  5. Share the success stories of the peers and the competitors: in the share the success stories of the peers it is the several ways the success of the stories can be the other of the sales teams.
  6. What is corporate knowledge?

Answers.  the corporate is the knowledge it is the combination of the tribal and the tacit of the documented or is undocumented for the knowledge.


  1. Explain 5 ways that you can document and communicate rights and responsibilities regarding intellectual property.

Answers. the document and the communicate the rights and the responsibilities regarding the documented for the knowledge it is the

  1. Copyrights: the copyrights are the right to the copy but they do not have the body of the exclusive rights and the granted for the law to the copyright the owners.
  2. Trademarks: the trademarks are the unique symbols used to the request for the business or the products and the trademarks is an intangible asset
  3. Patents: the patents are also an intangible asset of the business it is the right granted to the inventor by the federal the government is the patents
  4. Trade dress: the trade dress is the commercial look and the feel of the product and the service of the business and the distinction is the source of all types of the product and the service.
  5. Trade secrets: the trade secrets encompass both the things of the technology and the information such as the information concerning all the processes for the test data and the designs.
  6. Identify 5 strategies to engender the organization’s culture with a flexible workforce.

Answers.  the 5 strategies to engender the organizational culture with a flexible workforce are as follow:

  1. Limit meetings(Eastman, C. M. 2015).
  2. Set clear objectives
  3. Provide the necessary training
  4. Consider employee feedback(Domínguez, M. 2016).
  5. builds an environment of mutual trust.










Complete this task in a role play with one of your classmates. Consult one of the employees, who is a working mother of I’ll Be Denim, to determine her workforce flexibility needs. (Please note, 1 role play needs to be conducted for each student as each student needs to play the role of consultant for their project)

  1. In this company one of the employees, who is a working mother of I’ll Be Denim, to determine her workforce flexibility needs the workforce planning is the planning of the business is the very important part of the business in the workforce planning is the process of the analyzing the forecasting of the planning for the workforce of the business and the workforce planning for the supply and the demand and in the management of the business, we have to interventions to the ensure that the organization is the right ton the people with all type of the skill in the right to the places at the right for the right time of the workforce of the planning for the fulfill in it mandate too. The company is denim is have a flexible workforce for the employees for the company and the all of the employees are work in a flexible for the work[place. with the support of the organization and the employees the flexible workforce integrates with the other just because of the support for the business and the employees the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals


Organization goals: for the company to denim the company already has some of the goals the company has to increase its profit by the sale of the product. Increase the product or the service in the market share. Provide opportunities for the teams to improve their leadership skills. Strengthen the customer service. There is all the thing the company wants in the future. the flexible workforce arrangements are the simply put in the flexible work arrangement are in the alternate for the arrangements and the schedules for the traditional working in the day and the week for the business for the company to denim the company already has some of the goals the company has to increase the profit by the sale of the product



Workforce requirements:

Number of staff





Diversity requirements


Age, class, color, culture,



Skills requirements

Positive attitude,







10 am to 6 pm




In the industry (Eastman, C. M. 2015).

Implementation plan:

Role Labour mix/ flexibility option Skills and knowledge required Resources required Output required
Outline goals Set the outline goals with full flexibility Communication Outside resources most Budget
Assign responsibility All the employees need support Communication Labour and management Time and budget
Implementation schedule Set the outline goals with full flexibility Working plan Bottom-up estimating Time and budget
Resource allocation Manner that supports Identify resources One time allocation (Domínguez, M. 2016). Time and budget

Team structures: the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals. we have some of the factors for the organization first thing does make the set strategic planning for the goals we have to do this thing in the organization. And the analyze the all current workplace profile this thing is very important in the business. After this, we do implement the action plan this thing is the step for the working departments and all the teams. And in the scoping we have the many more thing on it are monitor and the evaluate or revising the plan the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals

Risk management plan:

Risk/ potential issue Management strategy
Physical risks 1.                  Handling smaller. (Drahos, P. 2016).

2.                  Spending less time in the areas of exposure

3.                  Working away

Psychological risk 1.                  Identify the hazards that they could inflict

2.                  Control the risk

3.                  Monitor and the review for control measures

Social & economic risk 1.                  Avoid it

2.                  Reduce it

3.                  Accept it

Loss of confidentiality 1.                  No mobile phone

2.                  Think about printing

Integration opportunities: In this company one of the employees, who is a working mother of I’ll Be Denim, to determine her workforce flexibility needs the workforce planning is the planning of the business is the very important part of the business in the workforce planning is the process of the analyzing the forecasting of the planning for the workforce of the business and the workforce planning for the supply and the demand and in the management of the business, we have to interventions to the ensure that the organization is the right ton the people with all type of the skill in the right to the places at the right for the right time of the workforce of the planning for the fulfill in it mandate too. the prevent discrimination against the flexible workforce to the draw up a policy explaining the flexibility of the working which they requests will be the consideration in the business what they business needed. and they also develop a written policy that defines all types of procedures and rules too.

Control measures to ensure innovation and productivity are embedded into flexible work arrangements: control the measures to the ensure innovation and the productivity we can control with the share the success stories of the peers and the competitors in the flexible work arrangement the reduced absenteeism or the presenteeism in this helps the all of the employees in the business and the management their responsibilities the outside of the work of the business and it is to be the increased the jobs satisfaction the energy, and the ability to the handle the stress. the various technologies, we need in the order to the facility for the flexible teams it is the enable business for the operations to be a the many more the flexible. And it provides the ability to the colleagues the communication for it and the collaborate with the each the other on it via the differences in the systems
Measures to maintain corporate knowledge: we can measure the maintenance of corporate knowledge in many ways like knowledge management software, collaboration, creating a shared vision, using company hierarchy, and translating its information immediately. the various technologies, we need in the order to the facility for the flexible teams it is the enable business for the operations to be a the many more the flexible. And it provides the ability to the colleagues the communication for it and the collaborate with the each the other on it via the differences in the systems. we can measure the maintenance of corporate knowledge in many ways like knowledge management software, collaboration, creating a shared vision, using company hierarchy, and translating its information immediately . (Drahos, P. 2016).


  1. Outline how I’ll Be Denim can ensure that the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of all parties are understood in terms of flexible workforce arrangements

Answers. we can be the denim we can do all the things for the denim that the denim make the profit with the all of the obligations and the responsibilities of the parties. the prevent discrimination against the flexible workforce to the draw up a policy explaining the flexibility of the working which they requests will be the consideration in the business what they business needed. and they also develop a written policy that defines all types of procedures and rules too and the teams of the flexible workforce arrangements

  1. Provide an example of 5-10 terms you suggest adding to the employment contract of a staff member who works from home to ensure their rights, obligations, and responsibilities are understood.

Answers.  the employment contract of a staff member who works from home to ensure their rights, obligations, and responsibilities are understood we can do that for this the job responsibilities and the work hours, starting salary, dress code, time off, job information, employees and benefits, sick day vacation policy. (Drahos, P. 2016).


  1. Imagine that your flexible workforce arrangements have been implemented for 3 months now. Some of the issues identified are that there is a lack of communication between staff who do not all work the same hours, and staff who work from home have no way of accounting for the hours they have worked or keeping track of them. Revise your arrangements, as outlined in your Workplace Flexibility Plan, to address these issues

Answers. if my flexible workforce arrangements have been implemented for the 3 months first I stop the work from home for the issues of the. Some of the issues identified are that there is a lack of communication between staff who do not all work the same hours, and staff who work from home have no way of accounting for the hours they have worked or keeping track of then I do the workforce planning is the planning of the business is the very important part of the business in the workforce planning is the process of the analyzing the forecasting of the planning for the workforce of the business and the workforce planning for the supply and the demand and in the management of the business. with the support of the organization and the employees, the flexible workforce integrates with the other just because of the support for the business and the employees the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all types of the organization’s goals if my flexible workforce arrangements have been implemented for the 3 months first I stop the work from home for the issues of the

  1. Complete this task in a role play with one of your classmates. One staff member, who works from home, has informed their manager that they are having trouble managing their time effectively. Using the 9 steps of effective coaching, coach the employee on how to plan out their day in their diary to manage their time more effectively. (Please note, 1 role play needs to be conducted for each student as each student needs to play the role of coach for their project)

Answers. One staff member, who works from home, has informed their manager that they are having trouble managing their time effectively for this the staff member does this thing the under the management, and the employees do all this thing on it there is on the problem on it To know all the employees To foster the transparency create clear the objective and all goals To celebrate success Share the constructive feedback Ask for the feedback Pave the way for the success Build mutual trust Manage the inter-team disputes. .  with the support of the organization and the employees the flexible workforce integrates with the other just because of the support for the business and the employees the factors we need to consider the scoping the workforce requirements needed to achieve all One staff member, who works from home, has informed their manager that they are having trouble managing their time effectively for this the staff member does this thing the under the management

  1. the 5 examples of the policy inclusions I suggest that they establish clear expectations regarding intellectual property it is the copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade dress, and trade secrets. Copyrights: the copyrights are the right to the copy but they do not have the body of the exclusive rights and the granted for the law to the copyright the owners. Trademarks: the trademarks are the unique symbols used to the request for the business or the products and the trademarks are an intangible asset Patents: the patents are also an intangible asset of the business it is the right granted to the inventor by the federal the government is the patents Trade dress: the trade dress is the commercial look and the feel of the product and the service of the business and the distinction is the source of all types of the product and the service. Trade secrets: the trade secrets encompass both the things of the technology and the information such as the information concerning all the processes for the test data and the designs. (Drahos, P. 2016).






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