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Assessment task 2

Question 1
Learning strategies report
Models and approaches
Grow Management is a consultancy company, and it provides development services such as mentoring, training, coaching, etc. A new strategic plan has one key objective for the consultant company to develop a learning organization, so the company appoints a general manager to develop, implement, and monitor an organizational learning strategy of the company. (Rodrigues, et al.,2018) There are some methods and approaches for a learning strategy report which is helpful for the company, approaches are given below:
1) Kolb Learning Model
2) Honey Mumford model
3) Hermann Brain Dominance
Company growth
Learning strategy is helpful to motivate employees, and students both personally and professionally because it gives them the opportunity to grow. Create an effective market presence so that it will help full to increase sales. For increasing the growth of a company always focus on customer experience and satisfaction. (Rodrigues, et al.,2018)
Give training and motivation to existing and new workers to improve their work performance and attain organizational goals.
Learning policies
As a growing management manager, I analyzed the existing policies of the company, and I found that organization should update its policies and procedures so that new employees will update on those policies. So that company achieves its organizational goal in an easy way. Give advertisements on television or on social media for new beat candidates.
Best practice
As a manager of the company, I monitor all current practices that the company will use for growing management consultant company. Give the best training to their existing employee and the new ones when they are appointed. Forms the protest policy and procedures to defend the employees.
Strategy suggestions
There are some strategies that should be followed by the company are given below:
1) Communicate the plan – After making the plan second thing is important to do is communicate the plan with your team member. So that everyone will be aware of the plan.
2) Break it down – The company must follow breakdown procedures to allocate the work to workers. Or helpful for the manager to assign the work to employees according to their skill and their ability.
3) Set deadlines – Grow management company must set their project deadlines so everyone submitted their project on time.
Technological and systems requirements
Every management or company needs technological requirements to grow its business. Technological requirements are Auxiliary Equipment, proper internet access, and computer all are the basic technological requirements.
The system requires all who are engaged in the project. It recognizes the functionality.
Audience Process Delivery method Frequency and duration Assessment
Educator Conduct meetings to get customer fulfillment. Take feedback from your customer to know about customers satisfaction 4-5 days After getting feedback from the customer manager compare past feedback and present feedback to know their performance and their improvement from to present.
Marketing manager Identify customer needs and their wants and according to them develop a marketing program. Solicit feedback from them through social media. Keyboard research. 5-6 days After knowing the feedback of the customer marketing manager differencing the past and present performance.
Leaders Leaders led their team members by giving them proper training and updating their skills. Leaders provide training through the training session. 7-8 days After leading, monitoring their performance differentiate their present and past performances.

Question 2
Date- 12-4-2022
Time- 11:00
Duration- 12 minutes
Agenda – Discussion on learning strategy report
Attendees- CEO and General Manager
General manager – Good noon sir
CEO- Good morning, sir
General manager – Today I want to confer the report with you and some suggestions to improve the report and some new addition.
CEO- ok Good
General Manager- Sir, in the learning strategy report I explain models and approaches for growing the consultant company, suggestions are also provided for the problem are included in the report, if you want a copy, I also provide that.
CEO- ok, what do you want to improve in the organization structure.
General manager- The company must adopt a communication plan in the organization and work breakdown procedures helps to manage employee.
CEO- what about the technological and system requirements.
General Manager- The technological requirement is the best computer system, and deliver the top facilities to their clients. For the best outcome company must train their new employee in a proper way.
CEO- ok good
Thank you
Have a nice day

Question 3
Organizational learning strategy
It is a consultant company that runs services such as mentoring, training and sharing coaching to its clients. The organization wants to expand its business and the objective is to earn profits by at least 10% in the financial year. And expanding their consultancy company worldwide. (Peters, et al., 2013)
The main purpose of that strategy is to achieve profits of at minimum 10% in an upcoming fiscal year.
The promise is to make a good connection with the customer and their core values and also develop organizational learning.
Organizational requirements
The main organizational requirement is to hire new faculty who give training to their new students and new policies and procedures for their new faculty and students. (Peters, et al., 2013)
Units of competency
1) Personal competency
2) Communication
3) Brainstorming session

Communication procedures
The company must follow communication procedures and every employee should follow that procedure to stay well-mannered. It describes the particular requirements for external and internal communication. Like email, notes, and calls, social media.
Strategy Flexibility Timeline Resources Responsibilities Performance indicators
Including new technology to improve the profit of the organization Medium flexibility 1-2 weeks New technology or machinery To improve the performance of the organization Revenue Growth
Create a new market strategy to achieve organizational goals High flexibility 1-2 weeks Time, Money, Energy, Expertise To improve the market value of products. Customer satisfaction
Provide technical training to staff members Medium flexibility 2 weeks Technical resources To improve the technical value of the organization Cost per lead

Question 4
Learning and development policy and procedures
The company must be updated time by time. It is responsible for the growth of employees and their skills, knowledge, and ability to initiate better business performance. (Kong, et al., 2014)
Its main purpose is to set employee goals and boost their performance, reduce workload and turnover and improve company culture. The main purpose is to identify skill gaps between employees and teams. (Kong, et al., 2014)
Duties and responsibilities
Policies and procedures are mainly created for the employees and organization members so that they know their responsibility and their job in the organization according to their project. It has two main roles direct managers and individuals of the company.
Provide learning sessions to their employees.
1) Firstly, developed policies and identify needs
2) who will take accountability
3) Collect information
4) Create agenda
5) Formulate procedures
6) Implement procedures
Identifying Learning and Development needs and opportunities-
1) Flexibility
2) Management skill
3) Communication skill
4) Current and future capability needs
Study leave – Give leaves to students and learners so they don’t take study as a bourdon, so they relaxed some time from the work.
Funding – for funding, there are some common sources of funding :
1) Business loans
2) Venture capital
3) Friends and family
Question 5
Assessment and Recognition Policy and Procedures
Purpose – It has two main purposes:
1) First is to identify a learner’s skills and knowledge
2) Certify that the safety of personnel involved
Principles – Learners should provide information prior to assessments began. Assessors hold relevant experiences in harmony with those required in the standards of RTOs. (Toshkov,& de Haan,2013)
Responsibilities- Responsibilities of the organization are to make a good workshop for the faculty and faculty are accountable to stretch feedback if they look for any problems while executing services.
Recognition Policy – It is helpful for recognition of excellent performance and inspires the staff whose performance is good. (Toshkov, & de Haan,2013)
Question 6
External Training Procurement Policy and Procedures
Introduction- This policy and procedures increase the higher level of integrity, the best value of money, and the interest of the contractor. (David, & David, 2016)
1) Identify the needs of the company related
2) submit purchase
3) Fill the skill gaps and technological gaps.
1) Ensure the goal line of the organization.
2) What type of training is given to them.
3) After identifying the exercise program, training will be directed to workers
4) After Providing them with training, monitor their performance (David, & David, 2016)
Question 7
Two learning sources
1) Software- It is automated and helps the teachers so that teacher can easily train their students with them. It provides many learning options, and solve student problem instantly. (Luo, & Weng, 2019)
2) Recordings- recordings are probably used for teaching something by the pre- recorder, helpful for Students for making voice notes. Who wants to learn it is very useful for them. (Luo, & Weng, 2019)


David, F., & David, F. R. (2016). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach, concepts and cases (p. 696). Florence: Pearson–Prentice Hall.
Kong, L. N., Qin, B., Zhou, Y. Q., Mou, S. Y., & Gao, H. M. (2014). The effectiveness of problem-based learning on development of nursing students’ critical thinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International journal of nursing studies, 51(3), 458-469.
Luo, S., & Weng, Y. (2019). A two-stage supervised learning approach for electricity price forecasting by leveraging different data sources. Applied energy, 242, 1497-1512.
Peters, K., Haslam, S. A., Ryan, M. K., & Fonseca, M. (2013). Working with subgroup identities to build organizational identification and support for organizational strategy: A test of the ASPIRe model. Group & Organization Management, 38(1), 128-144.
Rodrigues, E. R., Oliveira, I., Cunha, R., & Netto, M. (2018, October). DeepDownscale: a deep learning strategy for high-resolution weather forecast. In 2018 IEEE 14th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) (pp. 415-422). IEEE.
Toshkov, D., & de Haan, L. (2013). The Europeanization of asylum policy: an assessment of the EU impact on asylum applications and recognitions rates. Journal of European Public Policy, 20(5), 661-683.