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BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your assessment tasks for BSBCRT511 Develop critical thinking in others.

Assessment Task Summary
This unit requires you to complete five assessment tasks. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.

Assessment Task Assessment Method Task Summary
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions Written questions Students must answer four written questions in an open-book written assessment.
Assessment Task 2: Apply a Critical and Creative Thinking Model Case study and report You will apply Bloom’s Taxonomy to review a customer complaint and the organization’s Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures. After reviewing the complaint and the Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures, you will investigate and report whether the procedures were followed and the best way to resolve the customer complaint.
Assessment Task 3: Identify Critical Thinking Skills in Your Team/Individuals Role-play, analysis and report You must participate in a role-play to demonstrate your ability to identify critical thinking skills in a team. This role-play will review the CBSA Complaints Policy and Procedure.
Assessment Task 4: Facilitate an Opportunity for Team Members to Demonstrate Thinking Skills Role-play and analysis You must participate in a role play and demonstrate your ability to analyze the team members’ competence in both critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills. This role play aims to identify a strategy for the celebration of CBSA’s 10-year Anniversary.
Assessment Task 5: Report on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Report Prepare a report on how the role play in Assessment Task 4 met its requirement to enable team members to demonstrate critical and creative thinking. Include a summary of your analysis of team members and recommendations for developing team members.


Required Additional Documents
The following additional documents support this Student Assessment Booklet and form part of the assessment tool for this unit. You will require them to complete the assessments for this unit.
⦁ CBSA Intranet and Policy and Procedures
⦁ CBSA Complaints and Appeals Policy
⦁ Action Plan Template (Assessment Task 3)
⦁ Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist (Assessment Task 3)
⦁ Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide (Assessment Task 4)
⦁ Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide (Assessment Task 4)

Assessment Task Cover Sheet
At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task where you need to submit items for assessment, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.


Submitting your Assessment Tasks
When you have completed your assessment tasks, you will need to submit them, according to the instructions provided to you by your assessor or RTO.
If you are provided with a due date, you must make sure you submit your tasks in accordance with it. You may be required to apply for an extension if you require extra time, according to your RTO’s policies and procedures.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
Make sure you keep a copy of your tasks before you submit them. Your RTO will need to keep them as evidence and may not be able to return them to you.

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions
You have up to three attempts to complete each assessment tasks satisfactorily. If after the third attempt, you have not completed a task satisfactorily, your assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment, which may involve additional training and time to consolidate your skills and knowledge. When you are required to resubmit, you may be required to:
⦁ resubmit incorrect answers to questions (such as for written tasks and case studies)
⦁ resubmit all or part of a project, depending on how the error affects the overall outcome of the task
⦁ redo a role-play after being provided with appropriate feedback about their original performance
⦁ be observed a second (or third) time undertaking any tasks or activities that were not completed satisfactorily the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.
When you are required to resubmit, you’ll be given a due date for your resubmission. For example, you may:
⦁ be given 30 days in which to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks, projects and so on
⦁ be provided with on-the-day feedback about their performance in a role-play and then redo the task immediately
⦁ need to redo workplace-based tasks (if applicable) during the same workplace visit or in a later observation – you should discuss arrangements with the student’s supervisor to agree on a suitable time and date for reassessment.
All re-submissions will be conducted in accordance with the RTO’s policies and procedures.

Assessment Outcomes
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). You must complete all tasks satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks are assessed as Not Satisfactory, you will be given an outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).
You will be given a total of three attempts to complete each task and achieve a Satisfactory outcome. In the case of resubmission, you will be given a date by which you will need to resubmit, and you’ll be given feedback about what needs to be addressed in your resubmission.

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion

Plagiarism, cheating and collusion on assessments is not acceptable. Any incidence of this is considered academic misconduct. The definitions of each of these are below.
⦁ cheating – seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in the assessment of any piece of work
⦁ plagiarism – to take and use the ideas and/or expressions and/or wording of another person or organization and pass them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material from any sources, such as staff members, other students, authors, texts, resources and the internet, whether published or unpublished
⦁ collusion – unauthorized collaboration between students.
Where your assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or collusion, this will be addressed in line with the RTO’s policies and procedures which may ultimately lead to your withdrawal or you needing to complete the whole unit again.

Assessment Appeals
If you don’t agree with an assessment decision made, you have the right to appeal it. You may need to lodge your request for an appeal within a certain amount of time from the original decision being made. You will need to make your appeal in writing and follow your RTO’s process for appeals. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Reasonable Adjustment
A legislative and regulatory framework underpins and supports the delivery of vocational education and training across Australia. Under this framework, providers of vocational education and training must take steps to ensure that students with recognized disabilities have the same learning opportunities and same opportunities to perform and complete assessments as students without disabilities. Sometimes reasonable adjustments are made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of a student with a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs while also taking into account factors such as:
⦁ the views of the student
⦁ the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others
⦁ the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
RTOs are obliged by law to provide reasonable adjustments where required to ensure maximum participation of students with a disability.
Making reasonable adjustments requires the RTO to balance the need for change with the expense or effort involved in making this change. If an adjustment requires a disproportionately high expenditure or disruption, it is not likely to be reasonable.1
Please discuss with your assessor if you believe a reasonable adjustment to an assessment task, method or process needs to be made on the basis of disability.

1 Source: Innovation & Business Skills Australia. (2015). BSB business services training package: implementation guide. Retrieved from


Dimensions of Competency
To be competent, you must show your ability to perform effectively in a broad capacity. The dimensions of competency ensure the person being assessed has the skills to perform competently in a variety of different circumstances. To be competent, you must demonstrate the following:
⦁ Task Skills: The skills needed to perform a task at an acceptable level. They include knowledge and practical skills, and these are usually described in the performance criteria.
⦁ Task Management Skills: These are skills in organizing and coordinating, which are needed to be able to work competently while managing a number of tasks or activities within a job.
⦁ Contingency Skills: The skills needed to respond and react appropriately to unexpected problems, changes in routine and breakdowns while also performing competently.
⦁ Job Role/Environment Skills: The skills needed to perform as expected in a particular job, position, location and with others. These skills may be described in the range of variables and underpinning skills and knowledge.

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence
Assessment must be conducted in accordance with the rules of evidence and principles of assessment. The following definitions of these terms are taken from the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s Users’ guide: standards for registered training organizations (RTOs) 2015.

Principles of Assessment
⦁ Validity: ‘Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires:
⦁ assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance
⦁ assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application
⦁ assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations
⦁ judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.’
⦁ Reliability: ‘Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.’
⦁ Flexibility: ‘Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:
⦁ reflecting the learner’s needs
⦁ assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired
⦁ drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.’
⦁ Fairness: ‘The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.’

Rules of Evidence
⦁ Validity: ‘The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.’

⦁ Sufficiency: ‘The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.’
⦁ Currency: ‘The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.’
⦁ Authenticity: ‘The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.’

Glossary of Instructional Task Words
The assessment tasks use a range of instructional words, such as ‘compare’ and ‘list’. These terms will guide the student and yourself regarding the level of detail that must be provided in students’ answers. Some questions will also tell you how many answers students need to give – for example, ‘Describe three
strategies…’. Use the following glossary to guide you in interpreting the words in the tasks:
⦁ Analyze – This means you should break an issue down into its component parts, identify them and explain how they relate. You should discuss the issue in detail and methodically.
⦁ Compare – This means you should describe the similarity or differences between two or more things, ensuring you also discuss the relevance of the differences. You may also be asked to ‘contrast’, as in ‘compare and contrast’, which means you are also focusing on the dissimilarity.
⦁ Define – This means you should explain the meaning or interpretation of a term or concept in your own words, including any qualities which are essential to understanding.
⦁ Describe – This means you should outline the most noticeable qualities or features of an idea, topic or the focus of the question.
⦁ Discuss – This means you must point out the important issues or features, key points, possible interpretations, and debate through argument. You should provide reasons for and against.
⦁ Evaluate – This means you must judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something. You must provide an in-depth answer with as much detail as possible.
⦁ Examine – This means you must look at, or consider, the item or subject carefully and in detail to discover something about it. You will need to provide a detailed response with key points and features. You should provide a response with as much detail as possible, but a minimum of one or two paragraphs in length. Examine is similar to analyze.
⦁ Explain – This means you need to make something clear or show your understanding by describing it or providing information about it. You will need to make clear how or why something happened or something is the way it is.
⦁ Identify – You must recognize something and indicate what the required information is. The length of the answer should be guided by what you are being asked to identify.
⦁ List – You must record short pieces of information in a numbered or bulleted form with one or two words or sentences on each line.
⦁ Outline – You must give a brief description of the main facts or sequence of events about something. The length of the response should be guided by what you are required to outline. As long as you include the main facts or points, then that’s enough.
⦁ Summaries – You must ⦁ express the most important facts or points about something in short and concise form.

The following outlines the assessment requirements for this unit. You are required to complete all assessment requirements outlined below to achieve competency for this unit.
Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.

Assessment Tasks Due Date
1. Assessment Task 1 – Written Questions
2. Assessment Task 2 – Apply a Critical and Creative Thinking Model
3. Assessment Task 3 – Identify Critical Thinking Skills in Your Team/Individuals
4. Assessment Task 4 – Facilitate an Opportunity for Team Members to Demonstrate Thinking Skills
5. Assessment Task 5 – Report on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign this before you start any of your assessments.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment? ⦁ Yes ⦁ No
Have you read and understood the RTO’s policies and procedures related to reassessment? ⦁ Yes ⦁ No
Do you understand the requirements of this assessment? ⦁ Yes ⦁ No
Do you agree to the way in which you are being assessed? ⦁ Yes ⦁ No
Do you have any special needs or considerations that must be made in preparation for this assessment? If yes, what are they? ⦁ Yes ⦁ No

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions regarding assessment?
⦁ Yes
⦁ No

Assessment Task Number and Title
Satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

I declare that these tasks are my own work.
⦁ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
⦁ I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
⦁ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
⦁ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: Date:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature: Sofia

Assessor Name: SOFIA

Date: 23 May, 2022


TASK SUMMARY ⦁ This is an open book written assessment.
⦁ There are four questions, and some questions have sub-parts.
⦁ You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task.



⦁ Access to your learning materials
⦁ Access to a computer, printer and internet
⦁ Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)



⦁ You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time in class to complete it (where applicable)
⦁ You will be advised of the due date for this task



If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.


⦁ Your answers for each question

TASK INSTRUCTIONS ⦁ This is an open book written assessment – you can use your learning materials as reference
⦁ You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a satisfactory outcome for this task
⦁ Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words to guide you in the level of response required in each question

Explain the difference between critical thinking and creative thinking?

The difference between creative thinking and critical thinking is as creative thinking is required the explore new possibilities and find some new angles in the activities while critical thinking is focused on the logical and rational process for evaluating the task which exists already in the organisation or at the workplace.

Describe two examples of when creative thinking might be used in the workplace.

Finding new ways to carry out a new task, solve problems, and meet challenges at the workplace.

List five types of questions critical thinkers ask?

i. What is the other way to into the issue?

ii. Do you Agree or Disagree with the Task and why?

iii. How would you solve this problem?

iv. Why does this task matter?

v. what are the issue and the conclusion?

Looking at Bloom’s Taxonomy for critical thinking, Knowledge, in the workplace could be applied by knowing where to find a process or policy.
For each of the remaining levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy, describe at least one example a task or action at each level that could be applied in the workplace:
⦁ Comprehension
⦁ Application
⦁ Analysis
⦁ Synthesis
⦁ Evaluation

Comprehension: is to find the task at work how it is done and why the task is done.

Application: the application of the task should be known in the workplace

Analysis: to analyze the task how it will be plied and what is its uses

Synthesis: to know the result of the task at the workplace.

Evaluation: the task should be evaluated so that it can be confirmed that the task at the workplace was done in the right way if not then reassess that task and do it accordingly.


Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of observation/ submission:
Unit: BSBCRT511 Develop Critical Thinking in Others
No. of pages in submission:
Assessor to complete

Assessment Task Number and Title
Satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 2: Apply a Critical and Creative Thinking Model

I declare that these tasks are my own work.
⦁ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
⦁ I have not cheated or plagiarized the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
⦁ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
⦁ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: Date:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature: Sofia

Assessor Name: SOFIA

Date: 23 May, 2022

The following assessment tasks use a simulated business called Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA). In order to complete the assessment tasks, you will need to access information, templates, policies and procedures associated with CBSA. This can be done in one of two ways: either your assessor will provide you with copies of the appropriate documents, or they will provide you with login details for CBSA’s website. Navigate to, select ‘Log in’ and enter your username and password prior to completing your assessment tasks.
For this assessment you will play the role of Tina Hughes, CBSA Sales and Marketing Manager. CBSA is a consultancy service providing assistance with compliance, finances, human resources, information technology and other business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise and support they need to survive and prosper. You should familiarize yourself with what CBSA does, its services and history, the organizational structure of the business, its employees, and its mission, vision and business objectives.

TASK SUMMARY For this assessment task, you will apply Bloom’s Taxonomy to review a customer complaint and the organization’s Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures. After reviewing the complaint and the Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures, you will investigate and report whether the procedures were followed and the best way to resolve the customer complaint.


⦁ Access to your learning materials
⦁ CBSA Intranet and Policy and Procedures (available via the CBSA website)
⦁ CBSA Complaints and Appeals Policy (available via the CBSA website)
⦁ Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)


⦁ You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time in class to complete it (where applicable)
⦁ You will complete this task at work or on your placement
⦁ You will be advised of the due date for this task



If your Assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your Assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your Assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.

SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ⦁ You must submit a report (in Microsoft Word) which clearly outlines:
⦁ issue/problem – as stated in the email from Gavin Stead
⦁ the requirements of the CF002 Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures
⦁ an explanation as to why the customer complaint was not acknowledged a resolution.



You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.

You are required to review and critically analyze a customer complaint and the organization’s Customer Complaints Policy and Procedures.
In order to successfully complete the assessment, you must undertake the following tasks:
⦁ Carefully read the email from Gavin Stead to familiarize yourself with the required scenario.
⦁ Download CF002 Complaints and Appeals Policy from the CBSA website to review the current policy.
⦁ Read the interview outcomes/statements from the staff involved.
⦁ Research and apply a model of critical and creative thinking to work through the problem. Use the Critical and creative thinking template to guide your work.
⦁ Examine procedure failures to adhere to the documented procedure.
⦁ Identify next steps to resolve the customer complaint.
⦁ Identify the action to be taken to ensure all staff understand and follow the documented CF002 Complaints and Appeals Policy.
⦁ Prepare a report documenting the actions to be taken including
⦁ Why the complaint was not received
⦁ Any breaches of CBSA policies are procedures
⦁ The next steps to resolve the customer complaint
⦁ Any additional action to be taken
⦁ Attached your creative and critical thinking template outlining how you analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the situation.
To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

To: Tina Hughes (
From: Gavin Stead (
Date/time: Monday 10:30 a.m.
Subject: Customer Complaint

Attachment: Complaint.docx, Complaints Register July–Dec.docx, Critical and Creative Thinking Template.docx

Good morning Tina,
I have received a further complaint from a client, who claims that she sent a formal complaint to me 30 days ago.
You will need to research and apply a creative and critical thinking model to solve this issue.
Could you please read the email from Wendy Nguyen, and investigate and prepare a formal report that addresses the following:
⦁ Determine why the complaint was not received.
⦁ Determine any breaches of CBSA policies are procedures.
⦁ Determine the next steps to resolve the customer complaint.
⦁ Determine any additional action to be taken.
Attached is the original complaint received in our central email address.
Can you please complete the attached template that outlines which creative and critical thinking model you have applied to analyze the situation and how you analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated the situation?
Kind Regards, Gavin Stead

Managing Director
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

⦁ Complaint.docx

10 Main St,
Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: 1800 000 000


Monday 5:00 p.m.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing today to complain of the poor service I received from CBSA on November 12, 2020. I was visited by a representative of CBSA, Mr. Simons, at my business on that day.
Mr. Simons was one hour late for our finical planning appointment and offered nothing by way of apology when he arrived at noon. Your representative did not follow social distancing protocol and was rude to our office manager. Mr. Simons then proceeded to present a range of products to me that I had specifically told his assistant by telephone I was not interested in. I repeatedly tried to ask your representative about the products of interest to me, but he refused to answer my questions. We ended our meeting after 25 minutes without either of us having accomplished anything.

I am most annoyed that I wasted a morning (and half a day’s vacation) waiting for Mr. Simons to show up. My impression of CBSA has been tarnished, and I am now concerned about how your firm is managing my existing business. Furthermore, Mr. Madman’s inability to follow social distancing protocol has meant that I have had to engage the services and incur the expense, of a professional cleaner in our entry and meeting room.
I trust this is not the way CBSA wishes to conduct business with valued customers—I have been with you since the company was founded and have never encountered such treatment before. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss matters further and learn how you propose preventing a similar situation from recurring. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully, Wendy Nguyen
⦁ Complaints Register July–Dec.docx

Source of Complaint Client Date Recorded Action Taken Date of Action Employee
Poor service ABC Doors 01/7/2020 Referred to Gavin 12/7/2020 Tina Hughes
client Stead
Gavin Stead
contacted client
Incorrect invoice South Melbourne Primary School 10/8/2020 Referred to CFO Invoice resend and client contracted 12/7/2020 Wi Zhang
Outstanding debit Telco Communications 11/10/2020 Account for telecommunication not paid 12/10/2020 Brenda Hawkins
⦁ Critical and creative thinking template.docx

Model of critical and creative thinking applied Suggests that thinking about the elements of the problem and critically questioning and then purposeful ideas of problem-solving,
Analysis Stage Using the data and facts that are present in the e-mail and complaint letter and also by investigating the staff by interviewing them
Synthesis Stage A balance of the thinking and rephrase the problem and complaint by a focus on the positive language
Evaluation Stage By making some conclusions on the ideas of problem-solving and making logical connections to solve problems effectively.
During your investigation of the matter, you interviewed the office staff that responds to the emails received in the email address, Jinni Choa.

Jinni: ‘When I read the email, I thought that Wendy Nguyen had no right to complain as they had previously told the sales team that they were not going to continue with CBSA and were going to engage a competitor to manage their financial planning. The email is probably still in the Main Inbox.’
As part of your investigation of the matter, you reviewed the induction attendance record for Staff Professional Development.

Training Module Staff Professional Development – Induction
Jinni Choa Tina Yates Sam Tailor James Hanson Jason Yee Brenda Hawkins Jane Porter
Cultural Awareness Completed 4/5/2020 Completed 1/2/2021 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 6/3/2020 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 4/5/2021 Completed 1/11/2020
Customer Complaints Completed 1/2/2021 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 6/3/2020 Completed 12/4/2020
Compliance Completed 4/5/2020 Completed 1/2/2021 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 6/3/2020 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 4/5/2021 Completed 1/11/2020
Health, Safety and Environment Completed 4/5/2020 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 6/3/2020 Completed 12/4/2020 Completed 4/5/2021 Completed 1/11/2020



As I read the email from Gavin Stead that there is a customer complaint that CBSA received but the complaint was received by Our staff and the complaint was about the meeting and the poor service that was received by the W. Nguyen business on 12 Nov 2020 as I go through whole complaint and documents of customers complaint registers and also investigate whole staff by doing meeting individually. I got the reason why the complaint was received by the staff as I investigating Miss Jinni who is employed at our workplace I ask her the reason she directly said that Wendy Nguyen has no right to complain because when previously sales team of CBSA team visited her business place she directly told our team that her business organisation was not going to continue with CBSA and they will going engage a competitor to manage their financial planning.
When I heard this from Jinni I was also shocked about this Statement about the CBSA so I asked him if there is any mail or any proof in writing that they said this she replied the mail is in the inbox of mail, so I come to conclusion and after analysing the whole situation about the problem that this is the reason why the complaint was not registered by our office staff.
As per concerns of breaches of CBSA policies I further investigate I found no breaches in the policies so I came to the conclusion that not registering of complaint was nothing but just some reaction to that statement by the Wandy and this statement led to a change in the behaviour of staff toward Wandy business and that lead to reachingMr Simon late in the financial planning appointment. Our staff was not interested in meeting but because of the appointment, Mr Simons goes to Wandy workplace to complete the formality of the appointment and this led to the problem that happen that day.
But the positive from this complaint is that they are still interested in CBSA and also want CBSA to solve the problem of financial planning, because if they want to discontinue they will not complain to us and don’t ask for a solution from us.
To solve this problem after analysis and synthesis of the idea of solving a problem and the cause of the problem I get the conclusion that there should be a meeting with office staff and others so that we can deliver them some important things like how to handle a situation like as they are one of the best customers since company founded so letting them go away from us may have worst effect to the policies because everyone is important for us and staff should always behave well in any conditions and also it is important that they also attract the going away customers by creative thinking so that they will continue with for a longer time.

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of observation/ submission:
Unit: BSBCRT511 Develop Critical Thinking in Others
No. of pages in submission:
Assessor to complete

Assessment Task Number and Title
Satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 3: Identify Critical Thinking Skills in your Team/Individuals

I declare that these tasks are my own work.
⦁ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
⦁ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
⦁ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
⦁ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: Date:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
























Assessor Signature: Sofia

Assessor Name: SOFIA

Date: 23 May, 2022



For this assessment task, you must participate in a role-play to demonstrate your ability to identify critical thinking skills in a team. This role-play will review the CBSA Complaints Policy and Procedure.



⦁ Critical thinking checklist.
⦁ Access to Microsoft Word (or similar).
⦁ Access to role-play participants



⦁ You will complete this task in your class to complete it (where applicable)
⦁ You will be advised of the due date for this task.



If your Assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your Assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your Assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.


⦁ Zarvana Critical Thinking Roadmap Checklist for two team members
⦁ Action plan to develop the team members Critical Thinking skills
⦁ Your Assessor will record the outcome of the role play components of this assessment in your Assessment Record Tool.



You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.

You are required to play the role of Tina Hughes (Sales and Marketing Manager) at CBSA. Your Assessor will play the role of Gavin Stead (Managing Director), additional participants will be allocated the roles of Team Member 1 and Team Member 2.
In order to successfully complete this role-play assessment, you must undertake the following tasks:
⦁ Review the current state of play.
Carefully read the email from Gavin Stead to familiarise yourself with the required scenario. Download CF002 Complaints and Appeals Policy from the Intranet to review current policy. Read the interview outcomes/statements from the staff involved.
Review your report from Assessment Task 2

To: Tina Hughes (
From: Gavin Stead (
Date/time: Thursday 10:30 a.m.

Subject: Implementation of the Action Plan regarding Customer Complaint
Attachment: Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist.docx, Action Plan
Good morning Tina,
Thank you for investigating the customer complaint. Your report clearly outlines the reasons why I did not receive the complaint.
Please schedule a meeting with the administration team to review the Complaints Policy and include a plan to improve your staff’s critical thinking skills.
In relation to your team’s ability to undertake critical thinking, could you please conduct the following tasks:
⦁ Assess the current levels of critical thinking of two of your team members and yourself, using the attached Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist.
⦁ Develop an action plan, using the attached Action Plan template, to implement to progress your team members from their current level of critical thinking to the next level.
⦁ Prepare a slide on your expectations of each team member post-implementation ‘What Success Looks Like’.
Kind Regards, Gavin Stead
Managing Director
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

⦁ Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist

The following criteria is based on the Critical Thinking Roadmap, developed by Zarvana at
Use this list of competencies below or adapt the competencies to suit your own needs, to identify where your team members are in the phases of critical thinking.
Identify individual and team knowledge gaps Team Member: #
Phase 1: Execute Competent Not Yet Competent
The team member does what they are asked to do: Describing the changes in the policy
⦁ They complete all parts of their assignments. Competent
⦁ They complete them on time. Competent
⦁ They complete them at or close to your standard of quality.
The team member can explain what they did, how they did it and why they did it that way.
Team member makes suggestions on how to improve their work. (Ready to move to next phase.) There should be a meeting with the coordinator to explain how the task will go and how toconvenience clients
Phase 2: Synthesise
Team member sorts through a range of information and determines what is important, for example, summarise key takeaways after an important meeting.
⦁ They can identify all the important insights. Competent
⦁ They exclude all unimportant insights. Not competent
⦁ They accurately assess the relative importance of the important insights. Competent
⦁ They communicate important insights clearly and succinctly. Not competent
The team member can provide a summary of important insights and implications for future work on the spot without preparation. (Ready to move to next phase.)
Phase 3: Recommend
Team member moves from identifying what is important to determine what should be done.
⦁ They always provide a recommendation when asking you questions instead of relying on you to come up with answers. Competent
⦁ They demonstrate appreciation for the potential downsides of their recommendation. Competent

⦁ They consider alternatives before landing on a recommendation. Not competent
⦁ Their recommendations are backed by strong, sensible reasoning. Not competent
Team member makes recommendations before you share your opinion. Competent
Team member shares rationale, the alternatives they considered and the downsides of their recommendations. Competent
Team members make reasonable recommendations that reflect a sound business judgement on work that is not their own. (Ready to move to next phase.)
Phase 4: Generate
The team member can create something out of nothing. Not competent
⦁ They propose high-value work that doesn’t follow logically from work they are already doing.
⦁ They convert your and others’ visions into feasible plans for realising those visions. Competent
⦁ They figure out how to answer questions you have but don’t know how to answer. Competent
Team member keeps a list of their ideas for improving projects, the department or the organisation.
The team member is willing to share those ideas with you. (Team member applies critical thinking skills)

⦁ Action Plan Template.docx

Assess team members Team Member Actions Team Leader Actions
For example, the Team Member lacks self- confidence but is able to summarise the key takeouts of the meeting. Team Member is ready to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2. For example, complete Assertiveness Skills Training to build confidence to speak up.
For example, take notes or minutes in meetings and prepare a summary of the meeting. For example, provide less instruction when assigning tasks to encourage the team member to think about the process required or ask questions.
For example, invite a team member to more meetings and ask them to take the minutes.
The team members can understand the meeting points but at the delivery time, they were not able to answer the client’s questions and this lack of the creative and critical thinking team members. Assertiveness Skills Training to build confidence to speak up.
And also try to develop the behaviour of fully understanding and asking your doubts while in meeting The team leader should motivate all the team members so that they have the confidence to ask doubt and should give demonstrations so that team members can properly handle clients.

Barriers to not moving from Phase 1 to phase 2 Not properly instructed by the team leader They are not able to maintain the standards and quality of assignment
Team leaders should instruct team members so that they can do work properly
To develop a team member to move from Phase 3 to Phase 4
Strong recommendation not provided by strong reasons Should think critically so that there should be strong reasons for any comment The team leader should give every aspect to understand the project
Barriers to progress to the next phase of critical thinking
They only know what is important but they didn’t know what should be avoided and this leads them to communication firstly, they should understand what is important and they also learn what should be avoided so that they cannot
Team leaders should clearly instruct the members that what is to avoid while doing any assignment
⦁ Spend time prior to the role play practising your selected questioning and listening techniques as well as skills/methods regarding critical thinking and generating solutions to problems.
⦁ Participate in the role play.
You will play the role of Tina Hughes (Sales and Marketing Manager) CBSA, and your Assessor will play the role of CBSA’s Gavin Stead (Managing Director), while fellow students will play the roles of Peter Perry (office staff member) and Sarah Lee (office staff member).
Throughout the role play you are to complete/fill-in the Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist. Ensure you have a pen and paper, tablet or laptop for this purpose.
Once you have completed the Critical and Creative Thinking Checklist, you will need to ensure it is produced using software such as MS Word and provided to Gavin Stead (Assessor) as per email instructions.
During the role play you must demonstrate the following:
⦁ Verbally consult with all stakeholders (team members). Identify key issues and challenges.
⦁ Apply questioning techniques and listening techniques in order to gain the views and opinions of the team.
⦁ Elicit knowledge and experience from the team to further develop proposed solutions. Apply your selected solution generating technique, for example, cause and effect, fishbone, brainstorming session etc.
⦁ Show the ability to use critical thinking skills when deliberating solutions, testing, strengthening and exploring new ways of thinking etc.
⦁ Verbally explain to the team how solutions are to be developed. For example: explaining the benefits of methods such as brainstorming etc.
⦁ Gain team agreement on a proposed action plan for selecting the most suitable option.
⦁ Critically evaluate solutions and reflect on information gathered during consultation. Take into consideration viewpoints of others as well as current workplace practice and selection criteria etc.
⦁ Develop an Action Plan to develop the Critical Thinking Skills of team members. Ensure your action plan includes the following:
⦁ current phase for the team member
⦁ current work environment
⦁ recommended team member actions, including tasks and/or training activities for each team member to complete to move to the next phase of critical thinking
⦁ recommended team leader actions, including tasks and/or training activities for each team to complete to move to the next phase of critical thinking
⦁ recommended environment changes to encourages the application of critical and creative thinking

⦁ how the recommended tasks and/or training activities can be monitored to ensure improvement in critical thinking practices.
⦁ Compose a one-page report to Gavin Stead – Managing Director (Assessor) providing a brief summary of what success looks like if you successfully implement the Action Plan with your team members and team leaders. Ensure you include the following in your report:
⦁ a brief description summarising the purpose of the report
⦁ summary of the consultation and your final proposed solution
⦁ the current level of critical thinking and what you hope each team member will achieve the following implementation
⦁ attached and completed Action Plan
⦁ visual presentation/pictograph or charts.

Tina Hughes: Good Morning to all of you I am the sales and marketing manager at CBSA so thank you for giving your precious time, as you all know about the recent incident that had happened a few days back so I am not here to discuss that incident with you because as you already know that from that incident I observe many things in the office staff members and among team members there are some problems.
Team members: good Morning Mam so what are the problems that you observed?
Tina Hughes: I will tell let me ask you did you complete all your tasks efficiently and effectively and without negotiating the quality of the task?
Team member 1: yes mam but some tasks are done but not as per standards that needed to complete
Tina Hughes: so what problem did you face in the quality maintenance of the ask?
Team member1: the team leaders did not give clear instructions and lack in the information needed to complete the work.
Tina Hughes: ok I will see that, so the next thing I want to ask you is an insight into important and unimportant things of the assignment?
Team member2: yes, I understood all importantaspects of the project but was not able to understand what is to avoid in that project and this led to communication problems during the delivery of the task.
Tina Hughes: ok I will into the problem and I would like to suggest you if you ever encounter any problem first you should think critically and creatively these thinking aspects can change the ways of doing your task properly and efficiently so I will make a creatively and critically thinking plan and according to that training will be done so that you will become more efficient work. Any other problem that you are facing related to a task or project?
Team members: no Mam
Tina Hughes: ok thank you now I leave and I recommend the action plan as soon as possible.

As the I conducted meetings with team members to know what the flaws and strong points in the thinking of members are and also to know how they handle any project and task to do effectively and to analyse why these problems are coming during the projects and tasks I come to know many problems in the thinking of team members.
Firstly, there should be proper training because in a team meeting I asked many questions to the team members in which I identified that they are lacking in creative and critical thinking skills and these skills are important for the development of many team members do hard work but they didn’t quality of the task, many members know what is important to do the task but they don’t know how to avoid unimportant things and also don’t know what the things that they need to avoid due to which they have lacked in communication with clients, they also give recommendations but they are unable to give reasons to support those recommendations due to which they lack in confidence in front of clients and importantly they figure out the answers that asked by the clients but they don’t know how to answer them.
To encounter these problems in the workplace I made an action plan that will to some extent to team members to think critically and creatively my recommendation is to develop a training program that should help team members, and also there is more recommendation for the respective team leaders that when they working on any project with team members they should give all the information related to that project every detail of project should be delivered to the team members.

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of observation/ submission:
Unit: BSBCRT511 Develop Critical Thinking in Others
No. of pages in submission:
Assessor to complete

Assessment Task Number and Title
Satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 4: Facilitate an Opportunity for Team Members to Demonstrate Thinking Skills

I declare that these tasks are my own work.
⦁ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
⦁ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
⦁ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
⦁ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: Date:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
























Assessor Signature: Sofia

Assessor Name: SOFIA

Date: 23 May, 2022


For this assessment task, you must participate in a role play and demonstrate your ability to analyse the team members’ competence in critical thinking and creative thinking skills. This role play will endeavour to identify a strategy for the celebration of CBSA’s 10-year Anniversary.



⦁ Microsoft Word (or similar)
⦁ Access to a whiteboard or flipchart
⦁ Whiteboard markers



⦁ You will complete this task at work or on your placement
⦁ You will be advised of the due date for this task.



If your Assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your Assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your Assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.



⦁ The Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide and Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide from all four participants in the role play.



You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.

You are required to role play Tina Hughes (Sales and Marketing Manager) at CBSA. Your Assessor will play the role of one Team Member 1 and two other additional participants will be allocated the roles of Team Member 2 and Team Member 3.
⦁ Review the current state of play:
Carefully read the email from Gavin Stead to familiarise yourself with the required scenario. Read the Creative and Critical Thinking Skills Checklist from Assessment Task 3.
Read the Action Plan from Assessment Task 2.
Print four copies of the attached Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide (provided below and also supplied as a supporting document) and the Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide (provided below and also supplied as a supporting document) for this Assessment Task.
Give each participant a copy of the Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide and the Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide.
Read the list of behaviours you will need to observe.
Gather the resources you will need during the role play – Whiteboard and whiteboard markers.

To: Tina Hughes (
From: Gavin Stead (
Date/time: Wednesday 3:00 p.m.
Subject: Ideas and a Strategy for CBSA’s 10th Anniversary

Attachment: Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide.docx, Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide.docx
Good morning Tina,
In three months’, we will be celebrating CBSA’s 10-year Anniversary providing business solutions to customers. We would like to celebrate the achievement with our customers, suppliers and all staff.
Please organise a group of suitable staff to:
⦁ brainstorm ideas for a relevant event
⦁ encourage the team to use the Green Hat from Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hat
⦁ document a strategy or plan to get started.
I am interested to hear what the team members suggest. You could use this opportunity to enable the team to demonstrate progress in the development of their critical thinking skills.
Kind Regards, Gavin Stead
Managing Director
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

⦁ Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide


Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide
Competency Facilitator Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3
Example Didn’t force my ideas Suggested
<idea x>/didn’t suggest ideas Suggested
<idea x>/didn’t suggest ideas Suggested
<idea x>/didn’t suggest ideas
The facilitator allowed participants to express their opinions and ideas. Didn’t force my ideas Suggested

Proactively participated in the activity. Didn’t force my ideas Team Member 1 participated proactively Less proactive comparison to team member 1 Least proactive
Ideas and actions suggested by team members Didn’t force my ideas The event should take place in the open hall type place A commemorative video of staff should be shown Motivational speech from the CEO of the company
Made reasonable recommendations that reflect a sound business judgement on ideas suggested by others Didn’t force my ideas Yes Yes A little bit
Converted visions into feasible plans to realise those visions Didn’t force my ideas Yes, there are but fewerpossibilities Yes, possibilities are most Yes, possibilities are most
Sorted through the information and determined what is important Didn’t force my ideas Staff members, customers and suppliers are important Staff members are important Motivation is important
Moved from identifying what is important to determining what should be done Didn’t force my ideas Awards and rewards should be given to staff. And also, for customers and suppliers Commemorative video clip of staff Motivation from CEO

⦁ Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide


Competency Facilitator Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Team Member 3
Did the facilitator allow meeting participants to express their opinions and creative ideas? Didn’t force my ideas Suggested

Which team members proactively participated, suggesting creative ideas and actions? Didn’t force my ideas Team Member 1 participated proactively Less proactive comparison to team member 1 Least proactive
Which team members didn’t participate by suggesting creative ideas and actions? Didn’t force my ideas Give most creative ideas Moderated creative ideas Didn’t give any creative ideas
Which team members converted visions into feasible plans for realising those visions? Didn’t force my ideas Yes, there are but fewer possibilities Yes, possibilities are most Yes, possibilities are most

Which team members didn’t participate by suggesting creative ideas and actions?
Which team members converted visions into feasible plans for realising those visions?
⦁ Participate in the role play. You will play the role of Tina Hughes (Sales and Marketing Manager) at CBSA. Your Assessor will play the role of one Team Member 1 and two other additional participants will be allocated the roles of Team Member 2 and Team Member 3.
Throughout the role play, observe the behaviour of each participant and the statements they make, to determine if they are applying Critical Thinking Skills and Creative Thinking Skills.
During the role play you must follow the script for the facilitator to encourage team members to demonstrate critical thinking and creative thinking skills for a given workplace challenge.
⦁ Complete the Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guide:
Ask all participants, including yourself, as the facilitator, to:
⦁ reflect on the behaviours, viewpoints and statements made by each participant
⦁ analyse the behaviours of each participant against the questions in the Analysis Guide.
⦁ Complete the Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide:
Ask all participants, including yourself, as the facilitator, to:
⦁ reflect on the behaviours, attitude and contributions made by each participant
⦁ analyse the behaviours of each participant against the questions in the Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guide.
⦁ Collect the completed Analysis Guides from each participant: You will use this information in Assessment Task 5.
Tina Hughes: Good Morning to all of you today I am going to discuss something with you and need your suggestions also to help me out, so in 3 months we will be celebrating CBSA’s10th Anniversary with you all, suppliers and all customers so can you suggest me some idea of events celebration so that we can celebrate properly.
Team member1: The event should be held in an open hall like environment.
Team member2: The event’s chief guest should be among the most valuable staff person so that everyone should get motivated
Team member 1: there should award ceremony for the employees. Like for best employee award, loyal customer award and also for best supplier award.
Team member3: there should be a proper welcome of all guests that will be invited to the event.
Team member1: there should be board games in the events so that everyone can play.
Team member2: we should create a video of commemorative video clips for staff so they also know their importance in the company.
Team Member3: there should be a motivational speech from the CEO for all staff, suppliers and also for the Customers.
Tina Hughes: thank you for the important suggestions that you gave to me I will manage all the things in the event and try to add all the things in the event.

Students: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you have kept a copy of your work.

Date of submission:
Unit: BSBCRT511 Develop Critical Thinking in Others
No. of pages in submission:
Assessor to complete

Assessment Task Number and Title
Satisfactory/ Not satisfactory

Date Is this a reassessment? Y/N
Assessment Task 5: Report on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills

I declare that these tasks are my own work.
⦁ None of this work has been completed by any other person.
⦁ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work.
⦁ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
⦁ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: Date:


Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. A copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.
























Assessor Signature: Sofia

Assessor Name: SOFIA

Date: 23 May, 2022


Prepare a report on how the role play in Assessment Task 4 met its requirement to enable team members to demonstrate critical and creative thinking. Include a summary of your analysis of team members and recommendations for developing team members.



⦁ Microsoft Word or PowerPoint (or similar)
⦁ Outcomes of Assessment Task 4



⦁ You will complete this task at work or on your placement.
⦁ You will be advised of the due date for this task.



If your Assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your Assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your Assessor will give you a due date by which this must be provided.


⦁ A report, produced in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint or similar, on the outcomes of the meeting, where participants were analysed for the application of creative and critical thinking skills



You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.

You are required to prepare a report to present to the next Management Team Meeting, on the outcome of the meeting conducted in Assessment Task 4.
In order to successfully complete the assessment, you must undertake the following tasks:
⦁ Carefully read the email from Gavin Stead to familiarise yourself with the required scenario.

Tina Hughes (

Gavin Stead (

Wednesday 3:00 p.m.

Subject: Report on the Progress of Development of Critical Thinking Skills
Good morning Tina,
I hear the brainstorming session for the CBSA 10-year Anniversary event was a success. Congratulations.
Please submit a report I could present to the next Management Team Meeting, on the outcome of Assessment Task 4. Include in your report:
⦁ whether the meeting (Assessment Task 4 role play) achieved the purpose of the meeting, to demonstrate critical thinking and creative thinking skills for a given workplace challenge
⦁ your analysis of each of the Team Members and Facilitator, conducted in Assessment Task 4, Step 2
⦁ recommendations for the ongoing development of critical and creative thinking skills of team members.
Kind Regards, Gavin Stead
Managing Director
300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222
Read the Critical Thinking Skills Analysis Guides and Creative Thinking Skills Analysis Guides completed by all four participants in the meeting conducted in Assessment Task 4.
⦁ Prepare a report on the outcome of Assessment Task 4. Include the following in your report:
⦁ Explain whether the role play achieved the purpose of the meeting, to demonstrate critical thinking and creative thinking skills for a given workplace challenge.
⦁ Give your analysis of each of the Team Members and Facilitator, conducted in Assessment Task 4, Step 2 – which team members demonstrated critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills.
⦁ Share your recommendations for the ongoing development of critical and creative thinking skills of team members.
⦁ The report must be of a standard suitable to present to a Management Team Meeting.
⦁ The report can be provided in Microsoft Word (or similar) or Microsoft PowerPoint (or similar).
⦁ Submit the report to your Assessor for review and feedback.

Summary report
The Previous meeting was conducted with the team members for the unique purpose and also for the suggestion the objective behind that meeting was two the first one was to get some suggestion for the event of anniversary which was in three months so involvement of staff members must be there so that they will not think negative and also important for them as they are the part of the organisation and the second objective was how the training of critical thinking and creative thinking was going on in the team members which was a most important purpose of the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting was successful to extinct but there is some time that is now also needed so that there will be perfect apply of this training as I asked in the team members about the suggestion of programmes and how events will be done so that I can check the creative thinking as well as critical thinking style from which I got mostly positive result among the team members, the team member1 has the great ability of creative ideas and want some new things in the event from which he was very excited and also he was very keen to give new-new ideas for the event. The team member 2 is moderated whose critical thinking and creative thinking are balanced as he suggested some traditional ideas of celebration but also suggested new ideas for the events but the team member 3 is a critical thinker whose ideas are mostly traditional and also least active in creative idea his ideas are matching perfectly to the critical thinking style which is worrying.
After this meeting and the outcomes are positive but still, but there are some gaps which should in the training as some team members are procreative thinkers and some are pro critical thinkers which should not be there will always be a balance between critical thinking and creative thinking so that all staff can communicate properly and also, they can communicate with clients. There should be more training needed for them the procreative and critical thinkers should communicate with each other so that they can exchange their ideas and also think like each other this helps them to build a balanced thinker and this will help in the workplace them. And also there should always assess by different-different activities so that we can track the progress report of the team members and apply the training according to that ways.

Birgili, B. (2015). Creative and critical thinking skills in problem-based learning environments. Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity, 2(2), 71-80.
Changwong, K., Sukkamart, A., &Sisan, B. (2018). Critical thinking skill development: Analysis of a new learning management model for Thai high schools. Journal of International Studies, 11(2).
Enciso, O. L. U., Enciso, D. S. U., &Daza, M. D. P. V. (2017). Critical thinking and its importance in education: Some reflections. RastrosRostros, 19(34), 78-88.
Jia, X., Li, W., & Cao, L. (2019). The role of metacognitive components in creative thinking. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2404.
Judkins, R. (2015). The art of creative thinking. Hachette UK.
Larsson, K. (2017). Understanding and teaching critical thinking—A new approach. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 32-42.
Larsson, K. (2017). Understanding and teaching critical thinking—A new approach. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 32-42.
McPeck, J. E. (2016). Critical thinking and education. Routledge.
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2019). The miniature guide to critical thinking concepts and tools. Rowman & Littlefield.
Rawlinson, J. G. (2017). Creative thinking and brainstorming. Routledge.
Ulger, K. (2018). The effect of problem-based learning on the creative thinking and critical thinking disposition of students in visual arts education. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 12(1).